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HOTS had gliding. POF had mounts. What can EOD bring?

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1 hour ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Not an objective statement.  GW1 was popular in its hey-day heavily because of its PvP.  Making FPS's the sole platform for PvP is boring and narrow-minded.

 MMO and PvP balance is a massive pita. It only works when you make the groups large enough so that builds balance each other out. Maybe 40 vs 40. In my experience the in small group PvP the classes with the best CC tend to win. Classes that can stun lock someone to death. Also pure close combat builds can often be kited endlessly by good ranged.

The PvPs IMHO would be pre made, per equipped characters. So that everyone is equal and only skill is left as variable.

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Never used home instances, not even have any nodes in it. Its so big and unpersonal. 


Always sitting when not playing in the Armistice Bastion (i am mainly wvw player) and have everything needed within 10 meters (bank, TP mystic forge,  crafting) 


But housing which would work like this, only smaller and where we can unlock useful NPCs would be fine. And an option to port to it from every point in the world, like with the Armistice Bastion portal scroll.. 


Some fency furnitures to decorate the house, garden whatever. I am fine with this and Anet can make money by selling stuff in the store.

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27 minutes ago, Malitias.8453 said:

Stop asking for a new expansion when we already have HoT and PoF...🙄 


Your logic eludes me.

And there's plenty of other people who have said the EXACT same thing as me. My opinion stands, if you don't like it, I suggest learning to keep scrolling and move on with your day.

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47 minutes ago, Tseison.4659 said:

And there's plenty of other people who have said the EXACT same thing as me. My opinion stands, if you don't like it, I suggest learning to keep scrolling and move on with your day.

So the earth actually became round because less people said it's flat? Fascinating.

I like this idea. Would probably work great in some psychedelic fantasy setting.
This is reality though, so that logic doesn't work.
Also, you haven't stated an opinion, unless telling people to stop having an opinion is an opinion. 😵

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Honestly i'm a big housing fan. I startet my mmo journey in EQ2 still playing it from time to time and housing ist so much fun there for me. Also i only play ESO for the housing which is not that good over there but fun to me. But please no housing in GW2 at the current state of the game. GW2 has so much problems at the moment ANet should get their stuff together and adress the biggest actual issues first.

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4 hours ago, Mordante.8743 said:

The PvPs IMHO would be pre made, per equipped characters. So that everyone is equal and only skill is left as variable.

So exactly like PVP in GW2?

PVP is fine in mmorpgs. Off course a dedicated game will be better. 


I don't care about housing just like I don't care about home instance. I think the only time I entered it is when story or collection required it.

It's a good system for hoarders to squeeze money out of them. But as far as game play it brings nothing to the table. 

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

So exactly like PVP in GW2?

PVP is fine in mmorpgs. Off course a dedicated game will be better. 


I don't care about housing just like I don't care about home instance. I think the only time I entered it is when story or collection required it.

It's a good system for hoarders to squeeze money out of them. But as far as game play it brings nothing to the table. 

Bringing things to the table is literally what housing is about. Like chairs, some flowers, maybe a tea-pot, you know? Oh, put a chandelier above! Beautiful. ☺️

The housing IS the gameplay.

If you can add and unlock some portals/asura gates to the home instance, it can be a really nice little hub for the player.
Maybe a training dummy in a room to play around with specs.
Lots of convenience can be build into this like bank-access, vendors and crafting stations.

Speaking of crafting. These items like furniture and the test dummy for example, could also be integrated into the current crafting professions, which gives that part more content as well.

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1 hour ago, Malitias.8453 said:


If you can add and unlock some portals/asura gates to the home instance, it can be a really nice little hub for the player.

Totally not what EotN already offers...?


1 hour ago, Malitias.8453 said:

Maybe a training dummy in a room to play around with specs.

Maybe. But we already have "private dummies" accessible from aerodrome, so it's not like it adds anything new or meaningful tbh.


1 hour ago, Malitias.8453 said:

Lots of convenience can be build into this like bank-access, vendors and crafting stations.

Also EotN as a player hub.

Also Lounge passes that are monetized. So still not exactly anything new?


1 hour ago, Malitias.8453 said:

Speaking of crafting. These items like furniture and the test dummy for example, could also be integrated into the current crafting professions, which gives that part more content as well.


If they want it to be a thing, they can already implement that for... home instances, as an example.

