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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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The only thing i want now is the way to combine all portal tomes into one item. Even better if it becomes a separate UI window with available locations.

At the moment they are cluttering up account shared slots. What i have now is Mistlock pass, LS3 tome, LS4 tome, IBS tome and with EoD release an Arborstone scroll. This is really getting out of hand.

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The personal story should start at lvl 5 instead of lvl 10 and continue every 10 lvls and then every 5 lvls towards the end to make it feel like the story is ramping up


Move the Meeting of Destiny’s Edge to the end of chapter 3. Move the instance to the entrance of Lion's arch from Gendarran fields since it’s a good midpoint for all races and doesn’t require changing the free to play restriction of entering at lvl 35


At the end of each chapter indicate to the player when the next story chapter is available to encourage the player to continue playing and leveling up


Chapter 1 LVL 5 


Chapter 2 LVL 15 


Chapter 3 LVL 25


Finish with Destiny’s End meeting with an instance star at the Lion’s Arch entrance from Gendarran Fields


LVL 30 Dungeons are available and coherent with personal story 


Chapter 4 LVL 35


Chapter 5 LVL 45 


Chapter 6 LVL 55


Chapter 7 LVL 65


Chapter 8 LVL 70- Further Into Orr (ends at Further into Orr) 


Chapter 9 LVL 75- Against The Corruption (Ends at Against the Corruption) 


Chapter 10 LVL 80- Cleansing Orr (ends at the source of Orr) 


Victory or Death Separated from personal Story and made repeatable 


Story instance entrances in Orr should be in their original location and not all in fort trinity 


The last chapters should be split so that the player plays through the orr maps and don't just rush through to the end, getting a sense of the personal story, map exploration, and dynamic events all coming together without backtracking and making the story more exciting by giving small breaks in between lvls to not make the ending drawn out.


Zhaitan Fight Change suggestions


  1. Double the number of adds from raise dead (across all airship fight interactions not just Zhaitan) 

  2. Firing the cannons have a 4 or 5s cooldown to make the interactions last longer (all airships)

  3. Spawn 3 Eyes of Zhaitan during the hold out phase instead of 2 and they have permanent Protection and Resolution making them harder to kill 

  4. Raise Dead continues to spawn risen throughout all phases until Zhaitan is defeated

  5. Aoe attacks near the cannons have an increased radius, hitting all cannons on the ship, including the left side that is unused to make the entire ship more dangerous

  6. Spawn tendrils of Zhaitan at the start of the fight with cannons and at 80% 60% 40% 20%. Zhaitan is invulnerable at the start of the cannon phase at 100% hp and when it hits the other thresholds. The invulnerability ends after the tendrils have been summoned and the reaching animation has finished

  7. Spawn 1 Veteran Risen Wraith, 1 Spectral Skirmisher, 1 flame caster, Guard, Juggernaut, and Wizard at 66%. Spawn the Spectrals on each cannon facing Zhaitan and the Rizen Wraith in the middle. Spawn with no animation from Zhaitan 

  8. Spawn 2 Veteran Risen Giants on the left and right side of the console near the turrets, 1 Veteran Risen Knight at the front of the ship, and 1 Veteran Risen Abomination in the middle when Zhaitan’s health is at 33%. Spawn with no animation from Zhaitan

  9. Spawn 2 Gate Guardians with a Greatsword at 10%, 1 using the 1st skillset of the high wizard and the other one using the 2nd skill set of the high wizard. Both Spawn Near the end of the Ship where it's broken off  and they must be killed in order to defeat Zhaitan. Zhaitan is invulnerable until the Gate Guardians  are defeated (would be cool if one is male and the other female) . Spawn with Zhaitan reach animation, same one used when summoning tendrils. 

  10. Increase Zhaitan's hp so that the duration of all the phases is experienced longer


The story of fighting Zhaitan is about beating it with military force and tactics, cutting its supply, communication, order, and beating it down with fire power in the Glory of Tyria. The cannons are ok to kill Zhaitan, but it needs to be more difficult to get to it and shoot him down. Zhaitan swarms its enemies with undead and the final fight should feel like you are fighting endless amounts of undead up until the end, similar to the battle of claw island. 

Edited by Moises.2196
Removed the black lion chest key change. Everyone hates it lol.
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And again: Please make the mini map fixable!  I don't know how often I resize this map or move it to another corner unintended, while trying to just move the map area.


And perhaps move that box icon above the minimap for observing some progression (like in WvW or some HOT mps), because you always click that instead of bouncing chests there.

Edited by Galmac.4680
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16 hours ago, JulesPetrikov.7920 said:

I don't know if this was proposed before, however I would very much like the ability to show both weapons on my character, whether it looks like a train wreck or actually quite cool. Especially when a character is equipped with different types of two-handed weapons, to say a Big Giant Hammer(TM) and a Blunderbuss, the positions of these different types are actually nice enough to look good.

