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Wintersday live and dead content...


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Wintersday is alive, but the festival's content is dead. Is it so hard to create a map in which there are many frozen monsters and frozen bosses for players to build squadrons and play fun ?! Would it be too much to ask ?! Why I am part of the group of players who have never been familiar with the structure of this holiday festival. (for me it was always one of the worst and boring).The purchase of items is very scarce and poor, the festival's gameplay is very limited and repetitive. The "Choir Bell", I joined for the first time today and found it very confusing. The "Jump Puzzle", I never managed to finish, and even now that I have a faster and more powerful computer, I still can't do that. The only positive part of the festival is the "Secret Lair of Snowman", but it is also nauseating and exhausting.If the festival had a fixed map filled with Christmas monsters and group challenges, the festival and Guild Wars 2 itself would gain much more attention. Otherwise, if there are no changes or improvements, I believe the tendency of the game is to lose a lot of attention. (Which is my case, I don't intend to play a festival with repetitive and unsatisfactory mechanics. Anyway, I will look for another game to play over Christmas) XDShare your opinions ...

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Not all content is for everyone. I rarely do any of the festivals. They're just not my thing. Especially SAB -- I really don't like that one and wish it had never been a thing. Still, there are enough players who do enjoy festivals for Anet to continue to promote them.

Best part for me during festivals is that I don't have to do them. I can keep playing GW2 like usual.

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Not every festival appeals to every player. For me, it's one of the most fun and most varied of Christmas MMO festivals. It's also extraordinarily popular and is always the festival that seems to keep people in it for the longest time. I look forward to Wintersday well in advance. Apart from halloween, I find the others lacking for repeatable content

  • choir bell. You literally join a board and play the notes that come down 1-9 based on the location of the note as it drops
  • the jumping puzzle. 3 different difficulty levels to give everyone a chance
  • a strike mission in the form of the snow lair
  • Toypocalypse (a lovely little tower defence that could use some beefing up)
  • Infinarium which is just a bit of messabout fun for friends
  • a race around Divinity's Reach
  • a pvp style arena which is more fun than than it seems imo

On top of that you have mini activities like escorting the dolyak, giving presents to orphans and buying tons of Wintersday presents with the simply staggering amount of karma you get from the above activities.

So no, not everyone will like it, but it's hard to argue there isn't much to do or that it lacks variety. It's a pretty bumper festival that's for sure. And it looks fabulous!

For filler content - and festivals are just filler and nothing else - we get well looked after

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@lummuss.6850 said:Do you know what is hilarious ?! I tried in many ways to complete at least the three daily achievements, but I gave up because I found those achievements very confusing and difficult to understand ...

To be fair the wintersday dailies are a mess to read since they added the bonus ones. The upside is the rewards are better, but not everything in the daily list is a daily for 3x achievement. You need to ignore the tiered bonus ones

It's been fed back before

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@Randulf.7614 said:Not every festival appeals to every player...That. Exactly that. Some festivals I like and I do them a lot. Others I do a little bit in. Some I just skip entirely. None of that has any real effect on how I play the rest of the game. Right now I'm working on my third piece of legendary armor in WvW and am working with several guildies on getting our skyscales. Our guild will be holding our own Wintersday event this coming weekend. I've been doing strikes, learning PvP and even messing around a bit with low level fractals. Earlier this month I got my first third year birthday present. Three years I've been playing this game now and if I don't like or don't understand a festival activity, I just skip it and play the stuff I do enjoy. No big deal.

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@"lummuss.6850" said:Wintersday is alive, but the festival's content is dead. Is it so hard to create a map in which there are many frozen monsters and frozen bosses for players to build squadrons and play funShare your opinions ...

Not everyone likes to kill things all day.

Some of us prefer racing over killing NPCsSome of us prefer jumping puzzles over killing NPCsSome of us prefer choir over killing NPCs

This game, and MMORPG's in general doesn't have to be all about "Squadrons and NPC's to kill"

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@"lummuss.6850" said:Wintersday is alive, but the festival's content is dead. Is it so hard to create a map in which there are many frozen monsters and frozen bosses for players to build squadrons and play fun ?! Would it be too much to ask ?! Why I am part of the group of players who have never been familiar with the structure of this holiday festival. (for me it was always one of the worst and boring).The purchase of items is very scarce and poor, the festival's gameplay is very limited and repetitive. The "Choir Bell", I joined for the first time today and found it very confusing. The "Jump Puzzle", I never managed to finish, and even now that I have a faster and more powerful computer, I still can't do that. The only positive part of the festival is the "Secret Lair of Snowman", but it is also nauseating and exhausting.If the festival had a fixed map filled with Christmas monsters and group challenges, the festival and Guild Wars 2 itself would gain much more attention. Otherwise, if there are no changes or improvements, I believe the tendency of the game is to lose a lot of attention. (Which is my case, I don't intend to play a festival with repetitive and unsatisfactory mechanics. Anyway, I will look for another game to play over Christmas) XDShare your opinions ...

