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Forging Steel is NOT a strike mission.

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I know this is going to be a heavy blow to many people, but even so, it is my sad duty to informe about it: Forging Steel is not a strike mission. Sorry, but that's the harsh truth.

Strike missions have two unique characteristics that define them:

1) A direct access through the gate in EotN.You don't find Forging Steel there, right? Well, it's not a strike mission, so it shouldn't be there.

2) A message in the middle of the screen that says "STRIKE MISSION completed" when your group has killed the boss.No no, you didn't miss that message last time you ran Forging Steel. It's simply that there wasn't any message, because, well... it's not a strike mission.

So please, don't list LFG for Forging Steel under Strike Mission tab, please.

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Well, I for one don't mind it there. Is it ten man content? Can I access it from EotN? Yes to both? Done.

EDIT: If there were 47543 strike missions in LFG I could see fussing about this, but whenever I look the most I have seen is 6. Usually only 2-3.

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Why do you care? It is close enough to a mini, easy introductory raid (which is the intention of strikes) to belong more in that category as in any other. Especially if people are doing the challenge motes.

I for one was happy to see people posting formal groups for this content. It took some of the toxic people out of the public instances.

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Another thing that feels different about Forging Steel as compared to the other strikes is its length. The other strikes seem to be fairly quick in and out action. Granted some boss fights like Whisper can take a while, but still it's not a long thing like a dungeon might be. Forging Steel on the other hand seems more like a dungeon in terms of length.

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It is. It gets the rewards like all the other strike missions, it's simply more than jsut a boss fight, but its rewards are increased as well. Nowhere is it said that strike missions are only bosses, even the snowman one was longer than that and it was the prototype.

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Whatever you want to call it, sure is more fun than beating on a HP sponge for a few minutes in a ring.

Having different selectable CMs means people going through it the first time don't become overly frustrated so that was a step in the right direction as well. Other than powerful foes with a low DPS squad, the rest aren't too bad.

It feels like Urban Battleground fractal / Thaumanova Reactor / Twilight Oasis because of the transformation into different look.

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@Etria.3642 said:Well, I for one don't mind it there. Is it ten man content? Can I access it from EotN? Yes to both? Done.

EDIT: If there were 47543 strike missions in LFG I could see fussing about this, but whenever I look the most I have seen is 6. Usually only 2-3.

It has its own tab in the saga lfg, use it? They went through the effort to make a tab for it immediately; Other game modes had to wait forever so I assume they put the effort in to make sure it wouldn't bog down the Strikes tab.

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The long escort before the boss fight, the lack of twitch-play heavy raid mechanics, and the fact that it is suitable for party sizes from 1 to 10 make it seem like a strike mission in name only.
In fact, I wish strike missions were actually like this, instead of just a slightly easier raid boss fight. Why couldn't they have just made variable difficulty raids(like they did with fractals) instead of making a while new thing to be just a raid stepping stone. I like having a 1 to 10 scaling dungeon, that doesn't focus on twitch-play. I think it would be nice to have more like this.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@Etria.3642 said:Well, I for one don't mind it there. Is it ten man content? Can I access it from EotN? Yes to both? Done.

EDIT: If there were 47543 strike missions in LFG I could see fussing about this, but whenever I look the most I have seen is 6. Usually only 2-3.

It has its own tab in the saga lfg, use it? They went through the effort to make a tab for it immediately; Other game modes had to wait forever so I assume they put the effort in to make sure it wouldn't bog down the Strikes tab.

I haven't posted for it at all yet, but admit I have never, not one single time, had to look for the other tab. There is almost always one in the Strikes tab, so I just either pick that, or a different strike. For you folks who post and look there, more power to you. I don't see the need. Just like I might see Tequatl under World bosses or I might see him under squads in central tyria. I don't care. List a dungeon in dungeons or in players needing help or achievements. I don't care. If it gets the person listing it the folks they want, and the folks who need it can find it, that is all that matters.

