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Daily/lengedary mats are a bad decision

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Just chiming in here, but other people having gen 1s in no way devalues the ones I have. There is no (and really wasn't ever) prestige to having them. If you like the skin/footfalls, you still have them and can enjoy them. If seeing someone else with them upsets you, then that's on you.

For me, the convenience of legendary items has always been the real point to them, not the skins. That, and sharing them across characters (since the legendary armory came out).

for the crafting part, you still need to do the Gift of Mastery which is the most time consuming part, so anyone making these still has to do that part. They're far from free.

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Giving out the mats to make half a gen one legendary ABSOLUTELY de-values it.  IF everyone is walking around wearing eternity or bifrost it becomes as common as a green and the perception becomes that it is a common easy to obtain item.  Thus price drops and as it drops even more players acquire it because its so cheap.  This is how economics works. The perception/psychology of the item then changes to that of it being a common item and less exciting to design/wear that item as part of your outfit, because everyone else has it as well. This is all basic psychology and basic economics, which i guess is just beyond all the "people" on this thread.


Also people do support me, you'll see i got quite a few heart and trophy icons on my post, so not everyone agrees with the bandwagon of defenders on here who I guess are fine with getting free stuff at the expense of veterans who worked to get it and now have their account value/prestige devalued so that new players can have new shinies.  Not to mention when I bring it up in game/in guild with veteran players, their reaction is either 1) they don't care, or 2 ) they don't like it, but never is it option 3 which this thread has taken that they think its great.  and yes THEY ALL agree that its at their expense. (BECAUSE IT IS) IF YOU CANT SEE that, i can't help you sounds like trolling behavior.

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7 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Giving out the mats to make half a gen one legendary ABSOLUTELY de-values it.

I can see your point in this, insomuch as they (the specific 4) become cheaper gold-wise. But they are still just as valuable QoL-wise as they were before.

7 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

IF everyone is walking around wearing eternity or bifrost it becomes as common as a green

This just (factually) isn't the case

7 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

 and the perception becomes that it is a common easy to obtain item.  Thus price drops and as it drops even more players acquire it because its so cheap.  This is how economics works. The perception/psychology of the item then changes to that of it being a common item and less exciting to design/wear that item as part of your outfit, because everyone else has it as well. This is all basic psychology and basic economics, which i guess is just beyond all the "people" on this thread.

If ctafting them, you still need the Gift of Mastery, the most time consuming part of the crafting.
If buying them outright, they are cheaper. about 5-600g cheaper. But 1350g is still a lot to most (especially newer) players. So they are far from cheap and certainly not free.

Gen 1s haven't been "exciting" to wear in almost a decade. Barring newer players from that initial joy of owning a legendary in no way takes away from the literal years you can/have been enjoying the weapons.

Just because people disagree with you, don't mean "basic psychology and basic economics" are beyond them. You have different opinions on the topic. That is alright.

7 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Also people do support me, you'll see i got quite a few heart and trophy icons on my post, so not everyone agrees with the bandwagon of defenders on here

I went back and checked and you got ratio'd on the initial post. As of now, it's 5 thanks, 4 laughs, 29 confused and 2 sads. That does not indicate the majority agrees with you. Which is also okay. You are entitled to feel how you feel. But it seems most disagree with you.

14 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Also people do support me, you'll see i got quite a few heart and trophy icons on my post, so not everyone agrees with the bandwagon of defenders on here who I guess are fine with getting free stuff at the expense of veterans who worked to get it and now have their account value/prestige devalued so that new players can have new shinies.

Not free. Yes, newer players can have nice things and it in no way affects my gameplay. Good on them.

17 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Not to mention when I bring it up in game/in guild with veteran players, their reaction is either 1) they don't care, or 2 ) they don't like it, but never is it option 3 which this thread has taken that they think its great.  and yes THEY ALL agree that its at their expense. (BECAUSE IT IS) IF YOU CANT SEE that, i can't help you sounds like trolling behavior.

Hundreds of more players can have legendaries and it wouldn't affect my (or your) gameplay whatsoever. I just don't see the point in worrying so much about what other players are getting to enjoy a decade into the game.

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Will the gen 1 weapons from the kit be cheaper for some time, yes, but I don't see this as such a big problem. At least I (as a veteran too) am more motivated to build some of the legys I otherwise wouldn't have because it's a rarely used weapon or a skin I don't like that much, not because of the money itself.

Also I wouldn't call gen 1 prestigious, just look at the unlock rates on efficiency, there are some with over 10% unlock rate, twilight (which wasn't in the kits yet) even has 15%+. So there are already many much rarer things in the game, yes, even green items, and that is not the fault of the kits.

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On 11/8/2023 at 12:40 AM, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

I think its really gross that anet has decided to give out a ton of mats for gen 1 legendaries as part of the dailies.  It really devalues what people have, especially veteran players.  Why couldn't you guys just make a new set of legendaries that were easier to make or something and make those components/mats given out with the dailies?  That way the old legendaries that we all worked hard to get arent de-valued. 

