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Is this game going to die soon ?

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@"Vinceman.4572" said:Plus, since you haven't read the recent statements fractals & raids are not in development at the moment so actually there's no "on top of it" that's coming in the near future. The "event releases" you're talking about I want to see because I only believe it when I see it.

Show me that quote. Show me the exact wording, not some paraphrasing. They never said this. They said the opposite last I heard and we only don't get anything with these particular upcoming releases so people don't expect them.

Actually they say that Fractals and Raids are in development, and they are discussing internally repeatable Raid challenge modes:https://mein-mmo.de/guild-wars-2-jeden-monat-etwas-aufregendes/

Google translated:

Work continues on new fractals and raids, as Mike confirmed to me when asked.We also talked briefly about repeatable challenge modes in the raids. These would be discussed internally, but there is as yet no new information.

There is also this one:https://www.buffed.de/Guild-Wars-2-Spiel-17072/Specials/Gefluester-im-Dunkeln-Preview-1337393/

Google translated

nothing is off the table, but we cannot count on it in the next episodes of the Icebrood saga

tl;dr they are working on Fractals/Raids, we won't see them any time soon

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I might wonder about the statements from someone fired acrimoniously long before.

I'd wonder about it (because, let's be honest, ms Price is not a very ...dependable source of information) if they weren't supported by a lot of other things - like the realization that a lot of people we did know by name and thought they were still working on gw2 tuned out to be working on some other stuff instead.

@Arkham Creed.7358 said:That is a paranoid overreaction to a misunderstanding. Lots...heck, MOST game developers have multiple teams working on multiple projects, including those that run MMOs. Blizzard, for example, not only covers World of Warcraft but also Overwatch, Starcraft, Diablo, and others. That is what was going on; Arena net had a second team working on other projects, including a possible Guild Wars 3 prototype, while another team continued Guild Wars 2 development.That's not entirely true. Yes, some of the devs on those other projects were probably hired for them, but it seems that bulk of the people were moved there from gw2 teams. With noone replacing them.That's why we don't have an expansion now - that team got sacrificed to feed those other, non-gw2 projects.

This second team was since disbanded and folded into the GW2 team.With most of people fired. The end result is that the gw2 team lost quite a number of people, and still seem to be short the expansion team (which, remember, was the biggest of the dedicated teams at some point).

This does not mean the game was abandoned in favor of other thingsIt actually does mean exactly that. It may not have been a complete abandonment, but they did decide to slow game development, and go for a much lower investment model for it, which was detrimental for the game's future.

@"maddoctor.2738" said:

nothing is off the table, but we cannot count on it in the next episodes of the Icebrood saga

tl;dr they are working on Fractals/Raids, we won't see them any time soonThe first quote you brought up is older than the second. And the second... is the exact wording they used for the expansion. We already know what the "nothing is off the table" mention means in content of the game development - they use it for stuff they
working actively on.

I am pretty sure that the former fractal/raid team (or what remains of it) is the same team that is now working on strikes.

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@"Astralporing.1957" said:The first quote you brought up is older than the second. And the second... is the exact wording they used for the expansion. We already know what the "nothing is off the table" mention means in content of the game development - they use it for stuff they aren't working actively on.

I am pretty sure that the former fractal/raid team (or what remains of it) is the same team that is now working on strikes.

@Blocki.4931 asked for the exact quote, I gave them the exact quote. And a summary of both quotes.Now if we go deeper, yes that's the phrase they use for things they usually aren't working on and yes the fractals/raid team is probably now working on Strikes.Funny how when they say something, the community is trained to believe the exact opposite, and that's the fault of the communication of course

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@Chaarliee.2307 said:As the title states ... I'm wondering because i've seen less ppl in game this year. And also, because this year the new content has been none existent, I'm meaning a REALLY new content, not some new bs LW with a bad story. So yeah.. U guys think this game is dying ?

Really? Another one of these posts? Anyone who fears the game is dying or feels that the content is substandard should simply move on.

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@"Chaarliee.2307" said:As the title states ... I'm wondering because i've seen less ppl in game this year. And also, because this year the new content has been none existent, I'm meaning a REALLY new content, not some new bs LW with a bad story. So yeah.. U guys think this game is dying ?

  1. The LW stories this year have been exceptionally good compared to previous seasons. The new LW season is especially well written, so your criticism seems unjustified to me.
  2. I agree that the lack of map releases in WvW, no overhaul of PvP, as well as the lack of an expansion are huge downsides, but to claim that new content was non-existent is pretty harsh and inaccurate.
  3. "The game is dying" posts are becoming too much and aren't helping the matter at all. If you want something changed then post criticism instead of angry doom & gloom threads without substance.
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@Arkham Creed.7358 said:

@Arkham Creed.7358 said:We are lacking an expansion this time around, with them opting to go right into the next Living World chapter.

