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The, I have no legendary thread.

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The only legendary I'm proud to own is the Dreamer, because I'm a degenerate and think it is easily the most creative and best designed weapon in gaming history.


... if you don't have that sort of passion, legendries are just a really REALLY expensive ascended weapon, particularly because weapons seldom fit two different roles in the same class and meta sigils are always BEST IN SLOT regardless of the situation, so statswapping doesn't really happen.

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11 minutes ago, Westenev.5289 said:

The only legendary I'm proud to own is the Dreamer, because I'm a degenerate and think it is easily the most creative and best designed weapon in gaming history.


... if you don't have that sort of passion, legendries are just a really REALLY expensive ascended weapon, particularly because weapons seldom fit two different roles in the same class and meta sigils are always BEST IN SLOT regardless of the situation, so statswapping doesn't really happen.

😸That's exactly why I made the Dreamer too! It's the most absurd weapon I've ever come across. I've never seen anything like it in any game, and I doubt I will any time soon so I had to have it.


I still find it amusing to see unicorns flying towards my enemies. (I also find it confusing when someone else is using it, especially if they're just off to one side of me. I'm used to the unicorns being my projectiles so it throws me off when they're coming from another direction.)


I also agree that legendary weapons are unlikely to be worthwhile if you don't like the skin. I think I've changed the stats on the Dreamer 2 or 3 times and I've had it almost 7 years. I've swapped the Bifrost more often, but I think it would have been cheaper to make 2 legendary staffs and that would save me having to pass it between characters. I think Anet's intention was always that they'd be made mainly for the skin and the stat swapping was added just so you didn't have to make another ascended weapon to reskin to get a useful legendary, like we used to do when they were exotics.

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I made my Legendary weapons for their skins...period. Not their stat swapping, foot-falls, or most other animations.


I'm a Poe fan. So, naturally, I had to make Nevermore and I've never looked back. It was the hardest one I've had to craft to date.

I made the Predator just for the skin (the sound is awful).

The Binding of Ipos goes well with certain Necro themes and just looks cool.


Now, with the advent of the Legendary Armory, I will be able to salvage all my other similar Ascended weapons and assign the stats/builds accordingly. 

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22 minutes ago, Game of Bones.8975 said:

The Binding of Ipos goes well with certain Necro themes and just looks cool.

I actually think it goes best with Mesmer.

The effects are dominantly purple, which in my opinion aligns better with Mesmer than with Necromancer.

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I do not really get the hype about the Legendary Armory, sorry. Although I own one legendary weapon and 1 legendary helmet, I decided to return to exotic/ascended 'jail' on my own a few months ago. If I need other stats, exotic crafting is rather cheap nowadays. If I need diviner stats, I basically use the Mystic Mote recipes, which are very cheap. In a few rare cases, I craft the insignias/inscriptions and do a stat swap with one of my ascended sets/weapons.


Even for ascended gear there is no real content out there. EXOTIC IS FINE for 95 % of the game-content! This includes most of the group-content. In addition, gear rarity always has significantly lower impact than skill & experience in GW2. You cannot outbalance skill with stats. Does work in other MMORPGs amazingly well, but not in GW2 ^^. 


The Legendary Armory and basically every legendary gear is only useful if: You happen to change your stats a lot.


Most people I encounter nowadays run meta-builds ONLY. Even the newbies. Not the smartest idea imo, but to each their own. Even after drastic balance-patches, which happen once in a blue moon, those stats are mostly static. In the worst case you have to replace 1-3 trinket stats and maybe another sigil, but that is it.

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Well I made the longbow and the shortbow and this got me completelly burned out, It was when people farmed AB meta non stop and this made me and my friends drop the game. I bought POF expansion and never touched it before last week when I came back to the game.


You have to invest your time to make a legendary and if it was made easier to do it would be unfair to the people who put the effort to make one.


