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What mount set-up do you use the most?

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Before I got my skyscale (I didnt get the griffon because of the $250 gold cost), I would default to the Jackal for almost everything. I found it most useful because it could go uphill better than the raptor. But the main reason was that I could drop off any height on the Jackal and port ahead to another cliff, or keep dropping and teleport/jump right before hitting the ground and not take any fall damage.

Sort of interesting how most people that are mentioning the Jackal used it the least. I still love my Jackal and flip between it and skycale/rabbit the most.

Also, since some are mentioning keybindings:All of my mounts are bound to Alt + 1, Alt + 2, etc, etc. Super easy to switch between any of them!

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I have all mounts on a separate key so I switch between them seamlessly depending on the need.My main three mounts are Skyscale, Jackal and Beetle. Others are situational.Jackal for shorter distances or narrow paths with a lot of turns. Beetle wherever there is some straight path, Skyscale for rough terrain. Beetle out distances others really fast since they changed it to have full endurance bar from the start.Griffon is really fun and really good on some maps. New map where you parachute high in the sky I use Griffon a lot.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:Before I got my skyscale (I didnt get the griffon because of the $250 gold cost), I would default to the Jackal for almost everything. I found it most useful because it could go uphill better than the raptor. But the main reason was that I could drop off any height on the Jackal and port ahead to another cliff, or keep dropping and teleport/jump right before hitting the ground and not take any fall damage.

Sort of interesting how most people that are mentioning the Jackal used it the least. I still love my Jackal and flip between it and skycale/rabbit the most.

Also, since some are mentioning keybindings:All of my mounts are bound to Alt + 1, Alt + 2, etc, etc. Super easy to switch between any of them!

There just aren't enough places where the jackal is consistently better than other options.

Yes, it is better than the raptor going uphill, but if the angle is too steep it suffers from the same issues as the raptor over inclines and other mounts are a better choice. The raptor is better in a much broader range and has a generally more useful engage attack as well.

Yes, you can jump off of cliffs, but now we have those mid-air dismount wings that let you do the same with any mount. And how often are you jumping off of cliffs and not using the griffon or the skyscale instead? All of these things carved into the jackal's niche where it wasn't already competing with the raptor.

This is why the jackal is a little sad these days. There's nothing wrong with using it. It's not like we're talking that big of a difference here. Sometimes I even use it just because I really love my jackal skin! It's still almost as good as the raptor and it can still do all of the things it was always able to do. It's just not really standing out for much anymore.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:Sort of interesting how most people that are mentioning the Jackal used it the least. I still love my Jackal and flip between it and skycale/rabbit the most.

I can't speak for others but I find the Jackal doesn't have enough perks to justify over the Raptor.

Everything you mentioned about fall damage ect are useful features but I find the need for them to be very very small.There's not many places in the game where long hill climing is a thing but where it is there's often a good run up point where you can get the beetle to power through a lot of it, much more than the Jackel's jumps can, specially with Beetles 1 attack too.

The fall damage thing only applies too if you run off cliffs with a non flier which is useful but also situational.. I find I rarely ever do this by accident anymore even in new maps due to my familiarity with the mounts and how they move.. and when I do occassionally launch myself over a cliff on the beetle or something I have the bond of faith mastery which I use all the time to get to places I shouldnt be able to or to avoid fall damage or mostly to make up the difference in a jump I miscalculated etc

This has left the Jackel with little use to me outside of sand portals which are only around in PoF content so it puts the mount on the same level more or less as the Warclaw.. and I prefer the Warclaw from a cosmetic perspective since I prefer Cats over Dogs in real life.. plus Warclaw has the added benefit of being the only useable mount in WvW so it generally gets more use becuase of that too.

As for the specific Jackel/Raptor comparison, while it's true Jackel can climb quicker uphill than Raptor can.. the Raptor has far far more control over it's leapdash ability.Jackel will always teleport a set distance when it ports itself but the Raptor's jump distance can be manually controlled by how long you press the skill key and by actively using the environment to your advantage.This allows you to do a lot of cool and fun acrobatic things with the Raptor like being able to jump to very small targets and use them to launch yourself over to another platform that was completely out of range for a single jump.This gives the Raptor a lot of unique potential for mount based Jumping Puzzles if Anet ever decide to actually make them and if not well can always enjoy that ability in the open world when able to take advantage of some nicely controlled jumps ^^

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"JekthAvid.1408" said:They all have different strengths. I'm working on my skyscale (waiting for gorrik), but it sounds like maybe I should go for griffon?

Did you ever see that episode of "Top Gear" where Jeremy Clarkson is trying to drive a Lamborghini through some old cobblestone streets with narrow alleyways? The car is designed to operate at high speeds and has a very low, wide, flattened body to reduce drag and increase stability. A compact car would have been a better choice there! But get those two cars on a track? Different story.

