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Mystic Coin Scarcity Problem - [Merged]

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Seeing as how MC are the currency of black market trading, i doubt removing them from the recipe would do anything...They're worth the price they are largely because traders that bypass TP need them to be a certain price for them to trade with.Well, among other things and sure, Clover recipe does contribute to that, but i don't think it contributes that much to be honest...

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I just feel disheartened to see someone bypassing the timegates and hard to get items by just throwing money at it... one full reward track(6hrs or more gameplay) gives 2 clovers and one day fractal vendor give 2 clover but if u got more gold, u can buy mc and throw it in toilet and get 77 clovers in a single day.. either anet should place a restriction like "only 2 clovers via mystic forge recipe per day" or remove it altogether.. anet placed time gate on t7 mats like lump of mythrillium, elderspirit residue and stuff.. and those are used for ascended crafting.. but opened up new possibilities to get more important crafting materials for legendaries within a single day... are "legendaries" considered inferior when compared to ascended? why the time gate on asc and not on legendary mats?

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@"Zaxares.5419" said:Leaving aside the issue of whether or not MCs are overpriced at the moment, I think that if ANet wanted to increase the supply, probably the best solution would be to tie it to the various daily categories. For example, currently players get 2g for completing any 3 dailies. What if you also received a MC for completing 3 PvE dailies, 3 PvP dailies, and 3 WvW dailies (1 each, so a bonus 3 per day if you did all of them). Not only would this increase supply, but it would also increase participation in other game modes that could badly use an infusion of new blood. (PvP in particular. It's kind of disheartening when you do matches and keep on getting the same people, or worse, bots, over and over, day after day. It's like a "is this ALL of us??" feeling.)

This could also be expanded to the various LS daily categories to help breathe new life into abandoned zones.

or it gives an infusion of more bots, semi-afk teammates, and teammates who are worse than a bot. I am pretty sure PvP has more than enough of those already.

That's true... Though it's not a good sign when something has to be balanced around bots and afk farmers. Means something is not right with the game.

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I don't see how that would make the weapon more legendary. Nothing legendary about selecting clovers from daily login reward and finishing wvw track.Want to make legendaries more legendary? Add some really hard achievs for them like clearing a raid wing in a certain timeframe or winning pvp tournaments or finishing Not So Secret moving only backwards.

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:Seeing as how MC are the currency of black market trading, i doubt removing them from the recipe would do anything...They're worth the price they are largely because traders that bypass TP need them to be a certain price for them to trade with.Well, among other things and sure, Clover recipe does contribute to that, but i don't think it contributes that much to be honest...

atleast it'd reduce the demand in half...

like... if one guy hoards mystic coins to craft a legendary, ~231 mystic coins required to get 77 clovers(referred from wiki) and that might be an optimistic scenario.. who knows how much more the deviation is... so.. the legy crafter would eventually buy almost twice the mystic coins... so.. if ppl who are hellbent on shouting that the mystic coins price is hiked only because of demand and supply, would accept that the clover recipe contributes to coins shortage significantly...

current price of mc is around 2.2 gold.. if clover recipe restricts clovers to 2 per day, then atleast we can expect a decline in mystic coin price.. and the posts about "mystic coin price controlled by barons/mystic coins price must be fixed" wont appear often on forums

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@"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:I just feel disheartened to see someone bypassing the timegates and hard to get items by just throwing money at it... one full reward track(6hrs or more gameplay) gives 2 clovers and one day fractal vendor give 2 clover but if u got more gold, u can buy mc and throw it in toilet and get 77 clovers in a single day.. either anet should place a restriction like "only 2 clovers via mystic forge recipe per day" or remove it altogether.. anet placed time gate on t7 mats like lump of mythrillium, elderspirit residue and stuff.. and those are used for ascended crafting.. but opened up new possibilities to get more important crafting materials for legendaries within a single day... are "legendaries" considered inferior when compared to ascended? why the time gate on asc and not on legendary mats?

