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Bladesworn Feedback Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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What's the intention behind this spec?   

PvP - just no, you're gimping yourself way too hard with your Dragon Slash line. Immobile for too long, underwhelming damage.   

WvW - while you bring nothing to the group you're also not great at roaming. Can't see this being picked over Spellbreaker.

Open World PvE - things die way too fast for your Flow to reach max, Berserker is still going to be stronger 

Raiding & Fractals - it's gonna be either a pure damage spec with no utility or you're gonna become a Bannersworn - either way this playstyle is already filled by the Berserker. While I do believe that Berserker is going to become obsolete since the damage the Bladesworn is capable of doing is way higher - my question is - why? Having an elite spec that does nothing besides being just a little better(just in instanced content no less) than an Elite already existing since 2014 at seems... pointless.

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Flicker Step cannot even get you out of harm's way. Either double its range, or triple it and have it use a single charge. 


While we are at it, Gunsaber's range is laughable. Almost all classes have some better form of fighting from range and if we are to compare BS to Holo, Mortar kit takes the cake. Gunsaber needs to be 1,000 range for its kit to become more viable. 900 with all the movement enemies possess nowadays while we are rooted is bad. 


Unless if you rethink your approach and undo this awful design. As said, we can't even one-shot people with all the trade offs anyway. 

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My feedback is mostly about general and endgame PvE. 

1) What is the Bladesworn's role? DPS? Isn't that Berserker's role?

For endgame PvE, there was literally no reason to take Spellbreaker for the entire duration of POF's lifetime, because Berserker did more damage than Spellbreaker, whose selfish defense aspects are wasted in Fractals/Raids/Instanced content in general. Bladesworn does not differentiate itself from Berserker in any way other than flavour.

If bladesworn is left as-is, the Warrior class in endgame PvE will simply distill down to: 
Does Bladesworn do more DPS than Berserker? > Berserker is never used.
Does Berserker do more DPS than Bladesworn? > Bladesworn is never used. 
Mirroring exactly what happened to Spellbreaker. Please don't create another situation like this for the next few YEARS. Please give the Warrior class some alternate build options.
I'd suggest that [Daring Dragon] provide 10-man Alacrity with a lot of effort and Boon Duration - taking this trait already cripples the damage output of the spec into acceptable levels for a Boon support build.


2) Design that handicaps itself, only to offer you mandatory fixes

2.1) Flow is difficult to get. Traits that worked for Adrenaline largely still give the same amount in Flow, which is NOT equivalent as maximum Flow is more than 3x that of maximum AdrenalineFlow is so difficult to build naturally in fact, that a utility was created explicitly to make the experience of playing Bladesworn not awful, [Flow Stabilizer]. Why does a "fix" exist when the problem, inherent in the class design, could simply not exist in the first place?

2.2) [Lush Forest] and [Tactical Reload] force the entire rest of the spec to have ridiculous CDs, forcing you to take them to make the spec playable. I truly love the idea behind [Tactical Reload]. I think it's FULL of flavour. But both of these are so unhealthy for the spec - and not only that, it leads to degenerate gameplay spamming every single ammo skill off CD(even the aegis and teleport in [Dragon Trigger]!), even intentionally starting combat with full cooldowns on Gunsaber: 

A trait like this should NEVER have something so proactive as cooldown reduction on it. [Unshakeable Mountain] is nowhere near as bad because healing is reactive.


3) Weapon Swap CD, and Burst Skill access

Just in case it's not a bug that exiting Dragon Trigger in any way triggers full weapon swap CD...
Why? This practically forces you to camp the Gunsaber because you can only access the Burst Skill, which Warrior is designed around, while in Gunsaber. I understand removing regular weapon swap for the Gunsaber, but also removing practical access to our remaining weapon set?

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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Let me start of with the explosions coming out the gunblade. Imo they look horrible. but i can understand if theres players out there that absolutely love this

I think the Bladesworn Utility Skills don't fit at all. They would've suited better on an Engineer or something

1 - Bulletproof Barrier  : Throw a device that explodes when it lands, which leaves behind a barrier that blocks projectiles.

This has 2 charges aswell. This instantly makes me think Bladesworn will be a META class in World vs World.

2 -Electric Fence : Throw a device that leaves behind a wall of energy, crippling foes that pass through it. Foes that are already crippled become immobilized.

again 2 charges. and possibly very strong in World Vs World. As you can just place a wall when a blob wants to walk through an area. and if u miss ur wal well.. u have a 2nd one.

on top of these 2 (imo engineer skills) they get to do 400k dmg in PvE. i can already imagine 5+ bladesworns charging their Bullets and doing this strong attack in a blob just wiping whole squads

I really feel like this Elite spec would've been better off on an Engineer. Or even left out the game. I think it will have alot of balancing issues in PVP and World Vs World.

I will not be playing this elite spec at all. I do however want to max one out for the Elite spec achievements.

