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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I searched the forum, but was not able to find a post that matched this. If it is duplicate, I apologize in advance :)


It would be great if the context menu for items included a command to open the wiki for said items' entry in the wiki. There are so many items that drop and I personally find myself continuously interacting with the wiki to understand what it is, if I need to keep it, or if I can destroy it and any other relevant information.


Such a feature would avoid having to use the chat command shortcut and provide users with a simpler access to the items information and the GW2 Wiki might even be used more often.




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In a Simpsons's Helen Lovejoy voice "Won't somebody please think of the whales ?!"


Anet please for the love of Sylvari (yes its true, Sylvari rock), have an exchange for Teleport to Friend, Upgrade Extractors, Revive Orbs, Self Style Hair Kits, Guaranteed Wardrobe, Armor and Weapon Unlocks consumables obtained from Black Lion Chests.

Please allow us to exchange them for either Gold, Black Lion Statuettes or Gems.

I don't mind supporting the game with real world money but its wearing a bit thin OK ? I mean what the hell am I going to do with the 1,773 Teleport to Friends I've accumulated since launch ? I don't have that many :P And I'll never be able to use all of the wardrobe, weapon and armor unlocks I have. How about giving us, those who really support your game, some real value from BL chests ? Allow us to exchange all of those useless BL items we have in excess ...


Edited by Shadamehr.1284
Spelling mistake
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It would be nice if you added a beetle track or "Roller Beetle Activities" to the LFG system at the minimum. Then Players/ guild could post their tracks and encourage people to come check them out. At the best possible thing it would be cool if their was some mini game/ player created content option where people could submit their guild hall tracks each week like the beetle adventures in world maps. It would also be fantastic to have gates and boosts as decorations so players could better construct these beetle courses. (but i'm sure there are coding challenges to over come with that) still, would be fun to have some kind of player created beetle stuff with all that i've seen players do thus far. (would have been excellent to have gotten this with PoF but one can still dream)

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Hi! I've played this game off and on since launch, and I'd like to preface this by saying that I love the game and the community but especially the GMs who do amazing things with support. I've never had a more responsive GM team in an MMO before.


That said, this game desperately needs better support for increasing font sizes for visually impaired players. 


The "large" text size for the chat window is still 'very' small, and the "Larger" UI setting actually causes a lot of menus to become partially or completely nonfunctional. For example, the build window will be crushed together so that only 2 of 3 specs are visible and you can't even click on the abilities, which means you can't set your water abilities from this menu: https://i.imgur.com/n665xud.jpg


Likewise, the item preview menu will cut off the "stowed/drawn" options at the bottom, making those unavailable: https://i.imgur.com/Ahoce4y.jpg 


All the while, the text in the chat log and menus is just painfully small. And I mean that literally; I get eyestrain from trying to flip through the trading post: https://i.imgur.com/QmsbY0O.jpg 


(^I realize that one isn't obviously 'off' for people with normal vision, but please trust me when I say it causes me physical pain to try to squint at these).


Now, can I run the game at a lower resolution in full screen mode? I mean, yes. But it'll look terrible and alt+tabbing out will cause this huge lag and resize other windows, which makes looking at the wiki just a huge pain. 


And quite frankly I shouldn't need to do that. Other games have figured this out for a while now. This game is lovely, the story is amazing, the devs are really cool and passionate, but it just makes me really sad that we're 10 years in and I still can't read things without it hurting me to do so.


The biggest things would be adding more options for significantly larger font scaling and fixing the menus that become crushed in the "Larger" option to have scrolling so you can reach the bottom of said menus at this resolution.


Thank you for your time in reading this. If anyone has any other suggestions besides the resolution trick (or if you have suggestions for how to make alt+tabbing while using said trick less annoying), please do share them! I would really appreciate it ❤️



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I kindly request from ArenaNet a fishing vendor in special areas which require a special Pass. This refers and is not limited to: Mistlock Sanctuary, Armistice Bastion, Royal Terrace, and so on. These areas are created for convenience of players, but these are completely not useful for fishermen, since these areas do not have a simple fishing vendor where the player can resupply with lures, baits, and whatnot.

I consider a fishing vendor a feature of high importance for all special Pass zones. As such, I kindly request and beg @ArenaNet to add one fishing vendor in every Pass zone. Please.

