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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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7 hours ago, Xaxxus.6719 said:

[Suggestion] Premium Membership

  • - every time the subscription renews you should get gems (bonus gem amounts for longer renewal cycles)
  • - all convenience features that you dont have unlocked should be unlocked as long as you are subscribed (bank tabs, bag slots, account wide inventory slots, etc...)
  • - any living world stories you don't have are unlocked as long as the subscription is active

You can simply do that by periodically buying gems and unlocking convenience items via those gems.

There's no need for such a subscription. Let's try not to have quality of life downgrades that splits the player base into more castes.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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9 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

You can simply do that by periodically buying gems and unlocking convenience items via those gems.

There's no need for such a subscription. Let's try not to have quality of life downgrades that splits the player base into more castes.

I agree but it depends if they are on sale to.

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8 hours ago, Ryou.2398 said:

Less currencies, make more of them universal, and make it where all items catergorize automatically so your bags auto organize, would save allot of time, also less junk items please.

Currencies do have the purpose of distributing players out to different areas of the game as they pursue different rewards. Consolidate them too much, and players will only do the narrow slice of the game that earns the most.

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can we please have more uniqueness to classes? getting bored of effectively the exact same thing regardless of class played... aside from the class gimmick of course. yes i know this will  take a lot of time and effort, but imho would be well worth it.

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On 5/18/2022 at 6:08 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

Are you referring to the Content Guide option to disable guidance towards your story objective?

If so, that functionality is not tied to your story objective appearing in the corner.

Yeah. But it would be nice if you could disable the green text altogether, not just the guidance of it.

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Guild hall decorations could use some additional search and filter functions. There are no filter tick boxes in the decorations panel. People just kind of got to know the name of things.

If I currently search for Wintersday decorations with the word "Wintersday," I do not get all of the Wintersday decorations listed. I only get decorations that have "Wintersday" in the name. Not all chairs have the word "chair" in them, etc.

Another thing I'd like to note is that scribes cannot search for furniture as a crafting reagent inside of the crafting panel. "Pumpkin" cannot be used to find Halloween furniture, but you can find furniture that use "Tyria's Best Nougat Center."

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Whenever I switch a equipped legendary weapon all stats, sigils and infusions are removed.

Can you instead just copy the previous setup. So if a legendary weapon is replaced with another, there can't be any conflicts, you already know that all sigils and infusions are available just slap them on the newly equipped weapon.

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Not sure if this has been thrown out there (i'm sure it has at some point) please, for the love of god, make basic character customization changes like hair style/color not something that I have to farm keys for or spend gems on. Please. There's no reason other than blatant greed for something so basic to be linked to the cash shop/otherwise be such a pain to do. Put a vendor in the game, charge us like 5 gold to change our hairstyle/color. Changing more detailed stuff like eyes/height/gender/etc, that's fine. That makes sense for stuff like that to cost gems. But hairstyle and color? This is the only game aside from SWTOR I can think of that charges IRL money for something so basic, and when your main competitor for "how greedy are we being" is EA, then I feel like you really oughta re-evaluate your priorities in game development. And no. The game being free to play is 0 excuse for that. That's like charging for drinking at a water fountain at a water park.

Edited by Angorath.8193
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Can we have more outfits or armour choices? 

FF and other rpg games have such a vast variety of armour.

On ours seems like all heavy must be breast plates with metal skirts, med has to have buttcapes, and light either masquerade party goers or the circus comes to town.


Some long scarfs other than the racer one, and can be obtained by means other than gem store or forced ways that not all of us are good at or want to do. Such as bettle race.

Many types of scarfs and ones that hang from the back. 

(At least 2 of my characters could do with this)


Leather and Denin outfits.

Bandanas, sweatbands.




Where's my crescent moon Great sword?

Still waiting for it.




Suggesting that Beetle race will have their own racing maps... and be moved out of the general open world.




This one is way overdue...

Why in wvw 2 of the maps are still the same?

Other than EBG, and middle (home), the other two should be different maps.


Also consider adding siege turtle to it.




Please also consider making a full total identity repair kit easier to obtain or more availability. 

I frequently like to change appearence, name, etc... on my characters.