It's sort of like that, except the griffon is considerably more versatile than the Lamborghini. It is the second best all-purpose mount, defined by its ability to navigate varied terrain. However, the skyscale is also far better than a compact car! It is simply better than the griffon in every way except in the griffon's niche of rapidly descending and moving very quickly over long distances.

Naturally, the better all-purpose mount is going to see more use. But that is not to say that the skyscale entirely overlaps the griffon. In fact, the skyscale improves the griffon even while it carves out the majority of its role for itself. You can use the skyscale to reach places you simply can't go with any combination of the other mounts, specifically in the vertical direction. This allows you to quickly and easily reach places that allow you to utilize the griffon. The result is that you are able to use the griffon for its dive and zoom more often, even while you use it less because the skyscale is better at everything else.

Actually I would say the griffon is better than the skyscale for hopping around varied ground terrain that has sections you need/want flight for in between in addition to faster long range flight and the rapid elevation and leveling off ability of griffon. That's hwy I tend to consider the griffon the better overall, for myself. That said, I would worry that without Skyscale a few things in the new maps may be a pain, also I wouldnt have been able to do Vision I think.

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I have both Griffon and Skyscale, but rarely use my Griffon anymore.

While I know there are faster mounts for open ground, the Skyscale is my go-to for nearly every terrain.

I didn't realize it, but like a previous poster said, I use the Raptor for caves where many people would prefer the Jackal to 'port through mobs.

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Technically Warclaw because i wvw a lot.
Outside WvW....Skyscale the most. It's the most versatile. Also i raised that cutey from egg to dragon and seeing its adorable baby eyes and later playing hide and seek...i just can't keep it locked up in its magic chains.I'll switch to raptor if i really want to be somewhere fast and it's relatively flat terrain.I'll use skimmer when there is a lot of water, and esp if i was dismounted in water.

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@"JekthAvid.1408" said:They all have different strengths. I'm working on my skyscale (waiting for gorrik), but it sounds like maybe I should go for griffon?

Did you ever see that episode of "Top Gear" where Jeremy Clarkson is trying to drive a Lamborghini through some old cobblestone streets with narrow alleyways? The car is designed to operate at high speeds and has a very low, wide, flattened body to reduce drag and increase stability. A compact car would have been a better choice there! But get those two cars on a track? Different story.

It's sort of like that, except the griffon is considerably more versatile than the Lamborghini. It is the second best all-purpose mount, defined by its ability to navigate varied terrain. However, the skyscale is also far better than a compact car! It is simply better than the griffon in every way except in the griffon's niche of rapidly descending and moving very quickly over long distances.

Naturally, the better all-purpose mount is going to see more use. But that is not to say that the skyscale entirely overlaps the griffon. In fact, the skyscale improves the griffon even while it carves out the majority of its role for itself. You can use the skyscale to reach places you simply can't go with any combination of the other mounts, specifically in the vertical direction. This allows you to quickly and easily reach places that allow you to utilize the griffon. The result is that you are able to use the griffon for its dive and zoom more often, even while you use it less because the skyscale is better at everything else.

Actually I would say the griffon is better than the skyscale for hopping around varied ground terrain that has sections you need/want flight for in between in addition to faster long range flight and the rapid elevation and leveling off ability of griffon. That's hwy I tend to consider the griffon the better overall, for myself. That said, I would worry that without Skyscale a few things in the new maps may be a pain, also I wouldnt have been able to do Vision I think.

You're welcome to your opinion and your choice, but the skyscale is objectively superior. It is much faster over short/medium distances, it can remain in flight indefinitely, and it has practically unlimited vertical range. The griffon can't do anything better without first initiating its dive maneuver.

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Mostly Skyscale. It's the most flexible. The Griffon is probably the most fun, however. I find with the Skyscale that jumping (and not flapping) then double tapping its air dodge into a restore of your endurance to do it again to be the quickest way to travel a majority of the time. I'll ride the Raptor when I'm in a group of other people riding the Raptor just because it looks nice.

They're all bound to their own hotkeys. Since I don't have to deal with the little menu on the hotbar, I'll sometimes ride a mount just because it's fun and I don't have to finagle anything to make it happen.

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@"JekthAvid.1408" said:They all have different strengths. I'm working on my skyscale (waiting for gorrik), but it sounds like maybe I should go for griffon?

Did you ever see that episode of "Top Gear" where Jeremy Clarkson is trying to drive a Lamborghini through some old cobblestone streets with narrow alleyways? The car is designed to operate at high speeds and has a very low, wide, flattened body to reduce drag and increase stability. A compact car would have been a better choice there! But get those two cars on a track? Different story.

