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The problems I encountered when I became Commander.

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As you can see from the picture below, I have been playing the game for a long time.


The problems are that some players and groups in the game cause me to experience many bad events because they do not want us to be Commanders.I encounter a lot of harassment when I open a commander tag for my own group in a meta event or WvW, which I have done maybe 1000 times.In every aspect of the game, I encounter such old players who think they know everything better than anyone else and see us as just a tool for themselves.

Few days ago I said no to the WvW commander's invitation. The reason for this is that I don't like his management and I don't like how he changes maps frequently.Until I opened my own commander tag, I received hundreds of invitations(harassment purposes). Old groups, well known by these players, are harassing me in PVP and PVE.I made the necessary notification to the support team about this issue, but this situation was quite disturbing. I was attacked again because I randomly participated and opened a commander tag in an event where there were supposed to be three commanders.

I have money, I have a commander tag, I know how to play and I will open my commander tag as long as the game allows me. Unlike you, entering my group is free:.I know why this bothers some groups of players.For example, a YouTuber from my country who was new to the game started by purchasing an account from another player.In other words, since getting stronger by playing game causes them to lose money, those who sell game accounts are trying to prevent this.Apart from this, there are people in the game who deserve me, who play in many different guilds with many different accounts, who direct the economy of the game or who see the game as a source of money.I do not use any add-ons or websites other than the wiki related to the game, because they are all dangerous and illegal.Just like the players I rank above, I stay away from such players as much as possible.They still mess with me because I don't behave the way they want.

I'm not a gamer that you can control or that will behave the way you want.I am someone who plays the game for fun and has never had anything to do with such players.As I said, I asked the support team for help on this issue and I will send an e-mail again by uploading a video. However, I advise other players to be careful and block such people.

Think about it. I'm being insulted just because I'm a commander.

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Posted (edited)

A few things that come to my mind when reading this:

1. You playtime isn't even that high, there's many players with 10k+ hours.

2. Playtime doesn't neccessarily correlate with knowledge and player skill. Players can play for thousands of hours and do just fine while still being completely clueless about many things. It's a very casual game after all and 99% of the content doesn't require "getting good". Which is fine, but can become problematic, if players think they know more than they really do, just because they have played for so long.

3. While generally everyone is allowed to tag up whenever and whereever they want, usually commander tags are used for very specific purposes and therefore players often expect certain rules and conventions to be followed. It simply makes coordinating stuff easier and a commander who steps out of the line can be disruptive and potentially makes things more difficult for others during certain events for example. That's why some might be upset.

4. Selling accounts is not allowed and players who sell or buy should not be supported and are also at risk of getting banned. But i don't understand what you mean with "losing money by playing the game to get stronger"? Once someone has purchased an account - regardless from where - spending further money is completely optional.

5. While it is generally a good adivce to be careful on the internet, most GW2 related addons and sites are neither illegal nor dangerous and there is no need to stay away from those potentially very helpful tools (or players that use them).

6. I'm also playing "just for fun" and mostly doing whatever i want without much consideration for what other players want me to do (tho without actively trying to "sabotage" others). And i'm aware that sometimes this might upset others and i'm not surprised to occasionally receive some not so friendly reactions. That being said, it doesn't happen very often (and if it happens it's mostly players that are just salty about losing in WvW, which is simply part of the game mode) and i'm certainly not getting harassed. So i don't think that being an independent mind does inevitably lead to problems.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

Think about it. I'm being insulted just because I'm a commander.

I don't think that's true. I'm sure there is more to it. This doesn't mean players should be harrassing you, mind you. But all you can do about that is report, block and move on. Just don't give them any reaction. Posting on the forums certainly isn't going to help.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

Few days ago I said no to the WvW commander's invitation.

This happens all the time when I invite someone or receive an invitation. I have never seen anyone take an invitation or rejection personally.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

I know how to play and I will open my commander tag as long as the game allows me.

