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Bladesworn Feedback Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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I'll start off with the pistol before I get to the rest of the spec,

The pistol from what was shown and by text sounds ok, not great but ok. However from using the skills, pistol 5  feels way too short a range almost locking you into sword for the gap closer limiting the warriors weapon choices to Sword + Pistol. Pistol should have been mainhand this is something the warrior has been lacking for a long time and what was expected (or both since its a weapons master and all aparently).


Dragon's Roar: is meants to be a movement skill, yet it is not effected by any trait for movement skills, Brave Stride and Swift as the Wind as an example.

While moving forwards, the skill just makes your character stutter rather than move you backwards.

PvP damage for this skill feels more so on the low end, but could be excused due to its slightly spammable nature.

Gun stinger: appears to reload regardless of hitting a target I assume this is intended since you are reloading before you strike so this in my books is fine.

Honestly I stated this before and i wont stop stating it, warrior is lacking a mainhand pistol, where is warriors mid range option? its chance to kite before engaging like every other class can currently do, its option to use a pistol and shield, maybe even a pistol and warhorn to maintain a distance. The Pistol offhand only forces you to drop so much sustain for little return. Provide the Bladesworn with a mainhand pistol as well currently the spec and whole class is lacking any ranged option for 1 handed.


Burst skills - Dragon trigger is locked out if you arent in Gunsaber, meaning the moment you swap out, you can not burst until the weapon swap timer is up.  Why? literally no reason for the burst mechanic being locked out of the main weapon set to access. The sword is in its holster at this point anyway.

Why on earth does this put your weapon swap on cool down? This in effect ruins your entire weapon flow. Need a shield block after your burst? forget it, you're stuck now.

The PvP balance is totally wack, Final Thrust, Axe 3, GS F1 and even Dagger 4 all do more damage than a mostly charged dragon slash.... For the time you have to commit to dragon slash to the tiny damage you get out of it, this skill honestly needs to hit for 10k with damage gear on as a minimum, since you are so vulnerable and easy to counter by one daze thats all it takes to nock you out of it. Where is stability when entering Dragon Trigger? this is going to be the biggest failing of the spec, one daze and you're knocked out of the stance, one daze and you lose all flow.

Swift Cut: For the 1 skill, this feels ok, a tiny bit more damage than greatsword and procs the trait on the 3rd hit.

Blooming Fire: Honestly feels like this could do with a tiny bit more range and some utility added to it, say a blind since you are setting off 3 bombs in someones face. (blind would provide this spec with a tiny bit more sustain.)

Artillery Slash: Honestly, Nothing bad about this skill, its ranged its fast and it does good damage for something you can pull off in 1.5s. Honestly one of the best skills on the weapon!

Cyclone Trigger: Cyclone Trigger, I get the idea for this, but 1.5s of projectile block? make it reflect if its going to be that duration or make the block last a little longer.

Break Step: I get that this is a movement skill, but why are we damaging the area where we were? Why not add in a strike at the end, explosion at the start and then stab forwards mid 'leap/dash' setting off a second explosion causing damage to the target/end of dash. if this dash is to stay the same, it 100% needs more range 450 is not far enough for a skill that will barely be used to cause damage. (or slap on an evade)

The burst skills for PvE feel ok, but for PvP totally wack due to how weak you are both in damage (seriously a full charged burst landing for 2.8k damage non crit or 6.2k crit) and vulnerability to damage, 1 Aegis will not save you against anything that has more than 2 monkey braincells.

Triggerguard: As stated above the Aegis boon is not enough, it feels as if this needs more to it.

Flow: Flow appears to build rather slowly, for PvE this can be an issue as you'll never have a chance to ever use your burst as everything will be dead before you can use it, I honestly was trying to use it in the HoT maps and everything died before getting to 100. This in turn almost forces you to take Flow traits or utilities to increase flow. However... since flow is now set to 100 than 30.. traits like axe mastery still do not cut it with the 2 flow per hit, thats still from 30-50 hits for full charge vs 15 hits for normal warrior. Flow traits will need to be addressed as flow appears to be very slow to build.