It's sort of like that, except the griffon is considerably more versatile than the Lamborghini. It is the second best all-purpose mount, defined by its ability to navigate varied terrain. However, the skyscale is also far better than a compact car! It is simply better than the griffon in every way except in the griffon's niche of rapidly descending and moving very quickly over long distances.

Naturally, the better all-purpose mount is going to see more use. But that is not to say that the skyscale entirely overlaps the griffon. In fact, the skyscale improves the griffon even while it carves out the majority of its role for itself. You can use the skyscale to reach places you simply can't go with any combination of the other mounts, specifically in the vertical direction. This allows you to quickly and easily reach places that allow you to utilize the griffon. The result is that you are able to use the griffon for its dive and zoom more often, even while you use it less because the skyscale is better at everything else.

Actually I would say the griffon is better than the skyscale for hopping around varied ground terrain that has sections you need/want flight for in between in addition to faster long range flight and the rapid elevation and leveling off ability of griffon. That's hwy I tend to consider the griffon the better overall, for myself. That said, I would worry that without Skyscale a few things in the new maps may be a pain, also I wouldnt have been able to do Vision I think.

From personal experience I'd say Skyscale is better for short duration hopping around because of it's roll, you can get a lot of distance and quick speed because of that.It's also easier to control when flying and landing so it has that nimble and precise edge that the Griffon doesnt have.But Griffon destroys it when it comes to covering distance as well as verticality in situations where you can fully utalize the speed of it.

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Beetle on most open land.

Skyscale on mixed terrain (jumps, verticality etc).

Skimmer occasionally on water (but I like underwater combat so often just swim).

Jackal and Springer for fashion and scenic travel.

(Griffon very rarely only if need to get somewhere fast, with large verticality. Raptor and warclaw, never in pve)

But I don't like the any of the skins for skyscale - would love to see an asura tech glider replacement or similar.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@"JekthAvid.1408" said:They all have different strengths. I'm working on my skyscale (waiting for gorrik), but it sounds like maybe I should go for griffon?

Did you ever see that episode of "Top Gear" where Jeremy Clarkson is trying to drive a Lamborghini through some old cobblestone streets with narrow alleyways? The car is designed to operate at high speeds and has a very low, wide, flattened body to reduce drag and increase stability. A compact car would have been a better choice there! But get those two cars on a track? Different story.

It's sort of like that, except the griffon is considerably more versatile than the Lamborghini. It is the second best all-purpose mount, defined by its ability to navigate varied terrain. However, the skyscale is also far better than a compact car! It is simply better than the griffon in every way except in the griffon's niche of rapidly descending and moving very quickly over long distances.

Naturally, the better all-purpose mount is going to see more use. But that is not to say that the skyscale entirely overlaps the griffon. In fact, the skyscale improves the griffon even while it carves out the majority of its role for itself. You can use the skyscale to reach places you simply can't go with any combination of the other mounts, specifically in the vertical direction. This allows you to quickly and easily reach places that allow you to utilize the griffon. The result is that you are able to use the griffon for its dive and zoom more often, even while you use it less because the skyscale is better at everything else.

Actually I would say the griffon is better than the skyscale for hopping around varied ground terrain that has sections you need/want flight for in between in addition to faster long range flight and the rapid elevation and leveling off ability of griffon. That's hwy I tend to consider the griffon the better overall, for myself. That said, I would worry that without Skyscale a few things in the new maps may be a pain, also I wouldnt have been able to do Vision I think.

From personal experience I'd say Skyscale is better for short duration hopping around because of it's roll, you can get a lot of distance and quick speed because of that.It's also easier to control when flying and landing so it has that nimble and precise edge that the Griffon doesnt have.But Griffon destroys it when it comes to covering distance as well as verticality in situations where you can fully utalize the speed of it.

See Itotally prefer Griffon for that. For instance on the new map, Griffon is the best mount. Its the best mount because the new map has allot ground terrain with trees, rocks, hills, fallen logs, etc all of which a Skyscale can and does catch on when you try to climb or jump over little things, so you end up having to fly over everything and avoid getting near anything or you get hooked onto stuff. Additionally, you easily die on skyscale due to limited evade and the map having many sniper NPCs who will 1shot your skyscale and leave you falling lol. In contrast, griffon can just leap and bounce over all the ground terrain and swoop and fly over all the air terrain with constant evade. So IMO griffon is actually allot better. Im just trying to be nice cause I know skyscale is popular and some people wont have time/gold/somthing for both and I want people to be happy with which ever they have.

Also in many ways the griffon is far more precise just watch the griffon adventures if you dont know. Skyscale hovers that is the entirety of its "precision".

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@"JekthAvid.1408" said:They all have different strengths. I'm working on my skyscale (waiting for gorrik), but it sounds like maybe I should go for griffon?