A commander tag is used to perform a special function in various situations. However, if there are already enough tags on the map for this, adding another tag can be seen as trolling. Not addressing the game situation and generally making a tag "as long as the game allows" could be inappropriate depending on the situation.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

I asked the support team for help on this issue

This is the only right way. Harassing or insulting players is unacceptable and not allowed. If you are insulted or harassed, you should immediately report and block these players.


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I kinda understand you. 

I tagged up alot in Openworld /metas. But the constant whining and even harassment got to much at some point. 

It was simply not fun anymore. 

Yes it's only a small % of players. Most being chill and thankfull. 

But still, sometimes it really became way to much. 

I stopped tagging up for now. 

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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

3. While generally everyone is allowed to tag up whenever and whereever they want, usually commander tags are used for very specific purposes and therefore players often expect certain rules and conventions to be followed. It simply makes coordinating stuff easier and a commander who steps out of the line can be disruptive and potentially makes things more difficult for others during certain events for example. That's why some might be upset.

I agree with this.

The commander tag is a portable map marker, used to show players that an event or other activity is happening at that location and a group is getting together to complete it, nothing more. The only reason to turn the tag on is if you're organising a group (or if the person organising it doesn't have a tag, so you're going to be the sign post while they give instructions) and if someone else is already organising a group for the event you're going to do having a duplicate tag is just going to confuse players.

If you're doing a seperate, private activity for just your group you can set the squad to private so no one outside the group will see the tag. Players can also set it so when they're in a squad with a commander they won't see other commander tags so it's easier to know which one to follow. (You can't set that for them, but you could tell them it's an option.)

And yes, if someone is harrasing you then report them. It might also help to block them but it won't hide them on the map (or their commander tag).

Edited by Danikat.8537
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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

As you can see from the picture below, I have been playing the game for a long time.

You've only barely scratched a surface.  My suggestion is to continue keeping a learner's attitude.  Like, you don't know why commanders may change maps frequently?  That's your inexperience speaking.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

I encounter a lot of harassment when I open a commander tag for my own group in a meta event or WvW

So wait, you're having issues in PvE metas too?  Why is this in WvW section of the forum then?  I don't know how to say this more politely, but it sounds like you need to consider following more and learning rather than trying to lead.  Find a commander you like who leads metas and follow them, learn what they do.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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1 minute ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Why is this in WvW section of the forum then?

The topic was created in the general section (where it belongs) and then moved here, so a mod is to be blamed for that.

I agree with the rest of your posts.


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6 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

Few days ago I said no to the WvW commander's invitation. The reason for this is that I don't like his management and I don't like how he changes maps frequently.Until I opened my own commander tag, I received hundreds of invitations(harassment purposes).

I highly doubt it was “hundreds” and it’s not “harassment” it’s a common way for commanders to invite randoms around them. Sometimes annoying perhaps but you know you could also just… join and ignore him anyway.  If you’re solo it’s really quite irrelevant. Meta groups doesn’t do this anyway since they will demand voice, just small pugs.

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2 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

The topic was created in the general section (where it belongs) and then moved here, so a mod is to be blamed for that.

I agree with the rest of your posts.


The website really should have a feature that adds a comment to the post when a thread is moved to another section since it can often impact the intent. Good catch and +1. 

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8 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

As you can see from the picture below, I have been playing the game for a long time.


The problems are that some players and groups in the game cause me to experience many bad events because they do not want us to be Commanders.I encounter a lot of harassment when I open a commander tag for my own group in a meta event or WvW, which I have done maybe 1000 times.In every aspect of the game, I encounter such old players who think they know everything better than anyone else and see us as just a tool for themselves.

Few days ago I said no to the WvW commander's invitation. The reason for this is that I don't like his management and I don't like how he changes maps frequently.Until I opened my own commander tag, I received hundreds of invitations(harassment purposes). Old groups, well known by these players, are harassing me in PVP and PVE.I made the necessary notification to the support team about this issue, but this situation was quite disturbing. I was attacked again because I randomly participated and opened a commander tag in an event where there were supposed to be three commanders.

