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Will build templates make having multiple toons obsolete?

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Depends on how many templates we get. I doubt we get 20 per character.

Also depends on if you have an identity for each character or if they are all interchangeable. I have 2 elementalists with the second having been created to test out weaver, but I wouldn't at this point say the character is redundant since I see my characters as separate entities as I do RP in my head some.

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I really see no point in creating so many toons like this, i'd rather focus on a legendary armor + weapon and spend a few minutes changing attributes/build before changing the game mode (20 necromancers? i can't even think in that many builds lol). I believe build templates are supposed to reduce these "few minutes" of change to a single click, so yeah you don't need 20 necros anymore.

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I currently have ~20 necromancers and they are all geared in exotic armor with different stats and builds.

:o Why, though? That's a lot of work to maintain that many characters of one single profession. Two or three I could understand for the variety factor (different races/gender), but 20? :s Who plays that many builds?? The differences must be minimal.

Build templates won't help you change stats and upgrades on any gear other than legendary, so no, it won't change anything for you. You will have to have the gear you want to switch to in your inventory, that's for sure, so you would have to have all your 20 sets in one character's inventory to be able to switch.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I currently have ~20 necromancers and they are all geared in exotic armor with different stats and builds.

:o Why, though? That's a lot of work to maintain that many characters of one single profession. Two or three I could understand for the variety factor (different races/gender), but 20? :s Who plays that many builds?? The differences must be minimal.

Build templates won't help you change stats and upgrades on any gear other than legendary, so no, it won't change anything for you. You will have to have the gear you want to switch to in your inventory, that's for sure, so you would have to have all your 20 sets in one character's inventory to be able to switch.

I was thinking perhaps the build templates will allow us to store our armor and weapon sets in the build templates so it wouldn't take up any inventory space.It would be like to activate/create a particular build template, you would have to 'consume' or slot the proper equipment and gear into the respective 'build template slots' which will free up your inventory slots.It would be like gear that you have 'equipped' and they disappear from your inventory.

Anyway these are some of my necros XD


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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I was thinking perhaps the build templates will allow us to store our armor and weapon sets in the build templates so it wouldn't take up any inventory space.

Oh, you wish! ;) Won't happen. Build templates never were about storing your equipment somewhere else, they always were about the selection of said equipment & skills.

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I currently have ~20 necromancers and they are all geared in exotic armor with different stats and builds.I alternate between them depending on the game mode and build that I feel like using.Will build templates make them obsolete since i will be able to swap builds easily on a single toon?

They won't change the race or appearance of your toon.

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I've been thinking about this. I have two elementalists and two engineers, one of each elite spec and with build templates I might be able to use both builds on one character.

But in my case it won't make them redundant because that's not the only reason I created them. I also wanted 1 of each race/gender and whilst my original ele could probably work as a tempest or a weaver the holosmith is the complete opposite of everything my first engineer likes (too many flashy effects and loose magic) so playing her as one would just be weird to me.

For the OP and anyone else in the same situation I suggest waiting to see how build templates actually work (and how many we can have!) and then deciding which characters to keep. And don't forget it doesn't have to be all or nothing: you could keep multiple necros but maybe not all of them.

@Trise.2865 said:You can swap builds easily on a single toon already, so the point is moot. You obviously think you need that many characters of the same profession; build templates won't change that.

It's only easy if you remember all the traits and skills for each build, and the more you have the more difficult that becomes. Sure you can write them down but that adds steps to the process which makes it slower and more complicated.

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I currently have ~20 necromancers and they are all geared in exotic armor with different stats and builds.

:o Why, though? That's a lot of work to maintain that many characters of one single profession. Two or three I could understand for the variety factor (different races/gender), but 20? :s Who plays that many builds?? The differences must be minimal.

Build templates won't help you change stats and upgrades on any gear other than legendary, so no, it won't change anything for you. You will have to have the gear you want to switch to in your inventory, that's for sure, so you would have to have all your 20 sets in one character's inventory to be able to switch.

I was thinking perhaps the build templates will allow us to store our armor and weapon sets in the build templates so it wouldn't take up any inventory space.It would be like to activate/create a particular build template, you would have to 'consume' or slot the proper equipment and gear into the respective 'build template slots' which will free up your inventory slots.It would be like gear that you have 'equipped' and they disappear from your inventory.

Anyway these are some of my necros XD


I just want to say I greatly appreciate this spreadsheet as another person who has a spreadsheet to keep track of various aspects of my characters

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I currently have ~20 necromancers and they are all geared in exotic armor with different stats and builds.I alternate between them depending on the game mode and build that I feel like using.Will build templates make them obsolete since i will be able to swap builds easily on a single toon?

Even with Build Templates in GW1 people still had multiple characters of the same class...it really all comes down to personal preference, some people like to play multiple characters and Build/Gear Templates is not going to change that for those people.

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@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I currently have ~20 necromancers and they are all geared in exotic armor with different stats and builds.I alternate between them depending on the game mode and build that I feel like using.Will build templates make them obsolete since i will be able to swap builds easily on a single toon?

Are there even 20 useful stats to be had? It'll make swapping skills and traits easy for sure, so any characters you have which are just skill, weapon, or trait swaps would become obsolete. It's really stat changing that comes into usefulness for the build template.

That said, more than likely, the build templates will function akin to the pvp build panel handles weapons, where it searches your inventory and swaps to matching gear, but if none is found creates white gear of the desired stat, etc.

So unless you have legendary armor (and maybe weapons), I could see having a dozen of a single profession still useful. Though in general I find that there's really only 3-4 "optimal" stats per profession regardless of build, so I can't imagine 20 characters of the same profession being necessary beyond just changing looks.

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Wow 20 of the same toon. Wow. I didn't think people did such a thing. Is changing a weapon and a few traits that difficult for some people. I can't believe it's on a free account either. 20 of the same toon? 20? If a single one of them share a peice of armor style or a stats then what's the point? I know people who have 3 maybe 4 of the same toon. Example my friend plays pretty much only gaurd so he has a core a FB a dh and I think 1 more he switches between depending on his PvP mood. But 20 of the same toon? 20?

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I currently have ~20 necromancers and they are all geared in exotic armor with different stats and builds.I alternate between them depending on the game mode and build that I feel like using.Will build templates make them obsolete since i will be able to swap builds easily on a single toon?

^^ really? Why ? I have two only because one is condi one power

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i like necromancers a lot but 20 ??!?!? in open world pve i rarely alternate between power or condi builds..... i basically used viper stats since HoT. and with PoF it becomely insanely op in pve.

Also Necromancer to me is very jack of all trades , the class is very versatile in matter of traitlines, for example, if u need a ubber defensive: just switch to minions+vampiric, no need switch the gear. ..in PvP same way(i guess im near 3000+ matches with necro), i rarely switch the base stats, just some traitlines is enough.

EDIT: i noticed u do a lot wvw, so its make sense, since wvw "metas" and roles tends to change very much. the WvW is the reason i have 2 guardians and 2 rangers.

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I don't think build templates will help remove all the usefulness of having multiple characters, even those of the same class. The original Guild Wars 1 templates were only the stats and skills, it didn't swap out gear and I'd be pleasantly surprised if the new templates took gear into effect.

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