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Love it or hate it, housing does bring some value to mmo games. I mean, people are here hating on it because it seems pointless and is just for vanity, yet the biggest end game in gw2 is fashion wars. People in this game spend so much time decorating their characters, grinding for new skins or buying them off the market, collecting dyes, mount skins, chair skins, just all sorts of stuff to stand out and express their selves. I'd be willing to bet that there is a large portion of gw2 players that would absolutely love housing. Not to mention it can add more play time to the game since you can add more furniture crafting, furniture from doing achievements, and if course all the housing items that can be sold for gems. 


The only attempt at a logical reason for not adding housing so far is the risk of stretching Anet's resources too thin. However, since no one here has even the slightest clue about just how much resources Anet would need to put in to such a project or what the potential payout would be, using that argument to constantly fall back on whenever you dislike something is pretty silly.


Also, enough with this majority vs minority thing, it's ridiculous. If the game only developed content for the majority of players, this game would be nothing but a single player RPG with dlc content. What is great about an mmo is that it contains content for all types of players, and brings them all together into one large community.


So for me, I would personally enjoy housing. Is it mandatory for the survival of the game? No. Would it be a nice addition to the game? Sure. If anyone can tell me how housing would be some horrendous addition to the game without using your secret insider knowledge of Anet's resources though, I'd love to hear it.

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@Shaogin.2679 Nobody is "hating" on anything, just stop trying to claim it's somehow needed as if that's the main content/pull for massive group of players. It's not. It's a vanity content, it's "something", but it's not "long overdue" or "greatly needed". So stop trying to paint it this way and instead start saying that you'd like to see it. It's perfectly fine for some players to want to see it, but people like OP are just making from it much bigger deal than it really is for the sake of pushing their opinion as the prevailing one.


12 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

The only attempt at a logical reason for not adding housing so far is the risk of stretching Anet's resources too thin. However, since no one here has even the slightest clue about just how much resources Anet would need to put in to such a project or what the potential payout would be, using that argument to constantly fall back on whenever you dislike something is pretty silly.


Sure. It's as "silly" as people like you or OP trying to claim "there's no reason not to add it". Literally works the same both ways, so stop pretending you know something that others don't. If it's not ok to say "it might take too much resources with not enough pay off" then it's not ok to say "there's no reason not to do it" (on top of pretending it's "long overdue and greatly needed" -no, it's not. You can still want it tho).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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23 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

Not to mention it can add more play time to the game since you can add more furniture crafting, furniture from doing achievements, and if course all the housing items that can be sold for gems.

This is not how housing systems in MMOs work.

Developers do not simply offer the player some form of instance and sell them furniture or make them grind for it then call it a day.

The reason why is that represents value to only a very small number of players.

MMO developers understand this.

Housing systems in MMOs always start with "how do we make the player use this?".

A good example is the previous one of Black Desert Online. The developers of BDO know full well that a completely optional "decorations only" system will never be anything but a niche feature. With that knowledge in hand, they tie other systems to it. Suddenly it becomes central to the crafting systems and the lifeskilling systems. Buffs from housing for PvPers and Open World Grinders  lose any pretense of being optional in a game where a 5% drop rate bonus, or a 2% Evasion Rate buff becomes the difference between success and failure.

Developers have to make the housing system a valuable part of player progression so that the majority of players will use it and THEN they can start selling cosmetics and value adds and gemstore buffs and shinies.

Only when a significant number of players see value in the system and are engaging with it can you start to generate income with microtransactions.


48 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

People in this game spend so much time decorating their characters, grinding for new skins or buying them off the market, collecting dyes, mount skins, chair skins, just all sorts of stuff to stand out and express their selves. I'd be willing to bet that there is a large portion of gw2 players that would absolutely love housing.

It is not the same as the visual progression of a player's character(s) because this progression (the need to "flex" that drives players to the cash shop for armor skins with particles, or retinal burn inducing mounts) cannot be openly displayed in player hubs.

That player wanting to show off will gladly pay RL cash for one of the current portable chairs from the gemstore because they can assign it to a hotkey and show it off anywhere they want.

They are not going to pay for that chair to remain hidden away in a private instance that you need to be invited to.

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Has any MMO out there ever benefited from housing? I don't think so, I'm struggling to remember any where it's a meaningful feature and not something that gets boring and stale after the novelty effect wears off.


But the development cost of an entirely new feature is huge, and not what GW2 needs at this point.


