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Theoretical third expansion: new movement method, or just more mounts?

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There will probably be 1 or 2 more mounts in future but I don't expect much more than that.. and one of them better be underwater or riot!! XD

I think the next big expansion feature won't be related to movement like Mounts and Gliders.. I think it's going to be something else entirely but what that is I have no idea.

I've suggested combat build swapping in the past which is a feature I'd really like to have in PvE and once the potential template update comes in that allows you to switch both Gear and Traits with a single hotkey then I'll have that feature in the game albiet more limited than I wanted it.

There's likely a lot of balancing and mechanical issues with that kind of feature though but it's one I believe would be an interesting one to have.Being able to swap from Tank to DPS or DPS to Support or Power to condi or First gen Elite spec to second gen elite spec etc.. during combat would be a very nice addition to the game imo.. not to mention it could allow for some interesting new boss mechanics and tactics.. such as a boss periodically changing immunity to different damage types direct/conditions so groups fighting it will need to change tactics mid battle to deal with this kind of thing.

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Likely it would be quality of life improvement since they've drained all mount possibilities other than underwater.

Considering that housing was intended to be released with PoF but didn't make it in, I'd say that it won't be mastery related but instead store related.

We'll just have to see what this new season's masteries will be to get a better idea of what direction they're going. There's always a chance they'll just be season specific abilities that work in few places in the game.

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Are there any more movement options? We know free flying isn't gonna happen (above water, or without specialized maps that simulate being underwater), and we already have a glide, dig, bounce, dash, leap (up), float, teleport, glide-jump, aerial dive, charge, climb... (and hover... which doesn't count because it's specifically NOT moving)

I can only think of two; no guarantees of practicality:Dive: downward movement to reach deeper depths quickly, or crash through into underground passageways. (...or splat on the ground quicker).Dimension shift: phase out of normal reality to traverse alternate paths (basically a slow version of Leyline Gliding, Nuhoch Wallows, or Waypoints)

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@"Game of Bones.8975" said:I would go with the "Neither" option if it were available, but since it's not I came up with my own.

Burrowing --- a mount that can burrow under threats and pop up behind them to deliver a critical hit

Interesting thought.

One wonders, though, how this would go over during dailies? It's bad enough when mobs of raptors dismount/kill things. Add a mount that auto-crits? Egad.

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