Often having to start over just because of it, so think that 2k gems for this item is quite obscene. 


Thanks folks


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Brought it up elsewhere, but it bears repeating:


A currency exchange that operates similarly to how the gold/gem exchange works. After a starting stock of currencies, players can trade in a limited number (or a single trade's worth per currency per day, to keep currencies stable) of a currency to receive a proportional number of another currency. 

Because, honestly, there aren't enough proper sinks for things like Auric Dust, Eyes of Kormir, or Empyreal Shards. 


Or if that's too much work, add a sale value to everything, so we can vent useless stuff from our inventories. 

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Unlike those who purchased HoT and PoF separately,


Those of us who bought PoF with HoT as a bundle,


Have one less shared inventory slot.


This downside was not explained to us when we bought the bundle.
(Had I known, I would have bought them separately.)

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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Also, let us buy/acquire more shared inventory slots please.


Because the teleport scrolls, world boss portal device, and passes are spread over several slots;


Because the endless/permanent contract items are too good (and cost so much gold);


Because tools like the fractal omnipot, ascended consumables, the waystation, salvagers, and the position rewinder are so useful between alts;


Because the Writ of Experience and the Unids take slots — and it’s annoying when they spread all over the inventories of alts;

And players are willing to spend for convenience 🙏

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From inside the IoR guild hall i've noticed the directional compass thingy / quick view to xpac region is missing from the world map view. I still have to drag the world map a million times 😄 to get back to core Tyria, PoF or HoT maps. Would be useful to add this here as well. Same goes for other halls.

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Apologies that this doesn’t fit in the bugs section, but I couldn’t find a general feedback/ideas section. The support team suggested I posted my feedback/question on the forum though, so I put it in the best place I could find.


When will you ship another product with primary+secondary classes? GW1 was just so amazing for build theory crafting, I miss the days 🥹
Sure, there’s still some people playing GW1 but I’m convinced there’s an appetite for something new in the market, and frankly speaking no other games have done anything close to it. Also this mechanic gets consistent praise, with the only downfall it’s difficult to find the right balance since there is always something (slightly) better than the rest. And yes, because of our near-instant access to all gathered insights from around the world a meta comes up faster than ever before, that’s just the way the gaming world works now.
However, there are also better ways of monitoring and improving, with data analytics and AI more easily accessible than before, and shipping updates easier as well. So this brings an opportunity to allow for more rapid balance changes, keeping things close together while providing near unlimited variety.
Lastly, if a new game isn’t in the cards, I believe it’s worthwhile to discuss a “GW: resurrected” like blizzard did with D2.
Besides graphics (which I personally don’t care much for too much) could see merit in training an AI to play alliance battles so people can play them even if there’s not enough humans playing, as well as cross-platform options. The console world seems pretty stoked about this type of content, and none of them have the level of depth & breadth of GW1.
Just my 2 cents
Edited by Balrogslayer.1259
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  • Balrogslayer.1259 changed the title to Secondary professions - will ArenaNet ever do it again?
3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Why? anything your trying to que into will be over before you get in anyway.

When you have 20-30 mins before meta event start, and can't join the majority of your squad because of the full map, queue will be much better than 20-30 minutes of spamming "Join map" and removing "This map is full" message.

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2 hours ago, Aeon.4583 said:

When you have 20-30 mins before meta event start, and can't join the majority of your squad because of the full map, queue will be much better than 20-30 minutes of spamming "Join map" and removing "This map is full" message.


 I second this. For example, joing a DE meta with a guildie’s squad. That meta requires a seriously committed and organized group to succeed. It’s not like Octovine where you can just try your luck and organize an overflow map.

Spamming “Join map” for 20-45 mins is the definition of un-fun. 😆

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Please fix the Guild Hall Assembler so that it takes less that 2 HOURS for the assembler to create a stack of guild siege items for WVW. It should not have a 30 second cooldown for creating siege. It should not have a miserable queue depth of 10 items. 

It is an atrocious hostage situation for active WVW players to be stuck at this mindless activity that returns no WXP or other individual reward for hours in game each week.



Edited by Glass Hand.7306
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