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Can we please get a SKYSCALE that has freedom of flight??

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I agree with OP.

Unlimited time flight for Skyscale... but not height. In this case the skybox is the limit and if you venture there, you should turn to ash and blow away with the wind, while your skyscale buggers off to neverland, where peter pan will adopt it.

Then you force respawn in Divinity Reach, where Tackeray will preach you for half an hour.

Then hand you over a tamagoshi... err... Skyscale egg, which you'll need to hatch for 3 weeks, then feed it for a further 6 months before it reaches adulthood.


Moral of the story?

Not happening.


But it would be nice though.

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Theres volatile magic/karma orb chains in many zones, going pacman on them increases flighttime.


Plus if you stay fairly level as you fly, you dont waste much flight juice, though it will slowly deplete stamina.  But bond of vigor can enhance that.      But I dont really see what need there is for such longer flying, that cant already be easilly reached.


Dont forget, every mount have a purpose that should not be dramatically overshadowed or made obsolete. That is why the skyscale never can be made a simple wowstyle flyer.

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20 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

The mounts we have now are bad enough. Flying removes a significant part of the game by trivializing mobility, and because of it we have all the really annoying high mob density & long aggro ranges that so many people hate. Maps felt a lot more interesting to explore and traverse back when we didnt have mounts.

I have a different opinion. I think mounts were very well implemented and each feels unique, useful, and fun in their own way. (The mob density is another aspect, and could be solved without having to get rid of mounts, imo). People who want to explore a map without mounts can still do it, but I mean, mounts are a main feature of the expansion; the point is to use mounts to find your way around. 

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I don't want the skyscale to have infinite flight. The mount system in gw2 is very well designed, especially once they changed it to have mounts start with full endurance. Very engaging to pick a suitable mount as you need them. I'm not against small changes, but right now I'm still using all my mounts, and that's a good thing. (only raptor is probably my least used)

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9 hours ago, Touchme.1097 said:

Your unlimited flying mounts is already in game, here it is and it's faster than any other MMO mounts 

"But griffon is just a glider" - YouTube


Griffon and Beetle run

Flying with the Beetle - YouTube


In GW2, flying requires skills

That was amazing, entirely my point that Mounts are gameplay in GW2. I am definately not that good with a griffon though, neither with the beetle. Awesome!

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On 6/1/2021 at 11:22 AM, Tyncale.1629 said:

That was amazing, entirely my point that Mounts are gameplay in GW2. I am definately not that good with a griffon though, neither with the beetle. Awesome!

Anet, I want the "Heart" reaction just to reward this man 🙂

You will get there bro, practice makes perfect

Edited by Touchme.1097
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On 5/31/2021 at 6:31 PM, Touchme.1097 said:

Your unlimited flying mounts is already in game, here it is and it's faster than any other MMO mounts 

"But griffon is just a glider" - YouTube


Griffon and Beetle run

Flying with the Beetle - YouTube


In GW2, flying requires skills

Amazing demonstration of skill. Thank you for posting these. 🙂

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On 5/30/2021 at 9:30 PM, Sinister.5792 said:

Can the devs please make the Skyscale with unlimited flight??? 


I find it so stupid that you cant even enjoy flight with the mount you worked so hard to earn only for it to glide down and not even stay in its altitude.. 

can you please make this mount like a true flying mount ??  I miss flying in pve like similar in world of warcraft... 


this sucks...


to be honest, I LOVE that this is not like world of Warcraft and the mount doesn't feel like a stupid balloon. At least they simulate a little bit that the animal itself stresses with our weight and can't take us that far. WOW mounts sucks so bad you can't even use them until you get bored doing achievements on the new map.

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1 hour ago, Mesket.5728 said:


to be honest, I LOVE that this is not like world of Warcraft and the mount doesn't feel like a stupid balloon. At least they simulate a little bit that the animal itself stresses with our weight and can't take us that far. WOW mounts sucks so bad you can't even use them until you get bored doing achievements on the new map.

Not entirely true for wow, you can still use flying mounts even if theres no flying allowed. Just stuck on the ground.

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Flying in WoW kinda works because the world is a giant flat(ish) map. In gw2, it's more like a series of layered boxes with waypoints everywhere, plus very few maps look good from all angles and free flight only exposes these flaws.


I think both mounts compliment their respective games.

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I would like to see how many people that say mounts ruin the game or make it feel small and boring, actually dont have mounts. Because if you are flying around or bunny wall jumping, zipping along the waterways, speedracering the roller beetle through a zone, jumping across canyons, then its kind of hypocritical to say anything against flying. The mount ruins world argument has been let out of the barn.