The first thing I thought about when I installed the game again was making a legendary amor JUST because of the convenience in changing stats, but I think If you are a casual player the best path is having one ascended set for the meta and a bunch of exotics when you want to play with other builds.

And If you want to craft remember to enjoy the game doing other stuff with your friends while crafting, cause if you focus only on the leg it will definetly make you burned out.

Edited by Spec.1063
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For someone that played Gw2 for 7 years with only Exotic/Ascended and then made ~12 Legendaries in the last 1 year, I can honestly say they made little to no difference in my overall enjoyment / gaming experience etc. 


Ascended did the job just as good, and even though you lack QoL stat change of Legendary had to ask myself how many times am I actually going to swap stats, and when it was more than once i merely just made another ascended item.


My summary of Legendaries: They are an excellent Goldsink/Timesink, a "sense of focus, attainment, achievement", offer a little QoL being instantaneously stat selectable, and able to extract infusions, sigils, runes without the need for any special extractor, but other than that: Do I think they are really worth the monumental effort required and time/gold: Definitely not !





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22 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I'm very far away still from legendaries.

Far, far away.

I was looking through what's necessary to craft one and I just gave up.

I wonder if I'll ever get there at all.

I think not.

Because to make one, I would have to have one for each character.

It would just bug the heck out of me having only one character with a legend and not the others.

So for that reason, I'm out.

This^  Once I start making them - if I ever could, which is a dim possibility in a distant future - I'll find myself collecting them, and then I'll never stop.  Basic ascended weapon for a primary WvW character (read, Obsidian weapon) is as far as I'm likely to go, and I'm nowhere close to even that.

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9 hours ago, Spec.1063 said:

You have to invest your time to make a legendary and if it was made easier to do it would be unfair to the people who put the effort to make one.

You mean that you must invest a ludicrous amount of gold AND time to make a legendary. The "want to respect the time of (insert derogatory) who wasted it on this" is pretty hilarious. Didn't they already get what they wanted? Why would it matter if it was a little less ridiculous to make for other people? Unless the people who made it attach some weird feeling of achievement to it i suppose.


I wouldn't get one regardless becuase of the fractal and PvP requirements, but this kind of pandering is just horrible.

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5 hours ago, Lyssia.4637 said:

This^  Once I start making them - if I ever could, which is a dim possibility in a distant future - I'll find myself collecting them, and then I'll never stop.  Basic ascended weapon for a primary WvW character (read, Obsidian weapon) is as far as I'm likely to go, and I'm nowhere close to even that.


Funnily enough, when I started making my Dreamer, I was the opposite. I just built one component at a time, without any idea that there would be a mystic clover grind or a 100g iceblock paywall. The hardest bit was when I was 300g away, where the urge to panic sell anything I got my hands on just got out of hand.


If you make the legendary one component at a time (while being aware of other components so you don't stab yourself in the foot by selling ectoplasm or mystic coins), it seems much more manageable (until you're almost finished - then ALL HANDS ON DECK! xD)

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23 hours ago, JUN YANG.4328 said:

legendary is not something you cant reach. i dont craft any ascended gear. but i do had 11 legendary (working on 12th). you just need to make up your mind to start. like gen 1 weapon, you can craft one in 3 month with no rush. the starting point is to buy the precursor and get dungeon token. other then it just take times. its so much easier to get Gen1 legendary these day. the last legendary weapon ( the flameseeker) i spent less then 2 month to finished.  

yeah,  I collect  everything (plant, tree etc) I see when I do anything in the game.  That takes care of most of the mat needed to do any crafting.  Don't have to be rich to do that. No need to rush either.  Same here Jun Yang, 11 crafted.  Got the pre for Colossus last month not sure i will craft it.  Usually craft a legend when I get bored. 🙂  Sold 9 of em, now I'm rich  ;P.  I do get not wanting to craft them as they have the same stats as ascended, (which are useful if you do fractals) and very little above exotics.  Question of personal choice.  🙂

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Well I guess im not the only one after all. Im going to try and make predator simply because i like that one the most. Im really loving deadeye for fun playing. Plus the sniper sounds are awesome. TBH i dont like the look of sunrise and twilight and nevermore would be my next choice to make. But the reqs are insane! 