This is so minorly minor a fuss that...I am /delighted/ it's the only thing wrong with your gaming world right now. Like. If this was your reason for coming to the forums to post your wrath for folks posting things in the wrong channel...compared to balance, bugs, wanting more content, hating prices, let alone something real world-related, I wish I was in your shoes.

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I agree because you can easily solo this one even with CMs activated. Also about the LFG issue: People are still listing Arah story under the dungeon lfg even though a personal story lfg exists by now and Arah story is definitely personal story and NOT a dungeon. However why would anyone need help with personal story anyways?! I mean c'mon, nobody can be that bad...

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@Cynder.2509 said:I agree because you can easily solo this one even with CMs activated. Also about the LFG issue: People are still listing Arah story under the dungeon lfg even though a personal story lfg exists by now and Arah story is definitely personal story and NOT a dungeon. However why would anyone need help with personal story anyways?! I mean c'mon, nobody can be that bad...

tell that to the 70+ age people that play and have slow reaction times.

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@"Pirindolo.9427" said:I know this is going to be a heavy blow to many people, but even so, it is my sad duty to informe about it: Forging Steel is not a strike mission. Sorry, but that's the harsh truth.

Strike missions have two unique characteristics that define them:

1) A direct access through the gate in EotN.You don't find Forging Steel there, right? Well, it's not a strike mission, so it shouldn't be there.

2) A message in the middle of the screen that says "STRIKE MISSION completed" when your group has killed the boss.No no, you didn't miss that message last time you ran Forging Steel. It's simply that there wasn't any message, because, well... it's not a strike mission.

So please, don't list LFG for Forging Steel under Strike Mission tab, please.

Anet is the one who can make that call, not you. Based on what we have seen in the documentation that they have released, as well as in game, it's most likely referred to as a strike by them.


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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Pirindolo.9427" said:I know this is going to be a heavy blow to many people, but even so, it is my sad duty to informe about it: Forging Steel is not a strike mission. Sorry, but that's the harsh truth.

Strike missions have two unique characteristics that define them:

1) A direct access through the gate in EotN.You don't find Forging Steel there, right? Well, it's not a strike mission, so it shouldn't be there.

2) A message in the middle of the screen that says "
completed" when your group has killed the boss.No no, you didn't miss that message last time you ran Forging Steel. It's simply that there wasn't any message, because, well... it's not a strike mission.

So please, don't list LFG for Forging Steel under Strike Mission tab, please.

Anet is the one who can make that call, not you. Based on what we have seen in the documentation that they have released, as well as in game, it's most likely referred to as a strike by them.

The refer to it as a public mission tho and that strike missions are accessed from the asura portal as the other poster said forging steel aint accessed from said portal

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Pirindolo.9427" said:I know this is going to be a heavy blow to many people, but even so, it is my sad duty to informe about it: Forging Steel is not a strike mission. Sorry, but that's the harsh truth.

Strike missions have two unique characteristics that define them:

1) A direct access through the gate in EotN.You don't find Forging Steel there, right? Well, it's not a strike mission, so it shouldn't be there.

2) A message in the middle of the screen that says "
completed" when your group has killed the boss.No no, you didn't miss that message last time you ran Forging Steel. It's simply that there wasn't any message, because, well... it's not a strike mission.

So please, don't list LFG for Forging Steel under Strike Mission tab, please.

Anet is the one who can make that call, not you. Based on what we have seen in the documentation that they have released, as well as in game, it's most likely referred to as a strike by them.

The refer to it as a public mission tho and that strike missions are accessed from the asura portal as the other poster said forging steel aint accessed from said portal

It provides shards that are strike rewards and it's part of the weekly chest. It's not accessed from that asura portal as it'd be redundant because there's already one at the other end of the map. People are essentially grasping solely on it not explicitly being referred to as a strike even though it behaves as one in every other way.

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