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I won't be buying the expac because of the state of wvw and pvp

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not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

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Well... PvP is kinda... dead. Honestly, it was never the main strength of the game. But Anet really fucked it up with that Feb patch, and did tiny patches, that didn’t do much. We are like two month without a patch now? 4 month for PvE.

I am extremely disappointed in Anet for that and many other reasons. Every thing about the game has been downhill. Story has been mediocre. Again, was never GE2 strongest suit. But I liked the lore/exploration based story. Trying to make it character based and constantly in your face, does not work so well.

Maps have been on a steep downward trend with PoF. It finally picked-up, which is a good sign.

As for the mythical upcoming expansion, Whenever it comes, I will surely buy it, but I will be buying the cheapest option, and probably will wait for sale. I do not think Anet Performance deserves good money. The are providing mediocre content, so I will buy cheap, if at all.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Oh come now. We bought HoT because Anet devs said they would 100% focus on WvW after it's release.

They'll get us again, just wait and see.

Not so much. As a 99.9998% WvW player, my play-time has dwindled to roughly ~1 hour a week now. I can't see it going up again. At this point, it's blatantly obvious that Anet doesn't give a flying (*&^ about anything other than cash. They've made ZERO moves to eliminate the bots, hacks, third-party garbage, or otherwise.......So why bother?

I don't buy gems, because it's all a sham; couldn't care less about gold, gear, skins, etc......

All in all, it's an entirely dated game, masquerading as something much better than what it is. A few months down the road, I only hope that the great folks in our guild can agree on what to play next. Community is ALL that's holding us together right now.

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Its not just competitive modes, PvE isn't in that great of shape either.

I feel like starting with PoF everything has been downhill. Every day I log in and go to Central Tyria or Heart of Thorns content, and see people everywhere, doing everything, but when I go to the PoF and LS4 maps, there's no one, doing nothing. If you're lucky maybe there's a bounty train, but that's about it. And this was the mistake of making content that's excessive yet also empty at the same time.

When the first map they added (Southsun Cove) is still more active than literal expansion maps, something went wrong. To say nothing of maps like Dry Top, Silverwastes, and Auric Basin, which outshine most everything added since in both players and rewards. This is because some real, deep thought was put into the design of these additions to the game.

They're fixing some of it with IceBrood Saga (e.g, partial map updates instead of full barren wastelands), but now they've left too much content unpolished and seem unwilling to go back and update any of it, even though new players still have to play it.

Its not just the players chasing carrots anymore, the developers themselves have been chasing carrots for a while. I mean, if they can't even fix half the problems with PvE, how could they ever fix most of the problems with competitive modes?

Especially WvW, where map design and gameplay still look like it stepped straight out of a portal from 2011.

They forgot where Guild Wars began, and what made it great for so long.

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i bet you will buy the expac , even not in lunch you will buy it eventully. becuse it seems you like the game and like me i can say 100 more times that i dont like what they done with my beloved ranger class and yet i bought both epxac at lunch and im sure ill hate the 3rd elite also but you know i make my pieace with it and ill buy it

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You might call me crazy, but the thing I am worried about are new Elite Specs that might come with Cantha expac. Why? Well, HoT expac brought the first round of Elite Specs and some of them were broken and busted. PoF dropped the 2nd round of Elite spec and guess what: same thing happened. I feel as if each new Elite Spec drop kills the WvW and PvP scene bit by bit, and the balance patches thus far have been coming at such a slow pace that people don't want to stick around broken classes and just leave.

ANET dropped Esports too quickly, and what we got today are sorry excuses to tweak elite specs from time to time for the sake of "balance".

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@aspirine.6852 said:I kinda expect a Cantha themed map to be in WvW, either to replace EBG or if that is not possible the green borderlands. Not with pve gimmicky things like in the desert, just the theme is enought.

If they attempt to replace the most popular map in the game, likely it will be a further dagger to the dwindling active population.

There is no ‘green borderlands’.

If you mean alpine, that would replace two.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@aspirine.6852 said:I kinda expect a Cantha themed map to be in WvW, either to replace EBG or if that is not possible the green borderlands. Not with pve gimmicky things like in the desert, just the theme is enought.

If they attempt to replace the most popular map in the game, likely it will be a further dagger to the dwindling active population.

There is no ‘green borderlands’.

If you mean alpine, that would replace two.

Actually, there are red, blue and green borderlands. That's what people call them.

Swapping put the green alpine borderlands for another map could be great if it's a good map. That would make it red desert, blue alpine, green swamp/forest/whatever.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@aspirine.6852 said:I kinda expect a Cantha themed map to be in WvW, either to replace EBG or if that is not possible the green borderlands. Not with pve gimmicky things like in the desert, just the theme is enought.

If they attempt to replace the most popular map in the game, likely it will be a further dagger to the dwindling active population.

There is no ‘green borderlands’.

If you mean alpine, that would replace two.

Wel, I mean the green alpine indeed, like desert replaced the red alpine. And it doesnt have to be bad, as long as the map is not filled with pve crap like they tried with desert :/ And I agree it has to be damn near perfect to replace one of the old maps. But they have really good map makers at Anet, just dont go overboard with it :)

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Oh come now. We bought HoT because Anet devs said they would 100% focus on WvW after it's release.

