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EoD looks so bad it's not even funny

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On 1/29/2022 at 12:50 PM, Bakeneko.5826 said:

Players cannot find dodge button while progressing to fractal T4, doubt this would do much help. Hearts in starting zones should include dodge, CC, active dmg avoidance systems.

Sure, that could be featured, whatever. But don't nirvana the idea with a problem that the idea isn't made to tackle.

Stale, decade-old new player experience is an issue. You can't grow a playerbase effectively with the "new expansion boost" if the new players have to play decade old content to even unlock it.

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Personally speaking only of elite specializations: there are very good ideas, but we see that it's just done in a hurry (lack of means most certainly... and time).

From my own point of view the only interesting specs (with more work, more depth in gameplay and visuals) are: The Virtuoso, the Willbender, the Bladesworn, the Mechanist, the Catalyst and maybe the Untamed ( just for lore), the others are rubbish (even if the Shadowmancer was quite interesting originally, if the visual hadn't been a purple copy-paste of the Harbinger that I hate everywhere).

Let me explain,
-> The Virtuoso (whose name I don't really like by the way), is interesting but we see that they have their buttocks between two chairs between a specialization typed "Psylame" and a "Bard" not assumed. I would have brought much more credit to the specialization in question if they had instead more blatantly integrated a system of "resonance" (creating extensions of their being with their mind in the form of blades to inflict direct damage or buffs). But at least even if mechanically (like all the others) it's bad, the lore really plays on the Spirit, or the Buddhist monks.


->The Willbender that everyone hates, so honestly everything said is approximately right, nevertheless we can't deny that this specialization is really interesting in terms of lore, visually it's far from being the most disgusting too . I like that aspect at least (but I'll keep my Firebrand haha).


->The Bladesworn is a very good idea (since we already have the stick "monk" with the thief in the end, although I would have liked to see monks and discussions for those who took this specialization to indicate at least that their techniques are similar, since the specializations of Heart of Thorns in the absence of real lore are at least all born and linked to Survival during the defeat of the Pact against Mordremoth...). So the idea of the Blade-pistol is a very good idea, even if suddenly, it's a shame that it's not a new weapon... (for lack of budget I suppose and time), and of a more interesting visual reboot. But OK...

->The Mechanist, then it's an excellent idea, it's even at the heart of the scenario and the current Canthien lore in addition, but... the spec is too soporific. (I wish it was more inspired by Aion's Aethertech). It's a shame then...



-> The Catalyst, so beyond the fact that in my opinion it could have been an excellent specialization if it had specialized in Arcanist, so a kind of Astromancer, the spec seems to have a lore and a rather interesting mechanism despite everything (on the other hand it's a little too redundant with the Tempest), I hope they will also improve the visibility and the visibility time of the orb... because good we can hardly see it while it is at the heart of the gameplay and the lore of the original specialization...
(I'm not a big fan of the hammer originally, but hey).


-> And the Untamed, so the specialization is just awful, but... the idea of a kind of Shaman of Echovald (at the lore level) is very interesting, I would have preferred the simultaneous invocation of 2 pets for enrich the gameplay... anyway. (Not to mention having copied/pasted the visual F5 of the Soulbeast...my god). In short, there is only the lore to remember from this specialization (and I would remain a druid suddenly haha), the ranger will have all but been spoiled in the end...

It's a shame, but in the end the worst specialization is really the Harbinger which in my opinion is filthy everywhere and has nothing to do with the Lore Canthien since it is hardly related to it not. (Its only source "the Jade Sea" from which almost nothing can be distinguished from this essence...).
[Too bad the Specter cut and pasted are visual (neon purple/green post), because at least it had some interesting Lore].

Edited by rylien.3824
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On 10/9/2021 at 6:44 AM, Cynova.1236 said:

All this time waiting.... All the hype built-up before the reveal... and THIS is all they have to show for it😐 oof...


Recycle after recycle

Re-skin after re-skin

Boring, useless masteries

Boring, poorly-designed elite specs

Even the Shing Jea map and the Cantha environments that were the main thing left that could have saved this expansion... are already looking dry and empty. They introduce nothing new or creative to the same boring event and task structures as before. Even the monsters are the exact same with just a re-skin lol! Same stock map design you can find in Central Tyria. The faces that are apparently supposed to look more asian are barely adjusted. There's no life or intrigue in the map. It's just a cheap-looking re-skin and the designer says it's nearly done... is this a joke?


