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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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New faces:

-to be able to change to any color not just some that are there put by them

-new details on faces like to change the shape of: eyes , brow, lips, bone structures

New hairstyles with better textures: 

-able to change to any color, better to put a rainbow pallete like other games have

-able to change the light reflected and intensity

-able to have more colors that differ: on roots, midhairlenght, and at the ends

New body options:

-able to change the size and shape  for: neck, arms, hands, torso, chest, bootom, legs, foot, head

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51 minutes ago, Eva.3629 said:

New faces:

-to be able to change to any color not just some that are there put by them

-new details on faces like to change the shape of: eyes , brow, lips, bone structures

New hairstyles with better textures: 

-able to change to any color, better to put a rainbow pallete like other games have

-able to change the light reflected and intensity

-able to have more colors that differ: on roots, midhairlenght, and at the ends

New body options:

-able to change the size and shape  for: neck, arms, hands, torso, chest, bootom, legs, foot, head

As much as I'd like to see this, and I would, I don't see it happening. There's too much else that's going to take priority both long term and short term.


Everyone has different things they'd like to see, but everything you work on comes at a cost. I'm not so sure what I'd want to give up to get these features.

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For the heck of it, here are the settings I would probably go for and why. This is just to show the practicality of my suggestions as a WvW player. It might even provide a good direction for a setting preset option for players like myself!


Menu Bar: Always Show
It's too useful to hide, even in combat.

Skill Bar: Show Only in Combat, unless updating.
Knowing about stealth cooldowns or cooldowns after leaving a fight is important.

Mount Skill Bar: Show Only in Combat, unless updating.
The Warclaw has some high cooldown abilities, such as Sniff. I need to know if it's on cooldown. The siege turtle next expansion be combat related, so I'll want to keep the action bar up for that while in combat.

Mount and Novelty Skills: Show Only out of Combat.
Unless it's ugly to view the skill bar without this, I might as well as get rid of it for combat situations.

Health and Energy Meter: Show Only in Combat, unless updating.
Unless I've taken damage or have dodged to avoid taking it, I don't need to know my health or energy.

Mount Health and Energy Meter: Show Only in Combat, unless updating.
Preemptively dodging attacks on a Warclaw is very common. All mounts rely upon the player viewing the energy bar to make full use of their abilities, except for the springer.

Objectives: Always Show
I need to know about the supplies and capture points at an objective.

Compass: Always Show
Navigation is important, even in WvW combat.

Rewards: Show Only out of Combat, unless updating.
It's nice to know about a reward initially. Afterwards, hiding it might be a good option.

EXP Bar: Never Show, unless updating.
Somebody done died? Capture an objective? I want to see my WXP! Nothing happening? I don't care too much. The WvW and mastery panels cover the non-combat end of things.

Party: Always Show
Organizing with others is too important in a WvW setting.

Chat Panel: Always Show
PvP can be too distracting to have the chat panel fading away before a message is fully read.

Target: Always Show
Don't want to accidentally leap towards an enemy zerg! Better keep this on.

Competitive: Always Show
Anything competitive is too important to hide!

Edited by Quench.7091
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A UI update has been requested multiple times over the years.  Many would agree it needs to be changed.  

However, we’ve gotten very small tweaks in 9 years..  I am not certain, but willing to bet in game gold, that we won’t see a significant UI update in this game.


GW1 had some higher level customization options.  I would speculate that either the developers can’t make major changes, or it was one of the initial thoughts to not allow significant customization.  

But FWIW, I would agree with a major overhaul.

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I really enjoy fine grained character creators. My family spent a lot of time playing with BDOs character creator you could download separately before launch. We never actually played the game itself, but that character creator was a lot of fun.

The truth is, though, I spend the vast majority of my game time zoomed out and the defining appearance is the clothing my character is wearing.

Retroactively adding that kind of customization would be a huge investment for minimal return.

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Well, i would not mind if character creation had numeric measurement instead of scroll.

And also when you choose character height it would have something like: compare to other npc characters - Where your character will stand next to chosen npc.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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3 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

A UI update has been requested multiple times over the years.  Many would agree it needs to be changed.  

However, we’ve gotten very small tweaks in 9 years..  I am not certain, but willing to bet in game gold, that we won’t see a significant UI update in this game.


GW1 had some higher level customization options.  I would speculate that either the developers can’t make major changes, or it was one of the initial thoughts to not allow significant customization.  

But FWIW, I would agree with a major overhaul.

Thanks to the changes to the HUD that were made in Path of Fire, it might be easier than expected for #4. Ability cooldowns and character resource updates already trigger events for UI. #1 through #3 do worry me, though. Those are all combat related, so all of those things are probably tangled in years of spaghetti code as one big object.

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I made Eureka, and have no regrets, but one QoL that would be lovely to see is the footfalls made a little bigger and maybe last a little longer. I use the mace on several characters and it's impossible to see it without looking really hard for the half second it appears when I move when using Glint on my Rev. I also have the incinerator and kudzu, and the footfalls for those last quite a bit longer and are plainly visible. Seems like those allow 4 spots to be up at once, leaving a pretty trail, whereas Eureka only has 2 that persist when running, making it hard to see, especially with how tiny a diameter the rock shards are. 

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40 minutes ago, Quench.7091 said:

Thanks to the changes to the HUD that were made in Path of Fire, it might be easier than expected for #4. Ability cooldowns and character resource updates already trigger events for UI. #1 through #3 do worry me, though. Those are all combat related, so all of those things are probably tangled in years of spaghetti code as one big object.

Too true lol.  

It almost seems counterintuitive that the older game would have more UI customization options than the newer game but…. 🤷


And before someone else says ‘yada yada other games are like that’ I know.  😬

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I don't think it needs a revamp, but some of the hair styles are definitely outdated and could use retexturing, some look like paper sheets..  


I would like to see more face and beard options.  I was trying to make a wizard character the other day.  You know..  elderly with a long beard and all that, and the game really doesn't have much at all.  Luckily one of the like four beards they do have was appropriate enough for my wizard.

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8 minutes ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

I just want some more faces and hairstyles.

Definitely, but mostly I'd just like them to fix/re-do the textures of the ones they recently released. The sylvari hairstyles look like clay, and most of the hairs for other races look like ridged, oily plastic. 😕 Blech. There are a few good ones, but most just look awful.

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Yall asking to be more specific i'll be for him: Premade faces that you can't change much, theres no tattoos and make-up, only like 2 human female faces that have lipstick that you can't change the color, even tho you can change eye color to any color (behind payed itens) you can only change the iris, i like to use black sclera on my characters and in this game you can only do so with a medium helm skin, no sliders for body, zero, no scars and the few slides we have on the face are worthless

Edited by AquaBR.9250
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I do agree that character creation can be improved but i don't believe that a lack of options is its biggest problem. My sugestions would be:


  • The ability to preview, "Premium" hairstyle and/or face options including hair colors, exclusively available from total makeover kit, and the ability to unlock them by purchasing a total makeover kit or hairstyle kit right from inital character creation if you have non available in you bank.
  • A better description of the classes playstyle, including previews of importent skills / traitlines / profession mechanics.
  • A list of available weapon types for the classe.
  • Previews of elite specs, including previews of important skills and its new weapon.
  • A little more lore text about the race fore the RP crowd
  • Getting rid of discontinued mecanics and meaningless desisions like the "personality" system.
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