Current warrior traits must have more flow than they currently do, Clensing Ire, normally when you get hit you get 1 adrenaline out of 30, so really you should gain 3 flow on each strike to equal this out. The current flow system feels like you're going against the flow with how slowly it moves up.

Combat Stimulant: Feels good for PvE but really janky for PvP being that it heals 3.3-3.7k per tick, not high enough for a quick paced PvP enviroment.

Electric Fence: Great on paper, may have use in blob vs blob combat in WvW but feel like they are underperforming. Electric fence could have been a stun barrier like ele's prison electric wall, this would of had some use then.

Bulletproof Barrier: It blocks projectiles, pretty much all it does, I mean its great that we have alot of projectile hate in the game, but Id love to have seen some utility here, maybe convert projectiles into barrier pickups for you and allies to pick up (alike to the druid skill).

Dragonspike Mine: Breaks stun and evades backwards dropping a mine that cripples, why not imobilise? this would then become a utility to break away and get away. Im not seeing much reason to take this skill over say, Stomp which gives you Stability and CC's targets.

Flow stabilizer: Essentially 16 seconds of + 1/2 flow totalling 16/32 extra flow in that duration vs zerker stance that provides 28 flow in 4 seconds (pvp), I wouldnt mind seeing Flow start at +2 and +3 if you have the right boon.

Tactical Reload: Honestly, nothing wrong with this skill, maybe the CD is a little high in PvP but PvE is fine.

So, my take so far, a lot of this kit feels too slow, jarring and tricky to even pull off. CC totally ruins this elite spec, you lose all your burst skills upon being hit once, accidently pressing Wasd when in Dragon trigger also makes you lose all your built up flow and charges with 0 return/refund. Burst skills are 100% locked unless you are in the right weapon making you very weak when not in your Gunsaber. Pistol offhand only was a massive oversight, where is the mainhand weapon, the weapon warriors have been needing for a long time. The range on the skills are abismal, Pistol 5 barely leaves the barrel, Pistol 4 needs a range increase. This warrior is a melee class approach seems a bad way to add elite specs to the class, these are meant to change the way the class is played not a different flavour of melee weapon, which plays the same as the other weapon. (I thought dagger was meant to be the sticky melee weapon, pistol is should be the tefalon weapon keeping targets away) If a mainhand pistol is added for mid range but the melee offhand option is kept, id be totally fine with that, but currently its really jarring to use and janky when used with any weapon that isnt Sword (due to the gap closing required to start combat). The Gunsaber honestly needs a reskin, the blade looks fine crafted with a high budget then the funds ran out so they used cheap hylek labour to finish it off with an ugly hilt. Honestly let it be skinnable with legendary versions of the handguard, blade and hilt. (for you confusion emoji monkies Im talking about a NEW designed legendary skin for this weapon based on the existing Greatswords, not a slapped on Sunrise with 0 way to tell what it is.) The Gunsaber on paper looks good, but needs more utility to be effective.

Foundation is there, looked great from the preview but feels jarring and non rewarding in game currently.


Edited by Smoosh.2718
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3 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

a little bit more boring than berserker for open world. I mean, thigs die fast enough to never get to use the class at all. Things die twice as fast using just regular Axe autoattack than full skill set of gunblade. Dragon Trigger is boring after doing it 2 or 3 times. Not worth of replacing the burst. Over all I'm having problems trying to see where does this spec fit. Its just yet another power dps build for warrior but worst.

100% agree wth this. PvE only has one meaningful utility which gives you flow when you have stability.


No additional crit chance, again. And you pretty much want discipline anyway for the grandmaster trait, since generating flow is a pain in the kitten (sorry to say this). 


Even if it does more damage than berserker, how can it even remotely compete if the playstyle is this tiresome... At least berserker is fluid.

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Love the spec thematically, and as someone playing a lot of Holosmith lately I was excited for this Warrior spec. 


