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I"m so sick and tired of this cast

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I'm just hoping they don't kill Rytlock off in Icebrood. Him and Canach are the only two well written DW characters that aren't just in the story as plot devices (Taimi).

Biggest probelm for me is that random DW members join the PC every episode/season without any explanation (other than VA availability). Like where's Canach, Caithe, Gorrick, etc and why aren't they helping the PC at all atm (same for Kas/Jory in LWS4).

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Canach's story arc was great, but now it's over. What is so special about him right now? Sarcasm? Hm, well. I don't mind him, but I don't miss him either.Both Marjory and Braham are developing really well right now. I think the narrative team is doing a very good job with character arcs this year. :)

For the record, I don't want any of our allies to die. Maybe put a few on a bus for some time, that's fine, but don't sacrifice them without need just for drama or fanservice.

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  • 3 months later...

I absolutely loathe taimi, rytlock, braham, and mesmer barbie (aka kasmeer). Canach is ok; I really liked trahearne, tybalt, doern, malomedies: a lot of the characters from the personal story. I was really thrown off by missing ls1 and being suddenly introduced to so many new characters. I thought maybe they would grow on me over time, but the opposite has happened and I've come to hate them more and more. Even my own character's dialogue now often makes him seem like a jerk.

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I can't stand Taimi, she kills any kind of seriousness in the story and I really dislike having to listen to her voice ALL the time while doing story. I especially dislike it when 'kids' are the smartest and 'obnoxious' characters of the story.I dislike Braham as well, really tired of him in general and yet another 'teenager' to annoy me in the story.At least in Icebrood Saga we're receiving some proper seriousness with characters/story, even Braham is somewhat more bearable. I just hope not to hear much of Taimi for a while....and yes, Rytlock is also starting to annoy me.

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The writing is not bad, but it isn't memorable either. We have some fun entertaining characters and so much more could be done with them, but sometimes it feels like they come along, say a few sentences and it's over. No development. Of course there are exceptions but there are few. Compare to the writing in games like the Witcher 3 where you get to like or love many characters and café for them.Ibwish we had that level of writing in here, story wise.

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@Dante.1508 said:

@TheNecrosanct.4028 said:Give me an example of a story where the cast keeps changing.

Doctor Who?

That has also become inane as of the last two doctors.

Nah. Capaldi's final season was the best Nu Who ever got. Though I will concede that Whittaker's first season was rather workman-like.

Offtopic - capalda and whittaker have been garbage and the main reason dw has gone downhill faster than kralkatorrik fell out of the mists. Best ever gotten? Matt smith alone blows them both out of the water, and Tennant has always been the best hands down. Whittakers only in the series
because women
and nothing else.

on topic - kill off taimi, braham, rox was
at best, canach and rytlock are great.

Again off topic but totally agree christopher eccleston was by far the best, and David Tennant was a close second i have not watched it after the first Capaldi season or since.

On topic please leave Taimi Zojja and Canach, the rest honestly are window dressing.. I very much detest The charr characters..

Tom Baker was ofc the greatest Doctor who, see city of death for E.G :)

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@Julius Seizure.4985 said:There is only one NPC that redeems the story in this game. One NPC that has had a story arch believably span fall and redemption, yet to this day still carries weight that they may betray you at any moment. Canach is the one NPC done right.

Redoing the Personal Story and HoT on Alt accounts, I am starting to appreciate Trahearne more and more. He may be a bit of a goodie two shoes, but there is still some grey there. There is also a calm about him that I like. Good voice too, though maybe a bit too soothing in the long run.

But then he died off course, which would probably be a good thing for most cast-members, as to not overstay their welcome. :) I for one am quit done with Rytlock, his macho, war-like Charr antics and his ridiculously overdrawn baritone voice which tbh sounds like someone burping the alphabet.

Shouldn't he be paying for his selfish act in the Mists by now, when he unleashed Balthazar upon the world because he wanted his toy back?

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@"Tyncale.1629" said:

But then he died off course, which would probably be a good thing for most cast-members, as to not overstay their welcome. :) I for one am quit done with Rytlock, his macho, war-like Charr antics and his ridiculously overdrawn baritone voice which tbh sounds like someone burping the alphabet.