If Anet have any hopes for a future for GW2; EoD should focus on content (PvE story, raids, strikes, DRMs, fractals, heck even dungeons of sorts) and finally giving WvW its alliances and some TLC, and the same for PvP. Add elite specs, new ways to experience old content, whether through new specs, builds, even race if they do go to yet another unnecessary but popular request, the Tengu race, however I doubt it.

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2 hours ago, Malitias.8453 said:

The housing IS the gameplay.

If you can add and unlock some portals/asura gates to the home instance, it can be a really nice little hub for the player.
Maybe a training dummy in a room to play around with specs.
Lots of convenience can be build into this like bank-access, vendors and crafting stations.

I currently idle my toons in Fields of Ruin near Hawkesgate Waypoint.
Here I have access to Bank, Trading post and all crafting vendors in a nice little line, and with my portal mystic forge the only time I have to go anywhere else is to see the Mystic Forge vendor for things like Anthology of Heroes
Anything else I want is no more than two clicks away on the world map (including DPS golem).


How would any of this gained either via ingame currency purcahse, gemstore purchase or acheivements in a housing system benefit me?

Sounds like a gold/money sink to me for functionality I already have.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Totally not what EotN already offers...?


Maybe. But we already have "private dummies" accessible from aerodrome, so it's not like it adds anything new or meaningful tbh.


Also EotN as a player hub.

Also Lounge passes that are monetized. So still not exactly anything new?



If they want it to be a thing, they can already implement that for... home instances, as an example.

The "new" thing is that it's a place where you have all these things under one roof. Literally.

You can't customize EotN in a free-form way and the same goes for the Lounge.

It's about adding convenience and combining it with player expression. At this point I'm not even sure if you might miss the point on purpose, really..

If home instances were expanded upon in a significant way, so you have all these things that are typical for what people refer to as "housing" then, yea, sure, that would work just fine, but that would be such a drastic change that it isn't really the static "home-instance" we currently have anymore. It's like the difference between dungeons, fractals and raids.

Regarding your next post..
Claiming it's not a pull for a massive group of players is literally the same as claiming it is. It's an assumption without any evidence to back it up.
So while I agree that it's bad to simply say it's "greatly needed" and stuff like that, it's very hypocritical to point that out while also claiming the opposite is true without having any evidence to back that up.

Arguing about their ressources is silly, because we neither have the insight to know how much money they have nor how much time it would take to implement it. And we also don't know what the pay-off would be because, again, you don't know how many people would be invested into housing or how many people would be drawn to the game because of it. And neither do I for that matter. That's what market research is for, but sadly we don't see that enough within games.

What we CAN argue about is if it's a priority and how high/low we think that priority is relative to other things that need to be addressed.

Edited by Malitias.8453
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5 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

I currently idle my toons in Fields of Ruin near Hawkesgate Waypoint.
Here I have access to Bank, Trading post and all crafting vendors in a nice little line, and with my portal mystic forge the only time I have to go anywhere else is to see the Mystic Forge vendor for things like Anthology of Heroes
Anything else I want is no more than two clicks away on the world map (including DPS golem).


How would any of this gained either via ingame currency purcahse, gemstore purchase or acheivements in a housing system benefit me?

Sounds like a gold/money sink to me for functionality I already have.

If you're not into decorating a house, not much.
It would simply be a little more convenient, because you wouldn't need to go anywhere else for the things you mentioned.
The big draw of housing systems usually isn't about big functionality, but about convenience and player expression.
I take it you also don't care much about unlocking new weapon- and armor skins then?

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20 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Has any MMO out there ever benefited from housing? I don't think so, I'm struggling to remember any where it's a meaningful feature and not something that gets boring and stale after the novelty effect wears off.


But the development cost of an entirely new feature is huge, and not what GW2 needs at this point.


If Anet have any hopes for a future for GW2; EoD should focus on content (PvE story, raids, strikes, DRMs, fractals, heck even dungeons of sorts) and finally giving WvW its alliances and some TLC, and the same for PvP. Add elite specs, new ways to experience old content, whether through new specs, builds, even race if they do go to yet another unnecessary but popular request, the Tengu race, however I doubt it.

Define meaningful. Important to the playerbase? Financially beneficial to the company? Mechanically important to a players progression?


I am very sure Path of Exile greatly benefits from their "housing" system.

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