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It's not fun to play esp in wvw 

f2 looks cool but the animation lock is very annoying 

tbh almost every new specs are not that fun.

Pressing their skills make me feel like I am punishing myself. I mean using skills should be fun not something to worry about that im hurting myself.

I need to pay to much cost while playing them such as HP drain, dodge roll, virute(for willbender), and the most annoying one is animation lock <<< this makes me feel like i am playing New world combat.

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I really don't get this spec. Ok, I'm a casual player and I dabble in PvE and WvW, but I don't see myself using this spec. The main gripe I have is that almost every skill of the gunblade has limited uses and the fake elite is just a recharge of 1 use for all. Perhaps this is interesting for people who are more into complexity, but it's not for me.


As a casual player I don't want to manage uses for most of the skills. Also I kinda wish that it was a new weapon. The way it works is basically adding a new weapon with a separate button but I don't see myself using 3 weapons either. I mean I don't even know if you can apply skins on the gunblade. I'll have to check that, but if not then it's another thing that I don't like about it. I really don't care for the skin that it has, but ok. I think I'll just stick to my core warrior.

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I LOVE the Samurai vibes but not being able to reskin the gunsaber killed it for me. It also needs more work for pvp/wvw, particularly with dragon slash not dealing enough damage for the time it takes to charge the skill halfway. There needs to be more reward for the risk. It's been easily shut down in my experience in wvw. 

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My initial thought


PvP: it feels like it has no real identity. The Gunsaber has ammo skills and an elite to recharge them. It gives the weapon a feel of being a quick hitting spam weapon with most of smaller damage packets but the skill cast and recharge to slow for that. So DT. Idk what this is trying to do. Full charge does less than pretty much any normal burst and "spamming" it deals less damage than auto attack. 


Solution: Either make the class a slow hard hitting beast or a quick hitting class with lots of smaller damage packets. 


For big hard hitting approach, DT need to be buffed big time. At least double damage. The guns word skills need to hit much harder. If that means longer recharge and cast then so be it but don't do this idle ground


For a quick hitting build, DT still need a buff. Maybe 20% damage with 50%-75% lower cast time. The gunblade skills need to have lower cast time and recharge. Maybe extra ammo on each skill. 


PVE: did very little testing here my self but the golem dps numbers don't seam to be any better than current warrior build. I guess it would make it and exceptable build in that case but really a let down to see 400k hits while only doing 30k dps


WVW: didn't try this but I expect many of the same problems as pvp from everything I've seen and heard from others. 


Utilities:  these don't feel too bad. The electric line should stun or at least daze. The block wall should reflect. The heal feels ok but maybe shave down the 2nd heal delay .5 seconds. The elite isn't bad. It's not really good but it certainly has synergy with the rest of the spec. 

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In competitive, thief can strip your stability, even the 10 from dolyak stance, and just headshot you or thief steal you and cancel your dragon slash before you can even begin to charge it. The entire concept is flawed in PvP. One way to salvage it would have it charge much, much faster. In PvE the entire time you're charging you're doing 0 damage. The payoff for the dragon slash doesn't make up for the lost DPS. So again, reducing charge time seems pretty important for this. Even using the GM that cuts it down to 5 bullets is too long, and reentering dragon trigger is insanely easy to cancel. Again as a competitive player, it is absolutely unusable due to how much CC is easily accessible in the game, and how much boon strip (for stab) is available, since it strips the entire STACK of stability.

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12 hours ago, Kidel.2057 said:

It seems Bladesword is actually decent. Vindicator on the other hand is a total mess. 

To people reacting to this with a confused face, Bladesword does 53k dps guys. It needs some adjustment in both ways.  

Sure, it needs some utility and some fixes to be viable in competitive modes, but at least it's a beast in PvE and doesn't have broken mechanics. 

Edited by Kidel.2057
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12 hours ago, punahou.3986 said:

the set up im using so far is bulls rush to stun then the stance that makes you immune to damage while i charge it


I constantly tried this as well in pvp but the charge is longer than the knock down, and its a long knockdown so that says something. It's like a worse version of 100 blades. Why do these devs keep giving warrior rooted skills with excessively long cast times or in this case charge?

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2 hours ago, LunaDeviner.6514 said:

Let me start of with the explosions coming out the gunblade. Imo they look horrible. but i can understand if theres players out there that absolutely love this. 



I think the Bladesworn Utility Skills don't fit at all. They would've suited better on an Engineer or something

1 - Bulletproof Barrier  : Throw a device that explodes when it lands, which leaves behind a barrier that blocks projectiles.

This has 2 charges aswell. This instantly makes me think Bladesworn will be a META class in World vs World.

Good skill, bad range. Will explain in a bit. Build in question: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/101786-bladesworn-beta-build-thread/?do=findComment&comment=1466088


2 -Electric Fence : Throw a device that leaves behind a wall of energy, crippling foes that pass through it. Foes that are already crippled become immobilized.

again 2 charges. and possibly very strong in World Vs World. As you can just place a wall when a blob wants to walk through an area. and if u miss ur wal well.. u have a 2nd one.