If you had released a new set of weapons/legendaries and given out the mats to make 1/3 or 1/2 of them as you did the gen 1 legendaries, my opinion would have literally shifted from, "I really hate this" to, "Thats pretty cool, I like this."

Feels like an insult to longtime players. 

See, this is what I dislike about the hard-core fanboy area of the game (and that's not to insult anyone, fanboy is someone who's far dedicated, attached)

This is old content, these legendaries. It's old, period. There's a ton of new content for new players to go through. You expect the new players to live out your 12 years of game play in a few months to a year ? I'm sorry, but this is where I call bull on these types of opinions on "veteran players". Those who put in the time years ago spend a year, two years ? (maybe less, maybe more?) and you expect a new player to go through four expansions over 12 years of the game being out to just, whim it ?

Just, no.

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2 hours ago, Grouwdi.6279 said:

See, this is what I dislike about the hard-core fanboy area of the game (and that's not to insult anyone, fanboy is someone who's far dedicated, attached)

This is old content, these legendaries. It's old, period. There's a ton of new content for new players to go through. You expect the new players to live out your 12 years of game play in a few months to a year ? I'm sorry, but this is where I call bull on these types of opinions on "veteran players". Those who put in the time years ago spend a year, two years ? (maybe less, maybe more?) and you expect a new player to go through four expansions over 12 years of the game being out to just, whim it ?

Just, no.

Plus there's still a lot of work and gold/materials to sink into the Gen 1's to finish them even with the contents of the Kits.  I'm at the point where having done WvW legendary armor and 2 other Gen 1's before the kits came out that I don't have any Mystic Clovers left, and at the rate they drop, 20 per Vault cycle (and this cycle is a whopping 16 weeks) and 2 per WvW reward track, it's going to take a while to make the 77 needed for the next Gen 1 unless I buy and use Mystic Coins, which have gone up in value along with the price of all other materials...almost 50 silver now for a Vial of Powerful Blood, and 25 silver for Ectos!  I'd say the market has made a correction such that the remaining materials are now more expensive than they were previously, so the Kits aren't as much of a deal as they were the first time around.

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13 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

ur focusing on one aspect of my entire point, it gets old.


The entire game is driven around coeveting items, whether they be cosmetic or an increase to stats.  Thats the basis that drives most people to do 99% of the content in this game.  So if someone makes money off of it, or enjoys wearing it to make a unique look, or just enjoys getting achivements and the prestige that entails with acquiring items, it all diminimizes those endevours.;


but yah keep focusing on ( i make money on it) so how horrible that must be.  I make money on the game from a ton of sources, not just legendaries or gen 1 legendaries, so you can stop focusing on it now like you have some sort of point or made some grand discovery.

I have been reading here for a while but at this point, I am jumping in since I truly think it is your arguments and point of view that are not only getting "old" but are just plain offensive on a lot of levels.  I can't even believe this thread is still open frankly, as there is nothing of value happening in the discussion here other than people "confused" emote spamming everyone else.

As you can see by my forum account, I have not even been on this form until about a year ago, but I have been playing the game since beta.   I don't particularly like game forums generally as in my experience they often get peppered with threads exactly like this one, where one person comes in to condemn a game system or feature because they personally don't like and but claim it is a negative for everyone affected by it.   

If you don't like it fine, but you do NOT speak for me nor any vet player I know across my guilds who have seen this thread.    Your comments just reek of entitlement, sour grapes, and frankly ill will.

Either adapt to the issue, or move on.  There are better things to do than whine about something this innocuous.

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8 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Also people do support me, you'll see i got quite a few heart and trophy icons on my post, so not everyone agrees with the bandwagon of defenders on here who I guess are fine with getting free stuff at the expense of veterans who worked to get it and now have their account value/prestige devalued so that new players can have new shinies. 

You got 5 trophy icons and about 30 confused ones. It seems like most people here don't feel that your post reflects how they feel. And I say that as a player who played since beta and played GW1. I made my first legendary during the second year of the game, made three more over the years, and just finished off a fifth (Bifrost) thanks to one of the new mat kits. I'll probably end up making Quip, too, thanks to the kits (once I have the time to grind out another gift of battle). Let people enjoy their shinies.

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I'm a Vet player who made Incinerator, and Rodgort several years ago for Gen1's, and Howler during EoD. I like the legendary boxes. I sold my last WV one and will sell this one.  

Gen1 precursors were even heavily overpriced back when I made those too, like 1k~ gold.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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15 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Giving out the mats to make half a gen one legendary ABSOLUTELY de-values it.  IF everyone is walking around wearing eternity or bifrost it becomes as common as a green and the perception becomes that it is a common easy to obtain item.  Thus price drops and as it drops even more players acquire it because its so cheap.  This is how economics works. The perception/psychology of the item then changes to that of it being a common item and less exciting to design/wear that item as part of your outfit, because everyone else has it as well. This is all basic psychology and basic economics, which i guess is just beyond all the "people" on this thread.


