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Bladesworn Feedback Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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After playing some more I still have a lot of fun with that class but have to agree with some quality of life demands that certainly would to wonders to the precieved clunkyness of the spec: (only play pve)


- Allow for Dragon trigger to be used from normal weapon set - otherwise seldom change to that because of the cooldown .....

- Change Dragon Trigger to f1, gunsaber to f2, allow to swap between them in combat with the normal weapon swap key

- Give a bit more range to DT 3&5

And most imortantly - rework one trait (maybe even one of the Gm ones) that allow for pulsing stab when in DT.

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I was doing bladesworn in fractal and while some moves were nice but i wasn't gettng same performance you guys were. Maybe its because i never played warr beforeand don't know the skills but i heard warr was supposedly ez to use.

I wasn't able to get the         energy thing to work outside in pve due to charging, since anything that don't last short POOF all that energy starts to drain instantly outside of combat.

Edited by Axl.8924
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Again I only played this spec in PvP, so just like my other "reviews", thats the limited context it's applied to:

Feels slow and clunky, and weak. Warrior specs already out there have a pace, the class always had a kind of dynamism that Bladesworn severly lacks. Which could be a tradeoff on its own, but what you get in return is worthless: there is absolutely no way to land a 3 second chargeup skill on your own. And even if it does land, its effects are not even close to justify its chargeup time. 

If you charge something that lasts 3 seconds, cannot dynamically aim, roots you in place and is interruptable... honestly anything less than an instant oneshot skipping right past downstate is an insufficient reward for landing it. And that would be unfair anyway, so what I'm saying is that this chargeup mechanic is bad. Make it 3 times as fast and buff the numbers a tiny bit maybe... but even then it still might fail. Consider getting rid of it or reworking it to the degree you did with deadeye and malice.

Bladesworn definitely is not justifying its tradeoff right now. Buff/rework its kit!

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I dont like it.

I realise none of us really have the time played to have "really" grown accustomed to the spec.  But I already know I hate it.

For me its a couple of things:

1)  It does not "feel" like a warrior
2)  It requires too much "wind up" - closely associated with point 1
3) It is very niche

The utility skills for Armament are pretty garbage imo.  I can see why they are there or deemed useful for this spec as it requires buildup but meh

Warrior, to me, is all about being mobile, bursty, quick, raging, etc.   This spec literally requires  you to sit on your duff to wind up the big hits.  It does not flow well or feel like a warrior.  You literally get tied down waiting for things to happen.

I went out to Maguuma to test this, as I find the Mordrem to be some of the most annoying MOB's in the game.  In my standard Axe/Axe spec I demolished the mordrem and veteran stoneheads and champion vinetooth.

With this Gunsword it took me twice as long to get the Stonehead to half health, as it took me to kill it with my Axe/Axe.  Why?  because I couldnt sit and wait for the big hit wonders to build up.

Pvp was the same experience.

It just requires too much wind-up to achieve results.

Now, dont get me wrong,  when you DO get that wind-up and get those big flashy hits its amazing.  But GW2 is not that style of game.  PvP players are not going to let you get that windup.  Most annoying NPC's are not going to let you get that windup.

I only see this useful for Raids or Group content where other players are peeling and you are left alone to do your thing.

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On 9/23/2021 at 11:46 AM, RevaN.9316 said:

I noticed it's better to increase "Blooming Fire" Range ( number 2 skill of gunblade) in PVP is very useless at 130 distance. 

Was just about to comment something like this.This is definitly needed.

It's so funny that you can walk forward while activating that skill and the explosions will appear behind you. 130 range is far too low, it should be 240 or 300.

Edited by Ferus.3165
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Bladesworn is really fun to play in PvE! Pleased with pistol off hand, I have tried it with axe which was nice and also with mace (Don't often use mace but the block on 2 and additional flow is nice). Although do prefer axe as mace is a little underwhelming, could do with an upgrade on mace (Mainhand). But pistol mainhand as well would have been AMAZING, possibly a missed opportunity.