In practice...I tested it out in some open world PvE (which is what I mostly do) and...oof. It was rough.


The gunsaber skills felt slow, but didn't carry the impactfulness I'd expect of slow attacks.  Gunsaber 2 does this big arc with a chain of explosions to follow...and barely took a dent out of the scarabs I was fighting.


The cooldowns. Balthazar help me, the cooldowns!  Clearing out mobs (which was slow and took most of my abilities) left me with everything except auto attack on cooldown after two mobs were dead. Then I'm autoattacking the next mobs...or I'm in Ax/Pistol and just killing them faster than I would in Gunsaber. So why gunsaber? 


Flow is very well named, because it flows away like water in your hands.  If I kill something quickly, I've got little flow but long cooldowns. By the time I reach the next mob, my Flow has flowed away...but my cooldowns still have 15 seconds to go for the fastest ones! Second mob is dead. No flow...and nothing at all off cooldown! 


Fights that last longer, I get the flow built up, charge up and unleash and it feels decent, but the icons for the first 3 attacks are identical which just feels wrong.


I didn't test the utilities out, but the core abilities need some solid work.  I want it to feel at least as good as Photon Forge.  I should feel like I'm "flowing" between enemies, slicing and shooting.  Right now, that's the opposite of how it feels.

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I'm mostly just a casual player, spend most of my time in PvE and I don't really tend to care as much about 'optimizing' specs--I like playing what feels fun to play, and Bladesworn feels like it could be fun... but in the end kind of feels like I'm juggling way too many things to actually be enjoyable to play. Especially if I'm playing with the off-hand pistol--now I gotta keep track of Flow, Bullets, AND cooldowns on skills, some of which have multiple cooldowns, and then a stance-within-a-stance with its own cooldowns. It doesn't feel intuitive, imo (which is ironic for an ability called Flow). I'll agree with what a lot of the others have said, that Flow feels like it builds up far too slowly, and drains far too quickly.


Dragon Trigger could be really cool if I got to access it more--and, imo, the inability to move while using Dragon Trigger is Not Great. Or, rather, the fact that moving ends dragon trigger isn't great. I wouldn't mind it so much if it acted like some other skills, where it locks you in place and doesn't let you move, but far too often I found myself clicking dragon trigger just a little too quickly when I was already moving which then immediately ended it, or else forgetting that I had to hold still for dragon trigger and accidentally ending it before I could use any of the abilities.


I also honestly don't like there being an entire skill dedicated to just increasing Flow rate gain--like, to me, that says y'all realized Flow gain was too slow so you put that in to try and improve it instead of just increasing the base rate of Flow gain. I don't want to have to dedicate an entire skill slot just to be able to maybe hit Dragon Trigger before enemies die.


I also feel like the Gunblade skills have way too long of a cooldown; more often than not I found myself literally unable to do anything except the base attack because I was waiting forever for my other skills to recharge. I like being able to switch it up between attacks; to me, that feels like a more accurate "flow" of battle, rather than just hitting the base attack fifty times in a row because I cannot do anything else.


The aesthetics, though, were really cool imo. It felt like exactly the sort of self-indulgent over the top anime gunsword vibe I was expecting, complete with entirely unnecessary (but extremely appreciated) explosions. Why's it gotta explode? idk but I enjoy it 😛 I also do appreciate the animation of running around with the gunblade slung over your shoulder, that was a really fun touch.

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Actually there is one thing (or two) that should be a thing.


1) You cant move after charging your trigger. So you if do by accident you lost that preparation for nothing. Let characters move with 50% speed.

2) You cant dodge. That would help especially in PvP if you could. I dont know how hard the implementation would be though. 


After moving you could either be stuck with the current load of stacks or you could continue charging depending on your remaining flow. Im actually shocked that this isnt a thing. Not dodging even in PvE is awful (no way to avoid stuns or AOEs since you are commited or you just instantly cast your attack and deal with the wasted attack and the wasted flow, skill 4 and 5 wont help much).



