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Game is too easy with ascended/legendary gear

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what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

i renember my first time at hot with my bad gears, the game felt way more alive and fun

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

i renember my first time at hot with my bad gears, the game felt way more alive and fun

If that's the case then why do you think low level world bosses, like Shadow Behemoth, still attract players? It's not about how easy/hard it is, it's about the rewards.

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@Obfuscate.6430 said:Neither of us has any data to back up any claims, but I would assume people leave a map once they've gained all they can from it. I don't imagine the areas being easy has anything to do with population. Rather, adding more reasons to return to a map makes more sense than nerfing gear.

sure rewards matter but while doing some achivs/quest you have to go back, the game is very unfun because it's too easy, you can just ignore everything and never look back because you have not a fun experience there

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Old maps are plenty populated. Maybe not as much when the game came out and people were roughly the same level, but they aren't dead unless you play at off-hours for your region.

And level 80 players with power classes could always stomp mobs in <70 levels. Ascended makes this more pronounced, but it's not a new phenomenon. 'zerker gear + build/spec for power = dead mob even if someone's "only" in exotics.

And I'm not sure why you're even bringing up HoT when HoT is level 80 content and downscaling only happens in all but two vanilla zones.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

What maps are you talking about? HoT metas happen all the time. Not Dragon Stand, perhaps, because other metas have sprouted up everywhere. HoT is still difficult for many people, and the reason sometimes maps are empty is because you are either in one where there is an Hero Points train going, or something similar. As for the Core maps are concerned, I think we have scaled beyond them? But ironically, they are always super populated, because of new players. Starter zones are always there. Are those very easy? Yeah. But not because you have Ascended Gear, but because your skill level has increased so much.

So, name specific maps.

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It's likely not the gear and overtime you just got good. The game is easy period, and what you likely remember are times when you didn't have a proper build, didnt understand your profession(s) as well as you do now, didn't know all the mobs etc., and also happened to have worse gear still.

Skill is the most important factor in GW2 though, it's likely you can equip some random blue, greens and yellows and still plow through all of OW, including HoT, without any difficulties or engagement, once you know how to play the game moderately well.

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The 'problem' with down scaling is that it only reduces the values of your attributes, on an individual basis. So even a level 60 character in rare gear downscaled to 10 will have an advantage over a real level 10 character because they'll have 3 attributes on their equipment. All 3 are reduced, but the total is still higher, and more importantly they still have access to all their skills and traits. That all makes a bigger difference than the initial attribute values before they're downscaled, which is the only difference between exotic and ascended. I don't think that's a mistake incidentally, my understanding is that down scaling was never meant to make low level maps just as hard as higher level ones, just to prevent it getting to the point where you can one hit kill everything with auto-attacks and it's not even worth running through there because it's pointless.

More important IMO is player skill. Someone who has levelled up to 80 and gotten a full set of ascended equipment won't play the same way a new player does, simply because they've had more time to learn and get used to the game. I routinely make and play new characters who usually have worse equipment than my mains did when they were low level (because I don't bother upgrading it) and even though I'm not the best player I find it easier than I did when I was new, even on professions I'm still terrible at, simply because I know the game better now. I know how to dodge and when to dodge, I've sorted my keybindings out so I can move more easily in combat and I understand how to pick skills which are actually useful and when to use them. I still get downed and killed sometimes but no where near as much as I did, and I can take on a lot more than I could when I first started.

If you want to feel challenged even in low level maps then I agree the way to go is to use lower tier or even low level equipment and a build you know isn't as good (but hopefully still something you find fun). It won't be the same as when you were new but it can still be a challenge.

If you want everyone else to be weaker then unfortunately I don't think there's a sensible way to do it. I don't think it would be a good idea for down scaling to remove skills and traits because that can make a build play entirely differently so it would be extremely confusing to suddenly lose and gain options as you move around the map. But also there's no way to remove the effect of player skill.

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It has nothing to do with gear. The core game was nerfed several times in the past and as a result isn't even really a challenge to low level players. I've only seen extremely new players struggle at all and even then only briefly.

I find this disappointing as back when the low maps were challenging I liked supporting people. Now I find that anywhere in Central Tyria except maybe Orr, no one ever gets downed or defeated for the most part. There's no one to support, no one to help beyond just giving them advice. Even in the end-game maps I rarely find anyone who I can help in a physical manner instead of just verbally, outside of large groups.

Aside from a brief period at Orr's release and again at HoT's release, the game's just plain easy. I get the point, its so that we don't have to rely on healers or any kind of trinity, but it also sucks for people who like to play those roles.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

i renember my first time at hot with my bad gears, the game felt way more alive and fun

I don't know why you think this is a problem specific to ascended gear. If I showed you a video in full ascended vs. full exotic you would be unable to tell the difference. The difference is very small.

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@"SeikeNz.3526" said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

i renember my first time at hot with my bad gears, the game felt way more alive and fun

Not saying that the game isn't too easy once you're all kitted out but over lockdown I completed 2.5 full world completions. My experience of the population on the old maps was that there were people playing pretty much everywhere. Genuinely surprising numbers of people completing hearts and banding together to do the big events; frankly, everything I hoped the core game would be eight years down the line. I could probably count on one hand the number of times I found myself in an area of the game where there weren't other people doing their own thing.

I think it is therefore misleading to imply that "old maps are empty because it's too easy".

I play on EU and I don't know if that makes a difference. Perhaps NA servers are genuinely desolate.

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@"SeikeNz.3526" said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

i renember my first time at hot with my bad gears, the game felt way more alive and fun

So go grab some cheap Karma rare gear and use that in low level areas if you feel too strong.

My guild used to have "Dungeons in White Nights" where we did dungeon clears in all White Gear. Make your own challenges.

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@Kylden Ar.3724 said:

@"SeikeNz.3526" said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

i renember my first time at hot with my bad gears, the game felt way more alive and fun

So go grab some cheap Karma rare gear and use that in low level areas if you feel too strong.

My guild used to have "Dungeons in White Nights" where we did dungeon clears in all White Gear. Make your own challenges.

imagine buying a gear for every map of the game to get an ideal difficulty, dungeons are another thing that ascended simple destroy, you can lure all the dungeon and aoe it without losing health, my first time doing dungeons i had to make a strategy for every fight, was so fun, your guild idea is good, but only work with guilds, you can't force people to use it on lfg

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