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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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The random skritt option would be nice, the bonus is clever.  Picking the least, the asura option, would be interesting just to fill my inventory.  Lol definitely agree on increasing the rewards, we all know the nodes and contracts aren't exactly paying for the themselves, but the extras they produce are handy.  

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Hello fellow fashionwars lovers and everyone else who takes a  bit time to read this suggestion. 

I suggest that duplicates of  Koda's Warmth and Otter's blessing enrichments could be purcased from laurel vendors after the completion of the collections. Both of these collections require lots of time/gold investment so having duplicates available would be fair. 

We already have enrichments with same stats available on merchants and there is option to buy multiple birthday enrichments which is acquired from achievement.  So adding the option to buy these two from merchants would be fair to players who want to have the same effect on different characters.


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Just use the Memory of Otter which continue to drop after the collection is completed and can also be salvaged from Charged and Volcanic Stormcaller Weapons. Just pop an NPC into the Map at the South WP. I'm sure Anet could work out what a reasonable cost for them would be. It would be another way to keep players playing on the map in future.

Edited by Andy.5981
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This is going to get lost in this thread but it's a small suggestion so not worth a separate thread.

We now have the tech for coop chairs and this could open up all kinds of possibilities. Cuddle benches for couples springs to mind! What also pops into my head (not sure why) is a few years ago IRL where people were doing the ice bucket challenge for charity. What if you had a specialised chair that one person bought, then everyone else can use that chair to dump various liquid/items over the first player. The animation is already there for a 'pouring' motion with a bucket, just link that to a step behind the chair (he says as a non-programmer like its super easy) 

Donate some of that gem store purchase to charity and you've got a decent charity event that the playerbase will probably lap up.

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Please display our character's date of creation and/or when their birthday is, in the character select screen.


Saves us from login in with each individual one, and going through every single character to see when their birthday's are.





By the way, any chance of mercs yet?

Just for private instances, dungeons, and perhaps as an option to replace a squad when really needed?

I've been trying for years to get cobalt and amber, triple trouble to no avail.

Only got crimson so far.

There's a group that does it on weekends, but when I go to the starting area, they're never there.

There is no one around.

I would like to complete my tyrian mastery please.

So far there's no way of doing it.

Dive master is bugged, and besides, I can't dive in-game for nothing.

I suck at it big time.


I can't get that silverwastes retrospective runaround either.

I always seem to miss one of those speed sandpits jibba jabba thingies.


Ok. That's it for now.

Help... and thank you please.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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I've been playing the game since the start and I finally decided a few weeks ago that I was going to make a legendary using Hobbs to get the precursor for the first time.

Ran into a few snags around Temples where my content was waiting for an event to hopefully start. Waiting in an area for over an hour is a bit insane.  You get to the point where you want to leave but you know if you do the event will start as soon as you go. So you end up waiting there what feels like an eternity.

I don't get a ton of playing time. So when I do I like to "feel" productive or at least be working on something.  What brings me to my main point...

Isn't about time that we have a on screen timer for temples on their respective maps?  That way players wouldn't have to feel like they have to camp at a Temple. This would allow players to finish map completion, gather nodes, or just see that they just don't have time to wait for it today.

In my opinion the intrinsic timers feel antiquated and elongated which exacerbates the problem. Back in the day before mega servers all the temples were mostly closed. Nowadays they are always open. Seems like the pendulum has swung to far to the other side.  I wish Anet would put them on a timer, like world bosses, only for temples and have some sort of rotation. That way you could at least plan for the event.

I don't feel like any of these possible solutions are a big ask. Honoring your players playing time would be a good way to show appreciation and would be an awesome add in a future QoL update.

But I know this song and dance. Its too hard to fix and people would rather them spend their time on other things. But you know what I would rather spend my time elsewhere too. Not camping at a temple for an indiscernible amount of time. I know others have waited so I should have to as well but that still does not mean it is right.  Waiting for a inordinate amount of time should not be a thing.

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On 11/28/2021 at 1:37 PM, ShadowCatz.8437 said:


This is mainly a reply.


Alt tabbing's fine, for sure a more miscellaneous request. Not that bad of a thing to have to do.


It's just I've found the companion app far more helpful with boss timers, bank, items on my characters, rather than alt tabbing to check times and while having all these tabs open. Would like to just have an all in one place to access this information on my phone.  


Not to mention if there was a build template, I would love to just mess around with builds on the bus or something, but using the internet on the phone isn't ideal, it's super slow and doesn't work too well.


I use addons, and they're amazing, but are prone to crashes and performance problems. I'd love to use them more and have them in the game officially, but that also seems to be an 'iffy' subject.


Of course there's always 'it's a lot of work' angle but everything in this game is. Sure it's more about allocation resources and if it would even be something worth investing in.


Perhaps not, but I for one would love to see something akin to a companion app. 

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Apologies if this has been suggested already,  I did try to search.


The springer is the only mount that is completely eclipsed by the Skyscale (other mounts either are faster, or have specific functions).  I think an option to make them relevant again would be to increase their jump height by a LOT (double/triple at least).  This would have two benefits - (1) it would  give them a use over the Skyscale and (2) it would just be much more impressive and fun to suddenly be launched way into the air and look around at the map below.



I don't think would break anything you can't already break with a Skyscale or a Griffon, and mostly I see this being useful for jump -> launch -> Griffon combos, but it'd just be nice to make the Springer somewhat useful again.


In terms of unlocking, I'd go with a quest similar to the underwater skimmer.



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