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Weapon / Armor Enhancement Suggestion

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Suggestion :

Add Enhancement to Weapons and Armor.

To be able to use the Artificing Station to add Enhancements to your gear.
Have a Astrial World Powder and Stones to enhance a ++ on gear.

If you Enhance Legendary and it fails it goes back to 3
If you Enhance Ascended and it fails it goes back to 0
If you Enhance Exotic or Lower and it fails it breaks

Enhancements would only be applied  in Open World
If you Enter WvW or PvP the Enhancements don't take Effect.

Thanks Vegas *.*


Edited by Asthena.3490
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  • Asthena.3490 changed the title to Weapon / Armor Enhancement Suggestion

Honestly, I'd rather battle systems stop providing more (needless) power and instead provide fresh battle mechanics.

So, taking your idea as a base, something like imbuing weapon with powder, stones, etc. to change weapon skills. For example, as a warrior I can imbue my greatsword with Silver Dust and a Stone of Intinerant and this would then change my Hundred Blades skill from an rooted meme and into a mobile instant cast skill called Beserker's Bane or something. Each one handed weapon of exotic grade and above can be imbued with one of these "enhancements" and two-handed weapons with two (allowing for a max skill change of 2). Could even make stuff like Stone of the Mesmer, etc., which would give you one of the mesmer's weapon skills. I don't want any weapon break mechanics, this just screams Korean grindcore gameplay. Make stones craftable by ewelers and dust craftable by artisans, with dust/stone combinations changing effects (e.g., which mesmer skill you can select with Stone of the Mesmer for example).

A nightmare (impossibility?) to balance I'm sure, but man...would this be fun as hell.

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3 hours ago, Asthena.3490 said:

Suggestion :

Add Enhancement to Weapons and Armor.

To be able to use the Artificing Station to add Enhancements to your gear.
Have a Astrial World Powder and Stones to enhance a ++ on gear.

If you Enhance Legendary and it fails it goes back to 3
If you Enhance Ascended and it fails it goes back to 0
If you Enhance Exotic or Lower and it fails it breaks

Enhancements would only be applied  in Open World
If you Enter WvW or PvP the Enhancements don't take Effect.

Thanks Vegas *.*


If you want these systems, I recommend Lost Ark or Neverwinter. They are good, but exactly these systems are why I cannot play them.

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I remember one of the selling points of GW2 being that the crafting system didn't work like this. They promised before launch that crafting an item would always succeed and would always make exactly the item you intended to make, with no RNG or risk of it breaking or any of that.

I can't see Anet going back on that now, especially not for the sake of adding yet more power creep at a time when many players are already complaining about it.

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7 hours ago, Asthena.3490 said:

Suggestion :

Add Enhancement to Weapons and Armor.

To be able to use the Artificing Station to add Enhancements to your gear.
Have a Astrial World Powder and Stones to enhance a ++ on gear.

If you Enhance Legendary and it fails it goes back to 3
If you Enhance Ascended and it fails it goes back to 0
If you Enhance Exotic or Lower and it fails it breaks

Enhancements would only be applied  in Open World
If you Enter WvW or PvP the Enhancements don't take Effect.

Thanks Vegas *.*


these exist... they're called Infusions

Edited by Parasite.5389
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Many games out there have systems like this, maybe try out one of them.
Many players here play GW2 beause of the lack of such a system in this game so pls don't bring them here.
Also, no.

Edited by Omega.6801
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On 2/11/2024 at 4:54 AM, Asthena.3490 said:

Suggestion :

Add Enhancement to Weapons and Armor.

To be able to use the Artificing Station to add Enhancements to your gear.
Have a Astrial World Powder and Stones to enhance a ++ on gear.

If you Enhance Legendary and it fails it goes back to 3
If you Enhance Ascended and it fails it goes back to 0
If you Enhance Exotic or Lower and it fails it breaks

Enhancements would only be applied  in Open World
If you Enter WvW or PvP the Enhancements don't take Effect.

Thanks Vegas *.*


And, i assume, a gemshop item that increases the chances of succesful enhancement... and another to make sure that if you fail, the current enhancement level will remain?

No, thanks. It's one of those korean grinder mechanics that (for me) makes the game so much worse.

