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Why do achievements?

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@"Mortifera.6138" said:A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins?

Good question of which you'll probably get lots of different answers, as some ppl really don't care about AP, and others farm it relgiously to be "Top of the AP Tree" !

Personally I was never one to farm AP, just like many players accrued AP over the passage of time through dailies and indirectly doing collections, crafting, WvW, Raids etc.

The skins I really dislike: Zenith skins for me some of the most awful skins in the game, never used them. I'm not fussed with the Radiant or Hellfire skins either.

The biggest reason for me to gain more AP is the progression of your Account Bonuses ( At the bottom of Hero panel, as for years I never knew where these were until some kind soul told me to scroll down and then it made more sense to gain AP: Gold find, karma gain, XP gain, Magic Find: Okay so you only get small increments at your incremental AP chests, but they stack up over the years). The free Gold/Gems/Laurels are a really nice bonus too.

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Because this is actually the purpose of playing the game? I mean you could ask similar questions for other repetitive content regardless of the achievements. And for other games than GW2.

For example there are people that repeatedly to the same raids over and over again - especially in games with gear treadmill. (When after 1 time you should know everything and some drop rate of some item probably is not reason enough to waste that much time.)

Similar to winning in PvW/WvW and completing some story/map ... some hard achievements are fun because they are hard and you get the feeling of having earned something. When at sites like gw2efficiency you have the ones that - according to stats - not many others have completed.

Usually though in other games (single player and at steam) I ignore the tons of grindy achievements. (Usually a lot are grindy or luck based.)

Just recently completed the golem thin gin Sandswept islands where you a golem gets marked and you have to find the right one 5 times without mistake. (According to gw2efficiency not many players have this.) But I did not try to focus on this. Just happened to gather stuff there and noticed it was up - and gave it another try. (Previous attemptes I failed a few times.)

Except the hardcore grind (tons of player kills in WvW or collections like the weapons in drytop) I try to go for most of the stuff. Especially if it is skill based. (Currently enjoying the roller beetle races.)

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theres a mindset that people call "completionist", and these ppl are really try hard, nothing explain it, just psycology, i myself is a completionist maniac.

But long hours players get tired of just farming(or just get rich enough), i myself again, i have spent lots of hours in my vacation farming gw2, and completed my Exordium and lots of stuff(expensive infusions), so im focused on achievments now, i had farmed probably 6k~10k gold i guess in december/2020.

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Even as a number they don't say anything about a person's skillThere are achievements like making silly jumps in the worlds ugliest environment ever to grace the history of gaming that award you several tens of AP, (oh, sorry, you're not allowed to talk negatively about SAB, are you? disregard that statement.)while a tricky raid achievement, or a strike mission with difficult conditions award you 1 AP.There's literally no consistency.

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Pretty much just the rewards. I find if there's something I want, and if the achievement is reasonable to accomplish...something that has been less and less so as of late. One factor in my burnout with this game is just how much good stuff is gated behind those achievements now, especially ones you cannot do at your own pace or whim. Couple that with how achievements are often tedious in their own right, and it can get annoying to frustrating.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins?

If you don't see the value in them, there's no reason to do them. Personally, I like unlocking skins and have surprised myself many times by using skins I thought were kinda meh or just downright ugly! AP isn't a big motivator for me, but it's something at least.

I do wish there were more armor skins available via achievement, but I am pretty much always going to say that!

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Good question, interesting topic.

I'm doing achievements only if they provide me something that I need. Like mastery point or some gear etc.

Atm im missing about 500 achievement points to get 400 gems (5k ap is needed for that) so i could unlock some stuff from store. So since i'm close to that i'm doing achievements now so I could get those gems. I got to about 4500 just because I was trying to get stuff mentioned earlier in text + dailies.

I think some people like to clear lists. I can understand that there is something beautiful when you see all things done i'm just lazy to clear all.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins?

I'm doing them for completionist reasons and because I hope some day there will be true rewards for achievement points. Just like GW1 did with the Hall of Monuments system after it's final expansion Eye of the North. I'm still happy that I went for the titles there as I still can wear GWAMM in GW2.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins?

Why not? I mean ... you ALREADY know the answer to this question right ...

Why not write achievements on a piece of paper and check them off? Why not not do them? If I ALREADY knew the answer, I wouldn't have made this thread.

