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Posted (edited)

REFRESH SIEGE by jumping in it. This resets the timer until it will despawn. 

You can check the timer of siege from a distance by targeting it and hovering over its icon. Takes but 1 second as you run past to just jump in and out, and bam...there is another 59min on that treb defending your keep!


Get yourself a WvW Permanent Portable Provisioner and use that for buying food, siege etc on the run through wvw currency. Use your chest to get the currency (much cheaper than cans of food or trying for random siege. you can just choose what you need and is cheaper!)

Edited by Santo.2419
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Posted (edited)

Siege blueprints activate on crit sigils (and God knows what else). Therefore if you're fighting a large group with reflects and all you have are projectile weapons, you may try throwing blueprints at them instead. It is actually kinda hard to hit people with it though. It will probably not do anything but show your defiance though.

Dismounting counts as a weapon swap and triggers on swap sigils.

Killing yaks does not have any minimum damage requirements, you hit with anything to tag including mount spear.

Sharing boons also gives some chance of extra tags if your party mates hit something.

Guild Shield gens are really cheap (1.1 silver) and in fact cheaper than their inferior counterparts. Not even badges is a good excuse, as you could buy regular catas with badges and sell them for 6s each and then buy the shield gens.

When a Siege golem explodes, the explosion hurts enemies  a lot. Just keep this in mind.

Master Cannons only take 10 supply to build.

Jumping causes some ranged attacks and ground target aoes  to take some weird trajectories. One fun tactic is to hide behind a wall or pillar, and then attack by jumping out from behind the pillar and then going back in.

This can also be used on top of a wall. Jump on the edge with a ground target attack and let go when it turns green, then end your jump away from the wall. This makes it much harder to get pulled off a wall. Was also a very effective way of using disablers until that got nuked.

If you are in a group, pretending to fall behind on a tankier/more mobile spec is a good way to bait  people into trying to kill you A lot of gankers are actually very predictable.  But likewise, the enemy could do this to you too so don't chase too deep.

If people are ganking the entrance to your keep with annoying builds. , build 2 ballistas. Don't question it

Allied yaks can capture sentries, however you will not get credit even if you killed the guard.. Stupid yak.

Remember you don't have to listen to annoying people in team chat. Just uncheck it and they don't exist anymore.

Also use Dynamic HUD to hide clutter during combat. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Dynamic_HUD I hide chat and chests during combat.

Chests you do not open just overflow into your inventory at some point. I personally just ignore them until that happens.

If you're running out of space and can't be arsed to manage your inventory, just mail some of the more worthless items to a friend. Ideally this friend is on vacation or something so you do this more, before they get annoyed and return to sender. But hey, at least it's not in your inventory.

There are some groups of players that seem to obsessively suicide into siege-- even if it's in the middle of nowhere. These tend to be very PPT heavy groups and can be mercilessly exploited. In one case I build a random walmart catapult in front of the steps to hills. So a group of 5 came by and 2 of them went to attack the catapult, while the other 3 set up siege at the cata wall. This bizzare split up ended exactly as you'd expect and they all end up getting picked off.  So it sometimes doesn't hurt to try.

This can also be abused when doing a fake attack on a tower. When they come at you, simply have everyone back off the siege, and drop all ranged aoes or refleects as they approach the siege. A lot of them will think they "won" by destroying your siege, but little did they know you just wanted their bags. Be warned that a lot of B/C tier fight guilds often employ this tactic!

Oh and finally, there are other maps than Eternal Battlegrounds. Seriously.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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21 hours ago, Tula.6021 said:

I thought that goes for every claim circle. As long as at least one is actively claiming it, the warclaw riders get it too. I know it works in camps too since I mount up there every now and then when I see allies rushing towards single me.

No in that case you're getting credit for having killed the guards, which would happen on or off your mount, in or out of the circle. The sentry is the only one you can just run up to on your mount when the circle is already up, never dismount and still get credit . . .

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6 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

No in that case you're getting credit for having killed the guards, which would happen on or off your mount, in or out of the circle. The sentry is the only one you can just run up to on your mount when the circle is already up, never dismount and still get credit . . .

Nope, definitely works with camps and towers too.

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You don't always have to counter siege from within a tower/keep. Sometimes its better to quickly build a ballista behind  or within a zerg's blind spot to take down their stuff.

If need to know if an objective has ewp you can just right-click the objective icon in map/minimap to see it's tactics and cool downs. Can be faster than asking others to check.

If a zerg is on a tower lord and still want to defend but you're not built to engage them, having arrow carts on unconventional spots can help (like on the ground floor instead of the wall). Just be sure to aim at the choke point to help suppress anyone trying to prevent your group from getting to lord. Similar thing applies to bay keep except you should build behind the center gate since they have line of sight to lord.

If you're trying to hunt a thief/mes hiding in a tower/keep, less is more. The trick to sniffing them out is to pretend that you don't notice them and the less people actively searching and randomly casting skills the easier. Then when they have a false sense of safety, sneak to them and throw a painter. Don't use traps, its a dead giveaway.

Also play it smart and don't bunch up trying to chase, treat it like soccer and spread out so everywhere they try to escape is a risk of getting damaged and/or cc'd. Plus it puts more pressure on them to burn all their skills.

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On 7/3/2024 at 11:32 AM, misterman.1530 said:


Will add:

5. Healing Mist and Autoturrets are a terrible tactics. Quit slotting them.

Hardened Gates is almost a useless tactic to slot. Read it's description. Reduces damage from nonsiege weapons. Meaning just player damage to gates is reduced. 

Hardened Siege and Armored Yaks are also useless tactics.

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On 7/4/2024 at 2:52 AM, Tula.6021 said:

Unfortunately I'm spending my guild's tactics everyday on several objectives on several maps. I get the feeling people don't do that anymore because "someone else will do". Like with tapping siege.