Edited by anbujackson.9564
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LOVE the OH pistol skills interaction with each other. Sadly Gunstinger is not benefiting from Warrior's Sprint trait atm.

Gunstringer and Dragon's Roar should both be 450 range. Dragonspike Mine should have an Immobilize effect (3s) instead of Cripple.

Guns and Glory trait should be 250 Ferocity for 10 seconds each time you hit with an explosion with duration refreshing to 10 seconds per explosion. Same end result with slightly higher up time on the buff.

Flow rate speed needs to be increased baseline as it is a bit slow even with traits and using skills.

Edited by Kraav.8136
Adding more feedback
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Initial impressions from a few minutes of testing:


1. Not being able to swap in combat is fatal to this spec. If you sheathe your gunblade to go back to your regular weapons and you forgot which set you started with, you're stuck with that set until you're out of combat. Just insanely clunky and defies all the muscle memory we've built up over the past nine years. Allowing weapon swap in combat would at least make this spec viable and fix the biggest fundamental gripe about it.


2. Dragon trigger mode seems like it has potential but it's so weak to crowd control effects it's going to be almost useless in PvP and WvW without some build creativity. The flow gauge diminishes pretty fast but you need to wait it out to build up charge, which leaves you vulnerable as hell. Also not sure why we needed another set of new gauges for flow/charge when we already had adrenaline, but maybe this has something to do with the ammo system. Also, the spec appears to have no stunbreak of its own, which seems like a pretty obvious omission, although getting cc'd in dragon trigger mode knocks you out of the mode anyway so I guess it wouldn't help much.


3. Not being able to use your standard burst skills outside of gunsaber/dragon trigger mode is pretty lame but I guess not debilitating if they make dragon trigger mode less clunky.


4. The pistol would actually have been the highlight of this spec if it were a mainhand weapon. But as it stands now it replaces a vital offhand and the range on attacks is just straight up pathetic, 300 and 240 on skill 4 and skill 5? Come the kitten on. Really bogus, at least make them 600/600 range or something, this is a complete joke.


5. The design concept and the special effects are ridiculously cool, which ends up making the mechanics deficiencies of the spec even more painful. This could have been the best elite spec in the game, period. Maybe it still can be if they fix some of these issues up.

EDIT: I guess there is a stunbreak, but it doesn't really alleviate any of the problems with dragon trigger mode as far as I can tell.


Edited by Thuggernaut.1250
Correction to item #2
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I'm going to come at this from another angle compared to the feedback above. I'm a different kind of gamer, I don't particularly care if the elite spec is a bit underpowered if it looks and feels good. And my verdict of the Bladesworn: Style-wise, it feels like three completely separate ideas just smashed into one big, steaming mess. I sometimes feel as if I'm supposed to be some zen swordmaster, and sometimes as if I'm supposed to a walking howitzer. Except the ideas clash so much that I feel like neither. Sometimes it almost seemed as if the overall idea behind the spec was "ammunition equals power equals BOOM" with no more thought behind it than that. I throw ammo on the ground that explodes... and somehow creates force fields? I also have ammo for each skill, I have special ammo for my pistol, my elite creates ammo, there's a ui element for a different kind of ammo, and only by being truly zen can I... what, load my gun?

And let me just say, I was not really a fan of the gunblade to begin with. Extremely impractical weapon, and having that ugly thing be the center of the elite spec without skin-options is... a bit of a turn off.

Should add, my Charr didn't even hold the weapon by the hilt properly.


Anyway. Moving on to how it felt gameplay wise. It can be summed up very easily: Extremely clunky. Most of the elite specs so far had me naturally getting into the flow of how they are supposed to be played fairly quickly. I spent most of my time with this one just groaning. People have gone into the different issues behind that very well above.


All in all, I have to say that this is the worst elite spec released so far, in its current form. It's the first one that I feel like I might just entirely skip.


PS. The pistol was magnificent. I loved it.