So I believe it could be an option, defaulted to turned off, and I believe many players would like to have this ability to show off a little.

I agree.

I'm actually surprised that this was not included.

It would be cool if for instance we could display a Great Sword, a Sword and shield, or also a combo of a rifle and dual pistols.


It would be great if weapon swap actually looked like weapon swsp, meaning you stow away your weapon before you grab the next set.


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I agree op it was a lot better earlier before the change i predict the steam opening to be a bad experience for new players if they don't change it.

I agree with a lot of this

The camera is fluff imo but the rest makes sense.

Edited by Dante.1508
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Please make the PVP map selection window dismissable, like the match readiness window.

I like to do stuff in between matches, and I can acknowledge I'm ready and dismiss the first window and continue to fight or find a place to land if I'm on a mount. Then the map selection pops up, and mouse turn is disabled and the popup fills a sizeable portion of the middle of the screen so I have to fight without seeing what I'm fighting and navigate solely with strafing. If I could make my map selection and then dismiss, I could wrap up whatever I'm doing. There will be plenty of time to see what map has been chosen when I get ported into PVP.

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i'm experiencing visual noise while playing this game, especially in end game group content with many effects simultaneously. it get's worse the longer i'm playing. Effect LOD is good but doesn't help me that much. some effects seem to dominant and flashy to me, so my suggestion to arenanet would be to add an ingameoption to change the transparency of any effect producing skills to your own preference. what do you think?

Edited by kaese.8765
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I tried to keep it as close to what they already have, but honestly the old every few lvls and no restriction to the next story step was waaay better. Especially that order arc where you help lesser races. Super short and waiting 10 lvls to play it and another 10 lvls after feels really bad. The Zhaitan fight is just awful and burn/invuln phases, harder adds feels like an easy fix that can make it feel more intense and theatrical. If we could actually hit Zhaitan with our weapons and such and have a completely different fight would be better but I feel it's asking too much lol. 

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17 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

They move the level 10 blc key to level 15 and I spend no more money on the game ever. Yes I do buy stuff with real money. But I do like getting my level 10 key every week as well. 

I mean at lvl 5 is too early I think, but if they go back to a flowing story and not chopping it up to chapters every 10 lvls it could stay at lvl 10 story reward and you could get it faster with no lvl requirement to play it. 

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9 hours ago, Moises.2196 said:

Spawn 3 Eyes of Zhaitan during the hold out phase instead of 2 and they have permanent Protection and Resolution making them harder to kill 

This is the epitome of bad design.

5 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

I predict that the devs will read that whole passage and then just move the black lion chest key to level 15. nothing else.

and the brilliant idea of turning enemies into HP sponges

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Revolutionary idea:


Remove all level requirements from the personal story but keep recommended levels in place. Just as it was originally.


In case some players are unaware: enemies 10 levels above character level become immune to that character. Let players decide themselves when and how they want to progress through the story. The level 10 cap aleady does a sufficient job of pacing players.


Having a far higher story step still shown, sets a goal for players to work towards. Providing a recommended level tells players at which point they should attempt that story.


Stop treating every player like some brainless slob. "Monster to high" and "ouch monster do hurty and take no damage" are very self explantory.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Completion on six characters is a joke and can be done in very little time, not to mention it'd be extremely cheap unless they load significant costs behind this. It'd also be a severe slap to the face for everyone who raided for their armor and further devalue raids.


Absolutely horrible idea in every aspect.

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12 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

This is the epitome of bad design.

and the brilliant idea of turning enemies into HP sponges

Fair enough. Change them to vets. Do a bit more damage and a little bit harder to kill but not stupid spongy. They do die super fast tho especially with the power creep through the years. Zhaitan should be a bit more spongy tho. I think it takes like 32 or so cannon shots to kill him and I think the cannon cooldown is like 2s so yeah...

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1 minute ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

Why does this hurt your feelings that someone attain something without your preferred methid of grind?

Why does it hurt yours that people don't agree with your idea (which is nowhere equal to ANY of the other methods of acquiring legendary armor in time, effort and materials required) and that it'd irritate a lot of people who did raids purely for the sake of getting their armor? They did it, you can do the same. Labeling an entire group of people "elitist" over telling you that your idea is bad is certainly not furthering your cause either.

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"I want the thing, but I don't want to work for the thing"
"Player versus environment or player versus enemy (PvE, also known as player versus monster (PvM)), is a term used for both single player and online games, particularly MMORPGs, CORPGs, MUDs, other online role-playing video games and survival games to refer to fighting computer-controlled enemies - in contrast to PvP (player versus player)." Directly from Wikipedia.
The Raid boss is not a player, so, it is PvE, glad to clear up the confusion!

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