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Why do anything in a game? Do you play games for rewards? All points don't matter? All prizes are pixels? I am guessing, as others have alluded to, that it is because the achievements merely exist. Some people like playing a game for a challenge. The devs set some goal that should be attainable by players, and players want to see if they can reach such a goal. Isn't that what a game is at it's most simplest level? lol

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins?

Why not? I mean ... you ALREADY know the answer to this question right ...

... If I ALREADY knew the answer, I wouldn't have made this thread.

That doesn't make sense. You ALREADY identified numerous reasons to do them in your opening post :confused:

If you have a point about how you don't like achievements, just make it ... you don't have to pretend you can't think of a single reason people would do achievements, even if you wouldn't do them for those reasons.

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I like the account wide bonuses among other things. A lot of people don't talk about them, but that experience per kills, gold find and magic find all add up. I'm killing stuff all the time. I'm getting loot all the time. In a game of trickles where you're a long way between huge drops that adds up. You can't see it, but it doesn't make it less true.

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If Achievements are a mechanic thats bonus/optional; then its totally fine; (the type of achievements you obtain in form of trophies like the playstation, xbox; their optional for the completionist/collectors, but dont effect your gaming experience.

But i dislike the type of Achievements wich Gate/block your main progress/campaign. (you reaaaally need complete these achies or else game says nope)And mmo games tend to have alot of those Achievements to increase spend time. Its quite normal really :D

If you wanna experience gaming devoid of achievement requirements just play single player games only; and even then you can get the achievements at your own pace. or some multiplayer game wich has only a few superficial achievment types (cleared level 3 without getting hit / got highscore in level 40 etc)


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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins?

Why not? I mean ... you ALREADY know the answer to this question right ...

... If I ALREADY knew the answer, I wouldn't have made this thread.

That doesn't make sense. You ALREADY identified numerous reasons to do them in your opening post :confused:

If you have a point about how you don't like achievements, just make it ... you don't have to pretend you can't think of a single reason people would do achievements, even if you wouldn't do them for those reasons.

The reasons I identified were presented as bad ones to do them. So no, I didn't ALREADY KNOoOW the answer to this thread.

That doesn't make sense ... just because you think those reasons are bad shows you KNOoOW they existed when you made the thread. I don't see the honesty or value in making a thread just to argue with people about what they think are good or bad reasons to do achievements.

It makes perfect sense. Why would people do achievements if the reasons for it aren't worthwhile? That's what I wanted to know.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins?

Why not? I mean ... you ALREADY know the answer to this question right ...

... If I ALREADY knew the answer, I wouldn't have made this thread.

That doesn't make sense. You ALREADY identified numerous reasons to do them in your opening post :confused:

If you have a point about how you don't like achievements, just make it ... you don't have to pretend you can't think of a single reason people would do achievements, even if you wouldn't do them for those reasons.

The reasons I identified were presented as bad ones to do them. So no, I didn't ALREADY KNOoOW the answer to this thread.

That doesn't make sense ... just because you think those reasons are bad shows you KNOoOW they existed when you made the thread. I don't see the honesty or value in making a thread just to argue with people about what they think are good or bad reasons to do achievements.

It makes perfect sense. Why would people do achievements if the reasons for it aren't worthwhile? That's what I wanted to know.

Aren't 'worthwhile' in your opinion?

I suspect those that think Achievements aren't 'worthwhile', don't do them.Also, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some prolific thread-creators have a reputation of creating divisive or argumentative threads. That may color the kinds of posts they attract.

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@Deity of Ragefire.4287 said:If Achievements are a mechanic thats bonus/optional; then its totally fine; (the type of achievements you obtain in form of trophies like the playstation, xbox; their optional for the completionist/collectors, but dont effect your gaming experience.

But i dislike the type of Achievements wich Gate/block your main progress/campaign. (you reaaaally need complete these achies or else game says nope)And mmo games tend to have alot of those Achievements to increase spend time. Its quite normal really :D

If you wanna experience gaming devoid of achievement requirements just play single player games only; and even then you can get the achievements at your own pace. or some multiplayer game wich has only a few superficial achievment types (cleared level 3 without getting hit / got highscore in level 40 etc)


Games without achievements usually do have the same sort of gating, they just don't call attention to it as directly. You still have to complete one part of the story to access the next part and new areas, or meet the level requirement or get the right items or whatever. You just don't get a pop-up on the screen to let you know that you've done it and some arbitrary points.

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