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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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@SugarCayne.3098 said:

@SugarCayne.3098 said:Sorry this is terrible. You are catering to guilds and ignoring your larger playerbase.

This is not a smart business model.

You do realize you're playing a game called
Guild Wars 2
, not
I play alone but still want to play with specific people wars 2

You do know the lore behind the name, right? It’s not what you think.

If you knew the lore, then you would know that the last guild war ended in in gw1 before the searing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Asuhrion.9738 said:what was the name of that shooter, announced over a decade, though never released ?

I think it was called wvw alliances. Though it could have been Duke Nukem Forever, Half-Life ep3 or any of dozens of other projects. It's just the nature of things. Some things get planned and never pan out. It happens. I'm not sure we can say that it has happened here yet though . . .

But as long as we're talking about it, what happened with those skyscale rift cheeves . . ?

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  • 1 month later...

@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:Hello everyone!

During our Live Event today, we dropped some hints about our future plans for the competitive game modes. We wanted to go into a bit more detail here. This list is not all-inclusive, but has some of the bigger things that are currently on our list. Please keep in mind, this list is not carved in stone. Many of these plans could be changed dramatically or outright cancelled depending on changing priorities.

World Vs. World

Scaling Objective Rewards

We’re looking to add some additional rewards to WvW. One of the big ways we’re looking into doing this is added rewards for capturing and defending objectives that scale up based on how big the action was. For example successfully capturing a keep that was defended by 50 players should be a lot more rewarding than capturing a keep that was completely undefended.

World Restructuring

World restructuring, commonly referred to as the Alliance system, remains our top priority for WvW. We’re not going into details on this post, since a lot of detail has been released previously. We are still not in a place where we feel comfortable releasing a target date, but we are still working on it.

There remain big issues in WvW there are not addressed by World Restructuring. The biggest one is finding a means to make winning mean something in WvW without motivating players to burn themselves out trying to maintain 24/7 coverage. We have some early designs built around this and will be investigating them once World Restructuring is finished so it is a bit too early for us to go into details around the ideas, but we’re thinking about them.

Insert "I't something" meme here.source

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  • 2 weeks later...

An array of alpine borderland maps, each server has a map, and anyone could go to any other servers map within player caps as an invader, can only transfer to smaller servers within a ~10-20 margin to balance out population, as an invader you could use either of the 2 invader way points as you have invuln at spawn, but to help against other invaders camping spawns "unless there was only invader/defender factions".would be no use of server links, rankings are already useless, and many options to find where you want to zerg/roam/duel/fly kites/dailys.could throw in the same number of ebg's as all the servers have now, or a couple less, so it's always poping with action, any guild could go take the stuff they want, or are capable of holding.

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Just remove team based on world server, make 3 major order alliances (not real guilds, npc guilds)

Exemples:Order of Whispers(Red) / vigil (Blue) / Durmand Priory(Green) ;

Player will choose one to follow ( make a reset option with a timegate of 1 week);

Give rewards based on player order (give different legendary gifts/skins/weapons so players will play on all teams);

Make a mega server map to WvW like in PvE, where players of all servers can enter

Make 1 to X(on demand) parallel maps, let players use join in map party option, so they can try to enter with their friends if the map is not full;

Make a cap limit on maps:450 players per map/150 for each team, if some team reach the maximum number of players they will be teleported to another map;

Auto balance the maps when outnumbered reach a limit of 50% more players after 100 players on the map

Exemples:map 1: blue team has 45 players/ green 30 / red 40when a new blue player try to enter the map he will be teleported to map 2 since green is outnumbered;

green and red new players will be teleported to map 1 until they lose the outnumbered buff

Give stats buffs to outnumbered players

Based on how many enemies players are around them (3000 radious not the full map) : 20% damage reduction + 20% damage

Make sieges more worth and fun to play

Remove the items for siege building they are annoying on the inventory, make them skills based on your mastery, give us a new skill shortcut to build things;

if player put points on building they should be able to build better balistas/rams/etc...

Don't let players atk from walls or from the ground, force them use sieges to atk from walls or hit players on the walls

Make sieges like balistas and arrows carts cost 80% less supplies to build, so players can build at one time and fight each other with them;Make sieges like balista and arrows carts do more damage;

Make Caravans worth protection

Give us a option to caravan follow us so we can carry more supplies, if the caravan dies the players around it lose all the supplies, so we will have a new game play of saboteurs and guards

Make a option to call help from Mist Champions to atk buildings

Even stronghold spvp has mercenaries

Give us a option to call legendary mercenaries after the team give enough supplies to them and help us take buildings

Give better rewards based on what the player have taken

Sentry 1 pipCamp 2 pipsTowers 3 pipsKeep 4 pipsCastle 5 pips

5-10 player kills 1 pip

Give more Grandmark shards per chest

Let us make at least one piece of ascended per week, so you can complete a ascended gear in 1 month and a half like in pve;

Give 5 grandmark shards per chest as a final reward

Give buffs at pve to orders that win, so pve players will join WvW

They must participate and get at least a chest to get the buff

+100 to all stats at PvE+20 magic find/exp

maps will be full anytime of the day, will give better rewards and worth playingprofit

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@X T D.6458 said:

@X T D.6458 said:Wow anet... just wow... You just greenlighted this pathetic Battlegroups concept. I am beyond disappointed and shocked. You just made WvW completely meaningless. I wonder how long it will take until everyone is running around in an EoTM style ktrain.