They are NOT opting. They garbage GW2 after POF.......working at somethinng else..but they failed and now milk this game to the end. That's why we dont have new content to play. Please don't go around with opting LW over espansion... it was a save ....a lame save after a big lie

That is a paranoid overreaction to a misunderstanding. Lots...heck,
game developers have multiple teams working on multiple projects, including those that run MMOs. Blizzard, for example, not only covers World of Warcraft but also Overwatch, Starcraft, Diablo, and others. That is what was going on; Arena net had a second team working on other projects, including a possible Guild Wars 3 prototype, while another team continued Guild Wars 2 development. This second team was since disbanded and folded into the GW2 team. This does not mean the game was abandoned in favor of other things, merely that they were investigating expanding the studio to cover additional properties beyond just their flagship title, as nearly every other game developer on the face of the earth does.

Because of this I'd say the negative is not that they had another team working on other IP, but that we now only have the one. Generally speaking the studio with only one game is at much greater risk than the one with multiple; as a single game is more vulnerable to changes in the market than multiple, and if the studio's one and only title under preforms THAT is when the problem happens. A studio with a title that does very well can afford to maintain a smaller title that might otherwise need to be shut down (case and point, the original Guild Wars is still live today only because of the profits of Guild Wars 2 paying to keep the lights on). So if GW2 is on the decline, the only thing that could have saved it was whatever that second team was working on. Without that, we now really are screwed, GW2 just lost its safety net. But as I just said, Guild Wars is still active because Guild Wars 2 is making money. If you want a sign that this game is in bad shape; keep an eye on the original. When
gets shut down, then you know something is wrong.

There is at least one person working at Arenanet (Jennifer Scheurle) who has said on Twitter she's not working on GW2. I have no idea what she is working on, I think she's not allowed to say because it's under a non-disclosure agreement but she's said a few times it's not GW2. So they do have at least one other project which is still going on.

@Warlord.9074 said:

@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:According to the threads of every mmo every game is always dying or gonna die yet years later still there but eventually all games die

The writing has been on the wall for long time now.. We can disagree that the game is dying, but we can agree that many decisions made by management were seen as "mistakes" by many of the people who left.

I think we can also agree that once those people are gone they don't come back. And because those "mistakes" are not seen as mistakes by management or to be urgent or valid concerns.. That is why we have a thread like this,.

Unfortunately a lot of the core grievances of players are irreparable changes that became core "features" of the game despite unpopularity and negative feedback that was given.

Even if the company did a 100% reversal on these issues and reverse course it will be too late now. Which is very sad.

Many people 6 years ago saw the game for the potential it had but it went down a development course for whatever reason that it didn't live up to the potential it had by many people opinions. That may not matter to a lot of people but it did matter to a lot of other people.

So like it said it may of been good for awhile and it had its up and downs but it is what it is now like it or leave it.

I'm curious, how long before a game is shut down can you say it's clear it's going to die? I mean we could easily get into a philosophical 'everything will end' approach and say all games are dying on the basis that sooner or later something, somehow, will cause it to end. But does that mean you shouldn't bother playing them while they're 'alive'? If we take that approach then all non-MMOs aren't worth playing at all because they're designed to have a finite 'lifespan'.

It does make for a nice, easy argument. You can keep saying a game is dying for years and sooner or later you will eventually get to say you were right. But until then it's pretty meaningless. Some people claimed this game was dying in 2013, but 6 years later it's still going.

IMO it only matters to us as players if the servers are going to be shut down in the next few months, and then only in the context of setting expectations about what you'll have time to do. And in that sense we can be fairly confident GW2 is not dying, because Anet are continuing development of Icebrood Saga which is likely to run for at least another 6 months.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Camelot Unchained has been killing GW2 since 2014 according to the forums.

As a WvW player, ^ This.

The competition doesn't exist. A whole heap of players would have moved on years ago if they had a viable option. As it stands, WvW is the best option for them at the moment, and several have returned from games with mass-battle style gameplay/modes lamenting their lack of choice. I blame AAA publishers chosing to invest in Mobile instead, which IMO should really be the realm of startups.

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@Warlord.9074 said:

@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:According to the threads of every mmo every game is always dying or gonna die yet years later still there but eventually all games die

The writing has been on the wall for long time now.. We can disagree that the game is dying, but we can agree that many decisions made by management were seen as "mistakes" by many of the people who left.

I think we can also agree that once those people are gone they don't come back. And because those "mistakes" are not seen as mistakes by management or to be urgent or valid concerns.. That is why we have a thread like this,.

Unfortunately a lot of the core grievances of players are irreparable changes that became core "features" of the game despite unpopularity and negative feedback that was given.