But are clovers supposed to be timegated items? I don't think that's their intention.Cause even with reward tracks, you can just spam all the potions you got and get more than 2 clovers per day from a reward track.Sure, less than with the recipe, but still... Not exactly time gated.

As for legendaries vs ascended... Well, maybe? Ascended is a % upgrade over exotic and legendaries are just a skin/convenience so maybe they shouldn't be judged the same, idk... Also, you can buy t7 mats on TP (or rather the items you get from them), so those aren't exactly time gated either.

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@"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:Maybe ppl are buying a lot of mystic coins and gamble it on mystic toilet to get clovers.. maybe that's causing the shortage of mystic coins... If we craft a legendary, it should feel like its worthy to be called a legendary... nowadays.. ppl farm mindlessly for gold (players/casuals/tp players) just accumulate gold buy coins off tp and dump mystic coins into the toilet and increase demand for mystic coins and thus price rise up rapidly more than the supply can compensate for it...

My suggestion would be... anet should remove the recipe to obtain clovers from coins in mystic toilet... Legendaries should not be crafted by throwing money at it... Gen2 legendaries is okay... since it has some time gated materials and u can't craft or buy gen2 legendaries by simply throwing money at it... Increased price for mystic coins is also a good thing coz u can't simply buy mc for low price and finish legendaries and that would defeat the meaning of a legendary...

some ppl in forums might feel so proud that they are crafting legendary every week like as if they earned those legendaries... its all bcoz of that D.A.M.N clover recipe in mystic forge.. pls remove the recipe... when I craft a legendary with every step gathering clovers in fractal vendor, wvw reward track, pvp reward track and gathering mystic coins thru all painstaking ways and feel proud to craft a legendary, and suddenly I hear someone thowing money at it and crafting legendary every week, that totally disheartens me.. the word "Legendaries" lost its sheen.. might as well rename it to "coindaries"

removing the clover recipe from mystic forge will reduce(significantly) the list of posts like "mystic coin price increase/mystic coin fix price/ mystic coin controlled by tp barons" and all other QQ posts regarding mystic coins

above section might be incoherent and might irritate few ppl... but the point im trying to convey is remove clover recipe from forge and bring glory to the word "legendary" and bring respect to those honestly put effort into crafting one and not throwing money at it...

edit:made sure no words are replaced by "kitten" X)

Legendaries have always been more about spending than difficulty. There is no prestige associated with them. If you are disheartened by the fact that someone else is buying their legendaries that is a you issue, not an issue with the system.

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@"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:I just feel disheartened to see someone bypassing the timegates and hard to get items by just throwing money at it...so you are OK with someone outright purchasing gen 1 legendaries?

one full reward track(6hrs or more gameplay) gives 2 clovers and one day fractal vendor give 2 clover but if u got more gold, u can buy mc and throw it in toilet and get 77 clovers in a single day.. either anet should place a restriction like "only 2 clovers via mystic forge recipe per day" or remove it altogether..

Still have to be able to afford the coins and the T6 mats.

anet placed time gate on t7 mats like lump of mythrillium, elderspirit residue and stuff.. and those are used for ascended crafting.. but opened up new possibilities to get more important crafting materials for legendaries within a single day... are "legendaries" considered inferior when compared to ascended? why the time gate on asc and not on legendary mats?

You can outright buy the ascended components.. No need to wait for the ‘time gate’

So.. what’s really your complaint?

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@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:Legendaries have always been more about spending than difficulty. There is no prestige associated with them. If you are disheartened by the fact that someone else is buying their legendaries that is a you issue, not an issue with the system.

hah hah! a perfect example.....

If you want something where the name of the tier of the item is more than just a throwaway word, you should be pushing for something where only one person (per server) can get it by discovering a recipe requiring some measure of great effort. As it stands Legendaries are no more legendary than a yellow item is rare or a gold is exotic. These are just words used almost as proper nouns and labels, not as descriptors of their actual place in the game. Pushing to deprive others of how they get their in game rewards so that you can feel better about yours is just selfish.