Edited by Calevorn.5671
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Please change the hand placement on the handle of the Gunsaber on Charr.  Right now he's holding it waaaaay to low to the end of the handle instead of closer to the hand guard.  Looks very very weird, and is unplayable to me.  It's held so awkwardly that it doesn't even look like the second hand is even holding anything except air.

Edited by Lonewolf Kai.3682
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The interaction with F2 and weaponswap HAS to be changed. So what I'm talking about is that weaponswap goes on cooldown after leaving dragon trigger. For example I swap to my gunsaber, activate F2 4 seconds later, and then am locked into another 5s weaponswap cooldown after leaving dragon trigger.


It's bad enough to have to swap to the gunsaber to activate F2 in the first place (this should be changed, too), but it's absolutely dumb to re-trigger the swap cooldown after executing say, dragon slash.

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I don't like that Espec, for many reasons that are already mentioned.

Why put the "weapon swap" on F1 (That feel counter intuitive), Specially since we already lost a weapon.

Speaking of losing a weapon, 2 sigils lost feel a big deal.

Why we cant use the burst if not equipped of the gunblade?

Why cant we keep the charges if we cancel the flow by doing something?

Why we cant we weapon stow?

Glad for those who like it, for me, I'll keep playing My core in PvE and my Spellbreaker in PvP.

Edit : I forget to point that : Why put a Cooldown on something that allready have a cooldown with flow generation? Imo, the Flow build up and the very long charges gathering are allready doing a big timegate on the burst.

Edited by Paco.8695
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I have got some points from trying this new Espec


- The CD of gunsaber skills are quite too long since we are forced to use this gunsaber as a second weapon even they have the ammo. But CD still too high


- Why we get the CD on weapon swapping after using the Dragon Slash?


- Why [Flicker Step] trigger [Swift as the wind] but not trigger [Brave Stride]?

Edited by WERN.2836
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Let's talk Lush Forest and cooldowns.


Recharge on Gunsaber is 25s, 35s, 40s, and 40s.

Compare to Rifle at: 12s, 12s, 20s


Just super slow to recharge.


Lush Forest can seem to help this...but it only removes 1s of cooldown.  That's 2.5% of one charge for Gunsaber 4 and 5.  


It clearly looks intended to encourage use of other abilities in rotation (no benefit to do 2x2, then 3/4/5...better to have used all your abilities at least once before using the last charge of one of them) But at most we are talking about reducing GSa2 to...22s and GSa4/5 to 37s! Still longer than Rifle's longest recharge, and practically double on GSa4/5 still.


This just feels completely inconsequential.  I am comparing it to Holosmith Sword 1 chain. The 3rd attack resets 3s off the other sword abilities, which is 33% of Sword2 and 21% of Sword3.  This reduction occurs every 1.75s, so it definitely feels consequential to land your auto-attack chain in terms of "flowing" into more of your other abilities.


Change Lush Forest to remove 20% of the reload of ammo skills whenever you empty the ammo of a skill...and that would flow! Each ability used after the initial round of shots would make a noticeable recharge of everything else. Spamming just one ability would be slow, but if you "flow" between them...that would feel like your really got into the zen of your gun(saber)-kata.

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Two requests that feel like they should be pretty easy to implement as opposed to changing the whole class:

1. Switch f1 and f2 for swapping into gun saber and dragon slash/burst mechanic. After hitting f1 to use burst for so long this just feels wrong.

2. Make burst skills still accessible for the one weapon we are using out of gun saber mode. Not too sure why we're losing one of the most important skills to the entire class, the loss of mobility on some weapons (axe, hammer) or the sheer loss of damage from certain kits (greatsword, rifle) makes it feel awful. And that's the crux of this change, it makes all of the base warrior weapons I've tried so far feel worse to play on this class than if I just went core. 

Edited by Arpeggio.1926
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2 hours ago, daiball.5349 said:

I think its really fun to play but find its lacking a lot of damage in pvp for the set up required, max dragon trigger did about 3 to 6 thousand damage which for a skill that requires so much set up seems pretty low.

