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Content Preference Poll

Content Preference Poll  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. Which content has the highest replay-value to you?

    • GW2 Core
    • Living World Season 1
    • Living World Season 2
    • Heart of Thorns
    • Living World Season 3
    • Path of Fire
    • Living World Season 4
    • Icebrood Saga
    • End of Dragons
    • End of Dragons+ (Gyala Delve)
    • Secrets of the Obscure
    • Festivals
    • sPvP
    • WvWvW
  2. 2. Which is your preferred content-type for the above selection(s)?

    • General Open World
    • Meta Events
    • Instanced Content
    • Story
    • Small Scale PvP
    • Large Scale PvP
  3. 3. What is important for you in Guildwars 2 in general?

    • Farming / Money Making
    • Exploration
    • Immersion (story)
    • Challenging content (difficulty)
    • Socializing with other people, spending time together
    • Challenging other players in direct combat

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three interesting questions:
1.) Which content has the highest replay-value to you?
2.) Which is your preferred content-type for the above selection(s)?
3.) What is important for you in Guildwars 2 in general?

Everything is multiple-choice and anonymous. But please feel free to specify your preferences and talk about why these things are important to you.

While the focus is on the long-term players, everyone is welcome to participate and share their experiences.

In the end, this poll may help others to find their place. Write as detailed as you prefer.
Ranting about things you do not like is also allowed. Just do not overdo it please ;).

Thank you for your time and participation!

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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So ten votes in it can be plainly seen that ppls enjoy exploring instanced content from core and . . . HoT . . ?

EDIT: And now a hundred votes in we've settled on exploring the open world. Still in HoT, which is still a little weird. Also worth mentioning that the pvp/wvw stats are skewed, were added as options after the vast majority of ppls had already voted . . .

Edited by Gop.8713
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4 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

So ten votes in it can be plainly seen that ppls enjoy exploring instanced content from core and . . . HoT . . ?

Instanced HoT content would be Raids. And there are people who enjoy exploring the open world as well as playing challenging instanced content.

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Lol it's hard to limit my choices...but I play primarily open world and meta events, and a little of everything else except raids.  

I end up the most in core Tyria, HoT especially for metas, LWS3 and 4, and EoD with Gyala Delves.  I want to say PoF because I like the big open maps, but I really don't go there often.  I don't really care for LWS1 at all, and LWS2 (Dry Top and Silver wastes?) I stop by occasionally. 

SoTO I'm in because it's new and farming stuff.  The metas are ok...Inner Nayos I do the most because it's not on a timer to work around.  Don't really find it super replayable or something I would revisit without a reason though.  Maybe once it's all released and I don't have other things I'm working on.  

I really enjoy exploration, finding events to get into, farming.  If I didn't have to go into personal story again for any achievements I would be fine with that.  

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2 hours ago, Vavume.8065 said:

There is no option for WvW in the replay list, so was unable to vote.

I went ahead and voted for the PvE choice that suits the fraction of my time spent there but WvW would be my primary if included in the poll.

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It's disappointing to see WvW and PvP forgotten. I guess the devs forget those game modes all the time though so why not.

Personally, I enjoy a mix of Open world, metas and some WvW and instanced content. I like that no matter how much I play this game there is enough varied content that there is always something new to find and enjoy.


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This is a bad poll.  Because it's making us choose from a  menu of things that is not only incomplete, but doesn't make sense. Unless I can check off all that apply. For example, I generally don't love the VB meta, but I love VB as an open world zone.  The Dragon Stand meta used to be great, but now it's just walk through it due to power creep.  The Drizzlewood south meta is very popular, but the drizzle wood north meta is less entertaining for a lot of people. WvW is not included, and that's very popular. 

I love the HOT metas, but I never play them at all these days, because I don't need anything from them.  Raids are not my favorite content but they're certainly something I"ve replayed more than HOT metas.  They're more replayable because  If you were farming specific items from them, you have to replay them to get those items.  To get all the raid legendary armor and the legendary ring, you might well replay more raids than other content, and still not like them as much as content you play less often.

The truth is, I like all this stuff at different times, depending on what I'm working on. 