I no longer as a player can control what server I get to play and stay on, who I get to play with, when I get to play, how long I can play. I am now going to be "evaluated" to see if I am worthy enough? What kind of ridiculous nonsense is this? How in the world are you expecting to improve WvW like this? This is not even WvW anymore, this is randoms vs randoms.

How will people communicate when everyone like this? Is every group supposed to be in a different comm? This will lead to a total break down in communication, coordination and teamwork of any kind.

I cant believe you are doing this anet, I am just shocked...

If you don't want to be randomly assigned to a world then Join a guild and don't be a BG random.

I am in a guild. When did joining a guild become a requirement for playing in wvw with other people? Why should any guild, or group of guilds determine who is going to be able to play on their server?

Why not?

It's not like games don't have requirements. This could be a way to make Guild actually mean something from the technical point of view.

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  • 4 months later...

Here are the other two ‘updates’

@Strider Pj.2193 said:

Did you intend to put 2 different links? Or mistakenly pasted two times?

Good catch. I meant two different links.

The second one (which is update 1) is this:

And the second update was this:

laughs uncontrollably

I can’t remember how long it’s been since we’ve gotten news. I’m thinking several months.

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Next scheduled news update is at the two year anniversary of the original announcement on January 31st, 2020. You are, kindly asked, to, please refrain, from inquiring, each week, in between, each scheduled, news cycle, as unfortunately, you will not, be able, to receive, a, direct, response.

Re-Links are also scheduled for Jan 31st, 2020, please keep this in mind all day on that day, or you may miss the scheduled posting of the Re-Link thread of the Re-Linked servers. Also please hold all heated compliments for the new Re-Link matches until the end of the Re-Link reset period, so that your feedback is properly funneled into the appropriate avenues of Re-Cycling.

Thank you, and see you next time on the 31st, of 2050.

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actually, after reading the text, it sounds really good. prevents excessive bandwagoning, should even the populations, guilds still can stay alive and together.

maybe one addition: do something, anything, with EotM.

and guys, don't expect it immediately, since the current relink on the end of JAN means we'll see it earliest on apri, likely some time in summer. heck, it's communication from their side and provides something like a plan. just hope the best.

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:actually, after reading the text, it sounds really good. prevents excessive bandwagoning, should even the populations, guilds still can stay alive and together.

maybe one addition: do something, anything, with EotM.

and guys, don't expect it immediately, since the current relink on the end of JAN means we'll see it earliest on apri, likely some time in summer. heck, it's communication from their side and provides something like a plan. just hope the best.Yes, welcome to the current year of 2018. We hope it happens sometime in the summer.

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lmfao i just realized.. why did they still let this be a sticky after 2 years.. heck anet. or more, how on earth wasn't this just done when there's a freaking finished concept on the freaking table?? cannot be that hard, can it.

@ grimmcould u specify what u are talking about? i know neither who Ye is nor which message u mean.

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:lmfao i just realized.. why did they still let this be a sticky after 2 years.. heck anet. or more, how on earth wasn't this just done when there's a freaking finished concept on the freaking table?? cannot be that hard, can it.

@ grimmcould u specify what u are talking about? i know neither who Ye is nor which message u mean.

Sorry I was picking on the thread. "Abandon hope all ye who enter here".

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ah gotcha thaha@ vahndude, the current system is probably the worst possible. in many matters... i acutally thought they don't progress alliances bc they don't know how, but this here looks like they'd pretty much have it finished or at least planned to to last detail. but since no info from anet side, we will likely never know.

and all they currently reform seems to be the battles... the thing nobody ever really asked for initially. with many of the people currently around in wvw u cannot fight anything anyways. either some vets or pvp'ers carry or nothing at all happens.

some of the top servers have mainly roamergroups on constantly that do 24/7 ganking and small-ppt to farm points. then you have people who just run and die instead of making a stand in situations, where it would easily be a good fight ... if they'd fight.

had it happen that we got 8 attackers in front of the keep, and a similar of our people is inside the keep; 3 people incl me try to push, two times, get ganked, then finally the rest moves too. not even half of the 10 joined the tag, who pushed both times with us. but the communication is that bad atm, that no one tells if they don't wanna fight or if they want to/ don't want to push. people just let you die and run or attack randomly - or attack not at all, randomly.

so about these issues, with non-serious players, the current "800+ changes on classes" have no effect at all. if we get lucky, they take steam out of all the trashy dps-stun-bunker-run-zombie classes. i won't dare to hope too much tho.

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@"Baldrick.8967" said:someone blew the dust off this thread..just let it die a death already.

I think it's a good thing for this relic to go on reminding people. Wish I could find the post claiming WvW would be "Priority one after HoT is stable."Living story team has given the rest of the game a bait-and-switch for a long time now.

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