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On a scale of 1 to 10, what's your EOD hype?

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3, I am not excited or hate it. It's just brutally underwhelming, I am already rather tight on cash already, so I need a reason to buy it. While story is nice, I don't really have much faith in it after the Zhaitan and the Icebrood Saga, I'd argue that even the Mordremoth fight felt rushed as well, and I can just Youtube those. I hate to say it, but I feel story is GW2's biggest weakness, there are so many dues-ex machina and unsatisfying ending that it makes me skeptical on anything involving story. The content they have teased is brutally underwhelming, fishing is something I have seen in almost every MMORPG, and in almost all of those MMORPGs I have ignored that mechanic. Even fully introducing the Mini-Game system GW2 was going to have at launch would have been more exciting, we still even have them scattered around the map especially in Divinity's Reach. But fishing? I understand that A-Net doesn't want to break the game anymore than what mounts and gliders have introduced, but fishing is more for a bonus thing like sitting in chairs, not expansion buying worthy. So the only real reason I can see to buy the expansion is the Elite Specs, and I am rather happy with my Tempest so far, the Weaver was underwhelming, and the third spec is likely going to be another piano glassy cannon that I am not interested in. So unless Ele gets an amazing spec that I feel can compete with my current Weaver in terms of ease of use, utility, and defenses, or at least something in the expansion that I feel is worth buying it for. $30 is a lot of money, and I can only spend about that much on non-essentials a handful of times throughout the year.

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2 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

1, pvper here. And the only thing to look fowards to in this expansion is new classes, and that doesnt excite me and is certaintly not worth the 30 dollar price tag by it self.

They are worth for me because elite specs are more content the PvE part could ever bring. 


Learning new builds. 

Learning to fight new builds. 

Build crafting. 

Learning matchups. 

New Team Comps. 



Lots of content for PvP/Wvw. 


@Esorono.1039 This question might be rude but is it really that bad where you are from that 30$ is alot of money? 


Because here, that's 2 hours of work for a low paid entry level job. 




Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Hyped for the story, cantha itself and seeing kuunavang again. So hype 9 on that part. 

As for the new features... hoped for more. Fishing is okay. We will see how that works out. Hype 4?

Siege turtle. I really was very excited when that was featured so 10 there. 

I like the skiffs and how they give the possibility to brinf your party with you. So 7 there. 

Elite specs is something i personally dont get hyped from. I havent even unlocked all of HoT at this point.. 

As i mainly play Necro that is what im interested in. 


Im sad we havent heared anything about luxon vs kurzick. (Luxon ftw!) And tengu... well thats been discussed enough.


So overall. More excited about cantha and story itself  8/10


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Probably about 8-9 for me.

This is largely due to the region that we are going to, Cantha.. a place I have been wanting to see in Gw2 for almost a decade now.
And of course the time factor since it's been years since we've had a Gw2 expansion so generally I am excited about that.

As far as everything that's been shown off regarding elite specs, fishing, boats etc they're contributing to the hype I guess although none of them on their own are gaining as much hype for me as previous elite specs and mechanics did.
I was way more excited for gliding in HoT and for Mounts in PoF even despite my initial skepticism for their addition to Gw2.

The Virtuoso spec does look interesting to me although i'm not a big Mesmer player so it's hard to get hyped about it since I don't play this class much anyway.

The Necro I do play a lot but atm I am not very hyped for it's new spec.
All they've teased so far is a possible spec silhouette but honestly I am not digging the idea of a Pistol wielding Necromancer.
Part of the reason I play and love Necromancer is the dark, gothic, death magic caster/summoner theme of the class and I just don't see this gun wielding Van Hellsing style fitting into the existing Necromancer class very well... least not in this universe anyway.
Based on what little we've seen so far I think this spec is going to be very hit or miss for a lot of Necro players.
Specially if it ends up having some pretty heavy steam/cyber punk like themes which a lot of people do love but many many others also deeply dislike.
I certainly count myself in that latter group lol, I really don't care for these artistic styles at all.

Skiffs don't hype me at all tbh.. I just don't see the need for them in Gw2 when I have a Skimmer.
Given the choice I will always choose the skimmer as a means of transport over this new skiff.
Outside of it's connection with fishing and being a multiplayer vehicle I think a large reason for the skiff's existence is to provide an alternate means of quick water transportation for players without PoF and the skimmer.