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Or if Anet wanted to profit from the current state of MC they could sell an unlimited gathering tool in the gem store including a glyph with a low chance drop MCs. Or a mystic coin Salvage-o-Matic with a low chance to drop MCs when salvaging rare or exotic items . Just tossing out ideas here. It's really no secret the MCs are the currency of choice for off TP traders thanks to the gold transfer limit. So it is in their interest to keep the value high. Before that it was Ectos used for off TP trading. Of course if the MC price dropped they would just find another item to use.

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@"Strider Pj.2193" said:so you are OK with someone outright purchasing gen 1 legendaries?

it somewhat saddens me.. but that's okay I guess.. whats done is done(anet's decision).. but atleast they can't buy gen2

Still have to be able to afford the coins and the T6 mats.

yeah.. I can live with that.. collecting coins must be a part of crafting legendary rather than purchasing them from tp but since anet allows mc to be sold on tp.. thats fine I guess... I can't object to that

You can outright buy the ascended components.. No need to wait for the ‘time gate’

is there a time gate for mats on legendary? no.... is there a time gate for mats on ascended? yes....ppl can sell the asc crafted intermediate mats/items on tp(allowed by anet) atleast anet didn't allow selling clovers on tp.. for that I'm grateful

So.. what’s really your complaint?

complaint? idk.. its more of a rambling or a voice of discomfort to see mc hoarders and gold farmers and the clover recipe reducing the glory of "LEGENDARIES"

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@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

@"Strider Pj.2193" said:so you are OK with someone outright purchasing gen 1 legendaries?

it somewhat saddens me.. but that's okay I guess.. whats done is done(anet's decision).. but atleast they can't buy gen2

Still have to be able to afford the coins and the T6 mats.

yeah.. I can live with that.. collecting coins must be a part of crafting legendary rather than purchasing them from tp but since anet allows mc to be sold on tp.. thats fine I guess... I can't object to that

But you object to a clovers recipe... I am not certain the logic makes sense here.

You can outright buy the ascended components.. No need to wait for the ‘time gate’

is there a time gate for mats on legendary? no.... is there a time gate for mats on ascended? yes....

Each item you state is ‘time gated’ creates items for ascended that are PURCHASABLE.

And THOSE items are actually used to craft the ascended weapons and armor. Not the time gated pre material.

ppl can sell the asc crafted intermediate mats/items on tp(allowed by anet) atleast anet didn't allow selling clovers on tp.. for that I'm grateful


So.. what’s really your complaint?

complaint? idk.. its more of a rambling or a voice of discomfort to see mc hoarders and gold farmers and the clover recipe reducing the glory of "LEGENDARIES"

They aren’t hoarding MCs for legendaries...

I think you need to do some more research.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:Legendaries have always been more about spending than difficulty. There is no prestige associated with them. If you are disheartened by the fact that someone else is buying their legendaries that is a you issue, not an issue with the system.

hah hah! a perfect example.....

If you want something where the name of the tier of the item is more than just a throwaway word, you should be pushing for something where only one person (per server) can get it by discovering a recipe requiring some measure of great effort. As it stands Legendaries are no more legendary than a yellow item is rare or a gold is exotic. These are just words used almost as proper nouns and labels, not as descriptors of their actual place in the game. Pushing to deprive others of how they get their in game rewards so that you can feel better about yours is just selfish.

ok.. now imagine... the CM fractal title "dance with demons" can be purchased with 2500 goldor better yet.. the pvp 1st rank wreath of champion can be bought with 2500 gold(u consider that an ingame reward as u call it right? and depriving others of such rewards is just selfish?)

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@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:Legendaries have always been more about spending than difficulty. There is no prestige associated with them. If you are disheartened by the fact that someone else is buying their legendaries that is a you issue, not an issue with the system.

hah hah! a perfect example.....