Flow can be slow, especially compared to berserker who can get full adrenaline very quickly. Sometimes when I get to full flow, I've already killed regular enemies in PvE with pistol or other players have killed the enemies. It has more use in big groups of enemies or a single champion fight. BUT, specialising in flow generation REALLY helps with this. Flow stabiliser does exactly that and the extra stability is very nice, especially before pressing dragon trigger.  I was managing to get more than 2 stacks of positive flow during fights (Sometimes got to 5 or even 10 if I specialise in flow generation).


Gunsabre is really cool to run around with, would be cool if we were able to skin it but still love it as it is. Only problem I have with it is the skill 5 which only does damage at the place you start from before the lunge, would be better to damage where you are lunging to. Also when I target an enemy and lunge, my character seems to zoom past it. Would also be nice if the trait forceful greatsword would work with the gunsabre. I understand technically it's not a greatsword but it is quite similar, don't you think? 


Dragon trigger is a little clunky since you have to be in gunsabre to use it. I sometimes forget during battle that I have to press F1 and then press F2. I guess it makes sense thematically but it would be much easier if you could activate it in other weapon set. Also it does deactivate with the slightest movement which is super annoying because then it goes on cooldown and I have to wait even longer. It is very vulnerable to CC but I found it quite fun to use it in synergy with the dolyak signet so I get 10 stacks of stability (Just to make sure I don't get knocked down although the signet does have a long cooldown. Does also mean I'm having to use up a utility slot just for the stability). Although, on the last beta day testing, I used flow stabiliser instead of the signet which I found was even better since flow generation is quicker, as well as the stability it gives you.

After a few tries I found that the aegis from skill 4 in dragon trigger makes you less vulnerable and the blink from skill 5 helps you to avoid AoE attacks (Although it is tricky to time and doesn't have much range but with more practice it should be fun). Love the first three skills of dragon trigger too, dragon blade is satisfyingly powerful and I love the dash on skill 2 and the more range on skill 3.

I often play berserker in PvE with shouts so thought I'd try Bladesworn with shouts. With the elite skill it has GREAT synergy with 'For great justice'. Might generation is now even quicker. Love it with shake it off as well.  I don't really use the other utility skills for Bladesworn in PvE (apart from flow stabiliser) but the projectile barriers could be nice in PvP. I LOVE the Stim state heal, I will press it twice for the boons and then use the elite skill and press again and wait for the heal if I need it. Probably my favourite heal in the game!!!


Overall, VERY POSITIVE about Bladesworn. I play berserker in PvE a lot and Bladesworn will make a very nice change. I love how thematic it is and I love the anticipation you have when you start charging your bullets and then the satisfaction of pulling off an incredibly powerful attack. Just a few minor changes but looking forward to playing this in the future! Great job Arenanet for making such a creative and thematic build!

Edit: Had another go at Bladesworn in PvE but against bounties in crystal oasis and very happy with how tanky this is with the trait that gives you barrier when you spend last ammo skill. Managed to get to 5k-6k barrier at some points during long fights but could maintain it at about 2k-3k with ammo shouts on utilities and ammo on gunsabre. Stim state heal was also a life saver with the elite skill, the delayed heal comes in handy while taking damage from enemies when you charge bullets up in dragon stance. After some practice on hydras, managed to pull off a quite a few successful dragon blades without interruption on the bounties (Aegis, blink from dragon trigger skills 4/5 and dolyak signet or flow stabiliser work so well with this!). It's SO FUN to blink around your enemy and I've heard my character say things like 'Not there anymore' and 'Think faster' which made me laugh. Love this spec even more now in PvE. My favourite beta elite spec for EoD so far!

Edited by Jessarico.5943
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Oh boy! When I saw the trailer I was pumped for this spec. When I saw the them I knew it would be bad.

Thematically it is good! Absence of particle vomit that covers your entire screen IS EXCELLENT!
Mechanically is it SHOCKINGLY bad.
Warriors asked for intricate spec not complicated one



Is actually not that bad and skills are fun to use. Imo this should have been main hand weapon because by choosing it and in combination with mandatory gunsabre you're locked out of any defense so it will be forever doomed to a PvE life. Another reason why it should be main hand is that the most optimal main hand weapon for ammo based spec is axe. I can imagine a samurai with katana, with a gun but with an axe? Nah!