IF I had to pick stuff for pure enjoyment it would be jumping puzzles, which also means SAB which is a festival.  I love SAB. But it doesn't mean I love festivals. 

And then, AB is one of the most rewarding metas in the game that's easy, so of course people are going to choose HoT.  But if other metas gave the same rewards, let's say something like the Junundu meta, you'd have people saying that.  Because people are drawn to rewards.  Opening all those chests, with a chance at an aurillium infusion? 

Actually the thing that makes this game good for me, is that there's always something to do, and I'm always doing different things.  I raid up four days a week most weeks, and that would make raiding at this time, the most replayable content in the game for me, but what does that really mean. It means I haven't got all the rewards out of it that I want yet.

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Why wouldn't you pick each that apply to you?

I suppose if you checked every single box then it would be a null vote.  (All preferences has the same net weight as no preferences.)

I see no problem in saying "I like these two best in each section, and I don't really care about the others.

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After all these years, and despite all the hate that it got and the nerfs that followed, HoT is still the expansion that gets the most votes. Raids should never have been abandoned, and Verdant Brink is still the best map in the game.

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2 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

After all these years, and despite all the hate that it got and the nerfs that followed, HoT is still the expansion that gets the most votes. Raids should never have been abandoned, and Verdant Brink is still the best map in the game.

Thats actually exactly my opinion on pve. The only thing I would add is that VB is the best mmorpg map or even just best map ever.

2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Exploration so high surprises me. 

Im not surprised. This game just has something that makes exploration fun. I think its a mix of great map design and events that make it a bit unpredictable and fill the world with other players.

Over time I got bored of meta events and I never liked the story. I mostly play pvp, wvw and a bit of instance content. But for some reason I still like to just explore maps and just do what comes by.

Its also why I think Soto and this expansion model is bad. We have core and expansion maps which are big, complex, full of secrets... And are fun to explore. And we have LS maps which are often smaller , compact and packed and have little exploration value. And Soto maps are more or less LS maps.

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16 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Thats actually exactly my opinion on pve. The only thing I would add is that VB is the best mmorpg map or even just best map ever.

Im not surprised. This game just has something that makes exploration fun. I think its a mix of great map design and events that make it a bit unpredictable and fill the world with other players.

Over time I got bored of meta events and I never liked the story. I mostly play pvp, wvw and a bit of instance content. But for some reason I still like to just explore maps and just do what comes by.

Its also why I think Soto and this expansion model is bad. We have core and expansion maps which are big, complex, full of secrets... And are fun to explore. And we have LS maps which are often smaller , compact and packed and have little exploration value. And Soto maps are more or less LS maps.

It's always so interesting to me that other people basically play a different game than me. Or atleast how they experience it. 

I'm not the type of guy going "I wonder what's behind this rock?"

I get the Map completion done ASAP on my main and never do it again. 

I'm more of the "meta train" type of player. 

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4 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Exploration so high surprises me. 

Me too. Exploration can be fun, especially when one is fresh to the game. But to me it has little to no replayability, you do it once and are done. If that would be my main interest, I'd probably quit the game years ago already, only to come back for a few days when there's something new. But to each their own.

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It might be a good idea to edit the title to say it's only about PvE. (I think it's too late to edit the poll to include PvP and WvW because a lot of people have already voted and even if a poll is changed you can't change your vote.)

I like story and exploration, including meta-events, so my favourite parts of the game are any which add areas to explore and build on the story.

If I had to choose 1 thing though I'd say meta event maps, it doesn't really matter what the event is. That's pretty much what I imagined MMOs to be when I first heard about them back in the 90's - an RPG where you can be doing your own thing, and if anyone else is around doing the same things you can do it together and as things progress it scales up to everyone on the map working together to take down a huge threat.

I think that, and the casual-friendly cooperative design are what GW2 offers that I haven't found elsewhere.

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8 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

After all these years, and despite all the hate that it got and the nerfs that followed, HoT is still the expansion that gets the most votes. Raids should never have been abandoned, and Verdant Brink is still the best map in the game.

People can enjoy HoT maps without enjoying raids.  The two are not inclusive.  Personally, I feel that raids should never have been introduced and that Anet should have stuck with fractals.  /shrug

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