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When I've decided to start making a legendary my first step is to make a spreadsheet listing all the things I'll need. Then I go through and mark off everything I've already got, including partial completion like my current map completion percentage. That serves two purposes: it makes it seem less daunting because I've already made some progress so I'm not starting from scratch trying to get all this stuff. It also helps me identify what is going to take a long time and/or isn't going to happen just from playing normally so I can focus on just those bits.


(Also by that point I've been thinking about doing it for a while, and during that time I'll save stuff I know I'll need without committing to anything, so things like mithril, elder wood, mystic coins which gives me a bit of a head start when I finally decide I am going to do it.)


But I also only do what I feel like when I feel like doing it. If I was doing WvW for the Gift of Battle yesterday but today I don't feel like it then I'll do something else. That can include things which don't help make my legendary at all (like Super Adventure Box). I don't have any deadlines or any expectations that I'll get it done quickly. The fastest I've done it is 7 months, helped a lot by having a Gift of Exploration already and all the crafting skills I needed fully trained up. The longest was 13 months, which was the first one I did.

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Reasons to craft legendary armor/weapons: ??? some weapons look decent


Reasons not to: armor looks like your average ANet clown buttcape garbage.

What I need the stat swapping for? Little build variance, as a dps I run zerker since 2012.. maybe condi. 2 sets. 


I have made thousands of gold, never make a legendary except pvp backpiece  was free while doing what I already did. I spend my gold on gems or permanent contracts, stuff that actually has practical value. FF14 has better skins I can buy for cheap on the auction house that are way better looking than anything legendary here. Cantha could change that since its my fav thing about GW and has a lot of potential, hope they design some good stuff.

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4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

When I've decided to start making a legendary my first step is to make a spreadsheet listing all the things I'll need. Then I go through and mark off everything I've already got, including partial completion like my current map completion percentage. That serves two purposes: it makes it seem less daunting because I've already made some progress so I'm not starting from scratch trying to get all this stuff. It also helps me identify what is going to take a long time and/or isn't going to happen just from playing normally so I can focus on just those bits.


For those of you who don't know: Here's where https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator  comes in real handy. It keeps track of what you have, need, and the crafting steps. 

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I've been playing since beta and I have zero Legendaries! :D I'm a mainoholic and I only have 1 Ascended set. I'm not interested in switching stats and I find most Legendary weapons bulky, ugly and overpriced. I would never pay hundreds/thousands of Gold for 1 weapon. There are TONS of better weapon skins, tbh.

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I have no Legendary armor but can't say that I want any.   Doesn't appeal to me.  BUT I do have a few weapons and love them.  Yeah, it's a grind, but I enjoy the collections part of making the precursor.  Was working on my next one when I read about Gen 3s coming out with the new expac, so now I just want to leisurely save my gold, mats, clovers, etc. to see what the new ones are, plus I'm looking forward to the new LW achievements so I can hopefully get the free Gen 3 precursor.

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On 5/23/2021 at 5:32 PM, WindBlade.8749 said:

i have too much ascended i  don't know what to do with them, my mule characters is full of them rip and all my characters are full ascended with their multiple builds..

As for legendary i only have one characters that have a full legendary armor + half legendery trinkets + some leg weapons, that about it.

So no, i'm not exotic jail.


I started to really play the game about 1 years ago to put things in perspective.

Before that, for years i was someone with 0 knowledge of the game, about 2 gold was my whole fortune, with random rare/masters gears i found hitting my head in the story until it's pass since hp sotry boss don't regen their hp..


Also i was still core ele staff until the start of IBS.


I Didn't knew what a spec or a traitline was so ....
Only play the game time to time when i wanted to advence the story at this era.


Time to salvage it! 😉

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