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What Does GW2 Mean to You in Comparison to Other MMOs?

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For me:


There's a ton of things I deeply appreciate about GW2 including the very underrated Commander system (seriously, no other MMO has topped GW2's squads and squad tools) and the account-wide unlocks. At the end of the day though, for me, I keep coming back to it largely because of the connection I feel to my characters. Because of the incredible customization and the work put in to animations, voice work, story, and etc., the character you make actually feels like it is TRULY yours. A digital fantasy extension of you. To this day, no other MMO, or really even any other game has given me that. And because of that, GW2 is like crack to me. I'm probably always gonna come back to it. At least until Guild Wars 3 ships anyway, whenever that will happen.

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I feel like Guild Wars 2 is greater than the sum of it's parts.  It's not any one single thing that keeps me here, but a combination of factors, many of which were intentionally designed.

Not competing for nodes or kills in the open world, being able to rez everyone without taking a skill to do it and being rewarded for it, the combat system itself, jumping puzzles, the QoL thinks like deposit from anywhere and sell on the TP from anywhere, the ease of getting around, the mount system (which in my opinion is the industry best), the small details when exploring the world, the amount of ambient dialogue, the way the downed state works...it all adds up to something bigger than itself.


I'm not sure what MMO could come out that would pull me away from this one.

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I just find the other ones to be too boring and too expensive.


Mostly I'm a chronic MMO refugee.  I have a habit of picking up games that get deleted (Phantasy Star Universe and City of Heroes to name the big two).  The only other ones I've played that are still around are DCUO and Runescape.  DCUO is basically a convoluted rock/paper/scissors system superimposed onto a trinity game, except there's a fourth role that manages the mana bar.  The leveling system is basically a gigantic tutorial, after which you get into the gear grind.  You do raids to get higher level gear to do the... exact same raids except at a higher level.  I only played it for a month, but that game has such a stripped down raiding and dungeon system it is amazing.  As much criticism as it gets, GW2's model of "most game is end game" has some wisdom to it.


I have no interest in WoW.  The thing requires a full time job's worth of dedication, extensive membership fees, and all you do is raid in preparation for the next raid that you have to buy via expansion pack.  I don't know much about FFXIV's systems other than it also costs a subscription fee, and apparently it still has trinity based combat.  I saw a few videos of some bosses, and basically it looked like Arkk for baby's first MMO.


Runescape has one good thing that makes me consider going back to it.  The game is basically a skinner box, filled with other skinner boxes that reward you with the grand skinner box.  All that said.... Dungeoneering is one of the best things I've ever seen put into an MMO.  For anyone who doesn't know what that is, Dungeoneering is basically a rogue-like that was put into the game.  Runescape is much more skill dependent (that is "skills" not as in being good at playing) than GW2 is.  One of the few payoffs of that is when it comes to Dungeoneering, where you adventure with up to 4 allies to solve puzzles, make equipment, and fight challenging bosses in elaborate randomly-generated dungeons.  Having to reconcile which crafting and fighting abilities you have with your teammates to overcome the challenges is amazing.  After awhile, I played the main game just to level myself up for dungeoneering.  

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34 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I feel like Guild Wars 2 is greater than the sum of it's parts.  It's not any one single thing that keeps me here, but a combination of factors, many of which were intentionally designed.

Not competing for nodes or kills in the open world, being able to rez everyone without taking a skill to do it and being rewarded for it, the combat system itself, jumping puzzles, the QoL thinks like deposit from anywhere and sell on the TP from anywhere, the ease of getting around, the mount system (which in my opinion is the industry best), the small details when exploring the world, the amount of ambient dialogue, the way the downed state works...it all adds up to something bigger than itself.


I'm not sure what MMO could come out that would pull me away from this one.


Actually, now I think about it, there is a lot of things GW2 does that are quite literally industry best including the aformentioned party system, the mounts, the monetization model, the megaservers, the character customization... ANet must make a fortune just selling character slots alone because Fashion Wars is that strong.

Edited by Arnox.5128
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24 minutes ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

It’s something to do for 2-3 days every 3-4 months when the game gets content updates. Beyond that, I play other games. 


Do you think anything's missing from the game in your view or anything that is poorly implemented that keeps you from coming back as often?