Gunsabre weapon skills

are... fine. Nothing to write home about. Considering the penalties imposed on you for using this spec, "fine" is not good enough, far from it. They are flavorful as a wet paper. When you think GUNSABRE first thing that should come to your mind is SPECTACULAR. Unfortunately it's just a mediocre weapon...

  1. In its current state this cannot be the replacement for our regular weapon.
  2. By being mandatory you are extremely predictable
  3. Cooldowns are atrocious! (But muh Lush forest... No! Shut up!)
  4. It doesn't promote moving away from Discipline.



The only ones I find remotely fun are heal skill and Flow Stabilizer. Flow stabilizer is fun in combination with itself and/or Brave Stride trait. I can imagine myself using Bulletproof Barrier in WvW, but then I remember that I wouldn't enter WvW with a Bladesworn for the life of me. The worst of them all is Elite Tactical Reload! It ENABLES Bladesworn's existence which should not be the case. Without it spec is literally unplayable unless you enjoy 40 sec cooldowns. (But muh Lush forest... Nooo! Shut up!)


Dragon trigger

I hate everything about it.

  1. You cannot enter it from secondary weapon set
  2. Flow gain too slow for a adrenaline mechanic that has only one bar
  3. Charging bursts is too long. In PvE it's only usable on some vets and champs because regular mobs die too fast
  4. Flow goes away too fast after combat
  5. You cannot use partially charged Flow
  6. Horrible interaction with burst related traits. I don't need my Adrenal Health or my Cleansing Ire infinity later, I need them the moment I press the button. That's why I pressed it.


When you take "vertical" approach to regulating your game mechanics through traits, there's no reason for them to be considered Adept, Master or Grandmaster. They all regulate different aspects of the spec therefore they should all be considered GM quality which is not the case.

  1. "Adept" ones would be fine if they were actually considered Adept. As I said before Flow gain is too slow and that is partially due to weak traits. Unseen sword is particularly bad because it promotes weapon swapping on a spec that cannot access its main mechanic on a secondary weapon set.
  2. "Master" traits are the worst part of it. Activation on final charge promotes spamming instead of thoughtful usage of your skills. It would be much better to have [on ammo used] effects and then have trait values adjusted.
    - Unshakable Mountain would be considered a fun one if the cooldowns weren't so prohibitively long and trait didn't promote spamming.
    - Fierce as Fire shouldn't even be in the game. I'd understand if you dedicated more traits to make condi build viable, but in current mix it comes off as lazy and uninspired. I guess it would be viable if it was [on ammo used]. AOE radius is a joke!
    - Lush Forest. The biggest problem of them all. 1. You create a problem by making cooldowns long 2. You then solve it by creating a trait that promotes spamming. The worst of it is that if you want to have ANY fun with this spec, you HAVE TO use it in tandem with Elite skill. Otherwise the spec is unplayable Other two traits may not even exist.
    I'd suggest making it [on ammo used] reduce cooldown by [insert time] AND making in a minor trait because there's just no competition.
  3. "Grandmaster"
    - Immortal Dragon exists.
    - Unyielding Dragon ensures a stiffy caused by big numbers. Yay!
    - Daring Dragon is a candidate for a trait that could make this spec even remotely fun for me. I'll have to test it more.


If I didn't care for this spec I'd tell you to scrap it completely and start again. But I really like the idea of it! I want it to be good!

I think that it's unacceptable to take away a weapon and bursts and return to us with this broken, bland and lazy mess.


I don't fault you for trying something new, in fact I want something new! Bladesworn's concept is bold and mindblowing! But newness can't carry it alone. It has to be good as well.

Edited by Zergs.9715
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The Bladesworn is absolute Trash and a total Disappointment! In every Situation (basically DMG, DPS, Support, Cleanse, Boon-Strip, etc...) in every Game-Mode (PvE, PvP and WvW) Berserker or Spellbreaker are definitely better Options!!!

