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How can we deal with harasser guilds?

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1 hour ago, BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

Wiped us 4v3 then dodged the 4v4 is what you mean lol. But you guys stay for hours and hours when outnumbering us 😂nothing IRL to do then right

I can’t believe i have to explain this to you dude. We left after we won. We could’ve stayed and killed you again but we didn’t. 

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7 hours ago, jemdarr.2158 said:

Wow, so many big, inflated egos with big words but no performance in the game. QQ seems to be an attitude to life in that case.


Eh... these things always get charged with excessive posturing. They've got a couple exceptional fighters (imo), a few more really strong ones, and a fair number who aren't nearly as skilled as they think they are. And, despite the name, egos and delusions of grandeur aren't well correlated with ability.


Bottom line: it's just a game. You have some control over whether you get trolled, and even more control over how you react to it. On the flip side, being a kitten probably isn't worth the reputational cost.

Edited by Choppy.4183
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i think people now confused the ganker guilds with the fighting guilds and zergs or blobs... no big wonder when one reads people's view sometimes. however, anything over 10 players that u see isn't  one of those anymore. a big group sometimes just jumps overconfident single players. i mean why would u go to close as one guy towards a massive number of players? u cannot expect to do anything there anyways. thieves or memsers or rangers can try to oneshot single players, and ofc a big group isn't going to let u do that.


now, to the real gankers:


harasser guilds are small groups of spvp builds that are made for mobility, stealth and oneshot bursts. 3-4 people up to 10, hunting for lonely players basically.

Edited by kamikharzeeh.8016
more precise defintion
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3 hours ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

i think people now confused the ganker guilds with the fighting guilds and zergs or blobs... no big wonder when one reads people's view sometimes. however, anything over 10 players that u see isn't  one of those anymore. a big group sometimes just jumps overconfident single players. i mean why would u go to close as one guy towards a massive number of players? u cannot expect to do anything there anyways. thieves or memsers or rangers can try to oneshot single players, and ofc a big group isn't going to let u do that.


now, to the real gankers:


harasser guilds are small groups of spvp builds that are made for mobility, stealth and oneshot bursts. 3-4 people up to 10, hunting for lonely players basically.


I've been playing WvW since release and "harasser guilds" has never been a thing. Sure small, groups of players might kill solo players, but it's generally the solo player's fault for having zero awareness of their surroundings. Those small guild groups are more likely to just be running around the map trying to take towers and camps and just happen to run over the occasional bad/noob player. 


It isn't harassment to kill an enemy. You guys need to stop being so soft in a PvP game mode. It's kinda weird and sad seeing people complain about getting killed by a group of players. You should do what I do when I mess up and get run over by a group: respawn and go about your day. 

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we talk about people whose only focus is to gank. who hunt down players in unfightable situation, pull-gank-run. some even use one member as a bait, and if you'd run after him, he'll run till "oh wonder" his five guildies appear.


those aren't normal guilds, nor is it a normal playstyle. it's not helpful to anyone nor is it efficient to do something like that. 


everyone just ports back and takes care better next time, that's not the point at all. u may forget not everyone has a deadeye with several leaps and shadowsteps and stealthing up. if u'd get ganked on that class, it's obviously 100% your fault.


and as u said. it's player versus player, but its not meant to win 1v5. barely possible anymore with the wet noodle dmg. winning 1v2 and 1v3 can still work, but even that ain't easy, and especially not against those kinda gankers.

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I mean if there's super secret societies dedicated to bullying new people, big maybe. Hard to believe. And there's a line between that and getting killed by someone in WvW repeatedly. The later isn't harassment. It's the game mode. You get a friend or two to help you. You change your build, you swap characters, you go around them, you concede and go for greener pastures.


Having a bad day in the Mists isn't harassment.

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I had to peruse this thread to see if it turned out as expected. :) I’m impressed that certain guilds weren’t mentioned on page 1. Lol. To the OP: There isn’t a darn thing you can do. The comments about map chat and team chat are good ones. And I’ll tell you why. If folks are camping there say something. Because a lot of the veteran players have multiple accounts. Now why would that matter? Simple. Not only are there three exits but there are also other servers around. If things get too predictable we can grab a squad from a completely different direction to come disrupt things. 


I’m sure folks will say that never happens. Naturally. Ahem. Just remember this is our version of open world PVP. Folks will poke at players who are slower. Gank people without mounts. Sure, I get annoyed sometimes. Being a target doesn’t always mean that you are the weak link. It can also mean you are a threat. Lol. In the end if you aren’t having fun definitely change something up. Even something as minor as changing your appearance, taking your guild tag off, waiting for someone else to run out first, all viable solutions. As for guilds that gank easy targets? It’s gonna happen. It just fires me up to go after them. 


Fight Swiss with Brie. 

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On 5/5/2021 at 5:28 PM, BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

You can flaunt anyone else's wins on me all you want, it doesn't make you any better lmao.

I don't believe the intent was to flaunt someone else's wins. The intent was to showcase your toxic behavior. Telling someone to commit suicide just because they beat you in a video game is incredibly sad and pathetic.

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2 hours ago, Shining One.1635 said:

I don't believe the intent was to flaunt someone else's wins. The intent was to showcase your toxic behavior. Telling someone to commit suicide just because they beat you in a video game is incredibly sad and pathetic.

What the kitten?


I hope this got reported at the time. It's not just sad and pathetic, it's abuse. It's beyond harassment at this stage.