They'll get us again, just wait and see.

I'm sure they did. They looked at it, sent WvW their #thoughtsandprayers, maybe changed a filter in the company mail for it to show support and then proceeded to develop raids and gemshop stuff.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@aspirine.6852 said:I kinda expect a Cantha themed map to be in WvW, either to replace EBG or if that is not possible the green borderlands. Not with pve gimmicky things like in the desert, just the theme is enought.

If they attempt to replace the most popular map in the game, likely it will be a further dagger to the dwindling active population.

There is no ‘green borderlands’.

If you mean alpine, that would replace two.

Actually, there are red, blue and green borderlands. That's what people call them.

Swapping put the green alpine borderlands for another map could be great if it's a good map. That would make it red desert, blue alpine, green swamp/forest/whatever.

If that is the attempt, I agree.

@aspirine.6852 said:

@aspirine.6852 said:I kinda expect a Cantha themed map to be in WvW, either to replace EBG or if that is not possible the green borderlands. Not with pve gimmicky things like in the desert, just the theme is enought.

If they attempt to replace the most popular map in the game, likely it will be a further dagger to the dwindling active population.

There is no ‘green borderlands’.

If you mean alpine, that would replace two.

Wel, I mean the green alpine indeed, like desert replaced the red alpine. And it doesnt have to be bad, as long as the map is not filled with pve kitten like they tried with desert :/ And I agree it has to be kitten near perfect to replace one of the old maps. But they have really good map makers at Anet, just dont go overboard with it :)


The thing many don’t realize about the desert BL wasn’t just the PvE elements, or the play reducing lag feat the laser was, nor the blockades that required you to run in bizarre ways, etc etc

It is still about the lack of structural relevance of the set up.

Functionally,(And in an extremely simplified statement) the alpine BL was designed to make towers relevant to taking keeps and vice versa. In the desert, they serve no purpose other than to give PPT.

That needs to happen with any may change made.

I would actually wish they just redlined the textures in the Alpine layout (and yes, I am pretending to know what it would take knowing full well I have no clue).

This would give the look a refreshing change, but allow the strategy to continue.

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I understand the frustration and I empathize with you but eventually something will have to change. They can not neglect Raids, Fractals, WvW, and PvP forever. These are all end game content modes for veterans. It would be detriment to their bottom line if they lose even more veteran players. Currently I am starting to see less and less maxed out mastery players roaming around now.

For me personally I have a very unpopular opinion on the living story. I think the actual story is wasted resources. Most people fly through the story one time and never repeat it again. An expansion is a good place to incorporate a new story. I feel that in between Xpacs they should be working on refining the game. The new maps are great in all but for me I don't really need to know the background of "why" we are there.

Every game mode needs to be updated regularly. No body should need to wait long periods of time to see the game mode they prefer have something new to do. If it is a staffing problem well you gotta spend money to make money. Time to hire some more people Anet. NC Soft belly up to the bar and make it happen.

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WvW could use some fresh paint. Problem is every time it gets changed people get upset. If they spent the amount of effort it does to build a PvE map and put that into a WvW map instead, it could be a map that people spend years in. It could also end up being the desert borderlands and everybody hates it. A lot of people disliked the warclaw mount when they added that. It has got to be hard to come up with actual WvW content that isn't new armor and weapons without people hating it.

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@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

Also not paying $40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago. Stop trying to sell us Nostalgia. I want to go to new places.

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@Sheader.6827 said:You might call me crazy, but the thing I am worried about are new Elite Specs that might come with Cantha expac. Why? Well, HoT expac brought the first round of Elite Specs and some of them were broken and busted. PoF dropped the 2nd round of Elite spec and guess what: same thing happened. I feel as if each new Elite Spec drop kills the WvW and PvP scene bit by bit, and the balance patches thus far have been coming at such a slow pace that people don't want to stick around broken classes and just leave.

didn't a lot of hardcore WvW guilds quit not too long after HoT because of the elite specs? sorry, wasn't going into WvW much, was catching up on 2.5 years of hiatus

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@Kylden Ar.3724 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

Also not paying $40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago. Stop trying to sell us Nostalgia. I want to go to

Then enjoy PvE.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Sheader.6827 said:You might call me crazy, but the thing I am worried about are new Elite Specs that might come with Cantha expac. Why? Well, HoT expac brought the first round of Elite Specs and some of them were broken and busted. PoF dropped the 2nd round of Elite spec and guess what: same thing happened. I feel as if each new Elite Spec drop kills the WvW and PvP scene bit by bit, and the balance patches thus far have been coming at such a slow pace that people don't want to stick around broken classes and just leave.

didn't a lot of hardcore WvW guilds quit not too long after HoT because of the elite specs? sorry, wasn't going into WvW much, was catching up on 2.5 years of hiatus

Lots of things drove guilds out. Elite specs were a small part.

Placing all of the guild upgrades for WvW that guilds had earned before HoT behind a tremendous paywall was infuriating

Balance was made worse because of trying to sell xpac’s

Desert BL was initially a huge cluster. They had a beta for it, took suggestions, and made no changes in the suggestions.

Took them over a year to acknowledge that several of the items they added were population killers.

Those are some of the basic highlights.

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