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Will build templates make having multiple toons obsolete?

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No, I have multiples of different classes primarily for character concept and to wear different armor. I very rarely swap builds on a character, mostly do build changes when I’m experimenting or trying to optimize for particular content. But I know many people who will be glad for build templates who currently do so through Arc, which seems to always be buggy. So I think those who like alts will continue having alts and those who swap builds will now have their lives made much easier. :)

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@"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:So unless you have legendary armor (and maybe weapons), I could see having a dozen of a single profession still useful. Though in general I find that there's really only 3-4 "optimal" stats per profession regardless of build, so I can't imagine 20 characters of the same profession being necessary beyond just changing looks.

There is one additional reason for having multiple characters and won't be solved by build templates either.

I have two necros because one has the WvW guild buff while the other one has the PvP guild buff.

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Even in GW1 I had multiple characters of the same class because I like making characters and have their specific build be part of who they are or at least a direction like blood magic. I would then have 2 or 3 blood builds for that toon I might switch around between. Overall, I used the templates mostly for my companions (heroes, mercenaries whatever they were called). So I don't think it makes anything obsolete really unless you choose it to be.

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I currently have ~20 necromancers and they are all geared in exotic armor with different stats and builds.

:o Why, though? That's a lot of work to maintain that many characters of one single profession. Two or three I could understand for the variety factor (different races/gender), but 20? :s Who plays that many builds?? The differences must be minimal.

Build templates won't help you change stats and upgrades on any gear other than legendary, so no, it won't change anything for you. You will have to have the gear you want to switch to in your inventory, that's for sure, so you would have to have all your 20 sets in one character's inventory to be able to switch.

I was thinking perhaps the build templates will allow us to store our armor and weapon sets in the build templates so it wouldn't take up any inventory space.It would be like to activate/create a particular build template, you would have to 'consume' or slot the proper equipment and gear into the respective 'build template slots' which will free up your inventory slots.It would be like gear that you have 'equipped' and they disappear from your inventory.

Anyway these are some of my necros XD


I love these names and the plethora of stats being used here. I wish all the classes could use a variety of stats like this lmao. Also, I'm like you, but with warrior. I have probably four warriors right now? Probably not as many as you, but I'm also a rper so gotta have a variety of characters while I'm pvping/wvwing lmao.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Ashantara.8731 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I was thinking perhaps the build templates will allow us to store our armor and weapon sets in the build templates so it wouldn't take up any inventory space.

Oh, you wish! ;) Won't happen. Build templates never were about storing your equipment somewhere else, they always were about the selection of said equipment & skills.

Looks like we are getting to store our equipment in the templates =)

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I currently have ~20 necromancers and they are all geared in exotic armor with different stats and builds.I alternate between them depending on the game mode and build that I feel like using.Will build templates make them obsolete since i will be able to swap builds easily on a single toon?

No, because you won't be able to swap that easily on single toon. Not without paying through the nose, and in many cases not even then (it seems that the amount of gear and build tabs is limited, definitely not as high as 20).So, in general, it may make some of them obsolete, depending on the number of stat sets and builds you have, but you will almost certainly still need more than one char.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I was thinking perhaps the build templates will allow us to store our armor and weapon sets in the build templates so it wouldn't take up any inventory space.

Oh, you wish! ;) Won't happen. Build templates never were about storing your equipment somewhere else, they always were about the selection of said equipment & skills.

As it says in the news article ANet posted on their website: "Items you add to Equipment Templates will no longer take up space in your character’s inventory, and you can reuse them across each of that character’s Equipment Templates." So yes, it is also about storing your equipment somewhere else.

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23 of 31 WvW toons. To me no, different toons are different in both builds, playstyles, appearance and of course names. When they release the next set of elites I will add the next 9 alts. Now will I use the templates, probably but it will be for different roles in WvW. Roaming build, range build, melee build. But again will probably only be for a few of the 23, not all. It will also be a way to free up bank tab space for the extra armor sets and weapons that are waiting for a build out.

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I was thinking perhaps the build templates will allow us to store our armor and weapon sets in the build templates so it wouldn't take up any inventory space.

Oh, you wish! ;) Won't happen. Build templates never were about storing your equipment somewhere else, they always were about the selection of said equipment & skills.

Looks like we
getting to store our equipment in the templates =)

Indeed! :o No one was more surprised then me. =) A real QoL feature, wow!

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