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Confessor Caudecus fight is garbage

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@Noodle Ant.1605 said:How about we use the NPCs who are always with you but always FAIL at combat? Maybe after a few tries (3?) they start giving hints/actually start helping out (attempting half the effort to do mechanics for you) LIKE ACTUAL GUILD MATES instead of dying all the time? Raids nowadays seem to be learnt on YouTube rather than the actual encounter and people here are already pointing to guides so I see absolutely no harm in implementing this IN THE ACTUAL GAME.

The proof against this idea has been released with episode 3. At last stage in forearmed is forewarned (the portal phase) I left my character in the camp and went for a coffee. NPCs finished the instance for me. It's bad instance and offers nothing interesting at the end, so I felt nothing but relief, but in terms of fights like caudecus, you would only escalate the problem of lazy players that don't want to learn the game. They would just wait until NPCs finish the fight. And so the leecher culture of GW2 would progress into next generation.

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@Knuckle Joe.7408 said:Oh boy just be glad you don't have to face the eater of souls pre-nerf. For some people it made Caudecus seem like killing a skritt. But yeah boss battles are getting really unimaginative, it's just a clsuterfucc of AoE markers on the floor, spell effects going ham and 3 flippin NPC's talking at the same time (which you cannot stop to appreaciate because your brain is working on 110% to dodging the stupid mechanics).

Caudecus is kinda worse because the camera dont work well on locked room. On Eater of Souls, at least u have lots of space to run.

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I had zero trouble with any story fight since release, I'm not a PVPer, I'm not a hardcore raider(I haven't touched raids), and I'm VERY casual. And to the guy who said everyone is complaining, who is this everyone? a few loud people on forums? Do you know how many people play this game? A vocal few doesn't represent the majority, and if I can't beat something I don't whine on the forum, I try to understand how I could get better, like any game. If you can't beat it, well too bad you are gonna have to improve, this is a game not a participation award-- games have rules, games require improvement, and games will have progression.

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@Noodle Ant.1605 said:I dare say that the next few episodes should include a few ‘avoidance’ boss/sequence. To emphasise on mechanics. Besides, my ‘commander’ - a tiny asura, is getting tired of bashing up dragons, gods and supermassive golems with a something relative to a toothpick. We don’t always need something to display our mad raid skills at the end of each episode.

Mad raid skills? are you serious? Have you even done a raid? Story bosses are NOTHING compared to raid difficulty, how low does the bar need to be? dodging has been in this game from the start, you think after two expansions they are gonna make things feel like the same difficulty? Because I don't think that is how progression works.

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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:My only problem was the camera. The place was just too small to properly manage to see what was going on until you figure out which angle will not make the camera go crazy all over the place.

Setting the collision slider in the camera settings near the max setting also helps, since the camera will be more lenient with obstacles and won't bob about as much.

150% this. Especially if you're on a max size norn or charr. Good lord was that a nightmare.

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@TexZero.7910 said:

@MithranArkanere.8957 said:My only problem was the camera. The place was just too small to properly manage to see what was going on until you figure out which angle will not make the camera go crazy all over the place.

Setting the collision slider in the camera settings near the max setting also helps, since the camera will be more lenient with obstacles and won't bob about as much.

150% this. Especially if you're on a max size norn or charr. Good lord was that a nightmare.

I agree 100% on this, room shoulda been bigger, but have the same spacing with the AOEs.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Cyninja.2954" said:The Caudecus fight is actually quite well crafted. A well played build on a player who knows what they are doing will have no issue clearing the fight.

That is the main issue though. 90% of all players will:
  • not know what to do and are lacking or unwilling to spend the time to understand the fight (or at least read up about it online if you can't be bothered to figure it out yourself)
  • have craptastic builds or copied raid/fractal builds not understanding how to play them or adapt them to the fight
  • have been breezing through the personal story, living story and open world content without ever being exlposed to challenge
  • lack a seveer understanding of their class and game mechanics (partly because some are never explained or never needed before this fight)
  • lack understanding of visual clues about attacks and proper positioning

So yes, the fight is not well implemented for a majority of the player base. It would have required a lot more build up and practice to bring casual players up to speed. The actual fight though is quite well designed.