Sounds like you want a “Mad Kingʼs Labyrinth” for Wintersday. I would not be against this.

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@"lummuss.6850" said:Wintersday is alive, but the festival's content is dead. Is it so hard to create a map in which there are many frozen monsters and frozen bosses for players to build squadrons and play fun ?! Would it be too much to ask ?! Why I am part of the group of players who have never been familiar with the structure of this holiday festival. (for me it was always one of the worst and boring).The purchase of items is very scarce and poor, the festival's gameplay is very limited and repetitive. The "Choir Bell", I joined for the first time today and found it very confusing. The "Jump Puzzle", I never managed to finish, and even now that I have a faster and more powerful computer, I still can't do that. The only positive part of the festival is the "Secret Lair of Snowman", but it is also nauseating and exhausting.If the festival had a fixed map filled with Christmas monsters and group challenges, the festival and Guild Wars 2 itself would gain much more attention. Otherwise, if there are no changes or improvements, I believe the tendency of the game is to lose a lot of attention. (Which is my case, I don't intend to play a festival with repetitive and unsatisfactory mechanics. Anyway, I will look for another game to play over Christmas) XDShare your opinions ...

What exactly is the complaint here? What are you asking for? Genuinely curious, just asking cause i don't understand.

Personally i like the jumping puzzle. I finished it a lot today and i SUCK at jumping puzzles. This one is easy compared to the Halloween one. I hate that one and i never managed to finish it so i feel your pain lol. :tongue:

Didn't try choir bell yet.

The strike mission is cool. But anything you do for a grind - which all festivals are - will inevitabely be boring.

All GW2 festivals are a huge grind. You grind currency to get items, rinse, repeat...I don't see how a map with events would change that as opposed to instanced content.

Try the tower defense game, it's pretty chill and fun. Toypocalipse.Trixx infinarium is meh and takes too long.

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@"lummuss.6850" said:The purchase of items is very scarce and poor,

Many of the Wintersday goodies need to be earned, they cannot be purchased. Go check Wiki or a full-fledged guide at Dulfy's or GuildJen's.

the festival's gameplay is very limited and repetitive. The "Choir Bell", I joined for the first time today and found it very confusing.

And because you have not gotten the hang of it yet makes it "bad" altogether? Yes, it has its design flaws, but it's still fully functional and can be mastered.

The "Jump Puzzle", I never managed to finish, and even now that I have a faster and more powerful computer, I still can't do that.

Plenty of people can do it in their sleep and it's tons of fun. Just because you can't doesn't make it "poor content", either.

The only positive part of the festival is the "Secret Lair of Snowman", but it is also nauseating and exhausting.

What's nauseating and exhausting about it, exactly? Presumably, you have never played the harder strike missions, let alone raids, and have no comparison to what challenging content looks like.

Sorry, but to me your complaint sounds like you are having trouble to master the festival's activities and are too laid back to look up festival items that aren't available at the vendors, so you have decided for yourself that the festival was bad content (which it is not).

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@"lummuss.6850" said:Do you know what is hilarious ?! I tried in many ways to complete at least the three daily achievements, but I gave up because I found those achievements very confusing and difficult to understand ...

Maybe you should try to read cause there are nothing confusing about "throw 3 snowballs on peeps" or "finish the jumping puzzle once".And maybe do the same for the rest of the event.

Wintersday is about classic content with Christmas sauce : strikes, dungeons, race, jumping puzzle, pvp, open world and original activities.

There is nothing to understand if you have already play gw2, you just click, enter activities and play.

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My favourite parts of Wintersday are probably the jumping puzzle, bell choir and the dungeon, but I think what I like most is the variety of the activities available and the fact that some of them are quite different to what's normally available. That's especially true of the dungeon which is more like a series of themed mini games which just happen to take place in a 5-man instance than anything resembling the other dungeons.

I like Toypocalypse too, but I think it's too long. Especially since once you get to about 1/2 way you've either already lost or your defences are solid enough that nothing is a real threat and you're just running around upgrading whatever isn't already max or replacing the occasional thing which disappears while waiting for the timer to run down. I think they need to either make it shorter or make the later rounds more difficult. (And I'm not sure making it more difficult would really be practical given the format, so my preference is to make it shorter.)

I wouldn't mind them adding something like the Labyrinth to Wintersday, but I doubt I'd spend much time on it. I tend to do that a lot during Halloween, but partially because there's not a lot else to do during that festival once you've completed the once-only collections and partially because in previous years the absurdly expensive mini pets have driven me to spend most my time farming candy corn. I like that Wintersday has a wider variety of different activities available.

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I think the main issues with festivals is the lack of new content for them.

I doubt I am alone but I tend to get really fatigued of the same festival content year after year after year.

I'm glad Anet did put some time in a while back giving us the new Wintersday Raid and the festival mount racing stuff but I wish they'd do stuff like that more often.Halloween as i've said many times could use some serious upgrades in the Labyrinth for example.. bigger map and more events and bosses etc.Hell I'd bet that just a Lab upgrade alone would be enough for a good few years, certainly would be for me.