If you want something where the name of the tier of the item is more than just a throwaway word, you should be pushing for something where only one person (per server) can get it by discovering a recipe requiring some measure of great effort. As it stands Legendaries are no more legendary than a yellow item is rare or a gold is exotic. These are just words used almost as proper nouns and labels, not as descriptors of their actual place in the game. Pushing to deprive others of how they get their in game rewards so that you can feel better about yours is just selfish.

ok.. now imagine... the CM fractal title "dance with demons" can be purchased with 2500 goldor better yet.. the pvp 1st rank wreath of champion can be bought with 2500 gold(u consider that an ingame reward as u call it right? and depriving others of such rewards is just selfish?)

Did those start off as purchasable? Legendaries did.

You are asking that a people be denied the ability to buy something designed to be bought so that you can change it into a prestige item for your own personal gratification. As you just pointed out, there are options in the game designed from the ground up to be prestigious. Go for them if you want prestige.

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Lol the fact that people still complain on how difficult it is to obtain legendaries in 2021 is actually hilarious. Legendaries have been much easier to get with different forms of farming gold. Probably a few selected people here remembers the countless hours/ days of Orr train to get their legendary weapons. Stop making legendary weapons easier to make.As far as MC hoarding because the TP only caps at 10k gold, people use MC as a form to buy things that are worth more then 10k gold for example infusions. MC is like the crypto currency of GW2 because its a more effective way to trade gold/currency with the 500 gold cap per week due to gold sellers. People who do SPvP and WvW aren't even concerned about mystic clovers because we get them so often from reward tracks.

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I don't really think it's a problem that these weapons are labeled as 'legendary' or that you can just open the wallet and get one. For some reason, that outrage is limited to legendary weapons ... but not other things you can buy on the TP? Seems like a cherrypicked thing to have issue with ... unless of course you have an hidden agenda to complain about MC's. I don't see how removing clover recipe addresses any of the issues OP has associated with legendary weapons.

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The issue isn't the Mystic Clover recipe, the issue is that so many recipes that use Mystic Coins were made when they were easier (and cheaper) to get and haven't been adjusted since then.

I would bet just these recipes alone use as many, if not more, Coins than legendaries do as they are far more accessible to the average player. Unless you love a legendary's skin or want one for the "prestige", it's far cheaper to make a skin you want for a fraction of the price given that legendaries don't have higher stats than ascended. Also, some of those such as the mystic skins, are required for specialization collections which will net you an ascended weapon that has the same stats as a legendary.

There will always be extremely wealthy people who can just throw money at what they want but it makes zero sense to punish everyone else because of a handful of people, which is what you want to do.

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@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:Legendaries have always been more about spending than difficulty. There is no prestige associated with them. If you are disheartened by the fact that someone else is buying their legendaries that is a you issue, not an issue with the system.

hah hah! a perfect example.....

If you want something where the name of the tier of the item is more than just a throwaway word, you should be pushing for something where only one person (per server) can get it by discovering a recipe requiring some measure of great effort. As it stands Legendaries are no more legendary than a yellow item is rare or a gold is exotic. These are just words used almost as proper nouns and labels, not as descriptors of their actual place in the game. Pushing to deprive others of how they get their in game rewards so that you can feel better about yours is just selfish.

ok.. now imagine... the CM fractal title "dance with demons" can be purchased with 2500 goldor better yet.. the pvp 1st rank wreath of champion can be bought with 2500 gold(u consider that an ingame reward as u call it right? and depriving others of such rewards is just selfish?)

Those titles are actually sold ahahah xDEver heard of wintrading? There was a loud uproar months ago.

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Gen 2 legendaries and legendary trinkets all require 250 mystic coins to craft in addition to the Mystic clover cost; Removing the recipe for clovers wont have an effect on this supposed 'Shortage' on Mystic coins, the demand will remain the same.

the issue is the 300k orders around 2g10s, and the 660k orders around 2g.what Anet should do is have a expiration timer on orders, so if an item is listed for more than 6 months it gets sent back to your with the listing fee, and if your order isn't fulfilled within 6 months, your order is cancelled and your gold returned.

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