Edited by Arnox.5128
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For me Guild Wars 2 is a game that I'm playing because it's the continuation of Guild Wars 1, they're directly related, in the same universe and the stories are connected. I liked that story of Guild Wars 1 and that made me also play Guild Wars 2 because it continues that story. Yeah, ArenaNet butchered a few lore elements, but it's still pretty good in my eyes (except for the Icebrood Saga Champions finale, that thing was a disaster).


Guild Wars 2 is also the last MMO that I'm able to play because I love its horizontal progression. I'm tired of MMOs in which you do dungeons/raids, you struggle to get best gear and then after 3 months you get new level, new gear and new dungeons/raids and you have to farm everything again, then new gear/level comes and you have to farm again and so on.


In Guild Wars 2 once you get your gear, you stay with the same gear forever, which I find awesome. Same for max level.

I played Runes of Magic and TERA years ago and those games were literally like a second job. I was forced to do content because I knew that "in X days the next content will come out and I will not be ready for it". So even if I was tired, even if I didn't wanna game, I had to do it because I had to get the resources or do the dungeons needed to upgrade my gear before next patch comes when my gear becomes obsolete, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to get the next gear. After years and years of repeating the same patterns in MMOs, I just got tired of it. So I settled with Guild Wars 2 as the last MMO that I'll ever play because it's the only MMO with horizontal progression.

Today I'm too tired or too busy to play the game? No problem, I can play tomorrow because my gear isn't going anywhere. I wanna play another game? Sure I can play that game until I finish it and the continue with Guild Wars 2. Because I know that tomorrow won't be a new patch that adds level 90 and new gear...and that I can do most of the game content with Exotic and Ascended.


Many people want this game to be a WoW clone, but the fact that it isn't a WoW clone is what keeps me playing it. It's a game that I purely play for pleasure and it doesn't feel like I'm forced to do its content.

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Most of the other mmo I have played have a sub fee, folded or were pay to win.


GW2 may be the cheapest game (not just mmo, but game in general) when you consider the hours of content available. I personally have paid under 100$ to own all the content released for GW2 and buy a few trinkets in the gem shop.  EoD will be the first time I purchase anything for this game at full price. 

Combine the low cost with multiple updates and content releases every year, which many paid games don’t offer, it is super easy to drop in whenever you want, and find something new to do without considering a cost association. 

that is why I keep coming back I’d say. 

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It's one of only 2 (3 if you count GW1) I actually want to play, and the other one is just because it's Elder Scrolls, without that I wouldn't have bothered. 


I like the idea of MMOs but my free time is limited and unpredictable, I'm not interested in competing with other players and I don't like having to grind or farm to progress the story or access new areas so most MMOs are impractical for me or just don't appeal to me to begin with.


Especially if they require a subscription, that just ends up wasting money for me because I never know how much time I'll have to play over the next 30 days. I have the same problem with ones that require playing with the same group to progress, I miss too much or I'm online at different times each day so I never see the same people and can't commit to a schedule or get to know people that well. That's why I gave up on Ultima Online, at the time I just thought MMOs weren't for me, then I found GW1 a few years later and it was exactly what I'd wanted. 


There's lots of other things which make it a good choice for me as well. I like that it's not a typical fantasy world and actually changes over time instead of being in permanent medieval stasis. I like that the level and gear cap don't increase so I don't have to spend my limited play time chasing gear or accept I'm forever behind. I like that PvE is almost entirely cooperative so I don't have to worry about annoying other people or them messing up what I'm doing. There's a bunch of other stuff too, but I'm not going to try to list it all. 

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Whenever somebody mentions GW2 in twitch chat for examples, everybody laughs. It's so casual it has little respect compared to other MMOs out there. It's a nice place if you don't want to compete in any field. You cannot get too invested compared to other games or you will end up being miserable. It also has best game mode across all MMOs which is WvW and sadly it's least loved by anet. If you bring up GW2 outside the community, people say it's great example of game with wasted potential. 

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In direct comparison with other MMORPGs, there are a few good reasons to stick with GW2:

- No gear treadmill. Exotic can run most of the content, ascended is acceptable to acquire, legendary is only cosmetic/convenience.

- Skill based combat system. There is no real pay to win. Money allows you to speed up things, but you cannot become stronger with that.

- Rewarding quick dailies that can be adjusted individually.

- No forced group-content for story progression.

- No story-locking, you can make a new character today and progress the current story-line.

- Masteries are account bound, once unlocked you do not have to do it over and over.

- Useful mounts. Other MMORPGs have mounts mostly for visuals and to show other players how rich you are.