Edited by Alin.2468
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Let us fish from our seats on the shore and gain stacks while not on a boat.

Unrelated but when Norn sit down the legs should not be like this \/ because it just looks weird. They should be manspreading like the behemoths they are.

Edited by Turial.1293
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Updated inventory management workflow request:

  1. Please, allow Compact to move contents of specialised bags so each designated bag only moves its own contents.
  2. Please, add the Sort Inventory command which would move specific items to their respective specialised containers if a player has these equipped and they have free slots.
  3. Please, add the Open All Containers command (which would skip containers in invisible bags and shared slots) to the cogwheel menu.
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When you swap bait using the new bait swap feature, can it take you right to the bait tab haha, right now it just takes you to the fishing rod tab, which is useless, which means the feature is useless because it would be just as fast to open your inventory and do it manually.

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Alternative means of getting items for meta-achievements that are exclusively from zone events or strike missions (especially those that no one seems to be doing anymore).

This is my only real gripe with the game.  At this point, I have no expectation of getting that turtle mount or some of the elite spec weapons because I see almost no groups for any of the zone events or that strike mission required for the final part.


EDIT: Forgot the strike mission.  Also, on that tangent, can we please remove alacrity and quickness from the game so that players are actually allowed to play what they want in endgame content instead of being forced into given specs because it has some absolutely necessary buff?

Edited by Raarsi.6798
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On 5/25/2022 at 4:50 PM, Shadamehr.1284 said:

In a Simpsons's Helen Lovejoy voice "Won't somebody please think of the whales ?!"


Anet please for the love of Sylvari (yes its true, Sylvari rock), have an exchange for Teleport to Friend, Upgrade Extractors, Revive Orbs, Self Style Hair Kits, Guaranteed Wardrobe, Armor and Weapon Unlocks consumables obtained from Black Lion Chests.

Please allow us to exchange them for either Gold, Black Lion Statuettes or Gems.

I don't mind supporting the game with real world money but its wearing a bit thin OK ? I mean what the hell am I going to do with the 1,773 Teleport to Friends I've accumulated since launch ? I don't have that many :P And I'll never be able to use all of the wardrobe, weapon and armor unlocks I have. How about giving us, those who really support your game, some real value from BL chests ? Allow us to exchange all of those useless BL items we have in excess ...



To add to that, once someone has let's say the Endless Repair Canister, items like the repair canister from the BLC are such a nuisance. Not only do they take up space, it's a pain to have to type to delete them.

The consumable Personal Merchant and Personal Trading Post are annoying too (when one has the Permanent Contract version). But at least they're tolerable since those are useful for squadmates.

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NPE for WvW has a major hurdle:

It's suffering until one has Autoloot and Warclaw.

Even if zerging beside those with a Warclaw gives a boost, it's still so easy to get left behind and still not be able to catch up.

For someone with max masteries in PvE, entering WvW without autoloot was such a pain and wasted so much profit.

I understand the value of earning one's abilities. I guess it's kind of...I have to drag myself to do WvW to get Gift of Battle and Skirmish tickets. But there's so much friction and it's so not fun in the early days of leveling when there's a lot less pips. A low level means not enough abilities to help with siege weaponry, easily killed by guards when roaming, and easily killed by players who see one's low rank.


Backloading the Skirmish tickets also feels unfun. I don't bother to start at all, unless I know I can max the Skirmish reward track that week. Our first few hours in WvW that week aren't that rewarding. (But ironically, getting started at all makes it more likely to keep playing).

When was gaming about suffering through something mind-numbing for hours upon hours until it gets fun? 

How can we make the WvW NPE encouraging and fun enough that one enjoys it and keeps going for thousands of hours?

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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I don't use outfits much outside of leveling a character or doing a Black Lion key run. I believe that there are ways to encourage people like me to use them more. Outfits can be fun and interesting, but the current system could use some updates.

Assign Outfits to Armor Templates
If a person wants to choose the Grenth outfit for their reaper, let them also assign the witch costume to their Harbinger. Outfits are thematic. Also, make the show/hide toggle settings be armor template specific. (Heck, do that for all show/hide options.)

Outfit Specific Helmet Toggle Option
I like to show my helmet with certain outfits, but hide the helmet of the armor that the outfit masks. Having the show helmet toggle work for both outfit and equipment creates another toggle option I need to fiddle with each time I swap into an outfit, rather than just leaving it sit as is.

