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How many accounts do you have?

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I got this many through closeouts and bargains and some were bought for me. I don't play on most of them. Just log in to get the daily chest. (it is about 420 passive labor free gold a month)But I payed for 2 full through the gw2 website. (second was the 50 dollar combo) This is my main...just not my PVP main

If this is violation of terms....i'll see you guys later lol.

Edit: I am just a student. School, workout and freetime..sorry lol

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Got 2 at start as had ordered the digital just to discover that the physical set was available in our country. Only ever really play 1 as would be to confused with more but can see the benefits of it. Gave the second account to a friend that why only say 1 account. Have 43 character slots chuckle Take my hats off to people who can operate more than one account and not make mistakes.

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yeah, no multiple accounts for me. if I want new chars I just get char slots. plus, you'd have to redo all your masteries again, and all that. there's only one mastery challenge I wish I could redo, and that's the chef one in PoF

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@Xbon.9086 said:yeah, no multiple accounts for me. if I want new chars I just get char slots. plus, you'd have to redo all your masteries again, and all that. there's only one mastery challenge I wish I could redo, and that's the chef one in PoF

Chuckle - and that one mastery I run away from. Can see how people would enjoy the chef as an adventure.

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Three. I started with one at launch (well, first beta weekend actually) and then about a month in I decided that by far the cheapest way to have all the characters I wanted, all the bank space and the conveninece of being able to swap things between characters by mail would be to get a second. That worked brilliantly for about three years. Not only did I have oodles of inventory and vault space and enough character slots to mnake all the classes but I also had three guilds with the extended vault space. My wife did the same so between us we had four accounts.

Then around the time of HoT there was a half price sale on the basic account and we both bought one more account, for much the same reasons - more inventory, more character slots. As time has gone one there have been a few drawbacks - the increased focus on account-locked content being the main one - but all in all it remains a good set-up. It certainly brings in a steady flow of gold from the log in dailies and it's been enjoyable to play WvW on multiple servers (not for spying, just to have the option of opting out of a dull match or into an exciting one).

I also keep my three accounts separate in terms of Expansions. I have one with HoT and PoF, one with HoT and one with just the Base game. This allows for a variety of dailies and the game does play differently according to what you have enabled (particularly whether you have gliders or mounts or both or neither). It helps keep things interesting and I play all three accounts every day, although often only to do dailies on two of them.

I also have a free account, which I made to see what the experience of F2P was like, but I haven't played it much.

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Given this specific game

  • 64 characters cap
  • Achievements & related stuff
  • Account bound stuff as Armor, Weapons, Skins, Minis, Mounts, Professions, Etc...
  • Expansions ( which have a cost )

There's no reason for anybody to have more than 1 account, unless

  • You want to optimize your crafting because of TP trade ( multiwars + XX account crafting/refining instead than 1x. That's because they decided to add a crafting time in order to provvide a time sink, but since they are ok with multiaccount with multicraft, which is not considered an exploit, i guess there's no problem at all )
  • Multi login rewards ( buy more accounts and do the daily login with every single one. This will provvide around 60g per month. Because weekly chests stacks till 7, you can probably use a program which log all your accounts without claiming any reward, then claim all of them the seventh day ).
  • SPvP smurf or Match manipulator ( you will obviously need hide your IP ).

I currently have a main and 2alts for daily login.

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I have 2, my main one and a free one I got to check out the restrictions on free accounts. I don't play it very often but I do log in occasionally, mainly to unlock the story releases in case I ever decide to upgrade it.

@Crab Fear.1624 said:I got this many through closeouts and bargains and some were bought for me. I don't play on most of them. Just log in to get the daily chest. (it is about 420 passive labor free gold a month)But I payed for 2 full through the gw2 website. (second was the 50 dollar combo) This is my main...just not my PVP main

If this is violation of terms....i'll see you guys later lol.

Edit: I am just a student. School, workout and freetime..sorry lol

There's no rule against having more than 1 account. You can only play one at a time - if you're controlling 2 characters on 2 different accounts at the same time that's botting and can get you banned. But you can own as many as you like and even log into them at the same time (using different computers or virtual machines).

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Two because I took a hiatus in 2013 and when I came back I thought I lost my first account so I bought the game again... Then I managed to recover the old account thanks to support. First I thought buying a second account was a silly idea but now I'm glad because I like the extra login rewards and occasional free stuff (especially Keys) in the Gem Store. :D

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I don't see the point of having more than one, which is what I have. I love creating new characters, however prefer to buy new character slots for this rather then making them on another account, since I wouldn't have all necessities like toks, unlocked clothes and dyes, masteries, mounts, etc on that account.

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I only use one. The other two were acquired as proof accounts to convince my friends to play with me when the game wasn't "Play for Free". Most of my friends didn't had the patience to even try it (Some live the adulting to much, the others prefer less social things). I have success with a couple, but they buyed HoT and began with their own accounts from then on. So now I have 2 old, no-expansion accounts, without use.

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@Paralux.6714 said:I don't see the point of having more than one, which is what I have.

People use multiple accounts for daily login rewards, time-gated crafting, gem store freebies, events such as the Halloween JP for the annual one-time cobs and lunar new year for envelopes, and so on. They provide a means to gather wealth without having to put as much effort as someone would to grind gold.

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People use multiple accounts for daily login rewards, time-gated crafting, gem store freebies, events such as the Halloween JP for the annual one-time cobs and lunar new year for envelopes, and so on. They provide a means to gather wealth without having to put as much effort as someone would to grind gold.

Am I missing something? Aren't the chest rewards it all non-transferable stuff? And to make time-gated mats you need account-bound mats, so you can't just transfer goods from one account to the other to make the time-gated items with. I don't get how this works.

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