- Plenty of customization options - both visual and combat. The meta exists, but it is not mandatory for most of the content. A skilled player with a custom build can outclass an unskilled player with a meta-build.

- Open world that has very few restrictions, rewards curiosity and has tons of easter-eggs, hidden treasures and achievements.

- A very detailed wiki, which does not contain any outdated information.

- Several content creators with plenty of helpful videos/guides. If just some of them would not talk like waterfalls. I do not mind that, but sometimes it is quite difficult to follow them. Especially if English is not your native language.

- A very cheerful and helpful community. We do have jerks as well. Most people I meet are nice.

- Good support (company), which reacts quickly and often finds acceptable solutions for all sides. You cannot make everyone happy all the time.

- A rule set that does not lead to perma-ban if you nudge or bend one of the rules. 

- TP that prevents scamming. 



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GW2 has great and fun open world, but its expensive to play unless you want to grind for gold ages like a good little bot. It's the best thing for me for few months whenever i come back and after the honeymoon i realize its the same bleh and why i left in the first place. 


It's casual fun, never will be my home tho

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WoW was my world until WOD when they ruined my mounts. Since WOD, my flying mounts only got to fly for 4 years out of 8 years of gameplay.

And I was paying them every month to string me along with my love of flight, lol. 

-There was such a feeling of wonder & freedom in WoW (BC) when I got my Nertherwing dragon mount after such a long, tough, expensive quest line. Flying became my most loved feature, & my biggest disappointment was their withholding of flight for one year of every two year expansion for really no reason at all except time played metrics & spite.

-I started GW2 in beta & played through most of LWS1. I played alongside WoW for awhile... but I would go back to WoW for friends & flying mounts. GW2 was fun & I loved it, but it had no mounts, no flight.

-I am now all in on GW2. I have found the mounts to be engaging & worthwhile to get & use. I love the exploration, the soloable play, yet also the easy grouping for world bosses & events!

I could go back to WoW & its disdainful devs, because they are finally allowing timegated quests to fly, but I realized I have no desire to go back to that. They just take things away until they decide to give them back, and why play a game you do not enjoy ????

-The Skyscale questline was long & truly difficult for me in some areas, but my Skyscale is the pinnacle for me. Every time I log in to GW2, all my mounts are there waiting for adventure. Maybe the Skyscale & Griffon do not have "unlimited free flight", but they can do everything I need & love to do. AND Anet NEVER takes away my ability to lift off into the skies! I got every mount available & I love them all, I love this game, the helpful, friendly people I have met. I love the beautiful world & the fact I can explore it any way I choose. I also personally found the Charr to have the most engaging stories, so I have temporarily benched my Norn Ranger (whom I love), & made 3 Charr characters, one for each storyline, (both the Charr Legion personal stories & the 3 different orders). I am happy here & thoruoghly enjoying my time in Tyria 🙂


Edited by Crunchbone.7341
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This is probably not going to be a post people will like, but I play eso instead of gw2 now. Guild wars 2 represents a franchise abandoning what made the first game a success and going off in it's own inspired direction to die a slow quiet death. At least that might change. I hope that will change.

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GW2 is a game that matches my skill level.  I'm far from being great at playing it, especially now that my mouse seems to fly to my other monitor more easily than it used to, I need to figure out why.  Nor do I know everything about every facet of the game or theorycrafting.  But I do know what I'm doing, well enough to help others with open world and story, and I feel there's enough to keep me occupied without demanding my every waking moment to keep even.  I also play ESO, and while the storytelling and immersion there is miles better, I just can't keep up.  (Plus GW2 lets me mouse-move, whereas other games make me hold W down to move and, well, I now have an appointment with a hand specialist to investigate possible RSI in my left hand).


Junkpile makes a good point, too, it's not a chore or requirement to play.  If I miss a login day, no worries, there's no long term consequence.


The fluidity of movement and mobile feel of combat is also compelling.  I love how alt-friendly the game is.  The global trading post is marvelous.  Lots of great bits to this game, as someone wrote above, lots of parts making a better whole.  There are not-great parts too, but no multiplayer game is going to be perfect for everyone playing.

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14 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:


Do you think anything's missing from the game in your view or anything that is poorly implemented that keeps you from coming back as often?

Lack of things to do. There’s little to no progression in the game. Instanced content is either abandoned or severely neglected.  Over 90% of skins that get added to the game come out of the gem store. I simply have very little reason to play. 

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