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Griefing - A returning player is leaving again

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Suggestions I have for improvement for GW2, as a previous fanatic / ex-player from the 2011-2013 era. A player that might honestly be leaving for good. This might be extremely useful for brainstorming future improvements/development at the Anet HQ:

Why I left: by accident. My thesis semester was so intense, followed by my post degree job hunt, that I forgot about video games at all.

Here is the meat:

1) Stop expanding the maps with each patch! Please! Currently most low level maps have a lack of players as it is. They need more reason for end-gamers to revisit and party with new gw2 players. Currently the incentive to buy HOT and POF is already there, and finding a map with players shouldn't be one of them.

2) Edge of the Mist needs rework! It's basic functionality is broken. Without any players playing on the map, the map doesn't function; and currently that is the issue. Apparently this has been an issue since regular WvW got bonuses and EoM didn't. EoM was one of the most fun pvp experiences I've ever had across any games I've ever played. Its extremely easy to join for any players, playing on any characters. It immediately brings the chaos and technique of large scale battles to the forefront with little training or research necessary. I am extremely sad this unique part of GW2 (a core differentiation from other MMO's) has basically become obsolete.
...Oh and I forgot to mention it was the most fun and easiest way to quickly level up new characters to lvl 80 for end game content.

3) Almost all the dungeons are forgotten these days. Waiting for hours or days to find a party to run a dungeon makes the dungeon even more impossible to experience if you are a new player, ESPECIALLY if the player needs to run the story line ark.Why not had daily dungeon crawls? Rotate between each dungeon from one day to the next. The gold rewards from these dailies would offset the punitive silver rewards that are provided these days. The basic rewards have been significantly lowered; the armor is no longer high-end...... but the story lines are still amazing and relevant to the main story line. Plus the art is amazing!!!The dungeons weren't designed to be solo'd, so a fix for new players should be a focal point..

4) Fractals... I've witnessed some whining that fractals are confusing and should be eliminated... They are and always have been an awesome and extremely unique aspect of GW2 (another core differentiation from other MMO's)! GW2 and GW have always been a flagship for successfully UNIQUE MMO. Please don't eliminate it because WOW'ers can grasp raids but can't grasp fractals. Plus they show of GW2 art!

5) Raids are generic. Seriously... The reason i never got into EVE Online or WOW are because of these ever present 'end-level' mechanisms... sigh... In my opinion they are challenges that take so much individual homework and preparation that they take away the fun of playing the video game.I play games to be immersed in a new world (again why i love the dungeons when i can run them) and leave my work-life behind. ... But i know for some odd reason there are a large number of players that love Raids. ... So maybe create a hybrid system to allow casual players that want to experience the raids (or help in raid runs) without actually having to prepare any [like how EoM used to be]. Just a idea!

6) Graphics... While my main guild apparently is full of players playing on low end pc's (and cpu's)... I believe GW2 should consider a full graphics update. EVE online performed this during one of their largest expansions and they didn't loose any players or new players; how? By allowing their client to be run on either new or old gpu/cpu specs. Seriously genius and proven effective. Please please implement or at least publicly consider!

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Interesting feedback, not much I agree with however, but interesting all the same.1 - Old maps in pretty much any MMO I have ever played become less populated over time as players move onto endgame, raid, etc etc. Sure they can bring some high level content into those low level learner maps, but then that's the crux.. they are low level learner maps, they are part of the initial new player, learning and levelling experience.When high level champs existed on those maps it became nothing more than a world boss karma train that brought nothing but toxicity when high levels brushed aside low levels as if they owned the turf they ran on.. it also brought nothing for low levels in terms of learning except follow the taco, press one, win. So best kept low level with some season events or a few tweaks here and there, plus the ood daily brings population there for a short time on rotation.MMO communities thrive on completing things and we are a hungry bunch so devs have to keep feeding new maps for us to explore, new skills to learn, more xp to level with and new things generally to do.. its a short window of opportunity to keep players in game a bit longer and possibly bring old player back or new players in.. that's why they create new maps. If we stayed in Queensdale or Metrica.. I am pretty sure we would of all left out of boredom by now.

2 - EotM was a fail before it even started.. it's never been anything more than a karma train. I mean WvW has the same issues in part but at least the matchups start out interesting, things get attacked and defended, some tactical nowse plays into the mode but EotM never had/has that its just zerg on tag, rush thro map, rinse repeat, in fact there is or was rarely any actual fighting going on more pvdoors predominantly.

3 - I like Dungeons in GW2 but unfortunately that particular gamemode has been withdrawn from the ANET dev schedule in favour of Riads.. everyone's favorite gamemode apparently (not the way I see it but apparently ANET thought so)... so yeah I wish Dungeons got some proper love sometime in the future.

4 - Fractals in essence are fun, but so repetitive in nature, early levels are more inclusive imo, as you get higher the toxicwars begins, mainly driven by dps meter love/hate and gearwars... the content is basically like dungeons nowadays.. fast, fast, fast or kick.

