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GW3 is long overdue

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2 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

2019 called, they want their bad idea back.

Honestly do people have so much tiktok brain that they forgot that the last time they made a fail gw3 project it almost killed the company. the aftermath lead to the dissolution of the raid/fractal team, the lost of josh foreman the maker of SAB and many great Jumping Puzzles, and 1/4 of the company getting laid off. IBS was a shell of what it could have been because of this.  If you between the line of Josh Davis post, he pretty much says gw2 was pretty much unaffected by the video game boom of Covid 19, which I would blame on the poor quality of IBS.  Imagine if they did not waste resources on at least 3 failed projects  and made IBS into a proper xpac.

The layoffs were just NCSoft wanting quick gains after their mobile sales crashed. ArenaNet had hired over 100 people leading up to the layoffs, which NCSoft forced them to cut. Josh Foreman had unfortunate timing, as he had wanted a change and went from a senior to an entry position, but kept the higher pay. The head of IBS, who was left in charge after the layoffs, silently quit months later and went to Amazon. Then covid happened, NCSoft's problems were solved, and ArenaNet went back to hiring for side projects shortly after.

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1 hour ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

I just don't see a reason to release another game that will be held down by the lore and design of the current world, it gives them less freedom of how to design the next game.

That raises the deceptively simple question: what would a GW3 even be about?

We've killed a lich, a banished god, a resurrected king-slayer, encountered the first of the dragon champions, ended the dragon cycle, killed another banished god and another lich, and now we're chasing after demons alongside wizards from literal ivory towers, all while contending for the upper hand in the unending Mist War.

What's left, Guild Wars in Space? 🤔

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12 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

That raises the deceptively simple question: what would a GW3 even be about?

We've killed a lich, a banished god, a resurrected king-slayer, encountered the first of the dragon champions, ended the dragon cycle, killed another banished god and another lich, and now we're chasing after demons alongside wizards from literal ivory towers, all while contending for the upper hand in the unending Mist War.

What's left, Guild Wars in Space? 🤔

dude... I was almost about to type out Guild Wars in space🤣 I'm glad you. It would at least make engineer cooler. 

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While the game is a CPU hog, at 4k my 5700xt is capable of delivering upwards of 100 FPS in low to medium populated areas with a Ryzen 7700X.

Sure in WvW and heavy populated metas like auric basin hole rush or soo won, the FPS will drop to to 35-45 with medium models and most other settings maxed.

We just need a 8GHz CPU.

Edited by Swoo.5079
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I'm playing on a 6 year old Xeon W-2145 with a RTX 3070 and I get excellent performance in GW2. With a few rare exceptions like massive world boss battles. Even when playing with two copies of GW2 side-by side on a 3440x1440 resolution screen. I got a big performance boost after moving from Windows 7 to Windows 11 and going from GW2 DX9 to GW2 DX11.


I'm not interested in a GW3 because I'm afraid that I can't keep my existing characters, achievements, gear, currencies and other progression. This already was the case with my transition from GW1 to GW2.

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My family have GW2 running on a variety of hardware and it runs fine except when there are dozens of players in a small space (eg 50 people jumping down into the Auric basin loot fest).

OP is presumably playing at 4K+ with max everything and then complaining it isn’t buttery smooth. While that would be nice for the few percent which have Uber hardware, there is no way I would throw away GW2 for that.

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I think they are likely already working on GW3 (or another game), for so many reasons. Anyone who thinks ANet is not working toward the next thing really doesn't have a good grasp of how niche GW2's dated design is becoming: keyboards, graphics, slow level grinding, clunky profession systems, convoluted inventory systems, etc.

It's still a cute game and could remain that way if they would stop hamfistedly leveling class fantasies in the interest of "balance". But I would be stunned if ANet remained oblivious to the fact that GW2 is increasingly not what casual gamers want. No matter how many Mechanist and Virtuosos they add to the game, GW2 is a massive edifice of older sensibilities that is just never going to be able to bring itself into the era of action MMOs and show playerbase growth.

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I read an article from some reasonable source about how the early 2010s were the hey-day of MMORPGs, and that the time for them has passed to some degree.

So if GW3 is produced, I don't think it is the game that most GW2 players would expect or want.  Maybe it is aimed at mobile (a very big market) or is just a different game.  Or maybe Anet isn't even doing GW3 but some other content instead - I sort of feel like they ran out of ideas of GW a while ago, so moving to something else where they could come up with new stories might make sense, and if disconnected from GW2 world, they might get away doing it without alienating GW2 players (player count would like drop once new content stops, but if that future game is something quite a bit different, it might not be as great as if was a direct successor to GW2 like GW3 would be)


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Honestly, I don't want GW3. I want more and better GW2.

