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Do you like convergences?  

291 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like convergences?

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18 hours ago, Yogurt Goblin.5934 said:

They could be good, but right now too many issues with them. Inconsistent rewards between players, loading screens causing you to be ghost on entry and kinda feel like the public events should have a count down in the wizards tower.

The public events 100% need a countdown in the wizards tower. Hard to keep track of.

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It's not what i expected to be honest.

it's a raid rehash of the one story bosses.

From the description, I thought it was more a survival type. You get into a hostile area and work together to survive, while things crumble down around you and the longer you survive as a group, the more rewards you get.

This is just a straight up normal boss encounter, with a few stages. It doesn't feel that exciting, based on the description.

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18 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

So ... how are they? I guess it is like the Dragonstorm from EoD? Have not tried it yet. Once very 3 hours ... seems pretty limited. I just hope the main rewards are once per day only so you don't feel forced to try to farm them lol. 😄 (And hopefully no convergence grind needed for legendary and just standalone other rewards there. The usual infusions and stuff.)

Does it take long?

Think more like The Twisted Marionette. Takes more teamwork and can fail more often than Dragonstorm.

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It was fun but yeah that moment when noone is there and the boss just blasts her down to half health by the time we get to her needs balancing. Also, if this type is the ONLY type of convergence with the exact same events and flow then it'll die pretty fast. I HOPE more convergence types are coming possibly with other NPC'S in place of Zojja. 20 min commitment was a bit much.

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21 minutes ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

It was fun but yeah that moment when noone is there and the boss just blasts her down to half health by the time we get to her needs balancing. Also, if this type is the ONLY type of convergence with the exact same events and flow then it'll die pretty fast. I HOPE more convergence types are coming possibly with other NPC'S in place of Zojja. 20 min commitment was a bit much.

They mention on the blog convergences as in plural, but no mention if or when others are coming. We have two legendary bosses so far and more to come, but I can’t imagine that one single instance with a random boss is it. I hope…

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49 minutes ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

Also, if this type is the ONLY type of convergence with the exact same events and flow then it'll die pretty fast. 20 min commitment was a bit much.

If it die or no depends on rewards same all other content. I hope you are not serious about 20 mins commitment. For convergence 20 mins is great time, not too short and not too long.

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5 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

They mention on the blog convergences as in plural, but no mention if or when others are coming. We have two legendary bosses so far and more to come, but I can’t imagine that one single instance with a random boss is it. I hope…

Well, if rifts are an indication to go by…

I’m personally not keeping my hopes up. Rifts have single handedly ruined this expansion for me. I’ve been traumatized by rifts, and their shadows are everywhere. Every time I’m having fun and have hope for SotO, I get reminded that Anet thinks doing the same mindless rifts thousands of times for the 3 sets of legendary armors is acceptable game design.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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Tried one now. Several things that I dislike: Zojja lost health prettys fast at the last boss (which took a long time to kill and was annoying cause it changed positions) and I was not sure what healed her - if it was players with heal skills or also the essences you turned in. (Or the revive spell at full bar.)

The achievements probably give an item used for legendaries? (The essence nugget.) I can see people staying with the kill achievements - but for the first time (for the AP ... repeating them twice) it might encourage "bad play" when people go for the turrets/sieges mainly - waiting to get the kills there.

Rewards so far ... seemed meh. Best to sell the unstable motivation while they still sell for a good price at the TP. Not worth farming it for the other stuff except maybe that essence nuggets. And opening the coffer with an unstable motivation also is not worth it I guess. (According to the wiki and what people said ingame.)

The first parts - until the last boss appeared - were fun though. Make the overall thing a bit faster - especially the last boss ... and remove the Zojja health bar at the last boss (so people can focus on the fight) instead adding some fun mechanics to the last boss itself ... and it might be more fun.

Well ... I have the mastery point - so not sure when I want to do this again. (Probably still aiming for the 10 times for the relic.)