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Ah, the memories... spending hundreds of hours killing mobs until an enchantment stone dropped in Aion, then using it on your weapon... and puff, it broke. Then people sent ticket to have it restored, and worse thing, sometimes it worked, because Support didn't know it was a feature and not a bug. I think it was around the patch 5.2 (Beritra?) when they introduced breakable gear. One of the biggest player drop in years. Even in that heavily p2w Korean MMO players hated it (I think they removed the breakable gear in later patches, but I already stopped to play it).

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On 2/11/2024 at 2:29 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

I remember one of the selling points of GW2 being that the crafting system didn't work like this. They promised before launch that crafting an item would always succeed and would always make exactly the item you intended to make, with no RNG or risk of it breaking or any of that.

I can't see Anet going back on that now, especially not for the sake of adding yet more power creep at a time when many players are already complaining about it.

Yep.  It was at the time one of the main reasons I left LoTRO to try the beta here, since they had a lot of this nonsense, crit chance items you had to collect and have while crafting, scrolls you add for yet more stats, level upon level on legendaries, ugh! was pretty tedious.  ESO also has a fairly busted system on gear and weapon enhancement where, on top of playing the RNG game for a drop, you still have to either farm mats for ages or cough up ungodly amounts of currency to buy the enhancement mat you want to improve the item you get, if it isn't top tier.   It was part of why I was raiding 24/7, to avoid all that and instead (just pray to the RNG god...) go for a BiS drop vs having to enhance lower quality items from other content.

Op, your idea might seem fun to you but trust me, no game that ever does this stuff ends up with people who are happy with the crafting system like this. As is, we work hard enough on collections to earn the items we achieve.  If I had to add something to mine and risk breaking them after all that, I'd throw the game out to window! 😂

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On 2/11/2024 at 4:54 AM, Asthena.3490 said:

Suggestion :

Add Enhancement to Weapons and Armor.

To be able to use the Artificing Station to add Enhancements to your gear.
Have a Astrial World Powder and Stones to enhance a ++ on gear.

If you Enhance Legendary and it fails it goes back to 3
If you Enhance Ascended and it fails it goes back to 0
If you Enhance Exotic or Lower and it fails it breaks

Enhancements would only be applied  in Open World
If you Enter WvW or PvP the Enhancements don't take Effect.

Thanks Vegas *.*

I know that feature from Lineage II. Enchantment increases damage/power of the weapons. In GW2 it would boost the stats it comes with artificially. It defies the concept of non vertical progression and would ruin the theme of legendary gear as the best gear in the game.

The system had its bright side, as you manage do reach the 'goal' multiple ways. If you enchanted a low-grade weapon high enough, you could reach the same or even better stats than a top-grade weapon. But in GW2 this is pointless. Exotic gear is way too close to ascended gear and there is no difference in stats between ascended and legendary gear. Exotic gear is cheap in GW2! The costs to enchant a green or blue weapon high enough to rival exotic gear would be hilarious.

If you have trouble acquiring exotic and ascended gear, we can help you. No need to ruin the system.

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On 2/10/2024 at 8:54 PM, Asthena.3490 said:

Suggestion :

Add Enhancement to Weapons and Armor.

To be able to use the Artificing Station to add Enhancements to your gear.
Have a Astrial World Powder and Stones to enhance a ++ on gear.

If you Enhance Legendary and it fails it goes back to 3
If you Enhance Ascended and it fails it goes back to 0
If you Enhance Exotic or Lower and it fails it breaks

Enhancements would only be applied  in Open World
If you Enter WvW or PvP the Enhancements don't take Effect.

Thanks Vegas *.*


This isn't Archeage, we don't need or want a system that just breaks weapons because people want to upgrade them.

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On 2/10/2024 at 9:54 PM, Asthena.3490 said:

To be able to use the Artificing Station to add Enhancements to your gear.
Have a Astrial World Powder and Stones to enhance a ++ on gear.

If you Enhance Legendary and it fails it goes back to 3
If you Enhance Ascended and it fails it goes back to 0
If you Enhance Exotic or Lower and it fails it breaks

The system you're asking for is a toxic system designed for P2W games to make the game miserable unless you buy premium items, on top of being a boring, painful grind. I don't want this system anywhere near this game, thank you very much.

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