Even if the company did a 100% reversal on these issues and reverse course it will be too late now. Which is very sad.

Many people 6 years ago saw the game for the potential it had but it went down a development course for whatever reason that it didn't live up to the potential it had by many people opinions. That may not matter to a lot of people but it did matter to a lot of other people.

So like it said it may of been good for awhile and it had its up and downs but it is what it is now like it or leave it.

But this has been the case all along. When Anet introduced ascended gear just a few months after launch, there was a mass exodus and HOT didn't exactly receive a sterling reception either. People railed against the NPE. There have always been decisions people complained about. Doesn't mean the game is dying. Sometimes it's just different people playing.

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@Despond.2174 said:Still a top 3 populated MMO, so no it's not dying. You just have to play across multiple maps and realize there are heaps of people.

And servers.. but saying that after 4 years those populations have diminished a lot as i just returned, yes there are still populations here which is awesome but they are far smaller these days.. And new customers are slim and don't seem to stay long.

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seriously, people don't think with their brain, they just follow the "voices" around.Guild Wars 2 stays where it needs to stay. It's like this for nearly 3 years, and all the time there is someone complaining about that it's dead; personally i think it isn't dead, just some people's mentality is dead.

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We've had threads about "this game is dead" since launch, and even since Beta.

I just can't take it serious any longer.

I bet WoW has had "this game is dead" threads on their forum every single day since launch.

It might have helped if there was a way to define "dead game", but I've yet to see anything that can't just be summed up to "The things I subjectively liked isn't created in large enough quantity to please me." Which would be completely impossible for anyone to know unless the said person clarified themselves with more than just "dead game".

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@"joneirikb.7506" said:We've had threads about "this game is dead" since launch, and even since Beta.

I just can't take it serious any longer.

I bet WoW has had "this game is dead" threads on their forum every single day since launch.

It might have helped if there was a way to define "dead game", but I've yet to see anything that can't just be summed up to "The things I subjectively liked isn't created in large enough quantity to please me." Which would be completely impossible for anyone to know unless the said person clarified themselves with more than just "dead game".

I think you're right that part of the problem is there isn't a clear consensus of what a 'dead game' actually is.

I always take it fairly literally - an MMO is dead when the servers have been shut down and it's impossible to play it any more (not counting unofficial copies or private servers). So for example Wildstar is a dead game - the studio that made it has closed, the servers are offline and it's impossible to log in any more. Whereas GW1 is not dead, even though it hasn't received any new content for years (and very few updates of any kind) because it's still online and playable, and still possible to buy new copies.

Maybe that's one reason I'm less likely to think GW2 is dying than other people, I'm thinking of the absolute worse case scenario, not new releases focusing on bits of the game I'm less interested in. (Which actually I wouldn't be opposed to, I don't play PvP in this game but maybe if they added some new modes I'd find one I enjoy.)

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@"joneirikb.7506" said:We've had threads about "this game is dead" since launch, and even since Beta.

I just can't take it serious any longer.

I bet WoW has had "this game is dead" threads on their forum every single day since launch.

It might have helped if there was a way to define "dead game", but I've yet to see anything that can't just be summed up to "The things I subjectively liked isn't created in large enough quantity to please me." Which would be completely impossible for anyone to know unless the said person clarified themselves with more than just "dead game".

I think you're right that part of the problem is there isn't a clear consensus of what a 'dead game' actually is.

I always take it fairly literally - an MMO is dead when the servers have been shut down and it's impossible to play it any more (not counting unofficial copies or private servers). So for example Wildstar is a dead game - the studio that made it has closed, the servers are offline and it's impossible to log in any more. Whereas GW1 is not dead, even though it hasn't received any new content for years (and very few updates of any kind) because it's still online and playable, and still possible to buy new copies.

Maybe that's one reason I'm less likely to think GW2 is dying than other people, I'm thinking of the absolute worse case scenario, not new releases focusing on bits of the game I'm less interested in. (Which actually I wouldn't be opposed to, I don't play PvP in this game but maybe if they added some new modes I'd find one I enjoy.)

"Game is dying" is just another term used by disgruntled players to run down a game they are unhappy with. Similar terms are "faceroll easy," and "pay-to-win." Pejoratives and other such terms are loaded, and are used because the poster believes they will help to build agreement that what they dislike about the game needs to be addressed. This could be because the poster thinks that if they can create a sense of alarm, the developer will address the issues they dislike. It's also possible that the disgruntlement has curdled into massive distaste for the game and the poster is "striking back" because they think they've been wronged. Another possibility is that some people want to watch things burn.

