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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Hello people.

Please consider the following requests:



● Add Ascended items to the list of salvageable items, using the Trading Post's purchased: Runecrafter's Salvage-O-Matic.



● Add this new mode: 

Battle Arena PvC. (Players Vs Computer)

Recreate all major boss fights from Guild Wars 1.

Including: Shiro, Varesh, The Lich. 

Also you could add the Gunnar's Hold Tournament fights. 

In this mode, players would create a squad to fight Bosses in their home Arena.


● Engineer Turrets:

The Turrets could have four mechanical/Robotic legs and follow player around.

One of them could even hover instead. Such as a shielding one.



● Holosmith:

Is there any chance at all that you could improve or change the visual textures on holo Utility Skills, please?


Trading Post:

● Skins:

Any chance that you could make skins always available at any given time? 

Some mount skins are only available every 2-3 months or maybe longer sometimes. 

Promotions would still take effect as is now, but making all of the skins available to purchase.



● Novelty Skins.

Would you consider making all the species skins be able to be combat-able using our current weapons?

For instance, Kodan, Hell Skeleton, and Skins of that nature?

If possible, also make Duel Transformations be able to use their attack skills on wild monsters, but not on other players?

It would be interesting to attack a rabbit or a Deer whilst being an Awk.


Well thank you, and have a good one.




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11 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

just play more or buy +1 infusions on the trading post ( they are dirt cheap) that you merge into +9 with the cat bot inside fractal lobby.

1 +9 Agony Infusion = 256 +1 Agony Infusion = 12.80 silver at 5 copper pr +1. Then +9 itself costs 3 gold, 81 silver, and 44 copper. total price  3 gold, 94 silver, 14 copper. 17 +9 to get AR 153, for a total investment of 67 gold, 2 silver, and 8 copper. This is without potion and Mistlock.

The build also needs Ascended Gear, which is another 47 gold and 50 silver if possible to buy from Crystallographer Smoxxi.

This brings the total up to 114 gold, 51 silver, and 8 copper.

Legendary armor can reduce this cost significantly and people without that need to invest 114.51.08 gold per build they want to do Fractals with. This is prohibitively expensive for especially new players. It's also costly for long-time players without Legendary armor.

Edited by Malus.2184
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Just a combat mount idea,

A long otter, you go faster than jackal and have 3 little dash.
Those dash go not so far but deal bleed and dmg.
It's a good mount for flat map and tag enemis along the road.
The spell 1 is a dash of the mount like the roller bettle but you get eject of the mount before it dash.
(ps: sorry for my english, not my main language)

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Ascended drops are rare for me & when I do get one RNG rewards me with the same item repeatedly.
The excitement turns to disappointment which isn't what I want to feel when I get top quality lootski.
I have 3 Living Water torches & recycling them seems a waste.
What I would like to see is an Exchange NPC that allows the player the ability to swap for another item
in the same set
Weapon for weapon, armour for armour.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust (added this for the inevitable "confused" emoticon).
Kind of like the NPC where we exchange old versions of Black Lion items for the updated ones. 
If you want to "qualify" the swap you can always charge something.
How about some of the junk items we get that now have the possibility to be something else thanks to jadebots.
25 lumps of crabmeat or some fine tier 3 quality junk
Just a thought

Edited by BnooMaGoo.5690
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There really needs to be a way to disable the auto-interaction with the Reality Rifts once the Ruler of the Skys achievement is finally completed.

Several of the rifts are in rather inconvenient places making it so that when you are roaming around the open world, your mount gets yanked off course by your character auto-engaging with the rift.

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How hard would it be to add basic emotes or actions to new tonics added to the game?
I am hesitant to take away from more important things
but I think adding some more actions to new tonics would make them more fun to use
You might wind up seeing a spontaneous dancing line of hermit crabs showing up in Lions Arch or other public spots (kinda like those Charrs)

Edited by BnooMaGoo.5690
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I'd like to start off with saying that I am not a GW2 Veteran or anything of the sort, I've played a multitude of MMO's; ranging from 100% grind mechanic's, to Scale Progressive accomplishments, and now I've entered into the world of Guild Wars 2. A beast, a unique enjoyable gameplay system that I have so far loved, so please before you decide to be toxic on my post here, understand that its only a suggestion, or request for a feature in the game. Everyone's entitled to make them, and have their own prospective, even if its not a point that is shared by you.


Since Coming to GW2 I have dabbled in a bit of everything, unfortunately though- I did come here with my significant other in hopes of us finding a game we can play together and do new content and things together as a group (duo)-- Unfortunately though, Guild Wars 2 currently does not have Group Objective Style completion that i was hoping it did. Now in my eyes, that means that when my girl and I are out doing things together where it has "Kill this many of x-Mobs" and we're grouped, i kill something, or she kills something-- we aren't sharing the kill completion count, nor expience together. We've found that she has to tag everything I hit, and the same goes for the things she hits-- I wouldn't mind seeing something added to the game personally that allows for more duo/couple/group type of gaming. There's sooo many zones, and sooo much to be done in the game, Even if I took a hit in experience on a per-kill basis, as long as we were able to achieve the goals of these quests together, it would be amazing. A small nerf on a kill-by-kill basis or objective would possibly push players to see more of the maps then they currently are required to in order to hit level 80. I hit 80 on my first character far faster then I proceeded to progress through each zone and see them when they're relative levels.