I would argue that not every spec is intended for every game mode.  The Deadeye was the same basic idea as the Bladesworn, a fun gimmicky PvE one-trick, and in trying to get it to work for PvP they just ruined it for every game mode.

Edited by Conncept.7638
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3 minutes ago, Conncept.7638 said:

I would argue that not every spec is intended for every game mode.  The Deadeye was the same basic idea as the Bladesworn, a fun gimmicky PvE one-trick, and in trying to get it to work for PvP they just ruined it for every game mode.

Yeah but I haven't heard good things from any game mode really

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I came into Bladesworn after Catalyst failed to deliver and I tried to keep my expectations in check. 

I went to go test my combos on golems. 

And the only thing I could think of was "wow this is fun."


It's smooth, it's fun. The damage is a little low, but the gameplay itself is so engaging I can almost forgive that. 


You made a good spec here. This is what a selfish dps should feel like. 

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If you want Electric Fense and Bulletproof Barrier to actually work then you'll have to greatly increase the distance at which they can be used. They lack any dmg component so instead of dropping the skills in front of your face to run, better use it preemptively to aply some pressure and peel the enemy spikes. 


Increase range for both skills to 1,200 units


Also if you want to make use of the Elite remove it's castime.


Its used in-combat to add some necessary CDs to your arsenal. Delaying that is a death sentence because you need to cast most other skills anyway and the only issue with Shake it Off is not rly an issue. 

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Let's look at Tactics vs Lush Forest.


Tactics grants Soldier's Focus every 10s.  Taking the trait Martial Cadence, consuming that buff reduces cooldowns by 3s.  


Lush Forest reduces cooldowns by 1s whenever you use the last round of ammo on an ability.


So every 10s, I can shave 3s off all my abilities traiting in Tactics. Taking Lush Forest...I can shave off 1s every 22-37 seconds.


It's just so very weak in comparison, within a spec that's core mechanic has insanely long CDs.

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First of all, i am glad that ANET is finally introducing some interesting mechanism to the new warrior elite spec after two boring specs.

However, in aspect of competitive mode, its way too clunky, the mechanism is breaking my flow during combat and the reward from unleashing Dragon slash is too low due to its low damage. The combat environment of this game has evolved into very fast paced and dynamic but the mechanism of Bladesworn is just so 'Turn-based' in this 'Action based' game. Must this be the tradition of warrior to get so many self root channeling skills like hundred blades, flurry and now the Dragon trigger just because we have high health pool and armour, which you might think this should be enough for us to sustain during the channeling in 2021, where range AOE CC and bursty skill is blooming like firework everywhere. Furthermore, i hate the way that we need to charge the 'flow' and then charge our Dragon trigger before we can do our burst. Don't you think its so unnecessary to have so many charging?? We are warrior not some sort of portable charger that we need to charge the charger first then to charge the device ...

Also, the keybinding is quite messy to trigger Dragon slash. I always accidentally press f1 while wielding gunsaber to get my Dragon slash prepared, which turns out i swap my weapon back instead ... 😨 In my opinion, this design is so 'anti-warrior' after our years of practice that f1 is a 'Burst skill' button. Why cant we just simply use our sweet default weapon swap button to get our gunsaber during combat when gunsaber is locked as our second weapon set during combat anyway.  Or just simply reverse the function of f1 and f2 which calls out our lovely gunsaber on f2 and Dragon trigger on f1?? Of course, you might just call us to change the key binding due to the laziness...😒

The disappointment on Bladesworn is real not because you are not showing effort on the design or concept on this new elite spec. Honestly, its super cool ! Its because you mess up everything with the new mechanism and this mechanism does not match with the 2021 combat style.

Anyway, there are still time before February 2022 and i still believe problem can be fixed. I can see your ambition to make EOD a great success after all the low tides you have suffered during the past few years. 💪

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1 minute ago, RuQu.8394 said:

Let's look at Tactics vs Lush Forest.


