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Level 80's in starter zones, why?

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@"Tukaram.8256" said:Same reason I used to keep replaying the GW pre-searing area... fun. The core map is the most fun, best thought out area of the game.

For all the little reworks I'd like to see to core maps, I have to agree. The core maps define much of what I praise as the things that define GW2 in a positive way. Distinct, interesting ambient NPC conversation in different little villages and settlements around the map, people being spontaneously cooperative, and many veteran mentors answering questions in chat sincerely. Also, unlike other games where mission-giving NPCs are essentially unkillable objects rooted in one place for all time, in the core maps you see entire camps of NPCs wiped out because people didn't do events, NPCs running around far from their "home" location desperately asking passersby for help, and a million other little ways that make them seem far more alive and relatable than NPCs in just about every other game I've played.

I myself am back in core maps all the time because I do dungeon frequenter several times per day, and if a low level person is in my dungeon party and wants me along to chat with them or help with exploration and events once we clear the dungeon, I'll spend a bit of time doing that.

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@aspirine.6852 said:Daily, collections, map completion, world boss hunting..

These reasons plus resource gathering. Also, I find the beginner maps in particular and the core maps in general to be relaxing. This past weekend, after a long, intense bout of WvW fighting, it was a nice, easy going change of pace to take a boosted level 80 through Queensdale for map completion.

As for @Viger.1347's comments about level 80's steamrolling stuff in beginner maps, I do try to keep that in mind. For example, if I am the only one escorting Mona and her caravan to Claypool, I can solo it without breaking a sweat. If there are other players escorting her too though, I won't use my mount and will restrict myself to my first weapon skill only so as to not wipe out everything in sight myself. That just seems like basic courtesy for a level 80 in a beginner zone.

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@Chichimec.9364 said:As for @Viger.1347's comments about level 80's steamrolling stuff in beginner maps, I do try to keep that in mind. For example, if I am the only one escorting Mona and her caravan to Claypool, I can solo it without breaking a sweat. If there are other players escorting her too though, I won't use my mount and will restrict myself to my first weapon skill only so as to not wipe out everything in sight myself. That just seems like basic courtesy for a level 80 in a beginner zone.Sadly, there are too many players who don't share your view. During daily events in low level zones, I mentor up and politely ask players to not use their mounts to kill things so that everyone can get a chance. Many do, but I also get players responding to my polite request with so much salt and what I can do with my request. /shrug

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Chichimec.9364 said:As for @Viger.1347's comments about level 80's steamrolling stuff in beginner maps, I do try to keep that in mind. For example, if I am the only one escorting Mona and her caravan to Claypool, I can solo it without breaking a sweat. If there are other players escorting her too though, I won't use my mount and will restrict myself to my first weapon skill only so as to not wipe out everything in sight myself. That just seems like basic courtesy for a level 80 in a beginner zone.Sadly, there are too many players who don't share your view. During daily events in low level zones, I mentor up and politely ask players to not use their mounts to kill things so that everyone can get a chance. Many do, but I also get players responding to my polite request with so much salt and what I can do with my request. /shrug

Early on in my GW2 days, I remember actually escorting Mona with a group of other players. Without even thinking about it, I was using my mount to bust up the attacking Centaurs and was killing most of them myself. Another player called me out on hogging all the kills and not letting other players get any. My initial reaction was very salty. As I thought about it though, I realized that player was right. It is a matter of common courtesy. Ever since then, I've been mindful of other players on the lower level core maps. So even if someone's initial reaction is testy, you may have a positive, long term effect, without ever even knowing it.

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@Chichimec.9364 said:

@Chichimec.9364 said:As for @Viger.1347's comments about level 80's steamrolling stuff in beginner maps, I do try to keep that in mind. For example, if I am the only one escorting Mona and her caravan to Claypool, I can solo it without breaking a sweat. If there are other players escorting her too though, I won't use my mount and will restrict myself to my first weapon skill only so as to not wipe out everything in sight myself. That just seems like basic courtesy for a level 80 in a beginner zone.Sadly, there are too many players who don't share your view. During daily events in low level zones, I mentor up and politely ask players to not use their mounts to kill things so that everyone can get a chance. Many do, but I also get players responding to my polite request with so much salt and what I can do with my request. /shrug

Early on in my GW2 days, I remember actually escorting Mona with a group of other players. Without even thinking about it, I was using my mount to bust up the attacking Centaurs and was killing most of them myself. Another player called me out on hogging all the kills and not letting other players get any. My initial reaction was very salty. As I thought about it though, I realized that player was right. It is a matter of common courtesy. Ever since then, I've been mindful of other players on the lower level core maps. So even if someone's initial reaction is testy, you may have a positive, long term effect, without ever even knowing it.

Thanks for sharing that. I continue to ask politely. Sometimes it works, other times not so much.