I played Warrior for 12k+ hours and I sadly had to delete my Beta-Warrior after 3h because this spec is a total disgrace!! By the way: Why is Pistol Offhand-only? Warrior is supposed to wield every single-hand weapon in Main- AND Offhand! (Horn and Shield are different, they were Offhand-only from the beginning in every Class!) And I didnt mention the absolute failed F2 Skills yet: Who ever had the idea of this whole flow thing in combination with stationary F2-Skills has clearly no idea for the Warrior-Class at all!!!

Congratuilations: You totally ruined the whole Bladesworn-Spec!

Edited by LAX.9032
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Shouldnt [Shield Master] trait make [Bulletproof Barrier] and Gunsaber Skill 4 reflect projectiles instead of blocking them? I tried it out but it doesnt make them reflect projectiles. If it is intended then the wording on the trait should be more clear since it says: BLOCKS projectiles on the skills.


/Not a warriorplayer but i do like the Bladesworn

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2 minutes ago, Cheeseman.1987 said:



Shouldnt [Shield Master] trait make [Bulletproof Barrier] and Gunsaber Skill 4 reflect projectiles instead of blocking them? I tried it out but it doesnt make them reflect projectiles. If it is intended then the wording on the trait should be more clear since it says: BLOCKS projectiles on the skills.


/Not a warriorplayer but i do like the Bladesworn

The trait doesn't affect projectile blocks. Only full blocks. So imo they should somehow change it and make it reflect when traited. 

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2 minutes ago, Cheeseman.1987 said:



Shouldnt [Shield Master] trait make [Bulletproof Barrier] and Gunsaber Skill 4 reflect projectiles instead of blocking them? I tried it out but it doesnt make them reflect projectiles. If it is intended then the wording on the trait should be more clear since it says: BLOCKS projectiles on the skills.


/Not a warriorplayer but i do like the Bladesworn

Those skills should 100% work with that trait. God forbid any of these new elite specs have any sort of synergy with pre-existing traits.

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1 hour ago, Zergs.9715 said:

Oh boy! When I saw the trailer I was pumped for this spec. When I saw the them I knew it would be bad.

Thematically it is good! Absence of particle vomit that covers your entire screen IS EXCELLENT!
Mechanically is it SHOCKINGLY bad.
Warriors asked for intricate spec not complicated one



Is actually not that bad and skills are fun to use. Imo this should have been main hand weapon because by choosing it and in combination with mandatory gunsabre you're locked out of any defense so it will be forever doomed to a PvE life. Another reason why it should be main hand is that the most optimal main hand weapon for ammo based spec is axe. I can imagine a samurai with katana, with a gun but with an axe? Nah!


Gunsabre weapon skills

are... fine. Nothing to write home about. Considering the penalties imposed on you for using this spec, "fine" is not good enough, far from it. They are flavorful as a wet paper. When you think GUNSABRE first thing that should come to your mind is SPECTACULAR. Unfortunately it's just a mediocre weapon...

  1. In its current state this cannot be the replacement for our regular weapon.
  2. By being mandatory you are extremely predictable
  3. Cooldowns are atrocious! (But muh Lush forest... No! Shut up!)
  4. It doesn't promote moving away from Discipline.



The only ones I find remotely fun are heal skill and Flow Stabilizer. Flow stabilizer is fun in combination with itself and/or Brave Stride trait. I can imagine myself using Bulletproof Barrier in WvW, but then I remember that I wouldn't enter WvW with a Bladesworn for the life of me. The worst of them all is Elite Tactical Reload! It ENABLES Bladesworn's existence which should not be the case. Without it spec is literally unplayable unless you enjoy 40 sec cooldowns. (But muh Lush forest... Nooo! Shut up!)


Dragon trigger

I hate everything about it.

  1. You cannot enter it from secondary weapon set
  2. Flow gain too slow for a adrenaline mechanic that has only one bar
  3. Charging bursts is too long. In PvE it's only usable on some vets and champs because regular mobs die too fast
  4. Flow goes away too fast after combat
  5. You cannot use partially charged Flow
  6. Horrible interaction with burst related traits. I don't need my Adrenal Health or my Cleansing Ire infinity later, I need them the moment I press the button. That's why I pressed it.


When you take "vertical" approach to regulating your game mechanics through traits, there's no reason for them to be considered Adept, Master or Grandmaster. They all regulate different aspects of the spec therefore they should all be considered GM quality which is not the case.