Tactics grants Soldier's Focus every 10s.  Taking the trait Martial Cadence, consuming that buff reduces cooldowns by 3s.  


Lush Forest reduces cooldowns by 1s whenever you use the last round of ammo on an ability.


So every 10s, I can shave 3s off all my abilities traiting in Tactics. Taking Lush Forest...I can shave off 1s every 22-37 seconds.


It's just so very weak in comparison, within a spec that's core mechanic has insanely long CDs.

Not true, the 1 second reduction gets applied for every ammo ability that gets fully depleted. Pistol 5 for example has a 5 sec cd and everytime you cast that ability you get the reduction.

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Enjoying my time with this E-Spec a lot more than I anticipated, that said there's bound to be issues like everyone said. 

My biggest gripe so far is Gunsaber skill cooldowns when you run out of ammunition and the fact that Dragon Trigger can't be activated outside Gunsaber. This is meant to be our BURST skill, why are we locked out of it? That should be instant access regardless of whichever weapon we're using, seriously get that part sorted. 

The Gunsaber cooldown is also abysmal for an E-Spec promoting the use of the kit. Yeah I get that we can reload on Elite Skill but the fact that I have to wait such a long time for a single reload outside Elite is kinda whack. 

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The primary thing I noticed is that I think needs to be changed is that you have to be using Gunsaber to use Dragon Trigger. So the button press is F1 then F2. I'm going to suggest that IF you have necessary flow AND you aren't in F1 CD (it's short anyways), then you should be able to enter F2 directly without the unnecessary F1 button push ... That extra press is pretty redundant if you ask me. 

I'm also going to suggest that Positive Flow effect should stack in intensity, not time. I can imagine having multiple sources of Positive Flow going off within a few seconds (hammer 4 and 5 for example). I think intensity stacks are nice reward for employing a rotations in this way.

I think Dragonscale Defense needs a relook at because Dragon Trigger isn't a mode you camp like Berserker, so effects that trigger while you are in Dragon Trigger aren't going to proc frequently to be meaningful to a build. 

The other final observation is that the Dragon Trigger 4 and 5 seem to be just thrown in there and not well thought out. I mean, what are you going to do with 3 ammo charges of blink or 2 ammo charges of Aegis for 2 seconds if you can only attack ONCE from Dragon Trigger mode? IMO,  if these skills are there to augment Dragon Trigger 1, 2 and 3, they don't really fit. 



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2 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

Not true, the 1 second reduction gets applied for every ammo ability that gets fully depleted. Pistol 5 for example has a 5 sec cd and everytime you cast that ability you get the reduction.

I guess they need some way to make us want to drop out of Gunsaber mode...but Pistol 5 is a shotgun that's pretty underwhelming with just one in the chamber.  The intent being to spam that (manually) while we smack it with our axe/sword to try and get our cooldowns down, cooldowns that we cannot see because we are no longer in gunsaber mode...eh.  

I'd actually like some good synergy for dropping in and out of gunsaber mode, but then tweak it to a cooldown based on each round of ammo spent.  Dropping down to use Pistol 5 would be an instant 6s reduction, then Pistol 4 gets us back up to 4 rounds (one naturally recharged on P5 already) for 4s more. At this point, between cast times and the usage of the other gunsaber abilities before dropping out, Gunsaber 2 is coming back up. Of course...still 20s to go until 4/5 are up, but only 5 more on Gunsaber 3.  Add in Dragon Trigger charge time and you start to get a flow between Gunsaber 2/3, P5/4/5, Dragon Trigger, repeat.


That's a lot nicer of a feel than Gunsaber 2/3 (4/5 are utility and situational), then P5/4/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5.

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Are we really sure about the new Healing  + ulti , if you combine it with  the Healing Shouts  +  Adrelaline Health ?

Or using cond-removal-Shouts + Daring Dragon trait (that allow you to use 3 -4 times the auto and proc Cleansing Ire + Adrelanine Health ?


I wish Cyclone Trigger ,could proc "Shield Master Trait"

Edited by Solitude.2097
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