Also people do support me, you'll see i got quite a few heart and trophy icons on my post, so not everyone agrees with the bandwagon of defenders on here who I guess are fine with getting free stuff at the expense of veterans who worked to get it and now have their account value/prestige devalued so that new players can have new shinies.  Not to mention when I bring it up in game/in guild with veteran players, their reaction is either 1) they don't care, or 2 ) they don't like it, but never is it option 3 which this thread has taken that they think its great.  and yes THEY ALL agree that its at their expense. (BECAUSE IT IS) IF YOU CANT SEE that, i can't help you sounds like trolling behavior.

If I give you 40k€ towards a 120k€ brand new Merc does it make that Merc the same value as a 15 year old Astra? No, because you still need to make up the rest of the price, just like with the Legendary kit. 

I don't remember you whining when people were handed out a free Legendary amulet that it devalues Transendence or how being handed a free Gen 3 precursor is "unfair" to veterans. Only now with the Gen 1 kit. 

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19 hours ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

... I don't have any Mystic Clovers left, and at the rate they drop, 20 per Vault cycle (and this cycle is a whopping 16 weeks) and 2 per WvW reward track, it's going to take a while to make the 77 needed for the next Gen 1 ...

Don't forget the gamble-free Clovers from the MF attendant. 10/week, resets on Mondays.

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25 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Don't forget the gamble-free Clovers from the MF attendant. 10/week, resets on Mondays.

This is what I've been doing weekly lately, but I was wondering....has this always been an option in game and I missed it until these last few weeks, or is this a relatively recent addition?

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On 11/8/2023 at 10:40 AM, Aedil.1296 said:

Look at it like this: you shouldn't care what others have, it's more convenient for everyone so also for you. I have many legendaries and tbh it's all about utility. The legendary skin becomes boring over the years and we have many non legendaries skins that looks so cool as well. So I believe leggies are more about QoL that the look itself tbh. When your gear will be everything at legendary level you will understand this. 

Look, endgame is fashionwars.
I nearly have all legendary and no way I agree on what your point is, I get it, but I don't agree on it.
It is nice that other ppl can also get legendary gear, I have nothing against that. but why would they get the same for nearly free while other ppl had to do a lot of effort for? They could have easy made a simplified version of bolt(zap) and handed out those
QOL is indeed a big part of it, the skin and last but not least the value of items .
A lot of players farmed a kitten ton to get the legendary collection done and then crafted, while all that kitten is now thrown away.
It seems like anet does it to please new ppl who dont want to grind anything and just get it handed out (no not every new player).
While i get that, it's impossible to grind 10years of content and the new content at the same time, ppl dont game 24/7. But handing out this is a bit to much imo.
The value of the Gen1 from those chest is lost now, nobody will ever even do the collections.
They also made it so that you don't need any crafting discipline if I'm correct, so another thing that new ppl are not obliged to do.
my 2 cents

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18 minutes ago, Patsoor.6425 said:

It is nice that other ppl can also get legendary gear, I have nothing against that. but why would they get the same for nearly free while other ppl had to do a lot of effort for? They could have easy made a simplified version of bolt(zap) and handed out those

I worked hard and did all of Heart of Thorns *before* mounts. Why do new players get to use mounts now and make it easier? Mounts let you get to places that required HoT masteries before.

Things change. Time moves on. We had to walk to school in the snow uphill (both ways) and now the kids have a bus to ride. 

I do understand that lots of work went into the Gen1 legendaries over the years, but as someone else pointed out, they could always just be bought anyway. And aren't there new things to achieve these days? New "hardest thing to get" status symbols that can stand in for something that is 11 years old?

Besides, for accounts that have been around for those 11 years, have tens of thousands of gold, maxed out characters, banks full of crafting materials...hasn't the difficulty gone down over time? I hear of people who craft legendaries weekly to sell. It is a nice gig if you can get it, but maybe it is time to shift away from old grooves that have been worn in the economy. The playing field will never be level, but at least it provides another on ramp for new players.

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5 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

The one takeaway from this thread for me is that apparently, there are still people out there, whom thinks that there is a prestige in owning a gen 1 legendary 🤔 and such people find the starter packs interfering ith that perceived "prestige".

I dont think legendaries are prestige. At the end most are just pure grind. It just seems strange to me that Anet is bypassing established systems for getting ascended and legendary gear like crafting, collections, drops and puts these in the most design lazy, monotonous, least effort system they have - dailies. 

Its also an excuse for them. Instead of bringin us new content to keep us engaged with that, they give wild rewards for these lazy quests to prolongue the game and squeeze the most from rehashed content.

And my intention is not to gate the legendary QOL from anyone. It would be probably better for the game if legendary armory and free stat selection would be just baseline for all gear. This would also avoid some issues like introduction of relics. And just embrace fashion wars completely and keep skins as the only carrot. Because the current gear progression and loot tables just dont make sense anymore. And putting bis into dailies was the last drop that broke all sense.

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You know what would be a real slap in the face of long time players?

If there ware no more noobs in GW2. No new players, no new buyers of all expansions old and new, not enought cash for AN to feed the hamsters running servers. Just dead game.

It is more fame to be able to carry a fractal with pugs, than having so many shinny pixels.

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