  1. "Adept" ones would be fine if they were actually considered Adept. As I said before Flow gain is too slow and that is partially due to weak traits. Unseen sword is particularly bad because it promotes weapon swapping on a spec that cannot access its main mechanic on a secondary weapon set.
  2. "Master" traits are the worst part of it. Activation on final charge promotes spamming instead of thoughtful usage of your skills. It would be much better to have [on ammo used] effects and then have trait values adjusted.
    - Unshakable Mountain would be considered a fun one if the cooldowns weren't so prohibitively long and trait didn't promote spamming.
    - Fierce as Fire shouldn't even be in the game. I'd understand if you dedicated more traits to make condi build viable, but in current mix it comes off as lazy and uninspired. I guess it would be viable if it was [on ammo used]. AOE radius is a joke!
    - Lush Forest. The biggest problem of them all. 1. You create a problem by making cooldowns long 2. You then solve it by creating a trait that promotes spamming. The worst of it is that if you want to have ANY fun with this spec, you HAVE TO use it in tandem with Elite skill. Otherwise the spec is unplayable Other two traits may not even exist.
    I'd suggest making it [on ammo used] reduce cooldown by [insert time] AND making in a minor trait because there's just no competition.
  3. "Grandmaster"
    - Immortal Dragon exists.
    - Unyielding Dragon ensures a stiffy caused by big numbers. Yay!
    - Daring Dragon is a candidate for a trait that could make this spec even remotely fun for me. I'll have to test it more.


If I didn't care for this spec I'd tell you to scrap it completely and start again. But I really like the idea of it! I want it to be good!

I think that it's unacceptable to take away a weapon and bursts and return to us with this broken, bland and lazy mess.


I don't fault you for trying something new, in fact I want something new! Bladesworn's concept is bold and mindblowing! But newness can't carry it alone. It has to be good as well.

I'm really glad there's at least one other person who can look past "strong trait good" and recognize how [Lust Forest] turns the gameplay of Bladesworn seriously degenerate. It's incredibly unhealthy for the spec and combined with the Elite forced them to make the CDs on this spec sky high. If these 2 things didnt exist we'd actually have reasonable cooldowns, but as it is we're forced to take them to make the spec playable.

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10 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

I'm really glad there's at least one other person who can look past "strong trait good" and recognize how [Lust Forest] turns the gameplay of Bladesworn seriously degenerate. It's incredibly unhealthy for the spec and combined with the Elite forced them to make the CDs on this spec sky high. If these 2 things didnt exist we'd actually have reasonable cooldowns, but as it is we're forced to take them to make the spec playable.

Yeah, if I wanted carpal tunnel I'd be an ele main. We wanted something more complex, but that really just meant F2-F5 skills, not playing keyboard hero.

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Hi all,


I'm not saying that this spec is good or bad but when I compare it to core, berserker or spellbreaker, I see some things missing.

1- all spec or core should have niche or place where it is a good use of it.

Blade sworn does not have that, it's to slow and too much cc'able (having to wait for flow build up then wait to charge dragon trigger is a double problem) there for it's subpar with every other spec in all game instance (pve,pvp,wvw,Fractal,raid dungueons,...). exemple:  Bladesworn fail is dragon trigger -> your finished all your flow is gone                                                                                             Berserker fail one of is burst -> no big deal I still have 10 burst more I can still land

2-the core aspect of warrior gameplays is , the many tool/weapon at is disposal and by association is burst skill, this is the core of it's flexibility .
bladesworn  took that flexibility and broke it, to only have one unplaceble burst skill making it so much more unusable than the other spec and core; I don't say to give i'm back a form of burst but seriously , what is the point of giving us a new weapon if it doesn't  check the core gameplay of the class (why can't we have a pistol burst ?).

