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New Fishing and Skiff Video......

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13 minutes ago, Jack Angelfoot.2697 said:

There is nothing engaging or exciting about node gathering.  If that is all fishing is, there are going to be a lot of disappointed players out there. 

One might think that after 9 years' worth of Anet's track record with GW2, people might realize that they ought to be careful what they wish for.

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Those fishing circles in the water. I hope we cannot only fish in areas with such circles. Was looking forward to some relaxing void-fishing. 

The cooking-station on the skiff looked nice. Personal portable crafting stations, useable in water. If it is not just an NPC vendor from a very beneficial point of view. Or it was a misunderstanding. 

Big question also remains, what special food we will be able to craft with those fish? What current ascended food lacks is the entire special-ability section: might on critical hit, swiftness on kill, downed-health booster, ... etc. - Could be a possible outcome. 

So far the video did create some curiosity about the feature.


Another thought: It is going to be a long road until the release of EoD. So far they postponed it once officially. What happened behind the curtains? What other ETAs existed in the past? We do not know ^^. In addition, we also do not know if they have to postpone it yet again. No one of us can predict the future. The pandemic showed everyone, once again, that SOON can be a very flexible term. So it is a wise choice to save the ammo and only use small amounts, bit by bit. Looking forward to the next video.

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

But everyone wants fishing.  And housing.  Anet is only acceding to the popular demand*.



*Popular demand being forums threads, of course.  (sigh)

Well still no housing and it have more threads than boats according to forum search. 

But frankly, happy if they just up scribing to 500. And add new guild mission/bounty/trek/puzzle. Overdue, no new ones during pof. And who is not part of a guild today? Would profit to ton of players. 

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4 hours ago, Luclinraider.2317 said:

the skiffs just look like a new mount...basically a multi person skimmer.

I literally thought the same thing when I watched the video.  "Its a skimmer that touches the water"

I remember recently seeing posts where people were asking to have a multi passenger mount. This reminds me of one of those corrupt a wish moments where the people were wanting a mount for land but anet gave them one on water...


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I think one big question to ask ourselves is what would we put instead of skiff or fishing? 

Well, can be listed:

1-Claw/Grapling hook movement a la zelda breath of the wild to climb cliff side.

-> this is kind of useless , you have skyscale, or bunny which is more accessible.


-> like fishing, this favorize afking, passing time somewhere, not contributing to maps by doing events or farming mats but both are chill activities, one for the achievement of finding all fish/ pass time leizure the other to express your home designer spirit, I like both, but more of the housing style.

3-A new race

-> This would have been a real expansion feature like revenant was for hot. A set of 4 new starter maps, not the same personal story as other until level 40 when you are sent scouting tyria. The big con is that it requires ton of work and anet don't have this amount of time nor ressources.

4-Another instanced content form

-> A shot in the feet. There are already enough, and dungeon are rotting. Raid didn't get a new recent wing.

5-Dual classes

-> Sounds cool but will create a black hole sized balance issue, skills balance is alreadt strugling with current skills ans specs...

6-Henchmens/Allies companions

-> To me this would have been the best expansion feature. Why? Those could be used everywhere, you struggle with a champion? BOOM, they help you deal with it. They could be also called to help you in Dungeon story path, personnal story/living world/expansion steps and to fill slots in fractal T1. Doing it this way, still force players to use LFG to find other players for T2 and + fractals, raids, dungeons exploration paths so it will not downgrade or remove interactivity. Henchmens to me is a serious idea that can be thought about and implemented in game. You go in core maps and you go talk to an npc "I need you in my team!" Just like how you recruit npcs in jahai north east quest.

Edited by hugo.4705
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9 minutes ago, hugo.4705 said:

I think one big question to ask ourselves is what would we put instead of skiff or fishing? 

How about a serious upgrade/revamp to underwater combat - sadly neglected since launch?

More skills, masteries, mounts, etc to revitalise what used to be a pretty cool experience. New underwater legendaries (even an aquabreather).

It even makes sense from a lore perspective - the only dragon left is bubbles, and we gotta go past him to get to Cantha. We could finally meet the largos, find out what happened to the krait and quaggans.

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I'm not s ure what you guys were expecting lol, but at least it sounds a bit more expansive than just "toss your fishing line at any point of water and wait!", with mastery stuff and cooking integrated as well. It will just be another daily thing you can do if you want to and many people, including myself, are just there to enjoy that type of ride to do.

It will bring life back to all maps, because they all have some water in them pretty much. It's going to be a fun thing for a while, it's not supposed to be the main attraction of the entire expac.

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3 hours ago, sorudo.9054 said:

the expansion has nothing new to show so they think.....fishing.

yeah, no.

Anet, design something useful like advanced movements (like wall jumping and grappling/climbing)

We have "advanced movement" with mounts (and before that with HoT masteries). Also weren't you repeating how casual you are and you want to just chill when gathering without anything aggroing on you? Then I don't undersatnd by what logic you have a problem with addition of fishing?