Town Clothing Outfit Slot and Toggle Option
Town clothing used to be a thing. If you entered a resting area, such as a city, you would automatically switch into something more casual. (Edit: I was wrong about the auto switch being a thing, but would still like to have it!) If outfits had a tickbox for such a feature, I might actually use it for certain characters. Just make sure that this takes up a different slot in the outfit panel, so that people with combat outfits can use casual outfits in town. If ArenaNet wanted to sell more outfits, they could even have this feature on by default for new accounts and give everyone a free outfit to start with, just like they did with the original town clothing.

Show/Hide Keybinding(s)
Outfits are more like novelty items to me. The novelty keybindings are pretty useful for getting me to utilize novelties. Perhaps I would use outfits more if those also had keybindings? I sometimes find it fun to toggle on my Ironclad Outfit for my scrapper. The problem is that I also like my normal armor and don't feel compelled to work through the Hero Panel to get to the toggle option for it.

Edited by Quench.7091
Looks like my memory was wrong with the town clothing bit, although I would still like it.
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When thinking about the amount of effort it takes to get the Cod Swimming Amongst Mere Minnows achievement please consider adding fishing rod replacement as a reward from it.

As I understand it the only actual fishing rod is the one you get when you unlock fishing (from Old Fishing Rod) and all the other rods are skins for it. If it was a replacement for the actual rod it could be +50 fishing power one, so +25 added to the original. The new rod could be Aurene themed (similar to the legendary weapon looks) or perhaps a Soo-Won themed one.

Thank you.

Edit, in case anyone is wondering: I do know about the Spiritwood rod but that one is also a skin without any added benefit other than very cool look. I feel the rewards from doing this enormous effort are quite underwhelming.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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I use outfits exclusively. 

Recreating the same fashion on multiple template is to much of a hassle and especially on heavy, most in-game skins are just bad. 

I only wish for a head toggle or something. 

Because I reeeaaallly want to use glasses/eye patches with outfits. 


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1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I use outfits exclusively. 

Recreating the same fashion on multiple template is to much of a hassle and especially on heavy, most in-game skins are just bad. 

I only wish for a head toggle or something. 

Because I reeeaaallly want to use glasses/eye patches with outfits. 


Like a helmet override slot in the outfit panel, with an additional show/hide tickbox? That would be pretty cool!

Edit: When town clothing was a thing, people used to buy the sunglasses for their town clothing set. It was pretty popular, if I recall.

Edited by Quench.7091
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32 minutes ago, Quench.7091 said:

I don't use outfits much outside of leveling a character or doing a Black Lion key run. I believe that there are ways to encourage people like me to use them more. Outfits can be fun and interesting, but the current system could use some updates.

Assign Outfits to Armor Templates
If a person wants to choose the Grenth outfit for their reaper, let them also assign the witch costume to their Harbinger. Outfits are thematic. Also, make the show/hide toggle settings be armor template specific. (Heck, do that for all show/hide options.)

Outfit Specific Helmet Toggle Option
I like to show my helmet with certain outfits, but hide the helmet of the armor that the outfit masks. Having the show helmet toggle work for both outfit and equipment creates another toggle option I need to fiddle with each time I swap into an outfit, rather than just leaving it sit as is.

Town Clothing Outfit Slot and Toggle Option
Town clothing used to be a thing. If you entered a resting area, such as a city, you would automatically switch into something more casual. If outfits had a tickbox for such a feature, I might actually use it for certain characters. Just make sure that this takes up a different slot in the outfit panel, so that people with combat outfits can use casual outfits in town. If ArenaNet wanted to sell more outfits, they could even have this feature on by default for new accounts and give everyone a free outfit to start with, just like they did with the original town clothing.

Show/Hide Keybinding(s)
Outfits are more like novelty items to me. The novelty keybindings are pretty useful for getting me to utilize novelties. Perhaps I would use outfits more if those also had keybindings? I sometimes find it fun to toggle on my Ironclad Outfit for my scrapper. The problem is that I also like my normal armor and don't feel compelled to work through the Hero Panel to get to the toggle option for it.

I think you may have confused Guild Wars 'town clothing' with Guild Wars 2 Town Clothing.  It never automatically changed when entering or leaving a city/town. 

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