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why nobody talking about that new Dagger skin?

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Because Capes!!!!

I do agree though, it's a sick dagger that is glowy and has a cool design, has a cool unsheathe animation (broken blade emites light blade and hilt guard enveloped by light) and has a trail! Instant purchase from me. Glad it wasnt in the BLC otherwise I would've never bought it.

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Tbh it's a shame it's not a legendary..

It would make a very nice legendary dagger skin, specially since we've only got one ok skin (Claw of the Khan-Ur) and one ugly piece of scrap metal that imo qualifies as one of the worst and ugliest dagger skins in the entire game (Incinerator)

This Dagger/Shortsword skin is far more legendary like in design than both of the existing ones.. though Claw of the Khan-Ur does win out over having actual significant ingame lore and justification for being a legendary weapon, something that only a very small minority of legendary weapons can also claim.

Most other Legends either reference real world stuff that has nothing to do with Guildwars at all or they are just legends for the sake of being legends without any lore behind them at all.. and of course then we have the worst offenders that smear the very title of legendary imo... The legendary joke weapons.. of which the afore mentioned Incinerator belongs to imo along with Quip, HMS Divinity, The Dreamer, Moot and a few others.

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@NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 said:That's not a dagger; that's a sword being held backwards (or upside down, I dunno how it works).

That's the problem I have with it, hence I am not going to purchase it. This game suffers enough already from too many ridiculously oversized skins. At some point enough is enough.

P.S. That skin would have made a fabulous sword, though! So pretty and a prefect size for a sword.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 said:That's not a dagger; that's a sword being held backwards (or upside down, I dunno how it works).

That's the problem I have with it, hence I am not going to purchase it. This game suffers enough already from too many ridiculously oversized skins. At some point enough is enough.

The funny thing is, I went and looked at it again in the preview window instead of just in the gem store, and when holstered you can see that the thing actually has a much smaller blade bit that the big glowy part comes out of, so the realistically could have made the glowing blade more appropriately dagger-sized instead of the sword-length thig they went with. Oh well.

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The dagger is beautiful. It is more beautiful than the legendary dagger 2nd gen.It is sad that some sold gem weapons are more beautiful than the legendaries weapons. Another example are the gem rifles; they are far far far more beautiful than that ugly hms thing legendary (so ugly that nobody crafted it or, at least, I have never seen in the game).

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