There is a problem. The range. We only have 900 range to utilize these effects. I zerged with my organized guild for 3 hours yesterday in high enemy number situations (1 server had a 60 man blob and the other server 2 guild groups of our size each). Needless to sya The barrier and the fence did a bad job. 900 range is not enough to counter enemies that can traverse said distance is less than a couple seconds to keep shooting at you. Inherently not a reflect its worse than Valiant Bulwark and Wall of Reflection. Also you can't see it at all. It needs to be far more bright and orange doesn't mix well with the red AoE circles the enemy has. 


Electric fense doesn't have the same issue. It's more visible. But without leg specialist it's pretty bad. You want as much immob as possible. If anything it should reapply 5 stacks of cripple and convert them to immob if traited and the initial immob helps set up the cripple. Only means of having this be useful and not get cleansed immediately. It would be good if it also applied Slow for 3 s or something. 


on top of these 2 (imo engineer skills) they get to do 400k dmg in PvE. i can already imagine 5+ bladesworns charging their Bullets and doing this strong attack in a blob just wiping whole squads. 

BS is a joke. No squad which knows how to play will allow 5 BS to fill the warrior spots (assuming 5 warriors are rolled in the first place in a full blob that is, not the usual 30-25 men zergs). Berzerker does more reliable spike dmg, Spellbreaker has boonstrip. Even core warrior can outdps BS if played properly and share potent traits like Phalanx strength more reliably. For that reason, BS needs an overhaul and Electric Fense with Bulletproof Barrier need a Buff and then maybe it will see play as a constitute to Core DPS Guard (brings dmg and reflect not too diff role basically). Rev is still > warrior in dmg and a far more requested class. Zerker and Core are viable only because of Battle standard even. 



I really feel like this Elite spec would've been better off on an Engineer. Or even left out the game. I think it will have alot of balancing issues in PVP and World Vs World.

It already has unfortunately. 




I will not be playing this elite spec at all. I do however want to max one out for the Elite spec achievements.

Have fun and good luck! 

Edited by Grand Marshal.4098
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Flow is the worst and cripples this class. Reduce it to 30 and make it instant gain or it will never compete with the other specs.


You've taken out weapon swap but have given us very little in return. Gunblade doesnt shine in the way of survival, mobility, and even damage as compared to greatsword or axe MH. Gunblade has no flow gain whatsoever. It doesn't carry over traits from the original weapons despite being a kit. You can use it in rampage but it's worse than rampage in every way and you can't even do Dragon Slash which might make it worth it. Except the damage in PvP is useless and so it can't even be justified then. The cooldowns are way too high in PvE. Using Dragon Slash locks you into gunblade for even longer after use but there's zero incentive to camp gunblade.


The irony of calling the new adrenaline mechanic flow isn't lost on me. This clunky spec flows like a particularly obstinate pile of bricks.


(Hopefully) You know how warrior lives and dies by it's ability to land burst skills Anet? What makes you think a spec based around a molasses slow gain of adrenaline and few and far between bursts is a good thing? It can hardly make use of the most important mechanic of the class.


Why is pistol melee?


Please go back to the drawing board this thing is a dumpster fire. Either make it rewarding to be in gunblade by giving it sustain, mobility, adrenaline, and damage or give us our weapon swaps back.

Edited by Tycura.1982
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12 minutes ago, Kidel.2057 said:

To people reacting to this with a confused face, Bladesword does 53k dps guys. It needs some adjustment in both ways.  

Sure, it needs some utility and some fixes to be viable in competitive modes, but at least it's a beast in PvE and doesn't have broken mechanics. 

So it's just Berzerker 2.0 then? 

Aka the golem/raid boss elite spec. 

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also you really need to make a trait that synergize with the use of explosion just like the engi explosive trait line.

on f2 use, you should get auto aegis instead of having to hit 4 every time. 5 mini tp looks out of place. make it a shadow step toward a foe just like the mirage tp skill wear you tp nearby an enemy at a specific range.

f2 skill 3 need to be reworked. currently it often miss the target even when it is right in front of you.

also i believe the charge being too long. so long that you just never use skill 1.

Edited by ledernierrempart.6871
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25 minutes ago, Kidel.2057 said:

To people reacting to this with a confused face, Bladesword does 53k dps guys. It needs some adjustment in both ways.  

Sure, it needs some utility and some fixes to be viable in competitive modes, but at least it's a beast in PvE and doesn't have broken mechanics. 

pve is not just raid boss numbers. it is garbage to play in open world, not fluid, unfun, not fun in dungeon either.

number is the easiest thing to tweak, i can make a 1 skill stick class and make it 60k dps and would you consider it a complete spec for pve? nop.

use your brain and think, if everything does the same damage, will you still play this spec and find it fun?..the answer right now is obviously no.


also vindicator is the most OP new spec in PvP right now.

Edited by felix.2386
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