3-What ever you think we will do with  bladesworn , the banners will allways be there.
this utility "the banners" will continue to be use , so unless there is a big change with that the bladesworn will be clasified  as a "bannerslave" so what's the point of diviating from your core or the reliable berserker for that role.

in summary , not good Arenanet, not good.
I see some potential for bladesworn but also gigantique flaws, after testing it I even seen a trace of a screaming heal war build in there with the elite or a true support war, but all this is broke by the "Dragon burst hability" and the "gunblade" focus on big dps , never placable due to dragon trigger being to weak too cc and time consumming.
So please give this spec more potential because now in this Beta form it's ussless in everything that a warrior can already do.

Edited by DemonCrypto.6792
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This is exactly what Guild Wars 2 needed! More interactive and strategic combat from a profession where people originally just pushed buttons and provided boons.

Last night I found myself in Kourna running through mobs, kiting, and swinging the Gun Sabre. I loved the interactive combat and the feel this profession provided! Honestly, I felt rewarded kiting with my Gun Sabre and needed to be strategic with my strikes. This specialization doesn't just have a button mashing mechanic, but well timed strikes, and well placed strikes are far more rewarding for less damage. I know some people want a full dragon trigger, but I just charged it for one or two bullets to move across the field or attack mobs. The flow mechanic was wonderful and great to continuously engage mobs and objectives..

Also, the new mechanics from utility skills such as ositive flow rate with signets and other skills like Shake It Off synergized well.

Warrior was my first character and I didn't care for it much at launch, then I moved on to thief, and thief became my main character. I'm actually considering making my warrior my main character for EoD. I know I'll be on a 6 month business trip starting next January and may not have time to play, but when I get back, I'm going to start playing heavily. 

Good job. Seriously development team at Arena Net, you did good here.  

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3 minutes ago, Salvatore.3749 said:

Warrior was my first character and I didn't care for it much at launch, then I moved on to thief, and thief became my main character.

This is becoming a pattern... more and more positive feed back from non warriors who will probably never main this class.

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Just now, Mesket.5728 said:

This is becoming a pattern... more and more positive feed back from non warriors who will probably never main this class.

Hopefully, I like complexity in my classes. That's why I play Thief, Mesmer, Ele, and Rev. I played Guardian for a long while and performed well with it, but it was too simple. 

 There are others like me who prefer the challenge. It's a nice change of pace for everyone who feels that Warrior and Guardian are too simple. 

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Just now, Salvatore.3749 said:

Hopefully, I like complexity in my classes. That's why I play Thief, Mesmer, Ele, and Rev. I played Guardian for a long while and performed well with it, but it was too simple. 

 There are others like me who prefer the challenge. It's a nice change of pace for everyone who feels that Warrior and Guardian are too simple. 

you can also play with no armor for a challenge. Point is, challenge shouldn't be being stupidly handicap. And this is how this class feels for long term warriors, it is just a handicaped warrior. We are worst in every single aspect except for that big shot and even that is not even fun. Its just that, a big number. Like we weren't tired of filling up bars already we now have to fill a longer bar and fill it again on the opposite direction. pfff....

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4 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Again I only played this spec in PvP, so just like my other "reviews", thats the limited context it's applied to:

Feels slow and clunky, and weak. Warrior specs already out there have a pace, the class always had a kind of dynamism that Bladesworn severly lacks. Which could be a tradeoff on its own, but what you get in return is worthless: there is absolutely no way to land a 3 second chargeup skill on your own. And even if it does land, its effects are not even close to justify its chargeup time. 

If you charge something that lasts 3 seconds, cannot dynamically aim, roots you in place and is interruptable... honestly anything less than an instant oneshot skipping right past downstate is an insufficient reward for landing it. And that would be unfair anyway, so what I'm saying is that this chargeup mechanic is bad. Make it 3 times as fast and buff the numbers a tiny bit maybe... but even then it still might fail. Consider getting rid of it or reworking it to the degree you did with deadeye and malice.

Bladesworn definitely is not justifying its tradeoff right now. Buff/rework its kit!

Its because the charges its 1 charge for a tech when you charge up and unlike reaper who can keep their energy, bladesworn has a hard time keeping its energy stacked up for later, which i don't like. Imagine if you are doing fractals like i did and every time your fight ends, you end up having no quick way to build up your energy thingy, and battles go fast so you are always energy starved.


Its neat in asthetics and has cool graphics, but it feels like it could use work still.