The turtle monsters are the HoT frogs with the exact same mechanics! The naga are the sand snakes with same animations! Look at all the new elite spec animations... Seriously... is this Recycled Wars 2?


HoT gave us all those Jurassic Park/World creatures and PoF gave us Hydras and Sand Sharks and Wurms and Djinns. EoD gives us.... re-skins of those...😦


There is no selling point. No exciting features. NOTHING. Literally nothing new or exciting or worth spending money on in this expansion.


Fishing... we have that in LW4 maps. You can just add to that. Boats? We have Skimmer which can go under water. Why do I want to be in a slow, clunky boat that someone else is controlling? And Siege Turtle mount? So I can have a second seat and a cannon. Great. Can I go in the air? Can I scale cliffsides? Can I go underwater with it? Can I do anything ACTUALLY useful and worthy on it? I hope there's something in the masteries that's useful for it other than just upgrading the canon or speed.


There is no equal comparison between EoD and HoT/PoF in what they advertised for each expansion reveal. We knew HoT and PoF would be exciting right away. Didn't have to question much. EoD? I still can't find ONE interesting or exciting thing about it. What's interesting about it? Let me know.


They had all the time, all the ideas to pull from, and this is what is produced. Just ridiculous. "Here's our reveal of some small patch features, can you pay us $30 bucks please and guess what... see you NEXT year even tho you already waited over a year just for us to tell you this. The expansion will be fun it will be great we promise👍" - *Proceeds to assure us by releasing unfinished, poorly-designed content that they can't even put up some decent skill icon artwork for* Even their Guild Chat videos are like watching a new, 5-sub streamer trying to get their stuff together. What is going on over there? Who is running this? It was never this bad before. Stop doing them live and just record them if it's gonna turn out like that every time.


There are only two explanations for this mess... either the dev team and resources are so stripped down and bare that this is the best they can do with so little... or they have lost all passion and creativity and are just cranking this out like their last mount skin selection. Did you see how many skins were lightly-tweaked and resold in that one? Wow. Just wow. 


This is just sad. GW 2 reached its peak with PoF. It's all down-hill from here. Even Colin and Grouch can't save this.


The only saving grace would be the Deep Sea Dragon... but I would bet all my gold they are doing this dragon dirty just like they did Kralk and Mordremoth... and giving it that cheesy, poorly-exaggerated, cliche voice that rips away anything cool or menacing about them.


Probably want us to fight its head or organ or hand in a cheap bubble instance. You dang well know that will be bare bones just like everything else in this whimper of an expansion... $30 for this patch lol. Nah.


HoT and PoF is all you need.


This expansion had so much going for it when announced. The advertised features should have blown us away. But with all that time, money, and creative force behind EoD, this is all they can conjure? It makes fan-made versions look superior.


HoT and PoF even further back in development looked miles better than this.


This isn't a placeholder and there is nothing significant enough unrevealed that can save this expansion. This is essentially what EoD is. They need all this time before release JUST to polish what they have and to try to fix bugs. There isn't going to be some hidden or last-minute amazing feature that will make EoD anywhere close to as decent as HoT and PoF are. It just isn’t realistic at this point. What we've seen is EoD. This is what you're going to get.

 Should the final form of the product turn out to be amazing enough , I may change my mind and add it as another collection later. Thereby, I won't judge anything yet until it reaches its maximum proficiency. 

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On 12/4/2021 at 1:09 PM, Keitaro Dragonheart.9047 said:

Honestly, basing all of your criticism on the tiny portion of content they've show cased is absolutely silly. Some of us actually prefer the lack of spoilers, so we have something to look forward to on launch day.

Just because people are criticizing the content they have shown does not mean they are entitled.  No one is disputing ANet's purchase model.  Also, it's a purchase model, not generosity.  ANet is not some benevolent content creator.  They made a product, set a price and are selling it.  They just chose a different method than other publishers.  The people responded.  There are plenty of people in this community that don't think the current model is a good method.


