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How do you feel about the Warclaw after patch?


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@gebrechen.5643 said:After the recent patch it has become mostly useless. The only good thing left is the aoe stealth detect.

it doesnt detect stealth, unless that was changed.

for the rest shit mount never wanted it.and just checked first 3/4 votes from positive and they are all PvE tits so ye this poll isnt gonna work as we WvW are already far less then any other game mode so polls on this forum are useless WvW and sPvP will always lose against these PvE fanboys.

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@reddie.5861 said:

@gebrechen.5643 said:After the recent patch it has become mostly useless. The only good thing left is the aoe stealth detect.

it doesnt detect stealth, unless that was changed.

for the rest kitten mount never wanted it.and just checked first 3/4 votes from positive and they are all PvE kitten so ye this poll isnt gonna work as we WvW are already far less then any other game mode so polls on this forum are useless WvW and sPvP will always lose against these PvE fanboys.

How did you find out which voter likes what game mode? You are a prophet?

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I still don't feel it was really needed, but it isn't as bad as I expected.

It would be nice to fix the skill lag, so we can actually use our skills in the bigger fights, with or without the mounts.

I think traversal speed in your own territory can be too quick, especially for defenders or ktrainers, they should think about balancing that out a bit.

The influx of uncooperative Pve players are annoying, even if a few want to learn wvw.

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There needs to be a way to dismount hostile players. Two players of different teams mounted usually end up looking at each other. Other than that, my first impression of the #1 skill was negative. Now...I keep finding myself questioning if it really is broken. In order to use it, you have to hang back, out of combat, so you are not contributing. If your teammates cause downs without you... would it not have been faster if you had just fought with them in the first place? I think I'm fine with #1 with 3 targets. Perhaps with a 240 radius reduction, but no more.

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Was neutral before to see how it will go, tilting more to negative as time goes by.

The mount is a newly added "tool" to WvW and effected it as whole (zerg blobing or roaming). This tool gives advantages to players owning it (not going deeper but its a game changer), and a privilege; PoF exclusive. This addition is likely set in stone and won't be removed, not adapt but accept. Not a good addition to WvW, at least not in its current form.

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It's exactly as I predicted... it's a mild change to WvW.

So many players panic and threatened to leave the game -- they sky is falling!

Now that the players actually have used it -- you see it's only mildly impactful. It's improved areas that sucked, like getting across a map. Other than that, it's mostly been a non-event. Sieging gates -- not useful. Sniff -- mostly not useful. Ramming a zerg with everyone on mounts using the attack skill -- mostly not useful.

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Warclaw has just single-handedly killed roaming in WvW, which was a decent part of WvW. Now roamers are forced to participate in Zerg fights which is a giant yikes. There is no chance to ambush players now, as they are immune to CC and get away from you in seconds whilst dodging, However, the speed of the mount is nice and it does make getting to your objective faster. My solution:

  1. lower the HP of warclaw to something like 2k HP or make Warclaw's engage skill dismount other mounted players!
  2. dismounted players should be cced after being dismounted for about 3 seconds as a punishment.

This would keep the warclaw in the game and put even more spice into Roaming, players will also have to actually think and time their dodges on mount correctly and dismount before getting thrown off the mount to evade a brutal CC.

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'Nobody likes conflict. When there is an underlying issue that is unresolved, sometimes people choose to ignore it and let it lie. But that is actually setting yourself up for a disaster. It’s like a ticking clock ready to explode'


Adding mounts will not make wvw problems go away. In fact; it will only result in ending gw2 life cycle quicker

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My bet was on a mount that would be mostly designed to help people reach their zergs more safely and of course quickly, and something that would give those running in groups even more of an advantage than they already have. I had feared that the vastly increased base speed would make build choices pretty meaningless as even the slowest builds would be able to move at close to max speed. Had hoped people wouldn't start to avoid combat even more often than they already did previously. Wasn't hard to see all of that coming, I guess.

