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ANet: Liadri and the Arena Achievements.


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This is the most unfun stuff I have attempted in this game.  For a game that normally respects my time I have wasted hours and hard earned gold.  Only to fail with no new tactics to try.  I've bought new gear.  Tried new builds.  I mean this really makes me feel stupid and is ruining my leisure time.  If this was an achievement I could just come back to at any time during the year I'd have no complaint.  I'd just suck it up until I did it.  Somehow.  However, the only window to do this is the Four Winds event.  I can not live inside the video game just to get achievement points.  I don't have the time to make a new class just so I can cheese it.  I'm not even making progress at this point because all the other arena bosses apparently have their own achievements as well.  Come on.  I hate mentioning this ever but it is prudent in this complaint:  I have a physical handicap that impedes my progress but in nearly every other MMORPG this isn't an issue.  You just need to know ANet:  It's not fun.  It sucks.

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Thanks, I've seen this post and video/guide.  It doesn't help me unfortunately.  I also can not afford to change my gear again.  I can not play classes that are too 'spaghetti fingers' for lack of a better term.  I wont give up on the attempts until I'm forced to.  Maybe I'm OCD about things but it may even ruin my desire to play.  Which it already is.  It was pointless probably to complain here but I'm so vehemently upset that the game I normally enjoy is upsetting me this much.

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If it's not fun, why do it? They're not needed for anything, you get a title and a mini for your effort if you do 2 of them, the rest are just achievement point filler.


I found them quite fun to do. Still haven't beaten Turai Ossa (i need to evade him juuuust a bit longer haha), and didn't do the Liadri 8 orbs achievement either, but the fights are quite fun!

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23 minutes ago, Dracula.1709 said:

Thanks, I've seen this post and video/guide.  It doesn't help me unfortunately.  I also can not afford to change my gear again.  I can not play classes that are too 'spaghetti fingers' for lack of a better term.  I wont give up on the attempts until I'm forced to.  Maybe I'm OCD about things but it may even ruin my desire to play.  Which it already is.  It was pointless probably to complain here but I'm so vehemently upset that the game I normally enjoy is upsetting me this much.


I feel ya, but also recognize that you are feeling this way about one of the hardest encounters a solo player may face in the game.  It forces the player to push their build and skills in a way most encounters typically wouldn't have to.  Is it beatable, absolutely, but it is hard for a reason.

It falls into the same group as the JP at Halloween or using a Roller Beetle for a Raptor race during other holidays.  There is a learning curve that pushes players beyond what they would typically need to in the normal course of playing the game.  Once you beat them, you learn how to overcome and next time it is easier.


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So if you don't like it and you feel it like a waste of time why are you doing it? It does respect your time: you gain nothing from doing it apart from a bunch of AP and a title.

Some of us enjoy having "high level" PvE challenges on a game as casual as GW2, and harder the challenge higher the satisfaction of succeeding. That's the only valuable thing you get from defeating the Gauntlet: satisfaction. So if you only care about your time and earning gold, just skip it.

Liadri is a challenge, it is supposed to be hard. If she wasn't it wouldn't be Liadri, it would be Generic PvE Veteran #728.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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Not every content is going to be completed by everyone. I want to be able to complete the Halloween Jumping Puzzle, but its way beyond me and just too frustrating so i allow myself to think of it as missable content (and I have a very debilitating form of ocd)

Liadri (not the orbs) took me 3 years of trying and suddenly it clicked. Basically, if you cant do it, walk away and accept it or come back next year.  It might be hard to accept, but it exists to test the most skilled of players or help others reach a higher level. Its not an issue if many cant do it. I will give the orbs a couple of goes then try again next year if I fail

Ultimately walk away from it if its impinging on your fun. Continuing is folly

Edited by Randulf.7614
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The Gauntlet is designed to be extremely difficult, certainly the hardest thing intended to be completed solo so it's not surprising you have trouble with it.


One option is to leave it for this year and try again next year. The first time it was released I was in your position. I found it impossible, but I kept trying over and over. I spent all the gold I had buying tickets and all the time I could trying to beat Liadri over and over, until I was literally dreaming about the pattern of her attacks on the floor and I didn't do it. The festival ended and the Gauntlet was removed before I beat her. After that I was pretty burned out and barely played for the next couple of months.


It came back in March the next year (this was before festivals were on a regular schedule) and I tried again and this time I did it after a few attempts. I was using the same character, at the same level and in the same equipment, there had been some minor balance updates but nothing that would make a big difference. As far as I remember I used most of the same skills as well. In theory nothing had changed, but apparently that time in between was enough for me to get better at the game (I'd been playing for a year when the Gauntlet was first released) and that made all the difference.


I put myself through that because this was during Season 1 (which wasn't called that at the time, it was just how the game was) and as far as I knew this was my only chance and if I didn't beat her then I'd never have another chance. If I'd known it was going to come back I'd still have attempted it a lot, but not to the point where it was causing me stress and preventing me from doing other stuff. It turned out that time away from it doing other things was far more useful than repeated attempts.

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If you don't have the Gold or gear this year, use the upcoming year to gather them and try again next year.  It's not going anywhere. 


Personally, I've never even tried it...I don't think.  Last year was the first year I even tried any of those foes.  The ones I did do, though, were surprisingly easy.

I've already finished the Meta, so it is unlikely I'll even venture into the Gauntlet (I think that's what it is called) this year. 

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There are quite tough fights in the pavillon, especially if you never tried in the past (I wasn't able to complete all the achievements my first year).

I completely forgot how to fight last bosses, (it's very cool when you make it, but then... again? No thanks :D ) but in case you want to insist, you can find some guides also on old posts/threads.


There are many other difficult (or super farming) achievement in GW2, so don't feel too sad if you feel you can't make it (yet).

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1 hour ago, Imba.9451 said:

I personally hope for MORE bosses like Liadri to be added to the game. It took me quite a few tries until I beat her and Turai, but I really enjoyed it.


I did it in 2018 and haven't touched the two bosses ever since. It was quite stressful for me too, but I was proud once I beat them (especially Liadri 8-Orbs).


More bosses like those two could be fun, though it would result in temporary stress again. 😉 But at least it won't be during the heaviest summer heat (like three years ago) that results in slippery fingers, since the festival has been shifted into September. 😁


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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I always thought there was no way I could beat Liadri.  But some practice and she wasn't so bad.  8 orbs was a pain but using a condi build + class with a lot of mobility makes a huge difference.  Turai is more straightforward than Liadri I feel. 


We all had our time struggling with it.  But I think it is doable for most players if they have the time to keep trying.  Good luck! 


If its not enjoyable though, there is nothing wrong with not doing it.  Theres a couple achievements I see myself never getting like Gold on a lot of adventures or Griffon races.

Edited by Katreyn.4218
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Liandri and Ossa fights are more annoying than fun.   On both I had to pull the camera back further than I find comfortable (a certain range is a good FOV to avoid motion sickness, too far or to close is bad).

The orb achievement for Liandri is too much for a holiday event.  I managed it with a gimmick thief build but think something of that level should be its own fractal style (gladiator) instance where people can do it anytime of the year.

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I'm really sad that I missed the original version of the fight when gear was limited to soldier, rabid or berserker or valkyrie. I did a lot of trying last year and made it on my main account with grieving or viper.

I want to try it on my alt again this year.


GW2 really needs more bosses people have to train for and learn to get out of circles - would improve the quality of wvw players too.

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