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13 hours ago, Jaken.6801 said:

From the description, I thought it was more a survival type. You get into a hostile area and work together to survive, while things crumble down around you and the longer you survive as a group, the more rewards you get.

This is just a straight up normal boss encounter, with a few stages. It doesn't feel that exciting, based on the description.

Correct.  It really should be something new and interesting.  A different way to experience the game.  But rifts from the get go were just bounties on demand too so it is to be expected I guess.  They could have even turned it into a mini-Extraction mode style game or something.

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13 hours ago, Jaken.6801 said:

It's not what i expected to be honest.

it's a raid rehash of the one story bosses.

From the description, I thought it was more a survival type. You get into a hostile area and work together to survive, while things crumble down around you and the longer you survive as a group, the more rewards you get.

This is just a straight up normal boss encounter, with a few stages. It doesn't feel that exciting, based on the description.

That would have been an excellent approach. Really differentiating this from other forms of content already in the game.

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my real answer would be neither yes or no but sort of.

Initially i wished it was an open world meta or something like rifts that you could farm.

but after running it twice failing once. i guess its ok, not what i'd prefer though as i hardly do the other public squad instances as well.  

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Convergences are definitely more engaging than the prior Rift Hunts. It's still (mostly) the same looking enemy models and a lot of repetitive mechanics, so I can't say they are "fun" - but they are less annoying than Rifts at least.

18 hours ago, Jaken.6801 said:

It's not what i expected to be honest.

[...] From the description, I thought it was more a survival type. You get into a hostile area and work together to survive, while things crumble down around you and the longer you survive as a group, the more rewards you get.

This is just a straight up normal boss encounter, with a few stages. It doesn't feel that exciting, based on the description.

So much this. 😕

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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15 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

I get reminded that Anet thinks doing the same mindless rifts thousands of times for the 3 sets of legendary armors is acceptable game design.

Considering that convergences drop all tiers of essences, and in chunky quality regardless of wether or not the instance wins, but based on your personal contribution, I would say that it is quite likely that they didn't think that doing the same mindless rifts thousands of times for the 3 sets of legendary armors is acceptable game design, but instead were fine with shipping parts of the grand design separatelly, so that people can do "something" while they finish up other parts of design.

2 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

Wait. How you get Zolja killed? You keep few ppl at her all time and she never go below 75%HP even on last boss you just heal her and it is easy. Btw what is time for convergence clear? Few times I ran it we were always around 20 mins. I also so 10 man do it in 22 mins.

I am unsure about the other bosses, since both of my attemtps so far were the Sorrow fellow (the 3h timer on the public instance is doing me badly there), and Sorrow definitelly has the power to wreck Zoija. In first time she actually did kill her for us (in a stage where Sorrow was parked ontop of the skyscale launcher so trying to grab essences it dropped periodically was nuisance), and in the other it very nearly did murder Zoija (but the group did not panic, and managed to burst Sorrow to drop more essences since those spawn at specific hp tresholds, which allowed us to recover Zoija just in the nick of time)

Both runs spent long time on the islands section, so it felt like approx 30 minutes of gameplay both times. Gotta say that AN does deserve aknowledgement there of design imprivement over Dragon's End, as in even failed run provides a good chunk of rewards, so even "failed" run was not wasted.

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I like the Convergences in spirit, but I voted No. Not because I find the inherit design of the level itself poor, but the issues around it. As it stands today, this is a private or premade only event, public option is a crapshoot of success. I'm sure they are gathering data now on what to tune, but until then I would just immediately leave if under 40 players in a public instance by the time it starts. I do wonder how much power is missing due to not having the mastery "Essence Attunement"  more widespread.

1) Difficulty Scaling: It needs MUCH better scaling at the lower end of 30 players. I've been in several unsuccessful runs because we were at the lower end of 30 people. Mobs simply hit too hard and had too much HP. You can't run essences to Zojia to heal her and DPS on the legendary kyptis. Sorrow being a huge pain in the kitten.

2) Instance Management to getting enough players: This really does need over 30 people to be successful. It is really unfun when you're put into an unsuccessful instance from the start. It leads to leaving almost immediately and wastes time.