5 - I used to love raiding in other MMO's, I was a raid leader and it was enjoyable for long periods, but raiding can burn you out quite fast.In GW2 I find raiding to be really not fun and seems to lack that buzz, for me at least. It to, like in other MMO's does have a high toxicity rate again focused around the war between elitist hardcore, casual fun seekers, achievement hunters and spotsellers... dps metering is here to stay and that is the crux of any pug raid and once it starts it only gets worse. Best to raid within your guild or a close knit raid community where goals are more likely shared.. but not everyone likes to rush through content AFAP and that's maybe why I don't get the feelsgood factor with GW2 raiding.

6 - I actually like the graphics in GW2, even at low end on an aging laptop I get decent graphics.. on my main PC its outright superb certainly no worse than any other MMO I have played.. including Eve.Could ANET improve it - sureWould it be financially beneficial at this point in time to do so - probably notRemember the game is centred around a different business model to that of Eve and other's so something that big an undertaking would likely best be left to a GW3 if there is one on the horizon, in a galaxy far, far away... eek wrong picture! :)

At the end of the day it all comes down to our own personal likes and dislikes and we don't all like or dislike the same things for differing reasons.

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1.No reason to update old content. Current events add things to old maps. A huge majority of players would NOT enjoy this.

2.The map simply exists for people to play while waiting in queue.. no need to do anything here.

3.Dungeons have been abandoned, same reason as 1.

4.Since fractals are the "new" instanced content that has long since replaced traditional dungeons I dont see them stopping anytime soon.

5.Optional content is not for everyone. If you find knowing about your class and its mechanics and learning enemy mechanics "generic" then the content simply isn't for you

6.Sure, the game could use an overhaul. People cry about the engine for ages, though it would probably not fix too many issues. This would be a larger commitment than they are willing to do and unless they've ever since started working on this in the last years we will earlier see a release of GW3 than this. There's simply too much work in it, the game is massive.

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Im going to fully disagree with the point 1 since i never see empty maps unless i play at unsociable hours. That includes low and end level. The game needs new maps to keep refreshing itself and no mmo rivals gw2 for keeping old maps alive.

Also, there is very little whining about removing fractals. That wouldnt happen anyway - too much is invested in them.

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I always see people say it's so hard to get into dungeons, but the last few times I've done it (albeit not often because I'm not really interested, but sometimes I need an armour skin) I've gotten a full party very quickly. I only play with my partner, so it starts with the two of us, but the last time we got 3 all at once. I've had to wait longer in other MMOs (like FFXIV) for dungeons than I have in this game. Maybe I'm just really lucky or have a super appealing name.

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I like the idea of a daily dungeon every day. Maybe just add some automatic categories for more time-consuming content like that? I mean, daily dungeons work to get players into dungeons. But since dungeons take longer than any of the other daily options, having the same random rotation of dailies but simply adding a permanent daily dungeon worth the usual 33% toward daily completion shouldn't create any imbalance. The question is whether or not daily dungeons would still be attractive if they were available every day. I'm not sure, but I find it difficult to imagine that dungeons wouldn't see more traffic as a result of such a change.

I strongly disagree on the maps. I haven't noticed too many issues with a lack of players in lower level zones and the new map releases are probably the biggest draw for me between expansions. I love new maps and the HoT, PoF, and LS maps are consistently better in pretty much every way that matters to me than the core maps. I do come back to core maps for dailies, a bandit champ or current event now and then. And I love helping new players. If you're going to overhaul anything, I say overhaul the core maps!

Oh, and if you change your mind about leaving, I would run some dungeons, fractals, open world or maybe even PvP or WvW with you some time.

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@DarthFurby.3970 said:

@"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:What does griefing have to do with any of these things?

As I understood it, the OP is experiencing grief because the game isn't exactly as they would like.

That's how I saw it. I believe the proper word for the post title might be "grieving", but that is OP's choice. It's unfortunate that so many on the forum here will see only that mistake and use it to completely invalidate any of the points made.

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@Neural.1824 said:

@"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:What does griefing have to do with any of these things?

As I understood it, the OP is experiencing grief because the game isn't exactly as they would like.

That's how I saw it. I believe the proper word for the post title might be "grieving", but that is OP's choice. It's unfortunate that so many on the forum here will see only that mistake and use it to completely invalidate any of the points made.

A typo is a typo, or poor grammer is poor grammar, I have my own issues with word usage so I try not judge too harshly when it comes to that. I have numerous areas of conflict with this post, but it isn't due to the wording of the title.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:The game isnt the same game it used to be 5 years ago, and that is a bad thing, now?

to those , who liked the the game , they bought, and paid for..yes

This makes little sense. The game is evolving. We all bought the game, cant expect it to be the same after 5 years cause it gets boring. Yes, boring.