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@kharmin.7683 said:During daily events in low level zones, I mentor up and politely ask players to not use their mounts to kill things so that everyone can get a chance.

i just search events with the beetle, tag some mobs and then wait with mentor tag until other people complete it.

i do like core tyria maps but they're designed without mounts in mind, so mounts make them quite ridiculous at certain points like standing on the top of an invisible wall in straits of devastation or leaving the map in kessex hills. rata sum has huge outskirts with a proper ground and certain climbable invisible walls making it a nice playground. on the other hand these regions obviously aren't fleshed out. i would love if ANet put some secret stuff in maps like that that you only find with mounts, giving their existence a purpose. otherwise i wouldn't mind getting rid of mounts in central tyria entirely. apart from guild treks for small/inactive guilds there isn't really any positive effect they currently have (maybe silverwastes movement as there are no waypoints during RIBA but then again cf was a lot more fun when we all tried to stay at the front only with class movement rather than all same raptor speed). i would certainly have more fun in core tyria if being forced to play without a mount (and everyone else as well so i still get a fair chance at events and stuff).

edit: there was someone talking about events not scaling up big enough. there are events that scale up so hard that they just become a chore to complete. best example is the first pre of the megadestroyer where the time-capped ley line event chain nearby will be completed faster even though the NPCs have to walk over the entire map first, then you do a fixed-time fight and then beat a boss. that is beyond ridiculous. also many gathering events scale up brutally like the giant beetles in dry top or air elementals in harathi hinterlands. the latter one takes up to 10 minutes if it is daily where 9 minutes are just wait for respawn. there need to be some scaling adjustments (bigger scaling for time-gated or escort, respawn scaling for gathering, less scaling for moral-gated defense [or much much higher respawn rate])

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@"WorldofBay.8160" said:there isn't really any positive effect they currently havePerhaps not for you. I find many positives about using my mount in core Tyria maps, most of which are QoL improvements.i would certainly have more fun in core tyria if being forced to play without a mountThere is nothing preventing you from doing that now.(and everyone else as well so i still get a fair chance at events and stuff)."Fair" is subjective. Outside of daily events, which have masses of mounted characters, I haven't seen players on mounts preventing me from completing events or other content.

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GW2 was designed to be different than other MMORPG'S. Yes there are similarities to other games like World of Warcraft and Everquest 2. Unlike those games GW2 has a level system that brings your character down to the area that level is, meaning if you are level 80 in a zone designed for level 15 your level will go from level 80 to 15. This makes it so even weak level 15 foes can kill you if you don't watch what your doing. It also means you still get xp and drops from them. In those other games once above the level of the area no reason to go back you can kill all you want and get nothing ,and must go to a higher zone.

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@Chichimec.9364 said:

@Chichimec.9364 said:As for @Viger.1347's comments about level 80's steamrolling stuff in beginner maps, I do try to keep that in mind. For example, if I am the only one escorting Mona and her caravan to Claypool, I can solo it without breaking a sweat. If there are other players escorting her too though, I won't use my mount and will restrict myself to my first weapon skill only so as to not wipe out everything in sight myself. That just seems like basic courtesy for a level 80 in a beginner zone.Sadly, there are too many players who don't share your view. During daily events in low level zones, I mentor up and politely ask players to not use their mounts to kill things so that everyone can get a chance. Many do, but I also get players responding to my polite request with so much salt and what I can do with my request. /shrug

Early on in my GW2 days, I remember actually escorting Mona with a group of other players. Without even thinking about it, I was using my mount to bust up the attacking Centaurs and was killing most of them myself. Another player called me out on hogging all the kills and not letting other players get any. My initial reaction was very salty. As I thought about it though, I realized that player was right. It is a matter of common courtesy. Ever since then, I've been mindful of other players on the lower level core maps. So even if someone's initial reaction is testy, you may have a positive, long term effect, without ever even knowing it.

That is great that you made a change. I swapped to using my jackel in low levels zones and giving newbies the hp barrier, instead of the raptor tail swipe :)

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Well, as a relative "noob" to this game, I want to say thanks to all of you who still help and can remember what it's like to be new on a game. The one thing I always dread about starting a new game is the toxic atmosphere of an established game and the "older" players who seem to have totally forgotten they were once new as well, and seem to be more focused on talking down to a new player rather than helping them out. The best way to keep a game you like/love going is to help build the fanbase, not tear it down and make people leave.So I welcome all of you who frequent the starter areas and appreciate any help that's given. B)

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@Chichimec.9364 said:

@Chichimec.9364 said:As for @Viger.1347's comments about level 80's steamrolling stuff in beginner maps, I do try to keep that in mind. For example, if I am the only one escorting Mona and her caravan to Claypool, I can solo it without breaking a sweat. If there are other players escorting her too though, I won't use my mount and will restrict myself to my first weapon skill only so as to not wipe out everything in sight myself. That just seems like basic courtesy for a level 80 in a beginner zone.Sadly, there are too many players who don't share your view. During daily events in low level zones, I mentor up and politely ask players to not use their mounts to kill things so that everyone can get a chance. Many do, but I also get players responding to my polite request with so much salt and what I can do with my request. /shrug

Early on in my GW2 days, I remember actually escorting Mona with a group of other players. Without even thinking about it, I was using my mount to bust up the attacking Centaurs and was killing most of them myself. Another player called me out on hogging all the kills and not letting other players get any. My initial reaction was very salty. As I thought about it though, I realized that player was right. It is a matter of common courtesy. Ever since then, I've been mindful of other players on the lower level core maps. So even if someone's initial reaction is testy, you may have a positive, long term effect, without ever even knowing it.

