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Gank sqads


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In before some of the gankers on therse boards convince you it was a fair fight and you could have totally won that 1v3 after being jumped.

As to the question: because if you want to win at any cost, you don't always play fair.

Next week: back to complaining about mounts and how they ruin ganking roaming.

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@enkidu.5937 said:

@Sansar.1302 said:Why do some ppl run gank grps when there are only solo roamers on the map from the other teams ?Why do some ppl keep roaming solo when there are gank grps on the map? ;)Well, gank groups is really relative.

Yesterday there was a group that was mostly a single guild and a few pugs, ~8+2ish maybe. We had nothing to meet them with. Our largest group on the border was 3 peeps and a few roaming randoms. Oh how they ganked. It was a group even specially built for it, with a fear for ages necro, immobilize ranger and hammer guard just to lock people down so the rest could stack on them for a kill. We where outmanned, so we hunted them. With marginal success, we got a few random kills but not many. But we kept them occupied for a loooooooooong time. They never really got anywhere on the north side of our border, lol. Whenever they trained someone down 10v1 and got the kill, we just ran back and harassed whoever was at the rear end of them trying to move away so they had to turn back. Over and over and over. Eventually they got tired of it and started porting.

Only the necro remained and got in combat.

Oh how he was ganked.

And jumped on repeatedly.

We where quite proud of that.

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@LetoII.3782 said:Why do people on a team of one think they should have special immunity from things larger teams do not?

The Army of One dashing around on their warclaw of doom glowing brightly for all to see. The quest to get Oakheart's Essence so that you can be the army of one that tarzan swings past the inner gates of smc and into the lords room. Where you gank the lord one shotting him with a spork of doom. Then the enemy rejoices because it was an evil tyrant of a lord and celebrated by throwing paint at the army of one for all to see their greatness. No rules apply to this glowing warclaw riding champion except for a mighty watchtower and a sentry that got kicked out of a camp for eating too many supplies and not feeding the armored yaks. So they have immunity from the likes of people who cannot see their power. Though once you buy the mount skin pack you will be able to see past the glory and defeat them.

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Do people really look for only outnumber fights, or is this some forum only narrative, while what really happened is a havoc group rounded a corner, saw a single player on another team, ran them down, shrugged, then took the nearest objective they were heading toward in the first place.

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I mostly roam and if I get smashed by a gank squad a few times (sometimes, is just a group of players who happen to be going somewhere and peal off and overwhelm me), I do a better job of keeping my head on a swivel. Not going to complain about it, they're going to have the same problem when a zerg goes by and runs them over a few times.

I equate it with hunting (which I do), we're not looking for a fair fight. Its why I'm carrying a 270 and the deer are not.

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@SoV.5139 said:Do people really look for only outnumber fights, or is this some forum only narrative, while what really happened is a havoc group rounded a corner, saw a single player on another team, ran them down, shrugged, then took the nearest objective they were heading toward in the first place.

I like 1v1 but I'll just as happily jump on 2 or 3 people (who knows, I might win!) Or +1 a fight I see happening.

If you want HONERABURU DUEL, go to a duel spot.

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@"SoV.5139" said:Do people really look for only outnumber fights, or is this some forum only narrative, while what really happened is a havoc group rounded a corner, saw a single player on another team, ran them down, shrugged, then took the nearest objective they were heading toward in the first place.

In NA, in every tier, there are guild groups who you see regularly, they never fight with less than 5, than never stay and fight if it is even odds (there are just as many that will stay and fight against larger forces too). Literally, they will run away looking for solos and duos to kill. They aren't looking for fights, they are looking for easy kills. They flip camps, occasionally hit towers or tap keeps and will run when faced with even numbers. These are also the same people that throw siege when they 5v1 you or send you nasty tells over and over when you crush one.

People want to win, and want to put as little effort in to it as possible, so it's not surprising. This is just the small-scale version of what is going on everywhere else in wvw. All those "fight" guilds, who claimed to only care about fights vs equal (or larger) opponents, but in reality, all they ever do is move to T4 links (or wherever they can create a stacked server), to blob down outnumbered servers. All of the fights are: treb walls down from fully fortified (siege capped) smc, blob tower 50 vs 10 (20-30), rinse and repeat. If they actually leave smc to take something without trebs, they troll the tactics in the objective and arrive the second invulnerable drops so they can 50vs10 the objective. True fight guilds would never bother upgrading smc or sieging it to capacity because they WANT people to come in and fight them, all those guilds are gone. Now it's just 50 man blobs with multiple scouts in every outer corner of smc to guard and rebuild their trebs.

It's a game, and people will do anything to win, which is why you see stacked servers, gank groups, and third-party software (bend the rules) groups in every tier.

