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Extras with the next expansion (EoD)

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With HoT we were given gliding and introduced to elite specializations, PoF brought us mounts and another elite specialization. What extra goodies do you think will be handed out with the next expansion, EoD?

At first I thought they would roll out the Legendary Armory, but not everyone can use that and it's going to have to be something everyone can gain from.

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There's a couple of existing topics about this:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/125594/will-eod-add-a-new-type-of-mount-to-work-towardhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/122127/what-do-you-want-to-see-the-most-in-eod-merged

The first one starts from the premise that it will be another mount, but a lot of the replies are about alternatives they could add instead. The second one is much more open to all kinds of ideas.

Housing seems to be a fairly popular suggestion, but from previous discussions that's a very broad category and many people will have very different ideas about what 'adding housing' means. For example I've seen some people online say GW2 already has a better housing system that Elder Scrolls Online, because although it's not called housing we've got the ability to add crafting material nodes and various services to private instances and to them that is the absolutely fundamental core of a housing system and without it you cannot claim to have a housing system at all. Others are happy with ESO's almost purely cosmetic approach (which is like private guild halls - you get a space to decorate and can buy or earn decoration to place) or think it only became a 'real' housing system when they added storage chests so it can act like extra bank space. Other people want or expect all of the above together, or don't like instanced housing and want houses in the world maps which other players can enter freely (either pre-placed ones which can only be bought once each per server or placable houses). I'm sure there's other variations I'm forgetting about as well.

So it may well be that while 'housing' seems like a popular idea there's actually 3 or 4 or more very different ideas covered by that term and no single system that all the housing advocates would be happy with.

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I doubt we'll get another movement system. We had this with Hot and PoF. We will get something not many will expect and very different as well.

There where some asking for flying before HoT but I have to agree, gliding is much more fun.There where some asking for mounts before PoF, but the way Arenanet did it is much more fun.

I actually want to be surprised and awed. So please not something on popular demand that will simply fail (Raids, GH's just to name a few), but something truly awesome.

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Climbing would be a nice thing.

It'd also be a movement-related Mastery in line with HoT's Gliding and PoF's mounts.

However, I do not want to see Mastery related to housing or fishing.I don't like those in any game.

I'm also against any mastery that increases loot or gives vendors more items.Those vendor items and loot should be available without Masteries.

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@Harfang.1507 said:Housing? :-1:I remember garrisons in WoW and what they did to normal player hubs. Thanks but not thanks. Compared to gliding and mounts, that would be an utter fail for me.

the majority of people on this forum say the same for mounts before their arrivalJust because it was bad on other games doesn't mean it will be bad on gw2.

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@Raknar.4735 said:

@Raknar.4735 said:New e speccs have already been confirmed.

Source, please?

I believe it is the Extra Life video.

This.@Ashantara.8731 Here's the Twitch clip:
Sorry the answer came so late, was sleeping.

Well glad to be wrong they did say it.

@"Game of Bones.8975" said:Here's another source that mentions elite specs:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2:_End_of_Dragons

No one is saying what they will be, but just that they will come with the next expansion.

Dang water content confirmed now we will never hear the end of it =P

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@lare.5129 said:housing is get fail in wow. So we now that replay concept what fail is not good choose.new race? thanks we not so pedend from races skill, so new race for me is minor thing.

will see .. no matter what come - we know anet can make it very cool.

Are we really calling garrisons housing? They most definitely weren't ? you could only go into others if grouped so removal of the social side of it 0 customization or anything

If we get FFXIV style housing that would be massively successful for the playerbase which gw2 is built for really. As it provides alot of casual content.

Wows garrisons were effectively a plot of land you couldn't do anything with. Had no options you were effectively playing the hero while roleplaying the NPC you find in average barracks as a side piece.

I'd like to see proper housing in gw2 it's been a major win in every mmorpg going. It kept Windstar alive by itself for its life span and it's a huge thing in FFXIV... I'd imagine it would bring alot of players in if they do housing right.

There's not a single big mmorpg with housing in from a western company currently. So it's a market that would defiantly make the game more popular.

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@Daddy.8125 said:

@lare.5129 said:housing is get fail in wow. So we now that replay concept what fail is not good choose.new race? thanks we not so pedend from races skill, so new race for me is minor thing.

will see .. no matter what come - we know anet can make it very cool.

Are we really calling garrisons housing? They most definitely weren't ? you could only go into others if grouped so removal of the social side of it 0 customization or anything

If we get FFXIV style housing that would be massively successful for the playerbase which gw2 is built for really. As it provides alot of casual content.

Wows garrisons were effectively a plot of land you couldn't do anything with. Had no options you were effectively playing the hero while roleplaying the NPC you find in average barracks as a side piece.

I'd like to see proper housing in gw2 it's been a major win in every mmorpg going. It kept Windstar alive by itself for its life span and it's a huge thing in FFXIV... I'd imagine it would bring alot of players in if they do housing right.

There's not a single big mmorpg with housing in from a western company currently. So it's a market that would defiantly make the game more popular.

ESO is literally the biggest western mmo and has housing ?

But yeah housing would bring a lot to Gw2 and would probably received the greatest reaction from the player base.

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@Zodi.8932 said:

@"lare.5129" said:housing is get fail in wow. So we now that replay concept what fail is not good choose.new race? thanks we not so pedend from races skill, so new race for me is minor thing.

will see .. no matter what come - we know anet can make it very cool.

Are we really calling garrisons housing? They most definitely weren't ? you could only go into others if grouped so removal of the social side of it 0 customization or anything

If we get FFXIV style housing that would be massively successful for the playerbase which gw2 is built for really. As it provides alot of casual content.

Wows garrisons were effectively a plot of land you couldn't do anything with. Had no options you were effectively playing the hero while roleplaying the NPC you find in average barracks as a side piece.

I'd like to see proper housing in gw2 it's been a major win in every mmorpg going. It kept Windstar alive by itself for its life span and it's a huge thing in FFXIV... I'd imagine it would bring alot of players in if they do housing right.

There's not a single big mmorpg with housing in from a western company currently. So it's a market that would defiantly make the game more popular.

ESO is literally the biggest western mmo and has housing ?

But yeah housing would bring a lot to Gw2 and would probably received the greatest reaction from the player base.

ESO isnt the biggest but I completely forgot about that housing system however. Although if ESO became the largest mmo I'm pretty sure their servers would explode.

Their servers can barely run the game at its lowest popularity even in instanced raids ? I did try out ESO. But the "unfixable" game breaking bugs like sorcerer's stunning themselves if they use their teleport on uneven ground put me off after a while ?

Although i suspose their F2p model means all accounts remain active even from players who quit the game.. prolly makes averaging their playerbase super hard.

Same with gw2 in those aspects.

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@radda.8920 said:

@Harfang.1507 said:Housing? :-1:I remember garrisons in WoW and what they did to normal player hubs. Thanks but not thanks. Compared to gliding and mounts, that would be an utter fail for me.

the majority of people on this forum say the same for mounts before their arrivalJust because it was bad on other games doesn't mean it will be bad on gw2.

Perhaps, but then there are people who found mounts to be a bad thing in GW2. The very things that some spoke about as being bad regarding mounts before they were implemented here came to pass as predicted.

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