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What do you spend your gold on?


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I recently learned how to read, that really sped up my unbound/volatile magic gathering, and subsequently home instance node acquisition. Garden plots coming back just now didn't help my bleeding coffers either, but I'm enjoying how the space is filling up.

I'll be getting my last LW node tomorrow. Once I have recovered from this, I'll start working on those cultural armors. I'm hoping I'll manage to kick myself back to WvW for that, since it's not a mode I usually play. Finishing achievement for ascended armor is also on the list, but those timegates are mostly good for filler for longer periods I don't feel like/have the time to do other things, so who knows.

I'm waiting for specific glasses to reappear in the store, they'll be my third gem cosmetic/vanity item and first actual part of costume (first two are a glider skin and a Skritt gathering tool, I prefer utility purchases).

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Majority of my gold has went into the following:

  • Legendary items: PvP rank 100 Mistforged Glorious Hero Armor set, The Ascension, Ad Infinitum, Aurora, Vision, Sunrise, The Predator, The Moot
  • Special skins: Foefire's Essence, Foefire's Power, The Anomaly, Touch of Madness
  • Special items: Mystic Forge Conduit, Tigris pre collection to get the tiger cub gizmo book, The Collosus pre collection to get the ooze tonic gizmo
  • Upgrading [mist] guild hall, building decorations for various other guild halls
  • Bought raid wing 5,6,7 boss kills to get Coalescence collection completion (will obtain final ring around Jan 2020), bought Xera kill to get the portal device. No I am not buying devinations/insights, I am raiding now that PvP items have been obtained.

Minority of my gold went into the following:

  • Buying or crafting food
  • Fractal box keys
  • Guild and superior siege blueprints for wvw
  • Helping new players obtain inventory bags and basic gear

Future gold will go towards

  • More guild decorations
  • Wish list on future legendary items, such as, another ring?, amulet?, water breather?, Kraitkin and Kamohoali'i Kotaki.
  • Very slow and careless progress towards legendary sigils and runes
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I'm still upgrading my guild hall. Not that most will ever see it though. Save a few friends who joined it to stay in touch, but who are now mostly ghosts in Tyria. I have 1 member who is active. My guild is now lvl 30. My goal has always been to get to 40 and get the extra part unlocked. If I continue this I might make it before my 1st characters turn 10....

I used to be into alting and dye collections, still miss well.... 14 to 20 dyes or something. I made Dungeoneer yesterday, so that's completed.... Been here since headstart and was active for nearly 6 years, I 'm taking more and more time of. I noticed my completion ism vanished with PoF, since I have not bothered with meta' s, be it in completionism, builds, procurement of further shinies or objects, just doing some dungeons, map the new map, buy an Gh upgrade and leave again. Provided I have relevant currency. Occasionally I log into Wvw feel at home then leave due to the lack of tags.

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Hmmm... considering I have both a Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal and Collector's Edition Sandstorm, I am going to go with them. (And I did some ecto gambling. It seemed that if I was poor it would make money but if I got too much, I would lose dramatically. At the time, I was not really doing anything with the money anyways, so it wasn't a big deal either way.)

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