It has the makings of being a winner IMHO, I enjoy doing it but I don't enjoy hoping for enough people. It makes me just immediately leave and that's not fun for anyone hoping it get more people. Allowing for more forgiving tuning on the lower end will lead to more success and keep the difficulty where it needs to be. No one asking for braindead mode, just improved chance of success. 

Edited by xersues.7189
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3 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Considering that convergences drop all tiers of essences, and in chunky quality regardless of wether or not the instance wins, but based on your personal contribution,

Do they though?  I am wondering if this is the case only when you have all the masteries for the convergences unlocked.  I do not yet, have one more to unlock.  I did one public convergence yesterday for the first time; we had 48 people in there.  My contribution panel came up over 250% contribution, but I came out of there with a measly amount of essences.  I have definitely received far higher amounts from just doing rifts with the respective essence motivation in place.  Not sure if it was bugged or if my contribution was too low, but the amount that showed up in my bag was pretty sad.

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51 minutes ago, Surelia.2651 said:

Do they though?  I am wondering if this is the case only when you have all the masteries for the convergences unlocked.  I do not yet, have one more to unlock.  I did one public convergence yesterday for the first time; we had 48 people in there.  My contribution panel came up over 250% contribution, but I came out of there with a measly amount of essences.  I have definitely received far higher amounts from just doing rifts with the respective essence motivation in place.  Not sure if it was bugged or if my contribution was too low, but the amount that showed up in my bag was pretty sad.

I have only got siege fireball on the end on my third convergence run. I have had my contribution listed as full bar 200% contribution, and the first attempt (failed) provided alot of essences from just that contribution window, and the two successful ones have provided less on the contribution window, but much more on the follow up bouncy chests (and after unpacking all of the containers)

I have done some rifts before, and didn't get enough essences to satisfy even one tier requirement for amalgamated essence, and after those three convergences in the span of two days, I have got enough of all essences for two amalgamated essences, falling narrowly short of to get third.

Now considering that the third run also gave me a coffer I was unable to open because it takes unstable motivation to do so, and the convergence freebie motivation is a weekly business, I am thinking that AN was intending us to run a mix of rifts and convergences for that obsydian armor (T2 and T3 rifts can drop more of those unstable motivations)

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4 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I am unsure about the other bosses, since both of my attemtps so far were the Sorrow fellow (the 3h timer on the public instance is doing me badly there), and Sorrow definitelly has the power to wreck Zoija. In first time she actually did kill her for us (in a stage where Sorrow was parked ontop of the skyscale launcher so trying to grab essences it dropped periodically was nuisance), and in the other it very nearly did murder Zoija (but the group did not panic, and managed to burst Sorrow to drop more essences since those spawn at specific hp tresholds, which allowed us to recover Zoija just in the nick of time)

Both runs spent long time on the islands section, so it felt like approx 30 minutes of gameplay both times. Gotta say that AN does deserve aknowledgement there of design imprivement over Dragon's End, as in even failed run provides a good chunk of rewards, so even "failed" run was not wasted.

Did more runs today public and private without any leadership just "few ppl stay with Zolja" and it was easy 20 mins runs. Strange was that some ppl wrote that we are struggling, but Zolja never went below 75% HP. All runs I did was with full squads or really close to it.

2 hours ago, xersues.7189 said:

1) Difficulty Scaling: It needs MUCH better scaling at the lower end of 30 players. I've been in several unsuccessful runs because we were at the lower end of 30 people. Mobs simply hit too hard and had too much HP. You can't run essences to Zojia to heal her and DPS on the legendary kyptis. Sorrow being a huge pain in the kitten.

2) Instance Management to getting enough players: This really does need over 30 people to be successful. It is really unfun when you're put into an unsuccessful instance from the start. It leads to leaving almost immediately and wastes time.

Ppl do convergences as 10 man so not sure about better scalling. Also 2-3 ppl is enough to kill one champ.

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