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If the new expansion...


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It really depends on if Alliances have been released before the expansion or not, or whether anything else has been implemented that has made me want to support the developer again. I do not really care about any other content or additions to the game.

It also depends on whether whatever completely optional changes that are not actually optional (like the Warclaw) are added and whether I can stomach that or not. On top of that it also depends on the competition on the market.

The poll has no maybe option.

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To be fair, the majority of WvW runners are still technically PvXers, they're not tied to just 1 game mode. Even the dedicated WvW guilds likely indulge in expansions once in a while too. Only grizzled vets who go online to get their daily carnage fix couldn't care less about expansions and whatever else Anet releases (and that's perfectly fair). Would be nice if they could throw a bone at WvW though. And by that, I dont mean WvW content should be added to the expansion (if we have to wait for an expansion each time, it's a really bad precedent). I'm still hoping for Alliance to be done -before- the expansion, even if it's looking less likely by the day.

If Alliance doesn't pop out before expansion or even during it, I think there's gonna be a legit riot.

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I'd like to see some new playable races and classes in the new expansion. They added new classes in GW1 in almost every expansion. The only new one we have gotten since release is the rev. Think it's overdue. Since the new expansion is going to deal with underwater content why not make a underwater bl that incorporates some new siege and skills. Legendary and ascended water weapons could be a new thing as well.

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  1. Gonna take way more then E-specs alone to sell me the expansion as the last one was horrible.
  2. I want something fresh, I want WvW to get some serious love.
  3. I want something to blow me away, not more of the same.
  4. I remain unconvinced the story will be good or that it will be more than four to five big maps that will be abandoned much like PoF in a couple of months
  5. frankly I want more guild content.... and guild halls

@Justine.6351 said:Poll needs idk option as I don't know without knowing what that content is.

Then dont have an opinion and move along? I mean if you dont WvW, care about WvW or want WvW then reading the post should tell you that this post is not for you and has nothing to do with what you're invested in. No offence meant to you but PvE and PvE players don't cater or care about PvP or WvW and honestly likely want us gone, so why should we even open up the option for them to speak in a thread directed at us?

@Beorne.9248 said:I'd like to see some new playable races and classes in the new expansion. They added new classes in GW1 in almost every expansion. The only new one we have gotten since release is the rev. Think it's overdue. Since the new expansion is going to deal with underwater content why not make a underwater bl that incorporates some new siege and skills. Legendary and ascended water weapons could be a new thing as well.

Id love that BUUUUT as they've said in the past, they dont and haven't and won't consider it and its too much work.. Likely the expansion will be more of the same

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

  1. Gonna take way more then E-specs alone to sell me the expansion as the last one was horrible.
  2. I want something fresh, I want WvW to get some serious love.
  3. I want something to blow me away, not more of the same.
  4. I remain unconvinced the story will be good or that it will be more than four to five big maps that will be abandoned much like PoF in a couple of months
  5. frankly I want more guild content.... and guild halls

@Justine.6351 said:Poll needs idk option as I don't know without knowing what that content is.

Then dont have an opinion and move along? I mean if you dont WvW, care about WvW or want WvW then reading the post should tell you that this post is not for you and has nothing to do with what you're invested in. No offence meant to you but PvE and PvE players don't cater or care about PvP or WvW and honestly likely want us gone, so why should we even open up the option for them to speak in a thread directed at us?

@Beorne.9248 said:I'd like to see some new playable races and classes in the new expansion. They added new classes in GW1 in almost every expansion. The only new one we have gotten since release is the rev. Think it's overdue. Since the new expansion is going to deal with underwater content why not make a underwater bl that incorporates some new siege and skills. Legendary and ascended water weapons could be a new thing as well.

Id love that BUUUUT as they've said in the past, they dont and haven't and won't consider it and its too much work.. Likely the expansion will be more of the same

But he asked our opinions and for me that depends on what is added, not if/if not.

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