Partly, I hardly put tactivators in our guild claims anymore, but stuff flips so often and easy now there's no point to put in tactivators. If by some miracle the objective is held for an hour then it really only needs 3mins to insert tactivators anyways.

I've seen more empty tactivator objectives ever since the defense changes. 🤷‍♂️

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You have an option in chat to see from which map the poster wrote from. And if there is a massive queue on EBG and someone from EBG is calling help for home Garrison, it just might be a trick to get you out of the map.

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Posted (edited)

Honestly I just block bad scouts as well as that sort of behavior

In general though people that try to sneak into EB in that manner aren't very smart. Usually scout reports take some kind of progression, like they're on outer 80%, they're on inner 60%, etc, and of course if the map is barely taken the enemy usually doesn't try to ninja garri like that, and also usually these reports are often confirmed by multiple people. In the past I could have filtered out all the bad scouts as well as the reliable one though with WR that's been reset a bit.

So basically if there's an EWP pull out of the blue with minimal/no info, I don't take it unless I'm really bored.

And of course if they're actually  on Lord anyways, well bye Garrison.

But then again, I usually don't care about staying on EBG for long.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 7/3/2024 at 1:42 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Being on the warclaw does not give you credit for ring captures.


1) being on a warclaw within a capture ring does not progress ring captures, but is good etiquette to allow allies into the circle when they're very near (such as zergs), so they also get credit.

2) being on a warclaw in the ring the moment it is captured by allies gives you credit for the capture event, and also refreshes your participation. 

3) if you leave the ring before it is captured, without killing a guard, you will not receive credit for capture.

4) if you killed a guard, you don't need to be in the ring when it is captured. You will still receive credit if you're on the map.

I experience this every day I play WvW

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On 7/3/2024 at 12:41 PM, misterman.1530 said:


  1. You can right-click the chests that appear just above your mini-map. It will open the chest and put the items into your inventory without the window popping up in the middle of your screen.



and now I know

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On 7/3/2024 at 1:05 PM, Gop.8713 said:

4) Dying doesn't cost anything, the wp is free. Go ahead and try that fight, even if you don't have the 5v1 advantage. You might even like it ; )

Side note: does benefit enemy if you die with skirmish points (unless you have the Outnumbered buff), WXP, and participation timer reset (full 10min).

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6 hours ago, igmolicious.5986 said:

Side note: does benefit enemy if you die with skirmish points (unless you have the Outnumbered buff), WXP, and participation timer reset (full 10min).

All of which are benefits without cost. It's the mythical free lunch! A Christmas miracle ! ! !

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Posted (edited)

A guild can have only one claim on an objective per map.  This limit is map-wide and not per team.  This means if one of your guild mates on an opposing team claimed an objective for your guild, you can remove that claim and mess up the opposing team's use of any tactics in it by claiming something else for your guild.  Happy Match Manipulating!

Edited by Chaba.5410
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On 7/3/2024 at 8:42 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

You can teleport through certain floors, you can target areas such as undersides of bridges or walkways or rooftops to port up onto it. Garrison lord room for instance, smc second and third floors for instance, the rooftops of the walls at the sw/se alpine camps. The same goes for aoes.

Added emphasis. Freecasting from below is underrated

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On 7/3/2024 at 10:19 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:
  • Mounts make terrible gliders

I don't know how many times i jumped out of Fire on my mount towards Boetiger on red border this last weeks and my brain realise half way down,  kitten i am going to die, SPLAT.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/5/2024 at 7:18 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

I've seen more empty tactivator objectives ever since the defense changes

Yeah me too and the reconstruction may add to that.

Logged in today and our home border was all our color incl. t3 keep and bay and no tactics anywhere, not even a single camp had a claim tag and northcamp was t3 too. Unbelieveable.

I need pve guilds to claim things -.-
If somoene offers some, invite me. 😄 I only need claim rights. The guild should offer +5 to the object though.

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5 hours ago, Tula.6021 said:

Yeah me too and the reconstruction may add to that.

Logged in today and our home border was all our color incl. t3 keep and bay and no tactics anywhere, not even a single camp had a claim tag and northcamp was t3 too. Unbelieveable.

I need pve guilds to claim things -.-
If somoene offers some, invite me. 😄 I only need claim rights. The guild should offer +5 to the object though.

🙂 Its kind of like open tags, some people need to be asked before they join versus just joining. Claims are like that at times. You need to ask some people to claim. I find the best luck in asking people to claim things is after saying guild scribe and can upgrade after it ranks up so just claims are needed. That seems to get more people up for claiming. 

The number of players that don't understand that anyone can add tactics to an objective that is claimed is another of those, what do you mean, moments I see a lot. 

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On 7/5/2024 at 11:18 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Partly, I hardly put tactivators in our guild claims anymore, but stuff flips so often and easy now there's no point to put in tactivators. If by some miracle the objective is held for an hour then it really only needs 3mins to insert tactivators anyways.

I've seen more empty tactivator objectives ever since the defense changes. 🤷‍♂️

Because Anet has succeeded in making defense pointless.

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On 8/5/2024 at 10:42 PM, Tula.6021 said:

Yeah me too and the reconstruction may add to that.

Logged in today and our home border was all our color incl. t3 keep and bay and no tactics anywhere, not even a single camp had a claim tag and northcamp was t3 too. Unbelieveable.

I need pve guilds to claim things -.-
If somoene offers some, invite me. 😄 I only need claim rights. The guild should offer +5 to the object though.

I have noticed the same (Yohlon Haven). Something that has been captured for over an hour, is claimed, tactics can be placed, zero tactics, not even sabotage depot.

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