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2 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

you can also play with no armor for a challenge. Point is, challenge shouldn't be being stupidly handicap. And this is how this class feels for long term warriors, it is just a handicaped warrior. We are worst in every single aspect except for that big shot and even that is not even fun. Its just that, a big number. Like we weren't tired of filling up bars already we now have to fill a longer bar and fill it again on the opposite direction. pfff....

First time? Have you read thief forums? LOL,

No, but seriously, this does not feel remotely anything handicapped. It feels superior to other warrior specs. 

In terms of filling that bar, I think you are doing it wrong, it's more complex than just gaining adrenaline, yet simpler. I didn't fill it up more than a quarter or half way in mobs, and I used dragon trigger skills mid combat, and continuously attacked. Filling up the bar is pointless for one high damage hit.  It made sense to use it for more moderate damage strikes to restart the flow, reload the skills, and continuously attacked. I had full marauders armor, 30K health, and only went down below 15K health once or twice because the enemy targets would die. 

Since I primarily play PvP, like I loathe PvE as a thief, I can see this class using the same type of mechanic, dragon trigger midcombat with skill 1, 2 or 3 depending on the situation. Everyone keeps talking about using a full charge, but what's the point of being a stationary target to unleash one high damage attack when you can unleash quick attacks in succession for moderate amounts of damage?



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17 minutes ago, Salvatore.3749 said:

 There are others like me who prefer the challenge. It's a nice change of pace for everyone who feels that Warrior and Guardian are too simple. 

Having this spec be complicated with low damage is not a challenge but a design flaw.

I would recommend giving Spellbreaker a try with the beta gear that's provided (choose Marauder stats). (build linked). Only skills you need to use are Axe 4, Axe 5, Greatsword 3, and Burst/Full Counter: Nearly everything dies in seconds

The biggest problem is rooted in:

  1. Gunsaber being a forced weapon choice but not doing enough damage to compete with Axe/Axe (DPS) or Greatsword (DPS Utility)
  2. Dragon Trigger interacting very poorly with the overall Warrior design being based around Burst skills for every trait line. You need to be activating your Burst traits consistently to utilize a solid 1/3 of any given traits that you choose (Damage, Cleansing, Heals, Utility).
  3. Gunsaber needs more utility added (evade frames, weakness/vulnerability, blind, etc) as most of a Warrior's utility actually comes from its weapons and less from its utility skills. The utilities added in Bladesworn are not the best

Edit: Further to this, if everything dies super fast due to "uncomplicated" Warrior, but it takes more effort to use this Elite spec to achieve the same thing in a longer period of time, why would anyone ever choose this spec?

4-5 Seconds with 2-3 buttons in Core/Spellbreaker/Berserker vs. 10-15 seconds with 5-8 buttons in Bladesworn is not a good design, it's a flaw.

Edited by Geoff Fey.1035
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2 minutes ago, Salvatore.3749 said:

No, but seriously, this does not feel remotely anything handicapped. It feels superior to other warrior specs. 


handicap because we were stripped of our core advantages. We have a fixed weapon kit that is underwhelming and not-oringinal. We already had a successful GS weapon, why another one that is fixed and not better? Why remove burst? we were given a pistol oh that works as another melee? This espec really brings nothing new to the class. Absolutely nothing.

Also, there are 20 years of MMO history to prove over and over again how one shot mechanics will NEVER work in a competitive way and it is exactly what they did. Now they have a huge problem in their hands because this class will never work. This spec reminds me of asura monks in ragnarok online and while many people liked it beucase of just that, one shotting people, it was extremely boring and a one trick pony. If anyone is having a "first time" it seems to be whoever designed this class.

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Some further commentary from me.


In addition to reducing the charge time of DT by half in competitive play and increasing its damage to at least be equivalent to Whirling Axe in competitive play I suggest adding a 2s Float to Unseen Sword. That would create a great setup for Dragon Slash, which has the obvious counter of the opponent using stab or a stunbreak.


Also Fix all the hitbox issues. Apparently that was utterly botched as well.

Do you guys not duel each other with these specs as part of your internal testing on the test server?  Because if you don't you probably should be.

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