I have money, I have a commander tag, I know how to play and I will open my commander tag as long as the game allows me. Unlike you, entering my group is free:.I know why this bothers some groups of players.For example, a YouTuber from my country who was new to the game started by purchasing an account from another player.In other words, since getting stronger by playing game causes them to lose money, those who sell game accounts are trying to prevent this.Apart from this, there are people in the game who deserve me, who play in many different guilds with many different accounts, who direct the economy of the game or who see the game as a source of money.I do not use any add-ons or websites other than the wiki related to the game, because they are all dangerous and illegal.Just like the players I rank above, I stay away from such players as much as possible.They still mess with me because I don't behave the way they want.

I'm not a gamer that you can control or that will behave the way you want.I am someone who plays the game for fun and has never had anything to do with such players.As I said, I asked the support team for help on this issue and I will send an e-mail again by uploading a video. However, I advise other players to be careful and block such people.

Think about it. I'm being insulted just because I'm a commander.

Will refrain from comment for now, but there is a lot of issues in your post that I would disagree with but since this started in general....

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17 minutes ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

I have been playing for 21,837 hours and 2 minutes, I have a catmander tag, doesn't mean I know how to command.

And the game is absolutely enormous. You could be a phenomenal tag for PvE metas and be completely lost in WvW. And the other way around, I'm pretty sure a couple of my favorite commanders would struggle trying to run Triple Threat, Soo Won, etc since they pretty much play WvW exclusively.

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In terms of WvW  when being sent invites to squads from other commanders often times it is to get either a better idea of the total amount of supply the squad has on hand, to better spread boon application between balanced parties, but it can also just be a tag seeing someone running solo or nearby and just seeing if they want to join up to help take bigger objectives.  There may be times invites may be spammed but the best thing I can recommend then is if you have a commander tag, just tag up and set it to private so you don't get spammed with the invites. Overall tags are more about getting people grouped up together to take on events or to coordinate ways to fight opponents or to do more intensive events that may require multiple players to complete them.

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On 5/23/2024 at 5:56 AM, Zyreva.1078 said:

Players can play for thousands of hours and do just fine while still being completely clueless about many things.

Case in point:  I started playing as soon as I was able to get logged in for the 2-day prelaunch event. I bought a commander tag way back when they were character-bound at 100g a piece, and ran some fairly large groups for guild and world events, and occasionally in WvW. Then with thousands of hours of playtime logged, I took a break of many years.

When I returned, all of that stuff is still in play, but outside of temporarily marking a target (e.g. "boss X is up at my tag") I won't pop it now because I know there's a huge amount of stuff that I don't know. OP,  Honestly this kinda seems like a You problem.

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Posted (edited)

Hmm, pve does have some weird folk that like to "mark" their territory. Like once in the Marionette someone asked my guildie that was tagged to move aside because it was "their lane". We kinda laughed it off and forgot who they were surely.

In WvW it's a bit more rough because of entitled twerps that think tags owe them something, but it's up to them to decide if they want to follow or not.

The only exception is if you're like tagging over someone to the point it causes confusion, in which case you really just have to be mindful and read the room. Probably a little less ranting too. Like, not everyone is out to get you.

But really, I am glad you reached the conclusion at the end, but we could have used less of the tl;dr:


On 5/23/2024 at 1:43 AM, eriniy.8607 said:

However, I advise other players to be careful and block such people.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I don't know why this is on the WvW section.

On the topic, more than having a problem being a commander, you got harassed by some ppl and that should be resolved via support i guess.

Talking about pinning in WvW, 1.4k hours is pretty much nothing for a lot of ppl playing the game mode, and a lot of veterans get fed up when new commanders show up thinking they know better than them. Some cases are when you are on a fight server and a new commander shows up trying to back cap empty stuff, ppl on that server prolly won't like that, not that is an excuse for ppl to harass tho.