Fishing is something I can definitely get on board with.. I'm certainly the kind of player who does enjoy these kinds of activities in games.
But it has to be done right, they need to really add a lot to fishing in the same way they did with mounts.
So many MMO's have mounts but no MMO has mounts like Gw2 does!!
Fishing needs to be the same way.. we need to be able to say when EoD comes out that no MMO has fishing like Gw2' does!! 
I am confident Anet is up to this challenge, specially with how they raised the bar so much with mounts in PoF.
However too little has been shown and said about this mechanic yet so I remain skeptical until we know more.

My biggest hope is that Gw2 fishing will have a lot of enjoyable social elements.
Let us show off our rarest and largest fish in our home instances and guild halls.
Let us compete with others in fishing events like we can in mount races and adventures etc.
Stuff like that will sell this mechanic really well for me.
But if all we get is some massive one time collections to complete then this mechanic is going to be such a massive waste of potential >.<

Edited by Teratus.2859
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Can't say I'm hyped at the moment, but I'm looking forward to it. For me it's a 7, because it will bring new zones, new story, new events, which are the stuff I mostly care about and it also brings a few new features. The other 3 points are missing from the fact that there was no major feature like the other expansions brought or nothing to hype me up.


Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure that 2-3 days before the expansion release, I will be pretty hyped up about it. My games hype usually builds up a lot more when the release date is near.

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Let's compare here:


FF14 Endwalker Trailer:


Diablo 4 announcement trailer


Diablo 2 Resurrected trailer


Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns – Expansion Announcement Trailer



And finally....

Guildwars 2 End of Dragon Trailer:




Sorry, I'll give it a 1.

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My Hype is 7 - it all depends on your expectations. Tbh i primarly dont pay for additional features like elite specs or other gimmicks, i pay for another at least 50+ hours of content that i can spend on. Of course the 7 is because secondary good new features are important as well, but so far the air is thin...BUT keep in mind it was just a firt look, so who says  that there is not much more coming? Just think about it, one of the most frequent used mounts currenlty is the skyscale - obviously its a very goood feature but one that wasnt implemented from the beginning on, it was rather implemented to the end so everyone calm down your balls and wait 😄 and be happy for more story

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6 minutes ago, Yakuzai.6593 said:

My Hype is 7 - it all depends on your expectations. Tbh i primarly dont pay for additional features like elite specs or other gimmicks, i pay for another at least 50+ hours of content that i can spend on. Of course the 7 is because secondary good new features are important as well, but so far the air is thin...BUT keep in mind it was just a firt look, so who says  that there is not much more coming? Just think about it, one of the most frequent used mounts currenlty is the skyscale - obviously its a very goood feature but one that wasnt implemented from the beginning on, it was rather implemented to the end so everyone calm down your balls and wait 😄 and be happy for more story

Yes, skyscale was not implemented from the beginning, but it has reused assets and an absurd grind. Launch content (i.e., "beginning" content) is the most important. Also, "first look" doesn't mean they haven't announced all the features: it means it's a first look at all the features. Now they're just going to elaborate on them, such as which elite specs we're getting.

Edited by Mortifera.6138
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3 (will increase probably) : but as they only annonce fishing,turtle,and maps by now i cant feel any hype yet.

I will take the expansion only if some pvp,raids, contents will be added, even if its later and during a living season, till they confirm it at least.




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27 minutes ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Yes, skyscale was not implemented from the beginning, but it has reused assets and an absurd grind. Launch content (i.e., "beginning" content) is the most important. Also, "first look" doesn't mean they haven't announced all the features: it means it's a first look at all the features. Now they're just going to elaborate on them, such as which elite specs we're getting.

But obtaining the skyscale is a whole different topic... my point is that skyscale - no matter how difficult or stupid you may find it to obtain - is after all a great mount and probably one of the most used ones. It has nothing to do with reused assets, i dont care about it. It is a matter of fact that its an outstanding feature that came as a nice suprise in the later added coherent living world season and holds a respective resonance with the playerbase. 

Also i didnt necessarly imply that with "first look" there would come much more for EoD (which still might be the case). It was rather to point out that usually every epansion gets a living world with even more stuff (sry if it wasnt clear).

So thats why one has to keep in mind that there will be most likely a living world season attached to EoD that might add even better features. 

After all the selling points in the launch content for me personally are new story content & new maps to explore and most likely getting access to even more content with a later added living world season.

Edited by Yakuzai.6593
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I am excited, that there will be new stuff to do, but the stuff itself doesnt look that great.

Elite spec is probably the one thing I am excited about the most... Other than that, I am not a fan of Asian esthetics / culture. Legendaries all looking the same is an epic fail and one of the biggest features is...... fishing... no comment.

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