  1. Low level maps are just that: low level maps. Unless you farm some event or low level materials, its natural for them to be lower populated. Higher rewards in higher level maps.
  2. Eotm was meant as a lobby for queued wvw players. It was a braindead pve farmfest which took people from actual WvW. Today, it is what it was meant to be:a lobby.
  3. Dungeons are dead, reward-wise theyre OK though, with the difficulty they offer. PoF specs and HoT specs made them way easier, so easy that many bosses cant even use all their abilities due to dying too fast.
  4. Fractals arent being abandoned. Dunno why OP thinks that.
  5. Raids arent generic content. They offer a challenge, its endgame content for PoF and HoT. He/she doesnt like it? All good and well. Plenty of content in LS3, LS4, LS2, HoT maps, PoF maps, you name it.
  6. Graphics could indeed be better

Picking up where you left off in a MMORPG, after 5 years, is impossible.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:The game isnt the same game it used to be 5 years ago, and that is a bad thing, now?

to those , who liked the the game , they bought, and paid for..yes

This makes little sense. The game is evolving. We all bought the game, cant expect it to be the same after 5 years cause it gets boring. Yes, boring.
  1. Low level maps are just that: low level maps. Unless you farm some event or low level materials, its natural for them to be lower populated. Higher rewards in higher level maps.
  2. Eotm was meant as a lobby for queued wvw players. It was a braindead pve farmfest which took people from actual WvW. Today, it is what it was meant to be:a lobby.
  3. Dungeons are dead, reward-wise theyre OK though, with the difficulty they offer. PoF specs and HoT specs made them way easier, so easy that many bosses cant even use all their abilities due to dying too fast.
  4. Fractals arent being abandoned. Dunno why OP thinks that.
  5. Raids arent generic content. They offer a challenge, its endgame content for PoF and HoT. He/she doesnt like it? All good and well. Plenty of content in LS3, LS4, LS2, HoT maps, PoF maps, you name it.
  6. Graphics could indeed be better

Picking up where you left off in a MMORPG, after 5 years, is impossible.

DEVOLVING..if it was EVOLVING , then it would have MORE players

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:The game isnt the same game it used to be 5 years ago, and that is a bad thing, now?

to those , who liked the the game , they bought, and paid for..yes

This makes little sense. The game is evolving. We all bought the game, cant expect it to be the same after 5 years cause it gets boring. Yes, boring.
  1. Low level maps are just that: low level maps. Unless you farm some event or low level materials, its natural for them to be lower populated. Higher rewards in higher level maps.
  2. Eotm was meant as a lobby for queued wvw players. It was a braindead pve farmfest which took people from actual WvW. Today, it is what it was meant to be:a lobby.
  3. Dungeons are dead, reward-wise theyre OK though, with the difficulty they offer. PoF specs and HoT specs made them way easier, so easy that many bosses cant even use all their abilities due to dying too fast.
  4. Fractals arent being abandoned. Dunno why OP thinks that.
  5. Raids arent generic content. They offer a challenge, its endgame content for PoF and HoT. He/she doesnt like it? All good and well. Plenty of content in LS3, LS4, LS2, HoT maps, PoF maps, you name it.
  6. Graphics could indeed be better

Picking up where you left off in a MMORPG, after 5 years, is impossible.

DEVOLVING..if it was EVOLVING , then it would have MORE players

I highly doubt there's more than 1 or 2 MMO's out there that ever gain players as they grow older...almost all of them lose players the older they get, that's just the nature of things.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:The game isnt the same game it used to be 5 years ago, and that is a bad thing, now?

to those , who liked the the game , they bought, and paid for..yes

This makes little sense. The game is evolving. We all bought the game, cant expect it to be the same after 5 years cause it gets boring. Yes, boring.
  1. Low level maps are just that: low level maps. Unless you farm some event or low level materials, its natural for them to be lower populated. Higher rewards in higher level maps.
  2. Eotm was meant as a lobby for queued wvw players. It was a braindead pve farmfest which took people from actual WvW. Today, it is what it was meant to be:a lobby.
  3. Dungeons are dead, reward-wise theyre OK though, with the difficulty they offer. PoF specs and HoT specs made them way easier, so easy that many bosses cant even use all their abilities due to dying too fast.
  4. Fractals arent being abandoned. Dunno why OP thinks that.
  5. Raids arent generic content. They offer a challenge, its endgame content for PoF and HoT. He/she doesnt like it? All good and well. Plenty of content in LS3, LS4, LS2, HoT maps, PoF maps, you name it.
  6. Graphics could indeed be better

Picking up where you left off in a MMORPG, after 5 years, is impossible.

DEVOLVING..if it was EVOLVING , then it would have MORE players

I highly doubt there's more than 1 or 2 MMO's out there that ever gain players as they grow older...almost all of them lose players the older they get, that's just the nature of things.

yep, but it CAN be done, so do you want this game to be the best, or just another standard mmo?

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not expanding new maps just because old maps lack players is rather backward imo. I don't care for old maps and I need new maps to keep things fresh. They should instead think of ways to attract people to the old maps without taking away the fun for players who like to explore new maps.

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