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Currently It is implemented with 4 mayor ways to improved

  1. The dismount jump is still twice as high as any regular jump..making it possible to reach once unreachable locations
  2. The movement speed is too large in own territory, impossible to catch people if THEY dont want (only certain classes can)
  3. The 3 dodges is too much to use at once ..a bar like the bunny would be more fine by me (equal recharge speed for the 3 dodges but you not suddenly 1200pnts away)
  4. The effort that needs to be done to dismount An enemy player, with the expense of using a stunbreaks to get up' is a little out of balance...
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I found the kneejerk reactions for it absolutely hilarious and was pretty much of the opinion that it was a pointless addition that no one requested and WvW could be without, but here's the thing...

I'm already seeing the same effect that the gliders had. Mounts is now an integral part of WvW. It went quickly (at least far quicker than DBL "acceptance"). It's not going away. It's changed the playing field, for better or worse. I think they still need to fix things - especially dismounting and lags/bugs - but overall... meh. It's fine. It's ok. A little fast but I'll survive. I'll adapt. I would have said "neutral" but when I go into WvW now it feels like mounts has always been there. I actually think it looks pretty damn neat seeing small groups ride past towers and the like instead of running like poor plebs.

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No option for Positive, but neutral about whether the mount existed or not. I didn't get mine until after the patches, but i haven't had a problem with it. I don't really feel a lot (any actually) of sympathy for roamers who can't attack group-built characters running to their groups with their gank builds.

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I was against it and I remain against it. My position doesn't really have much to do with how the mount performs or impacts WvW within the scope of its intention so my position isn't very surprising.

My issues with the mount was always the way it was implemented, it was just terrible PR work claiming that something exciting would come to WvW. Knowing how starved that community was they should have expected a massive blowback given what the announcement was about. It just came across as a cheap money grab, or at least first and foremost that, to most people with any deeper involvement into the WvW communities. You simply don't dangle a piece of meat around a pack of hungry wolves and then give them vegetables (especially not overpriced wholefood vegetables). That the lobby as a pavillion was just another bait and switch, added insult to injury.

I am still completely convinced that the mount came at the expense of other things that are sorely needed in WvW. That does not have to be Alliances but other things that should have been prioritized given both demand and urgency. For example, the mount required physics programming for WvW. Players have been talking about altering the physics of the GH arena for more than two years now. When they later throw in an undersized pavillion arena with WvW physics that is like showing the community that you could do it all along but that you just didn't want to give them anything and are just rubbing it in their faces now. It isn't even about monetization, I spent over 7k gems on just a WvW alt account over the past quarter, it has to do with the absolutely atrocious PR, timing, mockery, disrespect, disconnect and dissent of it's implementation.

Heck, many of us even joked about Dolyak taxi mounts for WvW, so a mount idea does not have to be a bad thing. They just handled it in their usual neglective WvW-approach. I guess that's why they don't have a PR-dept anymore.

At this point, an apology and a proper WvW lobby with a proper GvG arena, which they now clearly have the tech for as dangled before us, would go a long way to restore some faith from the actual WvW community that throws up tags and creates content in this game mode. Let it be our belated PoF update, because all we've gotten from that purchase so far is worse balance. To no surprise at all, we have not even seen an indication of anything to that effect.

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@gebrechen.5643 said:

@gebrechen.5643 said:After the recent patch it has become mostly useless. The only good thing left is the aoe stealth detect.

it doesnt detect stealth, unless that was changed.

for the rest kitten mount never wanted it.and just checked first 3/4 votes from positive and they are all PvE kitten so ye this poll isnt gonna work as we WvW are already far less then any other game mode so polls on this forum are useless WvW and sPvP will always lose against these PvE fanboys.

How did you find out which voter likes what game mode? You are a prophet?

Memory?We know you've been around a long time, and that you followed cloudfly for a big part of the game.Suddenly, a lot of people who nobody knew show up in the WvW section all at the same time and disappear all at the same time ... ... Probably from another part of the game here for the event would be a fair assumption

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