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Alliance When ? This year confirmed


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  • WindBlade.8749 changed the title to Alliance When ? This year confirmed

To JT and Colin and Grouch, please consider that if WvW is to be a cornerstone for the game, the rewards might need a bit of an upgrade.


Speaking only for myself, I have tonnes of unused badges of honour, wvw skirmish tickets, emblems of the avenger + conqueror, etc. I already have 3 sets of WvW legendary armour, the legendary ring and the legendary back item, so I have nothing to spend these currencies on. It would be nice if this were to change. I am not going to say this is the first priority, but please put this "on the table".


For me, making the emblems vendor-able (i.e. legendary spike) would seem like a missed opportunity. How about making them currencies for gated, desirable mats, like mystic clovers, or mystic coins, or amalgamated gemstones. In fractals you can buy 2 clovers per day with (in part) fractal relics. How about something like this for some of these wvw currencies? No need to let us buy unlimited quantities, of course, but 2 clovers per day would be nice.


Thanks for reading.

Edited by Adzekul.3104
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dont like the idea of alliance system.. people without a guild will have every 2 month new people to deal with. no "real" long term communities anymore. There are still lot of servers where ppl playing WvW on the same server for years together and not transfering every 2 month. Having a TS, most people know each other..



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Graphic upgrades, performance upgrades and wvw alliances. The hype is real! 


Also, Phreak you are over thinking things. You can still do that, wvw alliances will open the door to you just being able to do that, but better. Also, regardless just form a guild and you'd find the same people already, can make an alliance of your entire server no doubt. 


This is going to spice up WvW nicely, can't wait! I bet we'll get a MaG type alliance that just camps EBG too haha 

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54 minutes ago, phreeak.1023 said:

dont like the idea of alliance system.. people without a guild will have every 2 month new people to deal with. no "real" long term communities anymore. There are still lot of servers where ppl playing WvW on the same server for years together and not transfering every 2 month. Having a TS, most people know each other..



I camp in a bank guild and I rarely know who the raid guilds are who've transferred over for a match or two. I do know all of the usual pugs who do stuff on all of the maps and it's going to suck not having that pug culture that's evolved over time. Mag's is similar to ours but other servers pugs seem foreign and it's going to sad not having a community build over time, guilds don't replace that and are often the reason a servers community goes sour and falls apart. 


26 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

You can still do that, wvw alliances will open the door to you just being able to do that, but better. Also, regardless just form a guild and you'd find the same people already, can make an alliance of your entire server no doubt 

No explanation of how? That's a lot of organizing for people who mostly vibe together more than talk. That's a case of way easier said than done. Basically, the people you've played with before will be gone and spread out apart from whatever guild you're in at the change. 

Edited by kash.9213
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This was a super exciting update, and despite being a newer WvW-er I'm curious about the alliances idea. I'm sure there will be a lot more details to come. Right now I'm just happy that WvW is getting some attention.


I am curious though how alliances will solve the current matchup problems. The current matchup has us up against two larger and higher ranked ones that run much bigger squads. Our group of 15-20 is getting bulldozed by groups twice our size or larger. We've had evenings where we were barely able to get 3 dailies done. Not fun, and I really hope that the alliance system will help that and not make it worse. I guess I'm worried that all the big/elite guilds will just form an alliance together which will basically shut anyone else out who doesn't play that particular level or style? Hopefully that won't be the case though.

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 Our new leadership team views WvW as a cornerstone mode of Guild Wars 2, and it will be a focus of ours going forward


I mean...they cannot say "kitten WvW: we dont care,BUT preorder the expansion anyway when it is aviable" right? 

They need to say "we care"  now ... and then go silent for other 5 years . 

im saving my 100th post for 2022: will it be "You lied AGAIN" or "WvW is SAVED"

Edited by ilMasa.2546
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I think that aNet needs to realise, especially with the age of the game right now - that the alliance system change is a big one.


And there are many people & community leaders that have invested 1000's of hours into their servers community to build them up over time to create an environment for people they know & have played with for the last 8 years - that is friendly & also enjoyable for them.


Each server community is different, and its evolved that way over time. WvW has become one of the most active game modes because its been given the freedom to evolve in this way.


I personally think the alliance system, as a core concept is flawed, prone to exploits & will also cause an elite 5% of the player base to sit at the top, until the game dies or until there is some internal guild drama which causes the focus "try hard" guilds to disband.