Did you ever see that episode of "Top Gear" where Jeremy Clarkson is trying to drive a Lamborghini through some old cobblestone streets with narrow alleyways? The car is designed to operate at high speeds and has a very low, wide, flattened body to reduce drag and increase stability. A compact car would have been a better choice there! But get those two cars on a track? Different story.

It's sort of like that, except the griffon is considerably more versatile than the Lamborghini. It is the second best all-purpose mount, defined by its ability to navigate varied terrain. However, the skyscale is also far better than a compact car! It is simply better than the griffon in every way except in the griffon's niche of rapidly descending and moving very quickly over long distances.

Naturally, the better all-purpose mount is going to see more use. But that is not to say that the skyscale entirely overlaps the griffon. In fact, the skyscale improves the griffon even while it carves out the majority of its role for itself. You can use the skyscale to reach places you simply can't go with any combination of the other mounts, specifically in the vertical direction. This allows you to quickly and easily reach places that allow you to utilize the griffon. The result is that you are able to use the griffon for its dive and zoom more often, even while you use it less because the skyscale is better at everything else.

Actually I would say the griffon is better than the skyscale for hopping around varied ground terrain that has sections you need/want flight for in between in addition to faster long range flight and the rapid elevation and leveling off ability of griffon. That's hwy I tend to consider the griffon the better overall, for myself. That said, I would worry that without Skyscale a few things in the new maps may be a pain, also I wouldnt have been able to do Vision I think.

From personal experience I'd say Skyscale is better for short duration hopping around because of it's roll, you can get a lot of distance and quick speed because of that.It's also easier to control when flying and landing so it has that nimble and precise edge that the Griffon doesnt have.But Griffon destroys it when it comes to covering distance as well as verticality in situations where you can fully utalize the speed of it.

See Itotally prefer Griffon for that. For instance on the new map, Griffon is the best mount. Its the best mount because the new map has allot ground terrain with trees, rocks, hills, fallen logs, etc all of which a Skyscale can and does catch on when you try to climb or jump over little things, so you end up having to fly over everything and avoid getting near anything or you get hooked onto stuff. Additionally, you easily die on skyscale due to limited evade and the map having many sniper NPCs who will 1shot your skyscale and leave you falling lol. In contrast, griffon can just leap and bounce over all the ground terrain and swoop and fly over all the air terrain with constant evade. So IMO griffon is actually allot better. Im just trying to be nice cause I know skyscale is popular and some people wont have time/gold/somthing for both and I want people to be happy with which ever they have.

Also in many ways the griffon is far more precise just watch the griffon adventures if you dont know. Skyscale hovers that is the entirety of its "precision".

There's nothing wrong with having a preference ^^

I havent played the new map yet, im waiting for the voice acting update before I play it but I wouldn't be surprised if Anet added in some enemy types that were effective at knocking down skyscales.It actually sounds pretty awesome that there are now enemies in the game that could be designed to dismount you ^^The new map does sound awesome, im really looking forward to it but with everything going on in the states it might be a while before I get there >.< probably a very long while :(

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Skyscale is definitely super versatile, but I don't really understand why some people say they never use the Griffon anymore because the Skyscale makes it obsolete. The Skyscale is still far slower than the Griffon if you're traveling horizontally and you have a bit of height to start off with.

I use the Skyscale to get height or to do lots of diagonal climbing over rough terrain, but once I have some height and I need to go somewhere else I always use the Griffon to zoom from place to place.

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I have a second account that I have been playing recently. I don't have gliding yet, but have gotten the skimmer.

I'm finding lots of uses for the skimmer to glide / fly for some vertical zones. Its been fun!

In some ways I miss the times when I just had the 4 basic mounts. Made me use them more and pick more frequently between them.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:I have a second account that I have been playing recently. I don't have gliding yet, but have gotten the skimmer.

I'm finding lots of uses for the skimmer to glide / fly for some vertical zones. Its been fun!

In some ways I miss the times when I just had the 4 basic mounts. Made me use them more and pick more frequently between them.

Yea skimmer can work really well to glide as far as endurance will take you and for a safe landing. I have a similar alt account which just has raptor, bunny, skimmer and I find those 3 are able to cover all the bases for 99% of things.

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My most used combo is raptor/springer and together with them, Skyscale. Aside of that, in WvW, I use warclaw.

Other than that:

  • I use skimmer if I want to cross long distances over water (ex: crossing through entire Strait of Devastation area via sea side). That's rare.
  • Once in a blue moon, I do a race with beetle.

I never use the other mounts with a special note about the jackal: I can't use it, it makes me sick within seconds.

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I use Gryphon as its the best.. and fastest, i did not get the skyscale as the quests are atrocious, That said the demo skyscale you used in some events i tested and it was abysmal to use, which made me even less interested in it.. I have no idea what people see in that slow helicopter mount, when we have a jet plane mount..

Also my second most used mounts are the Jackal and Bunny. I have all the other mounts..

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