It's possible with advancements in AI that the game engine can become more optimized even Anet's small team. I think a better more robust engine is definitely needed going forward and hopefully innovations in technology can be applied to GW2 to keep it "current" and more optimized going forward.

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As an aside, I would like to see Arenanet publish a single player campaign RPG set sometime in the early future of Tyria. Possibly when the human gods first brought humanity to Tyria and the birth of magic (for humans). I'd really like a deep story driven narrative that wouldn't compete with GW2, but would rather possibly increase interest in it.

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I highly doubt that there will be a GW3 while GW2 is financially viable because as soon as you announce GW3 then people will stop spending money on GW2. As GW2 is ANET's main revenue stream then they would kill their own company.

IMO making GW3 would not solve any performance issues as in my experience newer games generally need more powerful computers than older games.

That being said, I honestly don't understand the performance issues that are continuously brought up. I have a upper middle of the line computer with a RTX3070 and a 3440x1440 monitor. Other than slight unproblamtic slowdown at graphic intensive fights like LLA (Naked Man) I have not had any issues.

Just my two cents.

Edited by Entara.3075
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On 12/23/2023 at 7:10 AM, Balsa.3951 said:

interesting u have that interview link? 

gw3 should be possible same likely as gw2 was.

personally i don't think they can pull it off the next 5 years.

ashes of creation shows how long unreal Engine 5 games need to build.

Last post from Josh states they already are working on expansion 6 coming out in 2025. And expansion 5 still needs to come in between.. 

Like others stated. I want more of gw2. 

Gw3 would probably the end for me. 

Edited by Cronospere.8143
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i think players keep getting the wrong impression that arenanet is working on side projects just because they've been hiring for unreal engine experience. this comes up very often, and its pointed out repeatedly they've always required unreal engine experience long before they started any side projects. it seems they use it internally for something, possibly even significant chunks of their toolchain, but there's never been even the slightest hint of an unreal-based game in development.


most importantly, we know it's not guild wars 3, as they specifically stated not long ago that it's not in development either.


the recent interview confirmed that their development team size is currently about the same as it was during living world season 4 and that the "side projects" they've been investing all their resources in is developing secrets of the obscure (2023), expansion 5 (2024) and expansion 6 (2025) all simultaneously.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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52 minutes ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

Last post from Josh states they already are working on expansion 6 coming out in 2025. And expansion 5 still needs to come in between.. 

Like others stated. I want more of gw2. 

Gw3 would probably the end for me. 

thats not the answer to what was said. it was said gw2 employe said no gw3 will ever happen.

confused downvote face is also not showing u have any facts to back up ur claim

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13 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

I think they are likely already working on GW3 (or another game), for so many reasons. Anyone who thinks ANet is not working toward the next thing really doesn't have a good grasp of how niche GW2's dated design is becoming: keyboards, graphics, slow level grinding, clunky profession systems, convoluted inventory systems, etc.

Or they are working on another project (we actually know they do) which is unrelated to the Guild Wars IP as to not compete with themselves.


It's still a cute game and could remain that way if they would stop hamfistedly leveling class fantasies in the interest of "balance". But I would be stunned if ANet remained oblivious to the fact that GW2 is increasingly not what casual gamers want. No matter how many Mechanist and Virtuosos they add to the game, GW2 is a massive edifice of older sensibilities that is just never going to be able to bring itself into the era of action MMOs and show playerbase growth.

Interesting question, which could be expanded to: are MMORPGs fitting to satisfy what "casual" gamers want? You seem under the impression that a MMORPG can be run successfully while appealing only to a casual audience, yet fail to consider what would be if that is not the case. Besides even defining what "casual" means in this regard. Is it play hours, is it being able to gear up, is it being able to hit max level, raid, etc?

Guild Wars 2 remains immensely casual in many central areas: gearing, content, level progression, rewards, etc. Compared to other titles in the MMORPG space that is. Obviously it falls short in some areas compared to non MMORPG titles designed with more instant gratification in mind or more monetization etc.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I've said it previously and I'll say it again, if they want to do a third title, they need to make a significant progression in the timeline. I think there is a 150-200 year gap between GW1 and GW2, so there would likely need to be something similar. Once companies realize that it is OK to put a period or an exclamation mark on the end of an MMO story, You can release new games/sequels with complete engine overhauls, new storylines, shape a new experience that is easier to start fresh than continue to tie plot points together that can be a bit of a stretch in the lore department. You also never know how much spaghetti code gets a spotlight when massive changes result in unsuspected (or buggy) releases that "should work" but doesn't.

People will cry to have their gem store purchases follow them into the new game, or that it will ruin all the open world metas because the player base is going to vanish, but we already have "legacy" content just sitting vacant because the rewards "are bad and/or buggy" despite the content being quite enjoyable to play. Its not 2023 GW2, but that doesn't mean that content isn't part of Guild Wars 2 to experience.