Oh my Gosh, this! So much this!Rytlock's voice totally does sound like that. Every time my mom comes to my room and he's talking she goes: "Why did they ruin his voice? He sounds like he wants to burp or vomit"And now you said the same thing hahah!

But honestly, I don't know why they ruin Charr voices. Even the male Charr player sounds horrid...Why not use normal voice?Steve Blum did it amazingly with Pyre Fierceshot, but Rytlock...just no, it's too distorted and strange.

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I'm not that far along, but I kind of like them because I watched LS1 let's plays and met them.... so I'm really happy that the Commander at least has some connections and friends that aren't just stuffed in the fridge. I actually really really do like them, and a big part of why has to do with meeting them. I particularily like taimi. If I hadn't met her in LS1 and just did the story out of order (like I did at first, I started first ep of HoT with no idea who the heck this seemingly annoying asura who is stalking me and telling me to do is), I would feel like who is this annoying asura and get annoyed by her, but since I met her in LS1 and continuing on LS2 and stuff, I really feel for her and like her, and she actually kind of inspires me. I won't know about her characterization later on though.
But it feels sort of upsetting that there is no 'friend' from personal story that really stays at all except Lord Faren. Quinn vanishes (I like that foolish one), my sylvari is used by everybody and has not a friend to bring along with her really. Almost everybody the Commander meets and forms any sort of connection with is killed off. The result is like the Commander pretty much has no friends :(. So it's really nice that the Commander has people to make friends with, which is why I kind of like Braham and Taimi and the rest.I wonder if LS1 was properly brought back, that people would warm up to them. I know for me that, the fact that I actually met them, made a HUUGE difference storywise for me, that i look forward to seeing them again. I don't see Destiny's Edge as friends of the Commander as more acquaintances/mentor-and mentor friend group. I would really hate it if they just killed off the long running characters in the game leaving the Commander friendless and floating again. I hope rather than continuing to kill off everyone the Commander knows (I don't know why the Commander hasn't completely broken down yet, maybe they do and I just haven't watched that part of the story yet) they would simply revitalize or bring old acquaintances and friends back in.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@TheNecrosanct.4028 said:Give me an example of a story where the cast keeps changing.

Doctor Who?

That has also become inane as of the last two doctors.

Nah. Capaldi's final season was the best Nu Who ever got. Though I will concede that Whittaker's first season was rather workman-like.

Offtopic - capalda and whittaker have been garbage and the main reason dw has gone downhill faster than kralkatorrik fell out of the mists. Best ever gotten? Matt smith alone blows them both out of the water, and Tennant has always been the best hands down. Whittakers only in the series
because women
and nothing else.

on topic - kill off taimi, braham, rox was
at best, canach and rytlock are great.

Again off topic but totally agree christopher eccleston was by far the best, and David Tennant was a close second i have not watched it after the first Capaldi season or since.

On topic please leave Taimi Zojja and Canach, the rest honestly are window dressing.. I very much detest The charr characters..

Tom Baker was ofc the greatest Doctor who, see city of death for E.G :)

I agree Tom Baker was the best old school doctor, I was talking modern show. I grew up with Tom baker as the doctor.

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@Traveller.7496 said:Where is Canach?

In his lair. ;)

@"otto.5684" said:Bran was given. I was expecting Rox. I guess not.

"Bran"? As in Bran the Broken? :p

Yes, it was made clear that Rox was going to stay with the Olmakhan. I wonder, though, whether the Olmakhan will return to assist us in the upcoming confrontation with Bangar and the dragon. I sure hope so - I like them. :+1:

P.S. I like the cast for most part, I just find it illogical that most of them are always elsewhere and not with us in this conflict of big proportions. Even Destiny's Edge managed to regroup for the occasion (i.e., Zhaitan and Mordremoth).

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Please write something for Zojja soon ... her "exit" from the story was such a long time ago and we've heard hardly anything about her since. Is it too expensive to hire Felicia Day back to do more voice work? I believe she is still willing to do it.

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I'm glad to see other people speaking out on the lame NPCs.

GW2 has always been too Disney/12 year old fanfic. Its just impossible to take seriously and often cringeworthy.

So far icebrood has actually been bearable which is really surprising.. probably because taimi isn't there and the charr aren't whiney little cowards.

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