Luckily there is an ambudance of guides, videos and hints on this matter by now and the option to have people help you.

if 90 % of the consumers have trouble with it . that would make it a BAD fight/product

Problem is before HoT anet breeded the community of uninspired bots who only care about autoattacking and looting, with 0 awareness of combat mechanics or the ability to read boss animations. It's good they stepped up their game with HoT and so on but many players are too lazy to adapt. It's good Anet works on some tutorials in the background, maybe finally some people will learn how to use their skills.

those "uninspired bots" paid for the game, if you think they would had invested this much for a niche population , then you dont know how business workswithout the casuals to fund it, this would had gone the same way as wildstar

You give the casual player not enough credit here. You can be casual and still know your class. You can be casual and still adapt to a given situation. I like that GW2 is a very casual friendly game but that doesn't mean there can't be some kinda demanding content every now and then. A casual friendly game does not need to be like candy crush or fruit ninja to be a casual game. Casuals have dem skillz too u know

you are missing the point, and you are wrong toowhenever i chose to adapt and get better(if its even possible)..im not a casual anymore, since the game has MOTIVATED me to IMPROVEthat is the exact OPPOSITE of casual

I think you're confusing the word casual with the word bad. I can only play a couple hours a week. I'm a good player but my time limit makes me casual and when I do play games I like to improve and progress.

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@Gendou.9620 said:I had zero trouble with any story fight since release, I'm not a PVPer, I'm not a hardcore raider(I haven't touched raids), and I'm VERY casual. And to the guy who said everyone is complaining, who is this everyone? a few loud people on forums? Do you know how many people play this game? A vocal few doesn't represent the majority, and if I can't beat something I don't whine on the forum, I try to understand how I could get better, like any game. If you can't beat it, well too bad you are gonna have to improve, this is a game not a participation award-- games have rules, games require improvement, and games will have progression.

That is one way to look at it. I look at it differently. I think the forums are just the place to discuss or whine as you put it about the game. How else are the devs ever going to hear anything about their game if we all just suck it up and never say a thing?

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:The proof against this idea has been released with episode 3. At last stage in forearmed is forewarned (the portal phase) I left my character in the camp and went for a coffee. NPCs finished the instance for me. It's bad instance and offers nothing interesting at the end, so I felt nothing but relief, but in terms of fights like caudecus, you would only escalate the problem of lazy players that don't want to learn the game. They would just wait until NPCs finish the fight. And so the leecher culture of GW2 would progress into next generation.They don't need to do damage. They generally die before they can reduce 1%, at least in my experiences. They just need to show you how to do the mechanics (their effectiveness can be reduced to <5% of what you can do, so then it takes forever to just wait for them to do it). They can even call out, 'Hey, I think this is working! Try throwing a shard at him, Commander!' (whatever happens after this is clearly the player's fault). Or maybe the boss gets 'tired' of beating you and expending their power, so the amount of mechanics required to complete decreases (not to 0, just in case you take my point too far), e.g. the AoE shower is less spread out, the boss leaps at you less often, etc. Right now we have this bizarre situation where you literally just get up and continue bashing up the boss from wherever you left off (or so I hear, I have yet to abuse this feature).@Gendou.9620 said:Mad raid skills? are you serious? Have you even done a raid? Story bosses are NOTHING compared to raid difficulty, how low does the bar need to be? dodging has been in this game from the start, you think after two expansions they are gonna make things feel like the same difficulty? Because I don't think that is how progression works.Please don't take my off-comment overseas (it was an off-comment btw, sorry for the confusion). Also, progression (the one that you speak of, and since it seems to be your point of argument) is a horrible thing to be placed in story content. The rewards are minimal compared to doing a meta event in the open world, which are usually easier since the pressure isn't all on you. You'll also find that progression finds itself in the game in instanced PvE (FotM in particular) and PvP anyway.

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I went ahead and refreshed my memory of this fight by doing the whole episode on my current favorite character. It was really one of the best storyline episodes, in my opinion!

I recall the worst part of the final fight being the small room and bad camera angles, but otherwise it's pretty straightforward. Just run circles around the perimeter, picking up bloodstones and hurling them at the boss while avoiding orange circles. Once the bar is broken, beat him up. Rinse and repeat.