Like Chaba said, keep a better "I'm learning" attitude and you will get good results in general. I have 13k+ hours in the game and prolly 90% of that was spent in WvW. There is a lot of ppl like that in the game mode that are willing to help with knowledge, as long as the other side wants to take it.

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On 5/23/2024 at 3:43 AM, eriniy.8607 said:

As you can see from the picture below, I have been playing the game for a long time.


The problems are that some players and groups in the game cause me to experience many bad events because they do not want us to be Commanders.I encounter a lot of harassment when I open a commander tag for my own group in a meta event or WvW, which I have done maybe 1000 times.In every aspect of the game, I encounter such old players who think they know everything better than anyone else and see us as just a tool for themselves.

Few days ago I said no to the WvW commander's invitation. The reason for this is that I don't like his management and I don't like how he changes maps frequently.Until I opened my own commander tag, I received hundreds of invitations(harassment purposes). Old groups, well known by these players, are harassing me in PVP and PVE.I made the necessary notification to the support team about this issue, but this situation was quite disturbing. I was attacked again because I randomly participated and opened a commander tag in an event where there were supposed to be three commanders.

I have money, I have a commander tag, I know how to play and I will open my commander tag as long as the game allows me. Unlike you, entering my group is free:.I know why this bothers some groups of players.For example, a YouTuber from my country who was new to the game started by purchasing an account from another player.In other words, since getting stronger by playing game causes them to lose money, those who sell game accounts are trying to prevent this.Apart from this, there are people in the game who deserve me, who play in many different guilds with many different accounts, who direct the economy of the game or who see the game as a source of money.I do not use any add-ons or websites other than the wiki related to the game, because they are all dangerous and illegal.Just like the players I rank above, I stay away from such players as much as possible.They still mess with me because I don't behave the way they want.

I'm not a gamer that you can control or that will behave the way you want.I am someone who plays the game for fun and has never had anything to do with such players.As I said, I asked the support team for help on this issue and I will send an e-mail again by uploading a video. However, I advise other players to be careful and block such people.

Think about it. I'm being insulted just because I'm a commander.

kitten you got me crying right now. I'm over 10k hours

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8 hours ago, jul.7602 said:

kitten you got me crying right now. I'm over 10k hours

Jul, I agree, but remember this was a moved post from general per Zyreva so that impacts it. I think moving it wasn't the best idea.

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On 5/23/2024 at 10:43 AM, eriniy.8607 said:

I encounter a lot of harassment when I open a commander tag for my own group in a meta event or WvW

I'm playing for about ~ 10.000 hours now, tagged many meta events, pug strikes, pug raids and so on besides my own raid static and never ever have I encountered any harassment as commander. 

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On 5/23/2024 at 10:43 AM, eriniy.8607 said:

Few days ago I said no to the WvW commander's invitation. The reason for this is that I don't like his management and I don't like how he changes maps frequently.Until I opened my own commander tag, I received hundreds of invitations(harassment purposes).

I suppose people explained extensively why just tagging up might not always be appropriate, so late me just add this.

I’m almost 100% certain you are misjudging this situation. The reason you keep getting invited in WvW is because the commander doesn’t keep track of who declines the invitation. They simply invite every player that isn’t in the squad every time they see them.

And given how poorly you misjudged this piece of the puzzle I’m not sure what to make of the rest. You seem a somewhat unreliable source of what actually happened.

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2 hours ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

It might not even be the commander inviting, but a lieutenant or maybe both or several lieutenants. 


Not sure why this got moved to WvW though.

^^^^ This in both points. 

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It feels like op is ppt tag in ebg and did it and people sent some spicy things to him. Fun fact biggest problem with majority of pugmanders is they dont try to improve the pugs they play with or coordinate like typmanding. Instead tag  and expect everything to go perfect if not blame others, or pugmanders that decide to ppt on ebg and avoid fights and are confused why people are sending them messages

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