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gw2 just needs more repeatable content, which we dont rly get. fractals/ raids releases take forever to come. Balance in wvw/pvp is big meh and big changes were promissed, so we need to wait now. Alliances will MAYBE come in upcoming year, but we'll see. Game has clean goals to achive, but everything takes forever to come.I was disgusted by state of game, so i made 2-3 months break and tried WOW/ FFXIV, and imo these games dont stand close to gw2 in terms of gameplay (combat sytem is most important for me). Now i came back, i still moan about balance in wvw, but i just gave up my expectations. Now i just grind towards f god, and do wvw with my guild, and without these things, i would prolly just stop playing any games at all.So game is not dead, but its just not alive :p

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@IndigoSundown.5419 said:

@"joneirikb.7506" said:We've had threads about "this game is dead" since launch, and even since Beta.

I just can't take it serious any longer.

I bet WoW has had "this game is dead" threads on their forum every single day since launch.

It might have helped if there was a way to define "dead game", but I've yet to see anything that can't just be summed up to "The things I subjectively liked isn't created in large enough quantity to please me." Which would be completely impossible for anyone to know unless the said person clarified themselves with more than just "dead game".

I think you're right that part of the problem is there isn't a clear consensus of what a 'dead game' actually is.

I always take it fairly literally - an MMO is dead when the servers have been shut down and it's impossible to play it any more (not counting unofficial copies or private servers). So for example Wildstar is a dead game - the studio that made it has closed, the servers are offline and it's impossible to log in any more. Whereas GW1 is not dead, even though it hasn't received any new content for years (and very few updates of any kind) because it's still online and playable, and still possible to buy new copies.

Maybe that's one reason I'm less likely to think GW2 is dying than other people, I'm thinking of the absolute worse case scenario, not new releases focusing on bits of the game I'm less interested in. (Which actually I wouldn't be opposed to, I don't play PvP in this game but maybe if they added some new modes I'd find one I enjoy.)

"Game is dying" is just another term used by disgruntled players to run down a game they are unhappy with. Similar terms are "faceroll easy," and "pay-to-win." Pejoratives and other such terms are loaded, and are used because the poster believes they will help to build agreement that what they dislike about the game needs to be addressed. This could be because the poster thinks that if they can create a sense of alarm, the developer will address the issues they dislike. It's also possible that the disgruntlement has curdled into massive distaste for the game and the poster is "striking back" because they think they've been wronged. Another possibility is that some people want to watch things burn.

This pretty much answers the OP and sums the entire debate up and pretty much ends it too. Couldn't agree more

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Camelot Unchained has been killing GW2 since 2014 according to the forums.

Link the the stats showing how many people specifically quit GW2 to go to Camelot Unchained please, or is this just more anecdotal evidence based on what you personally think is happening. Just because active population has dropped does not mean that one game in particular is the biggest or sole cause.

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@kratan.4619 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Camelot Unchained has been killing GW2 since 2014 according to the forums.

Link the the stats showing how many people specifically quit GW2 to go to Camelot Unchained please, or is this just more anecdotal evidence based on what you personally think is happening. Just because active population has dropped does not mean that one game in particular is the biggest or sole cause.

Pretty sure he said that as sarcasm, considering the game isn't even out yet.

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Fact is that GW2 is the one competing non-wow MMO that got out of favour the most due to lack of content. Check google trends, FF14 overtook and overtakes all the time with huge spikes during expansions. They already have 3 expansions although the reboot launched a year later. GW2 never delivered unfortunately. I think they fucked up with the release of HoT when they hyped too much and delivered too few. You don't do that, you need additional stuff to do AT START without a 9 month content drought. Well, they are now where they deserved. It's a shame, a lot of wasted talent.

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For the first time in six years, I had serious concerns about the future of this game.

  1. We do not see work on a new extension (and new specifications). This has always provided players with great and interesting content, LW updates are also good - but that's not enough. Extensions are what gives life to ANY MMO.
  2. I do not like the fact that I saw the last months in the WvW on my server - SFR EU . Very strong population decline. Very few tags. Many times, I generally saw an almost empty map. There is practically no game, compared to even this summer.I don’t know what happened, but since I play mainly WvW in this game, I started playing another MMO.
  3. Pve lovers are concerned about the lack of new raids and fractals.Together with what we know about layoffs, the waste of resources of the development team on some other project, the long-term lack of attention to many areas of the game, all this does not inspire optimism. Very sorry.I love GW2, and still hope that the developers will not let this game die.
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@kratan.4619 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Camelot Unchained has been killing GW2 since 2014 according to the forums.

Link the the stats showing how many people specifically quit GW2 to go to Camelot Unchained please, or is this just more anecdotal evidence based on what you personally think is happening. Just because active population has dropped does not mean that one game in particular is the biggest or sole cause.

As others have said, it's likely a sarcastic reference to a common theme for many such threads. Some new game or another expansion is supposed to kill off this or that older game, etc. Almost invariably, it's wrong.

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