I can't even.

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Bunch of bad players who have been farmed like this guy ^ in this thread. This is the main reason why you shouldn't take anything said on this forum seriously. 99% of people crying about nerfs/balance play like this rando getting farmed out of his spawn.

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5 hours ago, Auragen.4162 said:

Bunch of bad players who have been farmed like this guy ^ in this thread. This is the main reason why you shouldn't take anything said on this forum seriously. 99% of people crying about nerfs/balance play like this rando getting farmed out of his spawn.

thief is ***** to play against 1v1, nobody really has the flippin time for this, do you really want to talk about carry? You going to pretend trailblazer thief does not exist? The other ***** next to Rev. 

Not sure what you are trying to prove here, soulbeast is easy to kill with pretty much any profession. 

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On 5/3/2021 at 3:15 PM, Junkpile.7439 said:

I probably just did give them build tips and stuff because they are low rank players and i am veteran. Newbies always get mad when veteran players give them tips. They have such a huge ego that they think that they know better.  😁  

Yeah I mean condescending attitudes are everywhere in this game. 

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On 5/7/2021 at 7:48 PM, godz raiden.2631 said:


I've been playing WvW since release and "harasser guilds" has never been a thing. Sure small, groups of players might kill solo players, but it's generally the solo player's fault for having zero awareness of their surroundings. Those small guild groups are more likely to just be running around the map trying to take towers and camps and just happen to run over the occasional bad/noob player. 


It isn't harassment to kill an enemy. You guys need to stop being so soft in a PvP game mode. It's kinda weird and sad seeing people complain about getting killed by a group of players. You should do what I do when I mess up and get run over by a group: respawn and go about your day. 

I mean of course it is that players fault for trying to take that kitten sentry, that requires 10 gankers to defend. Who do you think is sadder in this situation? That lonely player, or the 10 mofos needing their daily gratification in an online game?

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On 5/2/2021 at 6:16 PM, frareanselm.1925 said:

Some days me and other friends quit the game because this unfair anihilation.

Is something that Anet could do to avoid this kind of cruel behaviour?


The WvW-maps are Anets version of Open-World-PvP and in this version of open-world-PvP predatory behavior that relies on exploiting another player’s lack of experience, progress, readiness, or willingness (PKing or ganking) is allowed.


Anet does not enforce any rules in WvW  for fair fights that are organized, skill based (and opted-in). Thats why gankers and grievers are attracted to this mode (and to some classes that are making ganking easier).


So, I guess, Anet will not do anything about this.


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7 hours ago, Auragen.4162 said:

Bunch of bad players who have been farmed like this guy ^ in this thread. This is the main reason why you shouldn't take anything said on this forum seriously. 99% of people crying about nerfs/balance play like this rando getting farmed out of his spawn.

There is no excuse for telling people to kill themselves, or being so petty that you literally stalk someone because they slandered you on the forum (hint, it was me. He stalked me for 2 hours on EBG after what I said to him here.) 

Just like a referee doesn't need to be an all-star football player to have a professional understanding of the game, you don't need to be in the top 0.1% of the skill ratio to understand balance. 

"Bad" is not an excuse to berate someone, nor does it make their opinions invalid. It means your ego is so bloated that your first thought in a discussion isn't about the conversation, but about the difference between you and them and whether or not you think they're beneath you.

No amount of "farming" is going to make this guy likable or respected, and he has enough of a history among roamers that I know more about him than he does me just through word of mouth. 

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SA are generally cowardly guild. Best way to deal with them if you are new is to go with your tag or stay close to equal number of ur side players they usually have no gut to fight equal numbers or other skilled players (ull notice they mostly run thieves to be able to escape). 
Hunt is generally more easy to avoid/kill. They mostly (what i seen) run pew pew rangers and run to spawn quite often if pushed. Same rule for new players apply , stay near tag.

You may also keep an eye on guild Cake Walk. They can be quite nice for gold farming due to their leader likes to pay new players for making outnumbered videos. Also make sure u tag them in fight since quite often they add alt+f4 to their rotation.


Stay safe and good health.

DKAL broken class ranger o/

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We could do a ranking of these so called "harassing" guilds. Seems to me that SA is the most mentioned here, but...can we build a TOP five ganking guilds? (including the server thay play would also be nice to know). When we got some more names we can make a poll to decide champion.


1 SA

2 ...

3 ...

4 ...

5 ...

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There is no point to make list like that. Small guilds with semi decent skill exist in wvw to make work for blobs harder. that is what roamer do. There is do unwritten code for roamers not to attack random low ranked players just trying to get into wvw or doing daily. In 90% cases being ganked by SA or idol or hunt is players fault - trying to fight roamer on blob build or trying to catch your own tag and not stacking on it. There is reason why tags ask you to stay close.

As for those who hate ganker guilds, well there is option too, become roamer , train your skills and fight back. 
Third option exist too, pay Lord Hizen to gank the gankers :).


stay safe 🙂

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22 hours ago, Auragen.4162 said:

Bunch of bad players who have been farmed like this guy ^ in this thread. This is the main reason why you shouldn't take anything said on this forum seriously. 99% of people crying about nerfs/balance play like this rando getting farmed out of his spawn.


Imagine thinking soulbeast carries but you play SA d/p dash lmaolol! Embarrassing and pathetic thief gameplay, you need to put in alot more practice my man, come EU and we'll show you how its done.

Edited by Skada.1362
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