Again, this is simply my thoughts, my opinion, and a small suggestion. No disrespect intended to the dev's, or those who currently do not share my view point on the subject.


- Thank you for reading! May your drops be spectacular!

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I suppose if there was a way to do it which didn't encourage botting/afk power levelling it might be ok. If it was simply that everyone in the party got credit for anything 1 person did it would be very easy for 1 person to group with 4 inactive 'players' (their own alt accounts for example) and level them all together by only playing 1 without breaking any of the rules about botting and afk activity . (If it worked in squads 1 person could level 49 afk characters, but I assume this would only really be needed for parties.)

Maybe there could be some kind of check where each player individually has to meet the minimum requirements for participation in an event, heart etc. and then after that they also get credit for anything the rest of their party does.

21 minutes ago, Andrews.2461 said:


A small nerf on a kill-by-kill basis or objective would possibly push players to see more of the maps then they currently are required to in order to hit level 80. I hit 80 on my first character far faster then I proceeded to progress through each zone and see them when they're relative levels.

I think this is by design. GW2 isn't one of those games where once you hit the level cap you're done with open-world and need to move on to other things, it continues to be relevant throughout the game. Many end-game activities are in open-world maps, including some in lower level maps but mostly the big meta-events in level 80 maps. So ensuring players will hit the level cap long before they think they've seen everything helps emphasise that just because you're done levelling doesn't mean you're done with that part of the game and need to drop it and find something else to do. If you want to you can just keep going. (I think the personal story has several level 80 chapters for the same reason.)

The level scaling system helps to alleviate the problems that might otherwise come from that. It's not perfect but you'll never reach a point where you can one-shot everything simply from levelling up (you can get to the point where you can one-shot most normal enemies but it takes a good build, and even then veterans and champions will be more dangerous). You'll never reach a point where you don't get XP or drops or are locked out of participating because you're too high level.

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The complaint is probably only really relevant for hearths. Because there arent really any kill x mobs quests and events in the game otherwise. And getting max, gold participation in an event is super easy as long as you just do something.

Hearths are not really a big part of game play later on and the focus shifts more onto more and bigger open world events. 

They increased the exp gain by a lot lately. Yeah leveling is super fast. But don't worry, leveling is just a small part of open world experience and once max level you will enter a huge amount of content where exp is pretty much irrelevant. Also lvls themselves are not really important because your characters scales down with the zone. So you never really out level a zone. Loot is also always relevant because all the materials are relevant. Its probably just something you are used to and bothers you from other games.

They wont change 10 years old concepts that are now a really small part of the game. I would recommend you just forget about levels and exp because gw2 is really a game that lets you forget it and just lets you play. 

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As long as you both damage the mob, you both get credit toward the heart. Working together, there are many you can optimize. For example, my son and I were just last night doing a heart where you investigate corpses and they erupt into grubs that you then have to kill. Each of us can investigate each corpse, so if we work together, he triggers grubs, we stay in the same spot, then I trigger, and we get twice as many grubs to kill in that spot. We both get damage on them, and both get credit.

Most hearts complete really quickly. It's not really necessary to share credit between party members.

Also, great opportunity to practice calling and taking targets, so they go down faster and you both get kill credit for all of them.

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I can see how this would be nice for a couple, but overall it would create people simply being carried and not actively playing the game.  It is designed for any player to jump in, tag a mob, and get credit, especially nice if you've been waiting for an event or mob and run in and quickly hit it.  

I would run low level friends alts in another game for xp where I would annihilate everything and they gained levels.  Since GW2 is very generous with xp and leveling, it isn't a feature.  There will be PLENTY of shared group things to do along the way and after 80.  

I'd suggest just taking everything in bite sizes, take your time, continue enjoying the game, and Gibson above had some very helpful suggestions for two players.  

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I am in the same context of playing as a duo with my wife.  We are enjoying it tremendously.  

Although the lack of group credit is very valid, we found over time the impact to be negligeable. 
As someone mentioned,  the only real impact is time to complete hearts. When one is progressing faster we simply wait for the partner behind to hit first before engaging, and we finish at roughly the same time.  Other times we just wait for the second one to finish and clean inventory in the meantime (there seems to always have inventory to clean in this game...).

Being of different levels has no impact, so if one gets ahead it's not an issue.  Early on we ran with different boosters to level together until we realized that it really was not an issue.  If one gets a little more loot, we share the resulting gold anyways.

We have done hearts in the Tyria maps only once for map completion, except if needed for some collection or other.  Newer maps have much less hearts, so it is even less of a factor.


Now in open world we do map events, fractals, Strikes and activities based on whatever the collection we are working on.  Lately we added some fishing for crafting a first legendary weapon (yes, we were sure we would never craft one, but here we are).  We also did each dungeons at least once.  We have joined a guild to do  WvW which is really intense.  Another thing we thought we would never do.  We are looking at getting into raids eventually, but life.


So yeah, I just wanted to add the perspective that it's a very long road and hearts are the first couple of yards only.

Hope you keep enjoying the game!


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For guild decorations, for the owl statue you buy with salvage in Drizzlewood Coast, please allow us the option to merge the statues into another statue, and then merge those into a third statue. I'm thinking of the concept where the Tequatl tailbones get merged into a bronze Teq statue, and then multiple bronze get merged into a silver, then multiple silver get merged into gold.

My current ability to turn my entire guild hall into a shrine to owl is currently putting those little owl statues everywhere.

Owl deserves much, much more, given her sacrifices for us.

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