I know we are lacking details right now, but as a core concept this is flawed.


Do not break WvW, create a new game-mode based on alliances & allow alliances for all game modes like GW1 did for a social aspect sure - but don't break an entire community that has been evolving for 8 years.



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Alliance will be the final nail in the coffin. There will be no real communities anymore. F.e 3 Guilds from a alliance + other Guilds and Soloplayers and everyone is doing his own business for 8 weeks and then moving on to the next "relink" 


Anet then can rename WvW to GvG. 



tbh if the beta starts this year and it will be like this, i am going to quit the game. 

Edited by phreeak.1023
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2 hours ago, hawkeye.5421 said:

This was a super exciting update, and despite being a newer WvW-er I'm curious about the alliances idea. I'm sure there will be a lot more details to come. Right now I'm just happy that WvW is getting some attention.


I am curious though how alliances will solve the current matchup problems. The current matchup has us up against two larger and higher ranked ones that run much bigger squads. Our group of 15-20 is getting bulldozed by groups twice our size or larger. We've had evenings where we were barely able to get 3 dailies done. Not fun, and I really hope that the alliance system will help that and not make it worse. I guess I'm worried that all the big/elite guilds will just form an alliance together which will basically shut anyone else out who doesn't play that particular level or style? Hopefully that won't be the case though.

Lot of information to still be found out, my guess is it'd still be the stronger guilds only fight the stronger guilds - Guilds who want to pvp in wvw will stay with each other, guilds who want to ppt and farm wvw will stay with each other. Everyone will get what they want and wvw will be better in everyway. 


Can Swap guilds too, maybe you want to pvp in wvw? Join a pvp wvw guild, want to ppt a bit? join one of those. Want to focus on dailies or participation? Join a guild doing that! 


Be like real GUILD wars! 

Edited by Gorem.8104
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4 hours ago, phreeak.1023 said:

dont like the idea of alliance system.. people without a guild will have every 2 month new people to deal with. no "real" long term communities anymore. There are still lot of servers where ppl playing WvW on the same server for years together and not transfering every 2 month. Having a TS, most people know each other..



I've never understood this complaint about the lack of a long term community from someone not willing to be in a guild.  There's just no logic in it.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Wow, a lot of big things in that announcement. I think most of us aren't surprised by the delay in the expansion, but a lot of the other stuff certainly surprised me.


It seems to me that it's all thanks to the people joining/returning to the team that at least some of this is happening so I'm optimistic about the future ahead and cautiously optimistic about seeing some culture changes as a whole.

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/rant on


Wvw a cornerstone? oh ok, let's see how far those words go this time around... cause ya know last time he said wvw was a priority after HoT release.. he ran away.... 🙄


When Colin was in charge they had a backlog of wvw development (the major overhaul) that for some reason kept getting delayed and pushed to the side (part of this is all the side projects they had going I suppose). When he left for amazon(for the dead Crucible game), and Mike took over game director role, everything started getting released. Ya'll don't remember that? when alpines finally came back, when linking was done, when rewards were finally updated, when skirmish mode made it in.


Let's just say I don't care for his previous management of wvw. Oh and Josh... josh.. wait was it that Josh that was responsible for the buggy golem rush week? 😱


So pardon me if I don't step on that "hype" train, I'll believe it all when I finally see it happen. Also mesmer art as the first one they preview with what a 2handed polearm 😆 as a former "wvw mesmer main" it better be an impressive elite spec this time around, not everyone wants to play a kitten chono in wvw forever, since they refuse to make core viable, and buried mirage. 🙄

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13 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

pretty big news. hopefully they don't leave exploits in the system unattended that people will take advantage of and skew the matches (like another game mode which shall not be mentioned).


They say it will go into a beta phase, so don't expect miracles. If the first live beta isn't delayed this year.

Edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048
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good god lol. if you have a server community, MAKE A GUILD with as many of them as possible. its not hard. what will be dumb is if you have a main guild and your server guild that you can't rep and make your main one, but you will at least have the option to and a list of your peeps. population imbalance is a HUGE problem that needs to be addressed, its the biggest reason why wvw has continually shrunk through out the years. yes i know alliances won't be a cure all but it will supposedly make it a lot better.

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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