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@Teratus.2859 said:I think the main issues with festivals is the lack of new content for them.

I doubt I am alone but I tend to get really fatigued of the same festival content year after year after year.

Absolutely understandable, I am often feeling the same way overall. However, I doubt that's the OP's actual problem; they made it clear that they find a lot of the content too difficult, while also having no clue about quests/achievements and special items that aren't just laid out for you in front of your nose.

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Each Festival isn't for everyone and it doesn't mean it's bad if there are some dudes saying it's bad. The devs but also everyone should see festivals as a whole: A festival liked in particular, all loved, only some loved, all hated... each person opinion about the subject is different. And so it is more than suggestive coming and saying "this festival is bad because I don't enjoy it" that because of thoses that some festivals development are stopped abruptly like SAB, standby of 6 years because of hate storm.

I don't want any content cut or modified or made easier because it is considered too hard by some.For things that are clearly not.

I do enjoy any festival when they are coming back apart dragon bash and lunar new year (just me but not fan of just firing fireworks and participating in challenge/stampede but I do like the rest in them). They do add new weapons skins, a new item associated to the annual achievement, new guild hall decos that are cool, and sometimes new activities: they did add celestial trials, lair of the snowmen, glitches quest, mad king beetle racing...SAB gonna arrive soon and I really hope to at least see 2 new zones. Maybe some goodies too, outfits or whatever. Have to check that holo raptor skin when it comes again.

That is the strength of gw2. Don't like festivals? Then go hunting AP, farming fractals, doing some dungeons, leveling up, raid, strikes, wvw, pvp, map completion, world boss, RP, cough cough cough...

Wintersday?I think it somehow lack something new, but Toyapocalyse is still very fun to fun, always put snowmens and catapult a different way and testing strategies.The jumping puzzle is quite fun, kinda want a extra expert path, now that I m able to farm expert.Choir bell is nice, but would like new songs added. Also I farm karma so prefer doing orphans or jumping puzzle in loop.I don't do the lair anymore, but was cool first time.

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If the OP think the jumping puzzle is too difficult, he's probably one of the people who quickly clicks away the info screen at the start - which tells you about THREE different difficulty settings.... And if you can't manage even the easy one, then that is NOT the game's problem. Even I can finish it, and I'm not a JP person. If you are so quick to dismiss the info the game gives you (bell choir is explained, too!), then it's NOT the game's problem. The info is there. In the actual game. Read it!

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@pareth.3847 said:If the OP think the jumping puzzle is too difficult, he's probably one of the people who quickly clicks away the info screen at the start - which tells you about THREE different difficulty settings.... And if you can't manage even the easy one, then that is NOT the game's problem. Even I can finish it, and I'm not a JP person. If you are so quick to dismiss the info the game gives you (bell choir is explained, too!), then it's NOT the game's problem. The info is there. In the actual game. Read it!

As someone who can't beat the Halloween JP, i find this one easy, even the normal path. Hard one is annoying because people jump with you and sometimes the snowflake disappears because of them, but that's the challange, i don't have to do it.

Anyway... It took me like, 5-10 attempts til i understood the mechanics, each time getting a little further, and eventually i did it. Now i can do it consistently, it takes like a minute to complete, and gives nice rewards for time spent on it.

Wintersday JP is pretty cool, and that's coming from someone not so JP savvy.I mean i can do open world JPs eventually cause i have a portal, but that's just because i don't have a time limit.But as far as the festival timed JPs are concerned - this one is very cool and laid back.

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@"lummuss.6850" said:Wintersday is alive, but the festival's content is dead. Is it so hard to create a map in which there are many frozen monsters and frozen bosses for players to build squadrons and play fun ?! Would it be too much to ask ?! Why I am part of the group of players who have never been familiar with the structure of this holiday festival. (for me it was always one of the worst and boring).The purchase of items is very scarce and poor, the festival's gameplay is very limited and repetitive. The "Choir Bell", I joined for the first time today and found it very confusing. The "Jump Puzzle", I never managed to finish, and even now that I have a faster and more powerful computer, I still can't do that. The only positive part of the festival is the "Secret Lair of Snowman", but it is also nauseating and exhausting.If the festival had a fixed map filled with Christmas monsters and group challenges, the festival and Guild Wars 2 itself would gain much more attention. Otherwise, if there are no changes or improvements, I believe the tendency of the game is to lose a lot of attention. (Which is my case, I don't intend to play a festival with repetitive and unsatisfactory mechanics. Anyway, I will look for another game to play over Christmas) XDShare your opinions ...

The jumping puzzle design for this festival is a total dumpster fire. People have complained about it for years, and Anet refuses to modify it any way. It should be just a normal JP, with the same rules...not all the extra junk they put in. The map resetting all the time is particularly annoying, as is no save points.

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