TLDR: Even the best writers cannot continue to extend a story forever, and at some point its easier to change the timeline of the story than to create completely original (and not lore breaking) places to visit and tales to tell.

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On 12/22/2023 at 6:09 PM, pabloedvardo.3058 said:

Unfortunately, nope, in the era of 4080s, 16 core processors, and 4K resolution, GW2 runs abysmally slow, with hitching and latency even around relatively low population areas.

Do, what I do. Ignore the "new era" after EOD. The dragon cycle is finished and with the floating islands (which already sucked in FFXIV in Heavensward) they clearly show, that there is no interest in having an optimized and playable product.

So, GW2 ends for me after EOD. Not touching the newer "genius ideas".

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20 minutes ago, FalanuLachance.4576 said:

Do, what I do. Ignore the "new era" after EOD. The dragon cycle is finished and with the floating islands (which already sucked in FFXIV in Heavensward) they clearly show, that there is no interest in having an optimized and playable product.

So, GW2 ends for me after EOD. Not touching the newer "genius ideas".

um no, do what you want to do, if  like many you enjoy the game, play the game, if you don't take a break or leave.  

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2 hours ago, Hsanrb.1570 said:

I've said it previously and I'll say it again, if they want to do a third title, they need to make a significant progression in the timeline. I think there is a 150-200 year gap between GW1 and GW2, so there would likely need to be something similar.

They could do a Diablo and make "player characters" from this era the Big Bads of the future. It would ironically prove Joko was right about us all along:


    Palawa Joko: That's your ace in the hole? Morons so besotted with you they're willing to sacrifice themselves?
    Palawa Joko: Haven't enough people already died for you?


    Palawa Joko: An historic moment! When I stood toe-to-toe with the destroyer of dragons. The executioner of gods.
    Palawa Joko: The greatest villain in the history of the world!


    Palawa Joko: Fear not, the world will not forget you. The scars you've gouged into it spell out your name for all to see.
    Palawa Joko: I confess, I was happy to take credit for your "victories."
    Palawa Joko: But did you ever stop to wonder what that says about you? That so many bought what I was selling?
    Palawa Joko: They call me a monster and you a hero. The world expects Palawa Joko to dare to throw reality into chaos.
    Palawa Joko: But surely no mortal would be so monumentally STUPID as to destroy a dragon, the life force of this world.
    Palawa Joko: Let alone two. And a god to boot? Perhaps they will finally thank me for luring you to me...
    Palawa Joko: So that I. May save the world. From you.

Maybe one from each of this era's player profession took the place of the Six Gods and the task would be to take them out. Probably wouldn't happen, but it would be an easy storyline.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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16 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

They could do a Diablo and make "player characters" from this era the Big Bads of the future. It would ironically prove Joko was right about us all along:

Maybe one from each of this era's player profession took the place of the Six Gods and the task would be to take them out. Probably wouldn't happen, but it would be an easy storyline.

Yeah, the whole Joko arc was too short lived.  I thought that it was a great opportunity to expose the Commander to the repercussions of their actions.

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17 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

slow level grinding

Me finding the process of 78 times 2x clic tomes of knowledge , put the tome screen right atop where the button "yes consume" pops and clic it , too long.

But serioulsy , today the game literally hurl xp at you , you land lvl 2 in the open world tip /dance and win 1/2 xp bar , game is certainly not greedy by allowing you fast levels , maybe you xp your character without efficiency , so it's not a game issue...

17 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:


I don't see how the use of keyboard is niche .... another "i want to play gw2 with my xbox controller" , can you devellop this for me plz , kind of confused here.

I agree the graphics are old , but game kind of wash that up with good level design/art , also you see gw 2 engine is not suited for very detailed areas like wizard tower or amnytas .

I would say the graphics have some kind of disparity , when i look at mounts animation and graphics i found them pretty well done , but as any Mmorpg out there , the old area from vanilla feel ofc very outdated, but as those areas are just so unpopulated and uninteresting when you know the end of the game , that would be kind of a waste of time making them up to standarts in term of graphics. better things to use money and time on on my opinion.

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On 12/22/2023 at 5:09 PM, pabloedvardo.3058 said:

Unfortunately, nope, in the era of 4080s, 16 core processors, and 4K resolution, GW2 runs abysmally slow, with hitching and latency even around relatively low population areas.

GW2 definitely doesn't run amazingly, especially during its trademark 100+ player meta boss spam-fests but it doesn't run that badly either and I have to wonder if you have some sort of system or driver issue if you're reporting such poor frame rates even in unpopulated areas. You didn't list your CPU but I imagine if you have a new system with a 4080 in it with 16 cores it's probably a 13700k at a guess? You certainly shouldn't be experiencing such performance with such hardware. For comparison I have a somewhat weaker GPU (RX 7800XT) and a somewhat stronger gaming CPU (7800X3D) and have experienced framerates significantly above 100 in unpopulated or low population areas and can usually maintain above 50 even in player heavy metas. So maybe look in to that?