Back to issue:  The criticism is about what they have shown...which is a lot.  It is not a tiny amount.  ANet had a choice when marketing EoD.  When you market anything, you want to put your best foot forward.  In many people opinion that foot wasn't too impressive.


Granted, I do also know that Anet has a history of keeping content hidden, but I think you greatly overestimate the amount they might be keeping under wraps.  I'd love to be wrong, however. 

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15 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Stale, decade-old new player experience is an issue. You can't grow a playerbase effectively with the "new expansion boost" if the new players have to play decade old content to even unlock it.

"stale new player experience" is an issue how? New player experience is something you get through and then stick to late game replayable content. If that lategame content was "stale", it would be an issue, but new player being "stale" or "old"? It's still new for new players.


On 1/28/2022 at 5:10 PM, witcher.3197 said:

Not really something that should be in a lvl 80 area but better late then never.

I agree that some of those should be at starting areas as well. But why I think it's at the beginning of the expansion content -and why I think it's a good idea- is due to core content being easy to the point you don't need to utilize the game's mechanics to some meaningful extent. Then the players get to the harder content and are surprised when it's harder to do the same, which is exactly when a quick refresher on the mechanics can be useful. Should have also been a thing in the initial zone of HoT/PoF, but better late than never.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I was super hyped when they announced the new expansion, yet, after the beta I just lost it. I was hoping to see something that is relevant to GW1.


Still there is no major changes in the game except new elite specializations and riding turtles. Even the last update(2020 April) for the Guild Wars 1 was way better then EoD expansion. To be honest, I would prefer a remastered GW1 over EoD expansion.


End-game still sucks.

Not a dime for WvW mode.

Guild Wars means battles between the guilds, right? People are forced to farm shiny skins to look like a Miley Cyrus instead of having guild battles like in GW1.

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1 hour ago, Masteis.9720 said:

Guild Wars means battles between the guilds, right?

Nope. Not for me. It never did. 

2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't know; the new trailer looks inviting. 

I like what I have seen so far.  Nothing that interested me was in the beta, but it honestly was not really a beta.  The trailer looks very good. 😎

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8 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

It's not "stale" as in "I've played it, it's old to me".

It's *stale* because it is monotonous, boring, unengaging, and does not at all represent what the game actually is in the later seasons and expansions.

But yes, please, nitpick and sophist some more.

Nothing in my post was nitpicking/sophist, but yes, better be overly sensitive about someone disagreeing with you.

What exactly would you change in new player experience?

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4 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Condense it, teach about game concepts like stats, dodges, weapon swaps, etc., while avoiding the hours upon hours of old content you need to go through to experience any of the new stuff. In short.

Again, for new players everything is new. And it seems you're just against the process of leveling up? That's a pretty obvious part of mmorpgs, so I don't see that as a problem in any way. Even moreso when it's relatively fast and easy to level up to 80 in gw2 anyways -even for new players- as long as someone understands the game. And if they don't... then I guess more time allowing them to understand it makes sense?

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4 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Leveling is a required sacrifice, unless you feel like making 50 hours worth of new zones for "the actual new leveling experience". Hours of development that, once you're 80, become irrelevant.

So, you know. Practicality.

Yes, I agree (if I understood what you mean 🤔 ) and that's actually part of the point here. So I don't understand what you mean when you say "condense it".

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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Condense it, teach about game concepts like stats, dodges, weapon swaps, etc., while avoiding the hours upon hours of old content you need to go through to experience any of the new stuff. In short.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what the lvl 80 boost is for that comes with purchasing an expansion?

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On 2/1/2022 at 6:44 PM, The Boz.2038 said:

The level 80 boost teaches you about stats?

The level up pop ups do. Hovering over each stat in your hero panel does. I fail to see how there's anything wrong about that.

And again, how exactly do you want to "condense" it?



e: well, I guess you don't. 🤷‍♂️

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11 minutes ago, vicky.9751 said:

a lot of criticism is just out of love for the game.

Yes, and love for a game can come out in myriad ways. You have people who go overboard with 'game ded' and in the opposite direction you have 'GAME PERFECT IF U DON'T LIKE, LEAVE', neither of which are very helpful.

Somewhere in the middle you have honest critiques and suggestions for improvements alongside honest praise and appreciation for positive changes made to the game. Forums are usually a wasteland of extremes, though.

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