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Marginalization of Left-handed People

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Why are all the playable characters right-handed? This does not comport with reality. At least make them ambidextrous, as that would be easiest to design around and does not exclude left-handed people.


Change "main hand" and "off-hand" to "right hand" and "left hand."


This way, left-handed people do not feel they are not the "superior" hand.

Edited by Mortifera.6138
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Did you know that all serving members of the British army must learn to shoot right handed.


I mean its your call, shoot right handed or shoot left handed and get a face full of scolding hot empty cases.


Can we please get these twitter like petitions out of gaming.

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Funny tangent about this, left-handed people tend to be better fighters.  Both historically and in the present.  There's a reason why it is that they're better fighters, and it's actually quite funny: they learn to fight right-handed.


I'm serious.  This makes their left-hand a secret weapon.  You're crossing swords with somebody, and then suddenly they reach over, lock you down and overpower you with their left hand.  Right-handed people tend to train and practice with other right-handed people, whereas left-handed people fight and train against right-handed people.  This means all the right-handers are at an immediate disadvantage when they're abruptly forced into combatting a mirrored opponent.


Learning to do things with your off-hand is quite normal.  For example, I can't run a joystick or handle my keys in my dominant right hand, because I've been doing it so long in the left.  Muscle memory and all that plays a big role.  

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But guys, what about the people who had accidents and lost both hands.

Those awesome people learned to master their life using their feet.

The eat and even use computers using a foot.


After redoing all the animations for the left hands, can we cater to this group of great people?

I don't even care if the right or left foot is their main "hand"

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Lets be honest here, a option to mirror the character model would be a nice customization option. But... If Anet tried to implement it would probably break the game engine, or somehow result in the whole game being played mirrored.

Edited by PseudoNewb.5468
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Left hander here op.  I can't see the problem with GW2.  Other game yes but never with GW2.  All of my usual left handed custom keys are available and you fight with both hands.  Nope, don't see the problem.

I mean us left handers are the superior race but we shouldn't expect special treatment.

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I'm really shocked to read the comments.
Substitute the word "left" with blind, disabled...everything but normal...and read again.

What you do not realize is that this behavior is r....

To the Question: yes, definitely should every new game be inclusive and represent all forms of being in game. Not only left-handed ppl.

There is no way to reverse the missing diversity in our game now - but it should be considered in the future in every game. Why not?

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I'm left handed and I don't feel that this game marginalizes me at all.


Many of us even use mouse with right hand. You can see it as brain training and ability to adapt. Situation where we should really care is for example some machines, tools... But often it is already taken care of. Like graphic tablets, they are designed that if you turn them so left handed people could use them they end up with buttons in position like it would be with right handed people.


If this thread is not a joke I think you are too sensitive. We really don't suffer because of that in modern world. Maybe there exists some provinces in other countries that discriminate left handed people but probably they don't even play this game.


It is called main hand and off hand because of weapons that go there. It is more natural to understand slots when they are named like this. It is called like this for user experience.

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38 minutes ago, Flasterko.4087 said:

I'm left handed and I don't feel that this game marginalizes me at all.


Many of us even use mouse with right hand. You can see it as brain training and ability to adapt. Situation where we should really care is for example some machines, tools... But often it is already taken care of. Like graphic tablets, they are designed that if you turn them so left handed people could use them they end up with buttons in position like it would be with right handed people.


If this thread is not a joke I think you are too sensitive. We really don't suffer because of that in modern world. Maybe there exists some provinces in other countries that discriminate left handed people but probably they don't even play this game.


It is called main hand and off hand because of weapons that go there. It is more natural to understand slots when they are named like this. It is called like this for user experience.

I'm fine using my right with the mouse.  The problem is my left with the keyboard.

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7 hours ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

Did you know that all serving members of the British army must learn to shoot right handed.


I mean its your call, shoot right handed or shoot left handed and get a face full of scolding hot empty cases.


Can we please get these twitter like petitions out of gaming.

I think army is the last place to seek justification to given norms.  Like if we were to do what the world would be a pretty nasty place. Bit off topic, but not entirely - I think the OP has a valid point - being left handed is much more than just hand preference/ability.

Of course the implementation of it is sadly not likely due to limited capabilities of anet, but I think it is still a valid point for the future to allow everyone to enjoy the game the same way

Edited by Mik.3401
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11 minutes ago, Mik.3401 said:

I think army is the last place to seek justification to given norms.  Like if we were to do what the world would be a pretty nasty place. Bit off topic, but not entirely - I think the OP has a valid point - being left handed is much more than just hand preference/ability.

Of course the implementation of it is sadly not likely due to limited capabilities of anet, but I think it is still a valid point for the future to allow everyone to enjoy the game the same way

But we enjoy the game in the same way. This thread and some of you just making victims where there are none. All this just making that when someone will want to in the future make some change for some real problem people will be angry and not want to listen just because they constantly read complaints everywhere. This is just example why people starting to react like "oh just another snowflake".

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8 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This doesn't matter at all and doesn't marginalize anyone. Get over yourself.


That's a bit harsh of a reaction there. Perhaps you need to get over yourself?


I don't see any harm in offering an option to assign your main hand. I'm not left-handed, but I know many people in RL who are. So yes, basically, their left-handedness (is this even a word?) is being marginalized.


What's the harm in providing an option to select a character's main hand? I know games that do offer the option, some of which are very prominent. So it's not a "We don't care, get over yourself!" thing.


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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