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9 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Or they are working on another project (we actually know they do) which is unrelated to the Guild Wars IP as to not compete with themselves.

Interesting question, which could be expanded to: are MMORPGs fitting to satisfy what "casual" gamers want? You seem under the impression that a MMORPG can be run successfully while appealing only to a casual audience, yet fail to consider what would be if that is not the case. Besides even defining what "casual" means in this regard. Is it play hours, is it being able to gear up, is it being able to hit max level, raid, etc?

Guild Wars 2 remains immensely casual in many central areas: gearing, content, level progression, rewards, etc. Compared to other titles in the MMORPG space that is. Obviously it falls short in some areas compared to non MMORPG titles designed with more instant gratification in mind or more monetization etc.

I've posted elsewhere: the degree of talent retention and mismanagement at ANet indicates that they really have only ever had the resources to develop *one* game. Every time they have tried to pivot to other projects or GW3, they end up splitting their resources, the new project is delayed or cancelled, GW2 suffers, and then their funding/resources take a hit and they are back to leaning on GW2. Point being: Yes I mentioned "other project", but either way it would only be a single big project, and only a desperate effort to find the next thing before GW2 dies out. The reason I am leaning toward GW3 and not "other project" is that, per the above observation about limited resources, anything that isn't GW3 would be effectively surrendering the GW IP and ANet's only real source of independent profit--any other project has a substantial threat of either killing the company or allowing it to be absorbed as a subsidiary.

As for "casual", it has been clearly demonstrated by FFXIV and other MMOs and online games that "accessibility" is what pulls in a much wider audience and creates profit growth. There has been a substantial trend across all MMOs (and most newer action games) to lean away from traditional RPG systems because they are too time- or thought-intensive. The reality is that there is not a very large market for complicated or skilled play (there never really was, gaming just became more mainstream), and while I suppose in theory a game can maintain high complexity/skill at top play while still being accessible, I don't believe any of the major MMOs have really managed to do this; FFXIV, GW2, and WoW class fantasies and playstyles are far more homogenized and narrower in concept than they used to be, and content increasingly asks less and less of players to clear. They are all becoming "choose your color" button mashers, which to my mind indicates that the older RPG systems are inherently dated and would be better abandoned for a new generation of purer, self-reliant "action" games rather than decimating their own very strong, distinct systems.

4 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Me finding the process of 78 times 2x clic tomes of knowledge , put the tome screen right atop where the button "yes consume" pops and clic it , too long.

But serioulsy , today the game literally hurl xp at you , you land lvl 2 in the open world tip /dance and win 1/2 xp bar , game is certainly not greedy by allowing you fast levels , maybe you xp your character without efficiency , so it's not a game issue...

I don't see how the use of keyboard is niche .... another "i want to play gw2 with my xbox controller" , can you devellop this for me plz , kind of confused here.

I agree the graphics are old , but game kind of wash that up with good level design/art , also you see gw 2 engine is not suited for very detailed areas like wizard tower or amnytas .

I would say the graphics have some kind of disparity , when i look at mounts animation and graphics i found them pretty well done , but as any Mmorpg out there , the old area from vanilla feel ofc very outdated, but as those areas are just so unpopulated and uninteresting when you know the end of the game , that would be kind of a waste of time making them up to standarts in term of graphics. better things to use money and time on on my opinion.

In general, the computer and console gaming market is transitioning heavily toward gamepad play. The effect of this is twofold:

1. As long as GW2 is keyboard-based, it will never tap into PS or Xbox markets. The interface simply doesn't work.

2. The ready-made computer-gaming market created by the likes of CoD, Destiny, Overwatch, etc. is increasingly just ignoring keyboard-based games. Several of my friends won't even touch GW2 because they need to use a keyboard.

You can see other games adapting, like FFXIV totally simplifying and overhauling class design to fit onto gamepad hotcrosses. GW2's interfaces is much more heavily keyboard-based, with the 0-9 key-based combat. It is fundamentally designed around keyboards to an extent that nothing short of a massive ground-up redesign would make it compatible, and that will increasingly limit its market.

Also, I need to be clear: I love the graphics, I don't care much that they are dated. But again, many "gamers" don't care about art design: they care about graphics. I've had friends turn down GW2 because they think it "looks like kitten". I find it disappointing that so many people prioritize things this way, but when a game like GW2 clearly looks like PS2-era graphics, it is only ever going to trend toward a nostalgic/retro niche as the industry evolves.

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