I did notice the boss can put out dangerous amounts of damage at close range and it's really quite difficult to see what's causing it due to the cramped space and the animations affecting the boss. However, when I took too much damage it seemed quite easy to stay alive at a distance (Well, as much distance as the room allows!) because the attacks are all fairly easy to spot coming and the NPCs keep Caudecus busy so you don't have to worry about dodging his melee attacks while watching for area effects as well.

One thing I didn't notice this time around was that the jade construct never spawned. I'm not sure if this is because they removed it or if it's on a set timer. The latter is certainly possible as my first experience with this fight was with a tanky healer build. I recall it taking significantly longer and things got pretty dicey when that construct spawned as it was very easy to get clipped by a knockdown and chained into the numerous area effects the boss puts out. This time the fight went very quickly, with the boss only lasting 2 breakbars.

What sort of build were you using? If you had to deal with the construct you might consider bringing a higher damage build next time. As with so many encounters in this game, full glass can often be safer than tanky builds because you end the fight so much more quickly and often bypass the most dangerous parts completely!

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  • 2 years later...

I Just defeated Caudecus for the second time. The First was with a Soulbeast and it's not even worth mentioning. This time I used a Herald with Full ascended trailblazer (except trinkets). I am a ok player and due to the enormous tanking potencial of my character, I managed to take almost no damage until Caudecus reached 20% Hp. Then a Veteran jade whatever appeared to punch me for about 8k on each hit. That aside, the cc chain is an absurd. I downed a few times and died three. Personal Conclusion: a decent player on a very tanky build could do It without die or even go down. That Said, Mordremoth ia nothing but a single pocket raptor near Caudecus and his hellish cc chain.

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I think the fight is still worth looking over and retuning despite how old this thread is. CC is one thing, AoE is another, but I think I could only fight for maybe a minute or so at a time before having to grab a puke bucket because of that zoomed-in spinning room.

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Learn to play is such a crap argument in discussions like this. There is a solution or rather a design approach change that could eliminate this issue completely. Story bosses and story missions in general should have two tiers of difficulty. An easy one for the players that only care about the story and want to experience all the dialog stress free and a hard one for skill oriented players that want to accomplish feats. The easy mode would be low reward. The hard one would be very rewarding and include titles where appropriate. This would keep the game funded better as well by keeping both player types happy.

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I literally didn't have any noticeable difficulty with this fight, alas though I was playing core Mesmer and we have access to some pretty impressive tools for survival. So I can absolutely understand other classes having difficulty.There was an introduction to all of the mechanics involved in this fight laid out nicely throughout the story though (end bosses in some chapters).

But I will very openly admit that the extra action button is just very shonky. I mean I did re-keybind it to make it just more accessible but I'm not a fan of that feature just in general.

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  • 1 year later...

I feel it is still a glaring mistake that Arenanet makes over and over by ommiting information to the player. Often there is little to no information to the player. Saying that players must google fight mechanics spoils other details about the storyline and should not be the default way for players to complete an encounter. Give players the option to turn off tips and give more information

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Its a heck of a fight, but fun. it took me a while to figure out that you had to use the umm special action at a certain time. I went in blind to this fight and had a good partner. It would def take me some time to learn it and be able to do it on my own. But its still a crazy fight, good though.

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4 hours ago, MagicMonk.6925 said:

I feel it is still a glaring mistake that Arenanet makes over and over by ommiting information to the player. Often there is little to no information to the player. Saying that players must google fight mechanics spoils other details about the storyline and should not be the default way for players to complete an encounter. Give players the option to turn off tips and give more information

There’s more than enough information available and there’s always the trial and error method where you learn from your mistakes. Guides only really serve those who don’t want to put in the time and/or effort to do it that way. 

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LW3 storyline fights are FULL of this kind of thing .. just wait until you start episode 6. Somehow I get the feeling that the raid designers at the time had a hand in the LS boss fight mechanics. Completely unfamiliar concepts to the player happening there. 


Now ... if storyline fight mechanics were explained somehow ... and those mechanics transferred into raids ... THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A SMART MOVE!

Edited by Obtena.7952
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