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1 hour ago, Westenev.5289 said:

Flying in WoW kinda works because the world is a giant flat(ish) map. In gw2, it's more like a series of layered boxes with waypoints everywhere, plus very few maps look good from all angles and free flight only exposes these flaws.


I think both mounts compliment their respective games.

But wow wasnt always that way. They had to fill in stuff when flyers came on the scene. And the maps arent flat they have mountains and craters ups and downs. But you do have a point that wows world zones are open ended in a way gw2 is not. WoW has no portals you go through to enter the next zone for the most part. GW2 is instanced from one zone to the other. You cant cross from like crystal desert to elon without going through a portal. One of the big draws of wow when i started playing was the open world you basically ran from one zone to another in real time and space no portal so you could cross anywhere.

Edited by Zuldari.3940
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  • 4 months later...
On 5/31/2021 at 3:34 AM, Sinister.5792 said:

as for someone who plays solely pvp... I have to grind to get this mount... and its the only way I enjoy pve... by flying around ... like riding a car in the city in night time... except im revvin up my skyscale 



If you only PVP then why do you even need a skyscale?

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On 5/31/2021 at 7:31 PM, Touchme.1097 said:

Your unlimited flying mount is already in game, here it is and it's faster than any other MMO mounts 

"But griffon is just a glider" - YouTube


Griffon and Beetle run

Flying with the Beetle - YouTube


In GW2, flying requires skills

Beautiful work. I am decent with a griffon, though absolute garbage with the beetle, personally. Keep mounts the way they are, please

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30 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Only thing i would want with skyscale and Griffins is a t6 glider mastery to allow mount to use updafts and maybe ley lines but beside that both are perfect.

You would not benefit from updrafts because if you had both Skyscale and Griffon you would travel so fast passing through updrafts without going up and if you did you would lose your speed from diving with the Griffon.

Edited by Touchme.1097
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On 5/30/2021 at 8:30 PM, Sinister.5792 said:

Can the devs please make the Skyscale with unlimited flight??? 


I find it so stupid that you cant even enjoy flight with the mount you worked so hard to earn only for it to glide down and not even stay in its altitude.. 

can you please make this mount like a true flying mount ??  I miss flying in pve like similar in world of warcraft... 


this sucks...

 Omg yes this!!!!! I wasted sooo much time with guild saying GW2 has a flying mount all to find it it can barely climb up into the sky without running out of breath. It is a GLIDING mount. I am with you on the WoW style flying mount,. Like if I want to start high in the sky, need to use the bunny to get up and then use it. Thanks HOT already came with gliding so why would I need a mount for it.

Skyscale is so useless that I dont even have bound to any keys and leave to rot like the roller beetle. If you want to traverse anything, bunny still the best with gliding.


Why would I want a mount that does gliding that I had since HOT
Good thing I didnt waste 250g on the griffon as that is another "flying" mount.

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9 minutes ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

Skyscale is so useless

Funny that you say that as there have been several threads with players calling it required for content. 

A pure flying mount would invalidate practically every other mount as well as trivialize content. 

Edited by mythical.6315
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6 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

Funny that you say that as there have been several threads with players calling it required for content. 

Regardless of its use, it's definitely not mandatory (outside of Vision at least). I mean most of the game's content  came before Ls4 chapter 6, so it's impossible for Skyscale to be mandatory in those already.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Depends what you are doing but havent heard it blocking any content beside vision which I dont even know what legendary piece that is at this point.

PvP dont need Obv
WvW (all my time spent) dont need/cant use
PVE: Beside vision dont need, all the maps have these called paths that you can walk on and get to the destination or just wp for faster results.

I would not mind if it invalidated other mounts, wont be the first time ANET did something like to the game. Skyscale "invalidated" HOT gliding if you think about it but we are ok with that.

The bunny "invalidated" the mushrooms in HOT also if you want to add to it

Skyscale is useless which is fine to say. People can like it but its faaar from being called a "flying" mount the community says it is.

Edited by Twilightzone.7452
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47 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Regardless of its use, it's definitely not mandatory (outside of Vision at least). I mean most of the game's content  came before Ls4 chapter 6, so it's impossible for Skyscale to be mandatory in those already.

Oh yeah. I agree that it’s really not required for anything except for the rare situations like the one you mentioned. 

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Mounts already trivialized every map that was in the game prior to PoF, to the point that you can skip most of the content that relied on navigation. The mounts are fine as they are now.

42 minutes ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

I would not mind if it invalidated other mounts, wont be the first time ANET did something like to the game. Skyscale "invalidated" HOT gliding if you think about it but we are ok with that.

Mounts didn't only invalidate gliding, they invalidated all the work of the level designers who created the pre-PoF maps.

Edited by MikeG.6389
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