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@Ubi.4136 said:

@"SoV.5139" said:Do people really look for only outnumber fights, or is this some forum only narrative, while what really happened is a havoc group rounded a corner, saw a single player on another team, ran them down, shrugged, then took the nearest objective they were heading toward in the first place.

In NA, in every tier, there are guild groups who you see regularly, they never fight with less than 5, than never stay and fight if it is even odds (there are just as many that will stay and fight against larger forces too). Literally, they will run away looking for solos and duos to kill. They aren't looking for fights, they are looking for easy kills. They flip camps, occasionally hit towers or tap keeps and will run when faced with even numbers. These are also the same people that throw siege when they 5v1 you or send you nasty tells over and over when you crush one.

People want to win, and want to put as little effort in to it as possible, so it's not surprising. This is just the small-scale version of what is going on everywhere else in wvw. All those "fight" guilds, who claimed to only care about fights vs equal (or larger) opponents, but in reality, all they ever do is move to T4 links (or wherever they can create a stacked server), to blob down outnumbered servers. All of the fights are: treb walls down from fully fortified (siege capped) smc, blob tower 50 vs 10 (20-30), rinse and repeat. If they actually leave smc to take something without trebs, they troll the tactics in the objective and arrive the second invulnerable drops so they can 50vs10 the objective. True fight guilds would never bother upgrading smc or sieging it to capacity because they WANT people to come in and fight them, all those guilds are gone. Now it's just 50 man blobs with multiple scouts in every outer corner of smc to guard and rebuild their trebs.

It's a game, and people will do anything to win, which is why you see stacked servers, gank groups, and third-party software (bend the rules) groups in every tier.

Kind of ironic people take so much stock in "winning" when its not the most rewarded thing to do. You get more rewards by tapping a t3 structure until the map queues up with opposing players who showed up to defend it, then coast on outnumbered pips doing the bare minimum to keep pipping.

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Remember back when it was actually possible to do outnumbered fights and win? Those were the good ol golden days. Required skill and mastery of rotations to pull it off. Now it just requires you to cheese the most flavor of the month. Anyways, to answer your question:

The WvW community does not care for fairness.

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@Sansar.1302 said:Why do some ppl run gank grps when there are only solo roamers on the map from the other teams ? It is like they dont want any resistance at all :(

They come in expecting lots of players, are friends or just simply don't care. If you are going to roam you need to understand their perspective and use abuse that against them.

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@SoV.5139 said:Do people really look for only outnumber fights, or is this some forum only narrative, while what really happened is a havoc group rounded a corner, saw a single player on another team, ran them down, shrugged, then took the nearest objective they were heading toward in the first place.

When 10 people chase you from SE Camp on DBL to SW Camp (South Camp wasn't theirs just to note), they're gankers, not a havoc group. :D

But in all honesty, i roam solo all the time simply because i don't find outnumbering someone 'fun' but winning 1vX always brings a sense of satisfaction. Sure i get ganked often enough but then you find the same people later on solo and ruin their day, full circle really.

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@Fish.2769 said:

@SoV.5139 said:Do people really look for only outnumber fights, or is this some forum only narrative, while what really happened is a havoc group rounded a corner, saw a single player on another team, ran them down, shrugged, then took the nearest objective they were heading toward in the first place.

When 10 people chase you from SE Camp on DBL to SW Camp (South Camp wasn't theirs just to note), they're gankers, not a havoc group. :D

But in all honesty, i roam solo all the time simply because i don't find outnumbering someone 'fun' but winning 1vX always brings a sense of satisfaction. Sure i get ganked often enough but then you find the same people later on solo and ruin their day, full circle really.

@SoV.5139 said:Do people really look for only outnumber fights, or is this some forum only narrative, while what really happened is a havoc group rounded a corner, saw a single player on another team, ran them down, shrugged, then took the nearest objective they were heading toward in the first place.

When 10 people chase you from SE Camp on DBL to SW Camp (South Camp wasn't theirs just to note), they're gankers, not a havoc group. :D

But in all honesty, i roam solo all the time simply because i don't find outnumbering someone 'fun' but winning 1vX always brings a sense of satisfaction. Sure i get ganked often enough but then you find the same people later on solo and ruin their day, full circle really.

Naaa we call those squirrels.

I apply 2 different solutions to that issue quite often.

Solution 1. Announce when they are chasing me so the havoc on my side can take stuff they should be defending.Solution 2. Bait them into a bigger zerg on my team.

If they really have the blinders on to the point where they are chasing you across entire maps they deserve to lose structure after structure, then wiped. :p

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@"HazyDaisy.4107" said:Just wait until you've struck a nerve so bad with one of the "fight" groups, that your movements are being tracked by groups from their server, the 3rd server and your server at the same time.

Thats when the outnumbered pips kick in. :p

Cat and mouse can be fun for a bit.

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