That said, the video didn't really show anything new about fishing and I still do hope it's not just a regular gathering node.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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This video shows nothing, yet everyone already on the salt train... This is clearly nothing more than letting us know that this feature will be present and that's all. 


Speaking for myself, I'm already more "hyped" for this, than for another raid/strike instance, which I will never enter and completely not interested in, and this also applies for guild mission features (and yes, I'm sure there are a lot of other players who are not in a guild nowadays...). 


I will wait for more details to come out, with more actual gameplay footages and decide then what to think about it's mechanics or whether it is better, worst or the same comparing to other games.

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Fishing sounds good, but I hoped for a more active approach, more like fishing functions in Warframe (Spearfishing).

Skiffs look nice, but the animtions need polishing. Currently it looks not like a boat swimming through water. Maybe also reduce the speed to polish animations, would also feels more like chilling then hasting over water (therefore we have skimmer).

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2 hours ago, PeachyPleasure.8049 said:

This video shows nothing, yet everyone already on the salt train... This is clearly nothing more than letting us know that this feature will be present and that's all. 


Speaking for myself, I'm already more "hyped" for this, than for another raid/strike instance, which I will never enter and completely not interested in, and this also applies for guild mission features (and yes, I'm sure there are a lot of other players who are not in a guild nowadays...). 


I will wait for more details to come out, with more actual gameplay footages and decide then what to think about it's mechanics or whether it is better, worst or the same comparing to other games.


Oh my god.. 

So it's better to spam F in a lake to catch a salmon than to think / coordinate to kill a boss with innovative mechanics.

I'm not surprised that gw2 never evolves, it's  absolutely not the developers' fault

Edited by radda.8920
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8 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:


Oh my god.. 

So it's better to spam F in a lake to catch a salmon than to think / coordinate to kill a boss with innovative mechanics.

I'm not surprised that gw2 never evolves, it's  absolutely not the developers' fault

Are you surprised? Raid players are a small portion of this player base, so little anet couldnt justify the funds to make more raids, because so few players did them. That is absolutely anets fault. Making a mode not intended for the best of the best and being surprised it ends up not seeing development is the epitome of the surprised pikachu meme.

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I'm just disappointed that the skiffs seem to be used as anything else than sea transportation


Dont get me wrong, I Wanted mobile ships, I've even posted a thread when Sandswept Islands got first release about wanting to sail such a small boat. I just dont think it's specialization worthy with just that... So I'm really hoping there is more to it. It has a Lot of potential for combat, just that alone would be interesting, but it isn't teased, and I'm getting antsy not knowing whether or not we'll get more than a mutiplayer skimmer that doesn't go underwater. 

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3 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Are you surprised? Raid players are a small portion of this player base, so little anet couldnt justify the funds to make more raids, because so few players did them. That is absolutely anets fault. Making a mode not intended for the best of the best and being surprised it ends up not seeing development is the epitome of the surprised pikachu meme.


yes frankly it surprises me that we can find pleasure to spam f to catch a carp. it is better to play tetris, this is  more exciting 😅

At least raids, fractals, strikes require investment in the game and to  actually play with others players , you know the goal of A massively multiplayer online game.

Edited by radda.8920
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I think my favorite this about all this is if they showed a new interface and UI in the vid for fishing there would instead be a post from others complaining about unnecessary visual clutter and shouts of "but my normal skill bar waaaaah" or any number of other things.  Literally can we just wait until we see it in action (as in during a stream reveal with someone at the controls) and maybe test it out before we get hyper critical from a teaser?

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6 hours ago, PeachyPleasure.8049 said:

This is clearly nothing more than letting us know that this feature will be present and that's all. 

To me that video sounds like it was not even crafted for "us" but for anyone out there that missed first peek stream and didn't somehow get the memo just yet.....


tho I find it baffling how so many people just decided to jump the train and probleim that somehow this means that fishing will be "press F for salmon".

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1 minute ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I find it baffling how so many people just decided to jump the train and proclaim that somehow this means that fishing will be "press F for salmon"

I hope I can clarify this a bit for anyone wondering, but it's because this video opens with a narrator dramatically talking about gathering nodes and then immediately chasing it with 'now you can do that... with FISH!' We knew already that fishing and skiffs were coming, so when this teaser came out, a lot of folks had a reasonable expectation that they'd be learning something about how the two features function. Instead, we got a fairly direct implication that fishing is going to be a gathering node. If that's not what it is, the teaser failed to clarify.


So yes, I agree, people should sit tight to wait and see how these things are going to work, but I'm also not surprised by the confused and annoyed responses this teaser is getting because it generated more questions and doubts than it answered.

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Why do people think this will be anything more than a collection and another mount to sell skins for?


EoD so far has some new story, some new specializations, new areas to explore, and two useless mounts...anyone looking for anything groundbreaking is going to be very disappointed.


Would I love to be proved wrong?  Sure...do I think that's likely?  Nope.

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