Let me tell you a sad fact: You are the only one who gained this (obvious) "revelation". No one else cares, as proven every time there is a daily event map on a lower level map.

Now i just ignore everyone else and get out of that map as quickly as possible. Still won't use mounts, unless there is no other way to get participation on the events, and even then i leave once i have killed a few of the attacking enemy groups, usually. I especially despise people who come in on an event i am doing and then they activate their mentor tag and lead an army of these kind of pricks to do what they always do. Someone probably wants to say "It's an MMO!" Yes, it is, and that is why it's terrible, only truly terrible because of the other people.

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@Atomos.7593 said:The aesthetics, variety of landscapes and numerous events happening all make core Tyria one of my most favourite areas in this game even though all my characters are level 80. Ever since the underwater skimmer was introduced, I absolutely love exploring all parts of Frostgorge Sound now.

^^this for me.

With the recent skimmer update, I've been enjoying exploring underwater, especially Caledon as that's one of my favorite maps. In addition to that, I love the music and environment. I go back when I'm feeling nostalgic of when I first explored there as a new player, and do some jumping puzzles, and general roaming to admire the environment. It's not often I turn my graphics settings up to view the environment, but when I do it's worth it.

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@Tyncale.1629 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:Not a week goes by without Anet gating something I want behind some awful World Boss or obscure dynamic event on a core map.

And I for one am glad they do, this is exactly why those maps still have people in them. I also love the core maps, the DE's, the atmosphere and so forth.

I have no problem with the Core maps themselves. Most of them are very well crafted. Some of my favorite maps in the game are core maps like Fireheart Rise.I do however, find World Bosses to be the absolute worst content this game has to offer and I find camping spots waiting for dynamic events to pop to run contrary to everything I love about this game.And it seems that every time Anet wants to use a collection to send me into Core maps it's to participate in some excruciatingly low effort World Boss like Fire Elemental or to wait for some event to pop.It's not fun.Quip's 1st collection, Chukka and Champawat and even the Astralaria collections are good examples of this done right.Things like the Roller Beetle or the vast majority of Legendary collections feel like the developers have a checklist that includes "must drive players to Core maps at least 4 times" or "Player must complete 4 fractals" and are just half-heartedly connecting the dots to ensure the illusion of popularity.

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I mostly do it for events, collections, or achievement stuff (like doing a pile of JPs to get up to the next AP reward threshold). So I'm not usually involved in the normal map-meta stuff.

Nearly every time I'm in sub-80 core Tyria, I'll see someone struggling to get some JP or vista and they'll be like "How do you get up there???" and I will either show them or just get on skyscale, fly up to the edge of the no-mount zone, yeet myself to the destination with Bond-of-Faith, and then drop a Shadow Portal so they can join me. Makes me feel great about myself, tbh.

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@WorldofBay.8160 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:During daily events in low level zones, I mentor up and politely ask players to not use their mounts to kill things so that everyone can get a chance.

[snipped]edit: there was someone talking about events not scaling up big enough. there are events that scale up so hard that they just become a chore to complete. best example is the first pre of the megadestroyer where the time-capped ley line event chain nearby will be completed faster even though the NPCs have to walk over the entire map first, then you do a fixed-time fight and then beat a boss. that is beyond ridiculous. also many gathering events scale up brutally like the giant beetles in dry top or air elementals in harathi hinterlands. the latter one takes up to 10 minutes if it is daily where 9 minutes are just wait for respawn. there need to be some scaling adjustments (bigger scaling for time-gated or escort, respawn scaling for gathering, less scaling for moral-gated defense [or much much higher respawn rate])

That was me. The daily events on the Tyria maps do need upscaling - when multiple players can't get any damage in, or collecting items, for credit - then there is a problem with using those events as dailies. Someone sticks up a mentor or commander tag, and 20-30 people descend on them.

The game cannot rely on players being considerate at all times. The game also cannot rely on players only auto-attacking when some classes have most of the damage on the third part of the auto-attack chain.

One option is to remove these 4-events-in-a-map as a daily. One option is to upscale these events. One option is to leave everything unchanged.

I don't think many will be happy with retaining the status quo. The first option may affect some players negatively (e.g. if the replacement third daily is now either pvp or wvw). The second option appears to be the one that would be the best solution.

Finally, if events are a chore, then don't do them. And what is a chore to you may be someone else's fun/chill time. The first example you gave isn't an upscale. I have done that beetle event numerous times with it upscaled, and it wasn't a chore - it's just that some players seem to think you need to kill the beetle, whereas you only have to damage it to get the item - multiple players can get the item off the same beetle. Champions appearing are a feature of upscaling, not a bug - multiple players will now get the drop off the one NPC. The air elementals respawn rate causes a problem even with two people there.

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